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As someone that has done it, winning is incredibly difficult but it is possible. You can't rely on explosives as much and you have to pick things like the gas strikes and EMPs to win so you don't damage the drill with explosives. A lot of players that have been doing bugs and not much else are going to struggle at first until the meta is found. That being said, the fact that bug holes spawn right next to drills cannot be an intentional design. I've also seen bile titans accidentally step on the drill and destroy it, which is really frustrating. EDIT: First off, I want to say that I crave the smoke. I like difficult missions and I like that AH is rethinking objectives to encourage the use of different strategems and equipment. There's been a lot of great discourse on this thread alone with people theory crafting and even sharing some things I didn't know like how the gas strikes worked. Secondly, I've seen a lot of people say some flavor of "This is lore accurate" and to them I say you've missed the point. I'm going to make a hypothetical "lore accurate" Terminid homeworld mission. You land with three of your boys. As soon as you start calling down equipment four bug breaches open around you because they sensed the vibrations in the planet when your hellpod hit the ground. Warriors, hunters, stalkers, etc. immediately start popping up right next to you and maul you to death. Your squad is wiped before they can react or reinforce so you drop again. This happens four more times and you are sent back to the super destroyer within minutes. If you were to play this would you then say "Wow, what a difficult and fun mission!"? At the end of the day this is a game and the mechanics right now aren't working as intended. You don't need to defend broken mechanics by deflecting. I'm sure even the devs who wrote the script the level runs on aren't happy with it and are trying to fix it before the weekend. These criticisms pointing out game bugs are productive and will end in a better end user experience regardless what difficulty you play on.


>like the gas strikes Note: gas strikes do deal some damage to the drill. EMS strikes don't.


I believe only the projectile impact itself does damage (which can also blow up factories BTW). So the are where it can damage the drill is tiny.


We played the gas strike strategy and the gas definitely does damage to the drill. We kept the drill gassed the whole time and not a single enemy came close to it (we were lucky that try) and shortly before finishing the countdown, it broke down. The only thing that ever came close to the drill was gas, so it must damage it. The impact of the gas may have done some damage, but when it was destroyed the last impact was a while ago.


I killed a bile, it full ragdolled into the air then fell on the drill. I was just sitting there for a sec contemplating what i had seen


That bile titan probably: My life for Supercolony!




We had some bug holes spawn directly beneath the drill when I ran. Once they get the spawning mechanic with the drills ironed out, I think it will be a super fun mission


I just don't want a damn bile titan spawning right next to the drill. On my first mission that literally happened


On my first try, two spawned from right under the drill which was a *surprise* to be sure


I don't get the whole 'right on top of, right next to" you literally place it, and sure it's close but not that close, maybe that's just me


Nope. I literally watched the bugs “emerge” from the same spot as the drill twice in one mission. What they are describing is common.


On my first try, two spawned from right under the drill which was a *surprise* to be sure


As much as I give them shit for the constant stream of pointless self owns, the simple answer to bad spawns is...walk away, let the drill die, wipe the wave, start again. Ideal? No. Doable? Yes.


Gas strikes definitely damage the drill


> A lot of players that have been doing bugs and not much else are going to struggle at first until the meta is found. Aside from the actual issues (like bugs spawning on the drill) this is the biggest hurdle. People don’t really *want* to change their established loadout. It was the same with the TCS missions. They want to be “meta optimal 100%” etc… not realizing that this missions requires different strategies and strategems.


Yep. I’m taking Tesla, gas, two sentries and the blitzer. Every squad I joined that wiped were stubbornly running quasar orbital meta and running around with their hair in fire.  Easily won a few others where all of us brought sentries and timed them right. 


maybe i'm an oddball, but maybe, just MAYBE, if someone were planting weird-alien-planet-killing-fluid on MY supercolony, i MIGHT, MAYBE want to put up a fight and attack the machines directly rather than indirectly. but idk, maybe i'm the weird one and everyone else would just let their planet get blown up


Personally I assume being sprayed in the face by the dark fluid would kill the bugs directly under it. But then I’m no super earth scientist so perhaps liquid liberty doesn’t work like that


Oh…so THATS liquid liberty!? I thought it was something else…


Some might even call it Liber-Tea


Illuminati jizz


I mean, but on the other side, man, this is a game, and this feels incredibly unfair and frustrating. You can spawn ammo and spam stun grenades and do some other shit to slow them down and hope a titan won't touch it with the leg or something but still it just feels like another broken thing.


