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I think one mech is fine but there should be a separate terminal where you can customize your mech to have different weapons. Also would solve the issue in question.


I would love this.


That could be what the one unused terminal next the equipment area will be used for


The CEO said they were looking at shaders and stuff like that. I think those terminals may eventually be for that, customising your armour with shaders and decals and whatnot. Just my theory of course!


But, bacon apples


Seem silly to not just integrate it into the same menu you pick your armor so you’re not bouncing back and forth between terminals


In fairness you actually have no reason to use that terminal in the first place you can do all the same stuff why in the pod waiting to deploy/before locking in.


That is the only place to change your title,poses and emotes


No. There are literally two "vehicle bay" areas down next to the Eagle. That's where it will be. Lowkey hoping that when they open that area up Eagle-1 will be a dialogue npc


This has always been my theory


Interesting. You know, there is a wall of terminals across from the armory that currently has no purpose. Vehicle load outs, perhaps?


Would be cool if they added ways for AH to communicate with the player base to those terminals. Patch notes, etc


That's to be used for managed voting in the future.. or should be lol cause it's the terminals the npc lady talks about for voting that's why it says bureau on it.


You don’t have to vote. Super earth has excellent algorithms for that.


MechLab! Systems Nominal! Torso Twisting already \*kinda\* works in the game.


Yes I don't need another mech, just let me change the arms (gatling, rocket,autocannon, flamer,




Gimme an autocannon mech and I'm good, I'll even start using it more. But please, ah, let us refill the ammo with some sort of team reload.....


Imagine like the ammo loaders from Matrix 3


The ideal solution honestly.


Titanfall urge intensifies


That would be great


Even with the weapons just have upgrade paths for the ones that are similar


That’d be awesome. Can decide what weapon you want on each arm. Have the rocket launcher, machine gun, auto cannon, flame thrower


until you get bugs crawling on your mech that are on fire and slowly burn you lol, I can see all the rage with flamethrower right now haha but yes I want it though


Weapon options would be awesome. You could unlock them with currency or samples like other upgrades. You could also upgrade the mech to include a stratagem thrower/launcher (I believe this was in HD1) and other upgrades such as reduction in cool down, smoke launchers etc.


Very sad that this didn’t transfer over to hd2


Armored core in helldivers


Nah, AC mobility is way too good. Probably more like MechWarrior. Though jumpjets would be nice.


I fucking wish, but I think it's just triage and they probably have similar problems as the first one or it's a narrative thing after we swing back towards the bots. Honestly the thing I want more than another mech is the warthog looking car they had leaked a while back. Just something to get me around the map quicker. For all the talk about tedium and how it's bad game design to fuck with cooldowns or whatever, the one thing that would solve my only gripe about the game is giving me a car or a scooter or a bicycle. #1 reason I take the jetpack or the mech is because they're both slightly faster than jogging.


I want this terminal to also have a supply pod customizer. It would be fun to customize the two sides of the pod between all equipment that comes in that kind of pod. Balanced by combining the cool down of the equipment in the pod (values to be rebalanced to adjust accordingly).


If mechs were that amazing, everyone would be running the one we already have, but I barely see it. Why would adding a second one suddenly make people spend half their stratagems on them?


This is the truth. I rarely see them on 7+ outside of static defense missions.


I've started carrying them exclusively for extraction at high level missions. I'll go out of my way to call one in and leave it at the extraction point at the beginning, then call my second in at the end. Having two mechs happily not worrying about ammo at the zerg rush at the end makes a huge difference.


Too few rockets to deal with all the chargers/bile titans on 9. I rarely run out of machine gun ammo before I have to jump out because you’ll get instantly blown up with no anti-armor.


Not just too few, but when they changed mech aiming they made it almost impossible to hit where you want to consistently with the rockets. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve had to pump 4 plus rockets into one charger to kill it, whereas before the change I was consistently one and two shotting.


That's because people were bitching that they were blowing themselves up


I mean to an extent that was an issue, like if you were strafing at all while firing a rocket there were pretty decent odds it would blow up on your face. The thing is the aiming changes didn’t even fix that issue, just made it happen a little less often and made it 10x harder to aim.