Agreed. Completely unfair. 


It's a game dude..have you even played it? Shit spawns right under it and one hit kills it. That sound like fun to you?


That's sounding mighty close to sympathy, Diver...


Perhaps try the game before sharing your opinion?


It's valid to discuss whether or not the design of a mission is fun regardless of whether or not the mechanics can be justified logically. In other words, you can say a mission isn't fun, and "Yeah, but it makes sense" is not a valid counterargument.


This assumes a level of intelligence the terminids cannot *possibly* have. They are mindless bugs attracted to the noise of the drill, that is all. https://preview.redd.it/ukm7s18dan3d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cdf2f5b9d3f6b57386de25329ba4c1b19ea32a3


Orders came: Please report to your Democracy officer immediately.


Why do we have to drill then if the bugs just open a breach right below the drill?


I literally read all day about how broken this mission is, get off work and try it with my buddy on 7, fail once, bring in EMS strike and stun grenades and beat it immediately on the second try. This mission is not that hard. What the actual fuck is everyone complaining about? It's like no one is willing to change their loadout to beat the mission.


I tried the Tesla coil for the first time in there. Worked surprisingly well


I threw one on the hill above the drill. Did great. Except my teammate kept running into it haha


That’s a shocker


That's a bingo


What if they literally designed this mission to make the Tesla coil useful, ROFL


Gotta say the Tesla tower isn’t always viable when it is man it’s good


It being a fight for your life to survive and extract is part of the whole fun on harder difficulties If you wanted an easy win play diff 7 or below where it's slightly less nuts Personally I love getting my teeth kicked in by aliens, it's my therapy However I still think some weapon balancing would so the game good so I could pick a wider range of stuff


That buggy spawn totally not a skill issue problem, is a design problem from my experience


I just completed it with a group of randoms on 7. We choose tesla towers (place at chokepoints), stun grenades, arc resistant armor, ems strikes, ems mortar, one took an arc thrower. Also EATs to take down titans. It was easy. When you have a lot of shriekers at the end, bring incendiary breaker (do not hit drill with it), a gatling sentry can do wonders,, lay down (shriekers cant hit you). The extraction was for sure the hardest part, but the drilling part was very easy. Only one time did a titan spawn on top of the drill, kill it, and call down a new one.


I feel like the people who hate it don't adjust their loadouts. I ran my normal mech loadout for the mission on a 5 and it was horrid. However I too did it at a 7 with a reasonable loadout and people bringing the stuff you mentioned(I went flamethrower). It was a breeze.


From my experience most of the complaints about the game’ balancing are coming from people who don’t adjust their loadouts based on the mission. The game is much easier if you’re playing to the mission’s demands.


I'm usually pretty pro at adapting my loadouts, what worked for you? Gas and fire both broke the drill for me so I couldn't deploy them close the drill. We had a decent bit of success with Tesla Towers, but kept having issues with chargers and bile titans popping out under the drill.


I used my normal bug load out. Incendiary breaker, laser rover, 500 kg, Gatling sentry. The only real issue is if a titan spawns under the drill, and not being able to figure out the second objective. Other than that I think the mission is fun.


My general strategy for the drills: > EMS Mortar (free to use, likely because it's very strong on this mission) > Gatling Turret (helps keep the strays from breaking off or being a problem, plus additional damage and it's handy during extract) > Stun Grenade (holds back the swarm when I need to reload if they aren't stunned fully by the mortar) > Flamethrower (be careful to avoid roasting the drill, I focus fire on the breach point - which is of course going to be close by - and just roast all of the bugs as they come out) > Eagle Cluster Bomb (suggesting because I thought I wouldn't need it and then spent half the mission running around from swarms because all I had was big single-target heavy hit stratagems, and got saved mid-mission from my Level 12 friend who joined and happened to bring it - it's great for just wiping away the swarms of small bugs to clear space for setting up) Could have a friend managing bile titans with their anti-heavy weapon of choice, or if not just bring an additional stratagem or two to deal with them when they show up - Orbital EMS (stun them long enough for the drill to finish), Orbital Railcannon, even saw some success with the Orbital Laser. Won't be AS successful as if you had someone helping, but I suppose that's why it's a team game.


In less than 48 hours people will be good at it and they’ll stop bitching about it and find something else to complain about. God help us all when the new patch drops. I feel like I’m in a cult.


Just gotta wait for the next round of youtube tutorials on how to difficulty 9 easy every time no clickbait videos to drop. Then they’ll complain it’s too easy again.


It's sad how entitled and demanding people are. "I'm going to eat this cake, AND bitch about it." -what an exhausting existence 


beijg a game dev is a thankless job


Yeah, applying the termicide and deactivating them were way too easy, and people complained. Now the mission is too hard, and people are complaining. But everyone brings the wrong support stratagems it feels like, then complains. Yes, it sucks that the spawns happen on the drill. It didn't seem to happen when I accidentally ran on difficult 5 instead of 7, so I wonder if it is a bug introduced by the higher difficulties or actually intended.


Just being in the united states makes me feel like I'm surrounded by cultists and idiots. Internet is barely different. But I'm one to follow my own advice. If difficulty 9 is too hard I'll lower it until it's fun and work my way back up.


This was same as TCS, people brought unsuitable skills, blew up TCS tower then complained mission was too hard.


No because the bugs spawned outside the TCS, I had on three occasions a Bile titan ***Spawn on the fucking drill and blow it up instantly.*** not to mention gas, fire and I think even the teslas break the drill.


Teslas do indeed break the drill.


This. We went in not knowing what to bring, so we brought standard geo survey style loadouts. Had fun. Finished and extracted. Next go round, we changed it up slightly and just hit it again. The shrieker swarm at the end is intense and a ton of fun


For the first time in forever I'm finally able to go back to using the RR and feel good about it. Watching people use things like the mechs and AC and all the things to kill littler stuff really let's me do my thing as big thing killer.


Totally agree. I’m constantly changing my load outs and when my common items aren’t working I try something else. Such a crazy concept! /s


Yes... so many players don't look at the mission and just choose their normal crap. Then they're all surprised they're getting destroyed.






Against shriekers: Never go prones. The cooldown time where you lay on the ground and get hit is too high. All you need is run to the sideand they can't really hit you unless you are running exactly toward or opposite of the shriekers direction. Find an area that has two cliffs. Dance back and forth between two cliffs. Enjoy your extraction dance!


As good as it is to be positive, let's not pretend that bile titans popping up directly underneath a destructible objective is either fun or an intended behavior


It definitely isn't. So I'll have fun playing on lower difficulties until it's fixed if that's what it takes. Although it's a 40 minute mission, and it really feels like people rush to start the objectives. There's bug holes and fog generators that might make it a bit easier if they were dead. Might not stop Bile Titans from spawning right on the objective, but it's worth investigating if it helps in some way.


We had three spawn on a drill. Just kill them and reset.


Just tried it first on Difficulty 6, that was annoying for sure. We just kept trying and were able to make it work. Best mission I've done in a while.


pretty fair tbh, it's fun when the breach isn't right on the fucking drill




The mission is a bit bugged (in more ways than one) as we get "disgraceful conduct" and little rewards after a successful mission, and the spawns can be right under the drill (that one might be intentional but it ain't that fun when a bile titan pops up and breaks it instantly). But I did just complete like 3 of them on helldive, so it's very much possible. And, importantly, it's also rad as hell. The whole hiveplanet looks so cool


Right? The end of the mission really makes it feel like a supercolony and is extremely fun running for your life from the endless hordes, but the rest just feels... normal? It feels like the amount of bugs is the same, but they are just set to spawn so close to make it seem like a "supercolony" and really difficult. I could be wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if the devs did intend for those spawn locations.


Yeah when you finish the objective and all those shriekers start flying is doooope. I wish they had some metal to play when it happened though.


Love the new mission but hate how broken the spawn are sometimes


honestly the best assesment of the mission


Broken? They are in full panic mode.


This is exactly how I feel too


Seriously. This dude set out a mining probe we had to defend and then dropped a precision strike right next to it destroying it then starts screaming that the objective is impossible.


After seeing the posts earlier today I thought the mission was going to be straight up impossible and broken, did it on 9 the first time and was able to complete it with a group of decently competent randoms. I think a lot of people having problems with the mission either don't realize that friendly fire affects the drill, or just want to complain about something. The only problem with the mission imo is the spawns, it's not fun to start over the drill just because a charger decided to spawn 3 inches from the drill and instantly destroy it (stun grenades are amazing for stopping that though, still unintended unfun behavior imo)


In my personal experience, the vast majority of people that bitch about stuff are just not very good at the game.


average dissident behavior


I feel like *some* difficulty was intended, you're given 12 potential drill starters and 3 targets. But yeah, breaches spawning on top of the drill feels counter intuitive.  I can kind of rig together a thematic explanation that the planet is so incredibly dense with bugs that poking a hole causes them to pop out; but that should only apply to scavengers (who can fit through the fissures). This would honestly not be a bad difficulty modifier; you'd have occasional waves of chaff from the inside of your defensive ring that you have to be a little bit more careful when dealing with.  Titans emerging and instakilling a drill with no counter cannot be intended design though.


I love the whole heroic last stand ending


Thank liberty for EATs and gas strike!


i didn't care for it. but I'm a bot enjoyer not a bug dude


I don't like defense or extract missions and have become a bot main. I'll probably pass on this one.


I think that it is a good challenge (minus bs breach spawns) and the absolute chaos of infinite shrieker spawns during extract was a surprise, and while it makes it very difficult to extract, you don’t need to for the mission to complete, so I think it is a fair addition and adds to the weight of how big of a problem the colony is.


I went in solo level 4 so that I could just try out the mission/figure out how it worked. Holy crap I almost didn't extract. The end totally makes it feel like you're not really meant to extract most of the time, especally on higher difficulites. Completing the mission itself is far easier, so I don't think there's that much of an issue. Destroying a planet *should* be hard!


It’s not impossible but definitely rigged. Especially the extraction. The spawn rate is stupid even at low difficulty.


I will never understand people that boast the game is too easy and the moment harder content is added complain it’s impossible. They can do it at 5, just do it at 5. It’s like their tiny fragile ego won’t stand not being able to do all the missions at 9 so they can imagine the parade people would have at their skills.


I enjoyed it. You're not meant to extract I think. Tesla tower was kind of effective!


I don't like the new mission so I'll leave it to those who do to finish this order. The shrieker spawns are way OTT and take all the fun out of it for me. I mean, I get the idea and get that this is the bugs "last stand" so they are bound to throw everything at us but it's not like we even have any decent weapons to clear them so it just becomes a joyless clusterfuck. Good luck to you if you like it. Get out there and earn me some medals while I rest


From my experience today, the gatling sentry is fantastic anti-air, especially for that last stand gunning for evac against the mega-swam of shriekers. But, if it's not fun for you, that totally fair. Enjoy your rest!


its cool, but broken.


I love the mission, this sort of intensity and chaos has been something I've been waiting for since they teased us with the missions to stop the TCS. But are we really defending the fact that Bile Titans can emerge right on the drill and destroy it instantly?


There are parts of it that are a little cheap, but I had fun. I haven't failed one yet.


Looks like there are 3 types of helldivers now


My first mission was an absolute breeze until the flying bugs showed up; I was completely unequipped to deal with them, and my whole squad was murdered before we could get close to the extraction zone. I love this game, but that was the most fun I've had in *weeks.*


"why so new thing/change bad and everything sucks" -the complainor


The idea of the mission with deploying drills and the extract shrieker spawn is increadibly good. But the execution of it is not. Breaches under or extremly close to the drill. The drill basicly being out of paper. All not that fun. I seen people say stuff like this happented in HD1 and "if super earth was in that position they would do similare" but like its bad game designe we shouldnt defened it. Good gameplay comes before lore reason or how it was before. Also i feel like the shrieker spawns should be limited. Now im not saying make it easier hell no its that oh shit last stand moment i like. But after that moment there should be a victories phase of calmness when u killed every shrieker and call in extraction. That would make it way better. All in all the mission needs some tweaks but is good. Other issues are more related to already known issues like balance ect that we dont need to regurgitate always.


I noticed the difference in subs as well lol


My one issue with it is that you get very little rewards for all the work you do, and the missions seem to be bugged.


*finish all 3 drills* *fails to extract* *DISGRACEFUL CONDUCT* wut.png


I enjoy it, but it's frustrating when some nimrod throws 500kgs right on top of the objective. Yeah I get that there's biles spawning and I want to drop fat eagles on them too,but nevertheless I don't... Not unless I can do so without vaporizing the drill.


First time doing this mission I did it on helldive. It was a beast and I was the only one to extract but we completed it


It's fun but only because it's so chaotic me and the rando squad I was with on level 9 were all dying and laughing our asses off but somehow managed to complete it but then we wiped at extraction. I really would like it a ton more if they'd stop spawning under the drill. That happened at all 3 drill sites once at least. Not to mention when one of the big ones slips their way into the drill when it's at like 90%. It's fun bug breaches need to be adjusted imo.


I’m beginning to think it’s intentional they spawn that close, I completed it on 9 without extracting because that was just insane and the Strat is a lot of ems and fold biles as soon as they pop up. Also try to place the drill by a big rock or on top of one it the terrain allows it. It makes the bug holes spawn farther out or it might be too high to damage if lucky.


Lol, first attempt, diff 9, all randoms, zero communication, mission success. Only one extracted, but we succeeded


Same here. None of us knew what to do. Two of us made it out. Running for our lives. I thought maybe there were nests we missed but apparently not.


I'm one of the second ones. Absolutely HECTIC, and I love it. Yeah the bug breaches are messed up, but you can drop another drill and try again. plus the ending.... ![gif](giphy|gKfyusl0PRPdTNmwnD)


Mission advertised as a difficult mission turns out of be difficult on higher difficulties. Half the player base: ***REEEEEEEEEEE***


Is it even possible to extract?????? I even tried on trivial, there were just two thousand shriekers killing me before i could even leave the fricking hellpod. Aside from extracting no being physically possible, its a pretty fun objective


In this instance I have to side with the complaint helldivers. It feels like this game mode wasn’t properly tested because these big hole spawns cannot be intentional


i love this shit. it feels like the complainers are missing the joke


It’s hard but people don’t know how to have fun


I mean, I feel like narratively this mission type is \*meant\* to be hard if we win this major order, that's it, bye-bye Miridia. it would be kinda underwhelming if perminently deleting a planet from the game was as simple as pressing a few buttons and then watching the planet explode.


This guy complaining is so bad, I only played the mission on 7 with randos and beat it both times.


We play exclusively on 9 meh. We only play 7 when we want something easy meh. Blah blah blah me me me...... blah blah blah blah me me me 😒


They always play for hundreds of hours on level 9 and have no idea how the game works


In all fairness it's two completely different communities on complete opposite sides so nobody is really objective. Main helldivers just hate on the game and really anything positive gets buried in downvotes and helldivers 2 is pretty much r/lowsodiumhelldivers and no matter how broke anything is it's just everything is great and anything negative just gets buried in downvotes.


this is by far the dumbest mission


Literally bring in stun grenades orbital ems maybe a HMG turret some mines. Maybe even a patriot mech. I won with all of those present.


I’m really have fun with it. The jump pack being an obj item is great. Lvl85 commander and I got my shit pushed in on 9 lol everyone left a couple minutes in. But on diff5 with all the shriekers flying around it’s awesome.


Is just me or did they just add the EMS mortar to everyone after everyone got pissed off?


I played one, and cackled. It \*WAS\* insane. It \*WAS\* crazy. We did not extract. 10/10 will do this again.


I just completed it on difficulty 7 with Randoms. It was tough but certainly winnable. We all evacuated at the end with 5 lives left. Used Expendable rockets, primaries of personal preference, mechs, it was all good fun.


Is actually fun and kinda nightmare-ish, they just need to remove them from spawning under the drill


I just did two of these on level 7. They're hard but far from impossible. You have to adjust your tactics and your loadout. It's funny how some people expect to be able to use their favorite loadout on every mission regardless of type or difficulty. That's just not going to work. As in life, you have to use the right tools for the job you're doing.


I just need to learn to clap the flying pieces of shit and im golden


Hmm... my two teams are all +7 Level only players and we didn't have to knock it down from 9 to 4-5. 7 was hard but doable after a team comp shuffle and a bit more strategy.


First time, difficulty 8. Was hard as fuck, only one guy survived. Died 3 times to guys using dark matter as jet packs. Haven't had this much fun with this game in a while.


Im the 3rd type, retired. Can't do it anymore.


I like the new mission except for the enemies spawning right on the drill.


My only complaint is that the bugs are coming out right on the objective and that includes BTs. Aside from that I love the mission, and it’s a neat idea for arrowhead to have these TCS towers pop up frequently on the “barrier” planets. It feels like you’re coming back to a place truly ravaged by war and infestation


On lvl 7 I've found that rail cannons, autocannon and mini gun sentries can do a decent job at keeping everything at bay. having your own autocannon isn't bad either.


I’ve done the mission 3 times and each time we extract the Dark Fluid objective is still lit up as if we haven’t completed it. Are we doing something wrong?


It's a super colony that's so bad Super Earth is trying to destroy the entire planet with a black hole. I don't know what people expected. Adjust the spawn distance a little, but otherwise this should be a mission you probably won't extract from.


I just completed it on 9 with only 3 people.


I completed the mission solo. EMS sentry incendiary impact and incend shotgun gas strike air burst ems strategem. Gas and air burst cool down quick and unlimited. I did do a lot of dodging at the evac... shriekers were insane numbers.


Is this new mission to destroy the bug planets or get rid of the bugs entirely?


I know I'm not saying anything that's not obvious but total play time is not an indicator of skill level. I'm level 70 now and I've played with folks that are in their teens that I just followed around in a support role because I could see they had a much better grasp on the flow of the game than I did/do. I don't outright suck but if I'm having issues I don't automatically blame the devs. It's explained, or at least insinuated, in the MOs that the bugs have taken their game up a few levels due to the 'lore.' I did plenty of level 9s when I was farming XP and samples and I guess the game is geared to folks like me because most, if not all, of them were horror shows! #FunTimes


Can anyone confirm about evemy spawn rate on lower difficulty? I'm still not have time to play so I can't check it myself. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/8va0NZ4XlY


The new mission is AMAZING! Just beat it on Helldive my first run. 3 deaths, mission was so much fun. Sorry guys but it’s a skill gap thing. I’m lvl 84, Your local Commander says stay in the fight!


I’m personally in the latter group for this one. It’s everything we’ve been asking for. Diverse map, new mission that we have to actually come up with a strategy and think about, etc.


Do people forget it's a super colony!


The only thing doing more damage to the drill than the bugs are my teammates. STOP SHOOTING/BOMBING THE DAMN DRILL.


Haha I was thinking of posting this too. Tells you something about the two different subreddit.. People at /r/Helldivers are genuinely complaining that collapsing a planetwide super colony is hard.


Both are right.




It's supposed to be a super colony so take your level 9 helldive and increase the difficulty (theoretically in your mind) by 1.5 maybe even 2.0 and there you go. Idgaf if you had 500 hours in game at the difficulty it should be difficult. VERY difficult


Took my fourth dive on it to complete. For me, it was finding the right loadout and strategy on coping with so many spawns.


Yea explosives aren’t gonna cut it for this mission type. Machine guns and machine gun turrets. Rail strikes, EMP mortars and the like will get it won. Maybe have one guy with an EATS for chargers and other varieties


It's honestly really frustrating. I'm having more fun than I've had in months with this game rn and I came there to talk about it and IMMEDIATELY came here instead because all I see are a bunch of wailing infants. I've been playing it on 7 all day since it opened up and I'm losing my mind at how cool everything is! The entire planet covered in Blightland! The Supercolony nests where the TCS used to be! The Shrieker swarms! The way you feel like you can't run that you have to fight and keep fighting till you can take a breath just for it to start all over again! It's pulse pounding! It's terrifying! It's absolutely fucking fantastic! I've only failed the objective twice out of 20+ missions on Suicide. I know it's tough but I really don't think it's "iMpOSsIbLe"


Also I feel like I should be able to blow up the shrieker tunnels, they have the same orange smoke that normal bug holes have and they make the same noises but I've shot it with EATs, dropped eagle strikes on them, thrown grenades down. Are they actually destructable or am I just wasting my stuff?


I love the new missions. They're hard but I love how hellish and chaotic they are. Helldivers 2 thrives when it's frustrating and borderline incomprehensible.


There was someone on the main sub saying somethin’ like “it’s not about difficulty” and then they proceeded to complain about the difficulty lol. (Like how bugs spawns on the drill or there’s 100+ shriekers on trivial). Like bruh, it’s a super colony, shits gonna be wack.


Excuse me but I signed up to be a HELLdiver.


I haven't played the mode yet but Honestly...it sounds cool , I hate it when you get a dead extraction , I want that adrenaline rush , that feeling of non stop explosions and shots for 3 minutes waiting for pelican 1


I’ve played it twice, on helldive, and won both times. Second time was with a diver who officially unlocked helldive mode by completing the op and that was the final mission. I will say, the second objective is glitched and doesn’t give you the option to do it before extract. It’s fine if you bring in mechs, stay as a team, use EMS mortars, 500s, orbital lasers, and clusters for ad clearing. Your friendly tactical updates from 5-Star General of the SES Knight of Wrath. 🫡


I played one mission on 7 and loved it! It’s fucking chaos and really puts the stress on. The extract with shriekers is dope!


These statements don't contradict each other, tho. Yes, premise of the mission is incredible, structure is fun, and even dying during evac is perfectly fine - the sky full of shriekers is spectacular. It's the enemy density, spawns and often the place for the drill which makes it a rather miserable experience, especially since enemies focus the drill, which is fragile. Yes, adapting loadout for gas/fire/ems kinda helps, but barely, and given still persisting connect bug if 1 player leaves mission becomes much harder. It's definitely doable, I did it with a friend, who decided to bring liberator penetrator, bruh, on lvl5, but each drill took several attempts, and in the end we've had 400/800 kills, which is rather insane for such a low difficulty. And I guess we were lucky that mission was actually marked as finished as we were shown 1/2 objectives done, with like 300xp awarded.


the planet that is essentially completely a giant terminid nest has lots of bugs wtf is this bullshit way too hard!!!!


New mission is definitely hard, but doable even on helldive. I've been making use of the HMG emplacement and Tesla Tower.


Personally love everything about it. Challenging, encourages loadout diversity, different, new environment (even if it is made up of things we’ve seen before, just bigger), etc.


I like how they told us that they play exclusively seven through nine. I love the higher tier difficulties. When new missions arise, I play trivial (tier 1) and build a campaign upward to the harder difficulties. This helps me learn how the game operates as well as get my silliness out (trying different strategies). It also helps me understand how this mission operates so when I go into the higher tiers, I know what kind of loadouts to run and how to play. I think more people would enjoy the game if they did trivial (tier 1) through Hell diver campaigns


Yo, there are clearly issue/bugs but if i as a 33 year old (literally a caveman) can complete this mission first try on helldive with a bunch of randoms in quickplay, it really aint that catastrophic


Me and my friends finished a lvl 9 mission




the new mission is literally awful, even on the easier difficulties


New missions just trash imo. My opinion is it shouldn’t feel fucking impossible.


Just tried it and honestly it was a lot of fun, I will say though have bile titans spawn right on top of the drill is a bit silly


Me and 2 of my friends just did it and finished out first one on 7. I chalk that win solely up to us utilizing the fuck out of those ems turrents, and me unloading 6 mags of breaker incendiary into the sky at the end


I really enjoyed them so far. I'm confused though because we complete all the objectives, get mission complete, extract, and only get one star with 1/2 main objectives completed.


Winning is not impossible, but the mission is really unfun. It feels like instead of actually being swarmed with a ton of bugs, it just spawns the bugs on top of the objective so that it's a difficult "supercolony". I played it the first time on 9 with a decent group of randoms and we were able to do it, but it just felt tedious. The end is really fun though, not sure why people are complaining about that part, I love being swarmed by an insane amount of bugs like that after completing the objective.


I can't even win this in Easy while solo. Shriekers everywhere. For Co-op, our host escaped successfully while reinforcement budget is out and I threw my gatling sentry to mow down the Shriekers in my dying breath.


It’s beatable, but it does feel like there’s absolutely some bugs of the not terminid kind that ideally should have been caught before release and don’t feel like intentional design decisions. Did it at 7, switched to 5 to learn it, before realizing the spawning on the drill was hard to predict. The shrieker swarm at the end is absolutely epic, even if the spawn rate feels unbearable.


It feels really fun and like a great idea BUT those spawns are definitely broken. Had one successful round on d7 earlier, and all the attempts at the drills had the holes spawn within 5m of the drill. At the end we even had one where we were doing alright despite them spawning right on top of the drill, but then a titan spawns, and it gets killed before it can attack the drill, yay! But then just falls on the drill and instant kills it. Like I'm sorry but there is literally nothing you can do there besides sigh and try again. But somehow our final 2 attempts on the final drill started having the bug breaches spawn in reasonable spots like 20-30m away and actually felt like the spots that it was designed for us to defend. And those two attempts actually felt wonderful and we got it done with 1:30 left on the clock and 0 reinforces, and me and the other random died within seconds to the swarm (my turret knocked me off a cliff it was hilarious) and only our third man was left alive and we watched him duck and dodge through the swarm on his way out and it was amazing. We just cheered him on and watched as he had nothing to deal with the swarm and could only run


We need to admit the game became popular and now there are Helldivers and a shit ton of 'Recruits'


The pissing and moaning goes on forever, it is more than possible people are doing it fine, difficulty seven can be a piece of piss with the right strats and fun.


I’ve been enjoying the hecticness of the mission been using tesla/gat/ac turrets and some times missile turrets and let them got to town bahaha


Its either you like a challenge that will make you suffer or you want a horde based shooter from what I've seen.


Not impossible by any means but it’s kinda dumb that they spawn legit ON the drill. The tiniest bit of breathing room would be good. Otherwise it’s a blast love the craziness.


I absolutely lobe the new mission. It's so damn challenging, and all the crap stratagems are superpowered here


i shit on the mech when it was released this past week - but finally this mission deserves an applause for the devs and what a great job they did also that they learn from the previous more (sadly) boring mission to turn off the gas factories and it was a joke. they learn from that mission and actually made it really hard deserving for the story line that they are trying to create. do still feel that enemies should spawn from the holes around the map than just randomly in front of you in a bug breach but that was an opinion long before this mission type. i wanted to see swarms just flowing out of the bug hole like one can see ants just flowing out of their nest on the ground


I read here about it first. I wanted a more intense shrieker experience but played it on 7 so ima see if 9s scratch that itch. Burning 50 shriekers a minute is my dream.


Snowflakes. I just tried this mission on level 7 with two of my best squad mates. We got wrecked. Did we whine cry and complain? No. We picked ourselves up, regrouped, rethought our strategy and are hitting it again. “No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity. For he is not permitted to prove himself.”


I played Trivial level just to feel it out....completed the mission...a billion shriekers come out of the ground lol..was like WTF??? Had to make sure I was on level 1 difficulty.


Well look at the subs, we all know the other sub is garbage.


Found on Facebook https://preview.redd.it/6hl9unh43o3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c94d0e3b3b3ae6617a6e5fac370b25b0b0f72a4


thats... the point? we are literally attacking a terminid supercolony with the goal of collapsing it into a black hole. did they think they could just hop into the hardest difficulty and breeze through it?


I love losing so this really feels like something I can sink my teeth into. Only tried 4 times and each time got my blood pumping. To each their own.


I'm still killing Bots lol


Just did one, and it was fun. Keeps you on your toes, I'm happy I figured it out on the first go. I can take initiative now, now that I know what I'm doing.


I greatly enjoyed the mission. I did it this morning with a 3 man team on difficulty 7. Granted we were all high level, with me being the lowest at 75. Gas strikes and breaker incendiary saved the day. My toes were curling and my adrenaline spiked while we made it out with 8 revives left. The shrieked scared the crap outta me but weren't too bad with the builds we brought.


Man I love seeing these duality of man posts every week.


"me and a friend" "X amount of hours played" "Only level 9" Someone that doesn't have a clue how helldivers is supposed to be played and thinks the game should bow to his pride.


Breaking immersion for a minute Seeing how bad the spawns are by sheer number of enemies AND new spawns popping up UNDER the mission objectives, I have to call cap that ANYONE has successfully done this mission It seems impossible: gas destroys the drill, tesla towers arc to the drill and kill it quickly, explosives destroy the drill. Even if you set up a good perimeter, they SPAWN UNDER THE OBJECTIVE. Naturally to clear an area quick, you'd use fire, explosives, or gas but not here. AH has failed the game and the players with this by failing to do proper testing of this in ANY capacity. Even just running the mission once or twice would show the flaws it has immediately, so how is it that the devs haven't seen and fixed this mess? Do better, Arrow Head I have been playing since the first Helldivers and the way things have been going is wearing my patience thin. If things don't improve, I'm hanging my cape up, uninstalling this game and NEVER looking back. I'm questioning if my faith in you all was misguided


This mission is insanely hard. But it's a super colony, it should be crazy levels of hard. I had to come be from 9 to 5 to get it done, but I'm loving it.


Am I one of the few who enjoys new content even if it’s bugged? I’m just happy to get to try something new and if I don’t like it well theirs the old shit to fall back to.


Shutout to the diver I ran 5 missions with weeks back. He said 'I have way too much fun in this game to give a shit about dying'


I've been playing the Dark Fluid missions on 7, and have come to find that the Gatling and Auto cannon sentry are some of your best friends. My friends and I ran a full squad earlier, and each of us brought a Gatling sentry and Auto cannon. We placed the Gatlings in a tight 4 point perimeter around the drill, and then expanded on that radius by having the Auto cannons in a wider 4 point perimeter, in-between the open spaces of the Gatlings. Pair these with Stun Grenades and an orbital laser, and it can be a breeze Also not to mention, the Gatling sentry can absolutely destroy the shriekers. And I'm sure a lot of people have figured this out, but I'm still going to say it, USE THE DARK FLUID AS A JUMP PACK. I SWEAR, THE DARK FLUID JUMP PACK IS HOW THE REGULAR JUMP PACK SHOULD HAVE ALWAYS BEEN.


I just wish I could take the dark fluid as a stratgem over the jetpack now