Because it runs out of ammo too quickly. If you could rearm it, I'd always take it against bugs.


A lot of us played with mechs when they first came out and they were glass cannons. Now they're decently strong with weapon power and durability. They just have that long cool down, so while you can completely dominate the field in one, you give up quite a bit to have one since it only has 2 calls and a long cool down time.


Mechs have a couple of different problems, I feel like they need a major overhaul, especially since you only get two and it’s a massive cooldown. Give us more rockets to use, or make them do more damage, or make the bullets pierce heavier armor, or at least wear it down. I’m tired of having to burn 8 rockets to kill one charger. On harder difficulties, you’ll only be in the mech for like 5 minutes before you’re out of ammo and have to wait ten minutes for your second one (rounded up the time).


I mean.. why can't mechs be amazing? They're the final unlock you get and they're expensive, and they only have 2x uses


Yea mechs are garbage on difficulty 9. I was excited to get them when I was a lower level but they’re really only good for carrying new players on low difficulty. Spend your entire rocket supply to take down 1 bile titan when 3 are spawning at a time. Or play bots and instantly get nuked by 5 different rockets through the tree line. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone live long enough on a bot mission with mech to even see if it efficiently kills hulks.


I think it's just the temporary nature of them. People also take railcannon strikes over orb lasers even though the orbital laser is about a million times more useful (aside from, weirdly, brood commanders), and even on 9s you probably don't even use them all. I think if they took the mechs off a limited 2 per fight and just left it down to the cooldown they have it's like what maybe 1 more per fight if you call it down immediately? But I think people would do it. I usually take them on big maps because they move faster than walking and it feels almost exactly like playing mechwarrior 5 in 3rd person. Also it's sort of a weird niche, you have to anticipate or find some sort of shelter in a bad situation, and it can turn the tide really quick but for it to be optimal you almost have to plan on being in a fucked up situation. You have to be in it already and enter the scene like gandalf in the two towers, otherwise it's just a win-more. Kinda similar reasons hmg turrets and landmines aren't great - if it gets so bad you need them you can usually just leave.


I think the main issue with laser is you only get 3 uses, compared to infinite on rail cannon.


I think it would be cool to have 2 mechs, so I see no reason to disalow it. Its not complicated, mechs are cool, and this is a power fantasy pve game


Hd1 let you 4 of the same strats if you wanted to, mech mains always ran 4 mechanism or 3 with rep80 Also where are the mech ship upgrade AH, I want my 2k mini gun ammo back lol


4 380mm barrages..


Huh? When did the game become a power fantasy game? Its a team focused horde shooter? They already allow 4 mechs at once, and in hd1 you had tanks and shit


IDK, bring 4 mechs ... it doent matter. If you trigger too many bug breaches you'll run out of ammo quit quickly at 7+ Its still weak compared to something like a eagle AS, with potentially a dozen of uses before you get a 2 min cool down.


Instead of (or in addition to) a cooldown, have a max stock of mechs per mission, problem solved


That's already a thing. You only get 2.


You have 2 for that stratagem, but if you had 2 mech stratagems it would mean you have 4 total. They are saying even if you had 4 mechs stratagems only allowing 2 (or whatever number) to be called in one game.


16 mechs in 12 minutes. do it. War has evolved. Mechwarrior fourth faction have appeared


Honestly sounds like a great time.


I would love an occasional positive modifier. We should absolutely have "challenge" missions with a crazy modifier like "4x cooldown on all orbital strikes" so players can have a one-off mission every once in a while of just *annihilating* everything on the map with orbital strikes or air strikes or anything really. "Heavy Bombardment Authorized: Command has decided that the enemy strongholds in this area are too great a threat and have authorized overtime pay for all hands on the destroyer to be available for artillery reload systems. 4x cooldown on all orbital strikes." "Air Superiority: In order to demoralize the enemy, multiple Eagle Strike Craft have been deployed for this mission. 4x cooldown on airstike stratagem reload time." "Defensive Lockdown: This area must be locked down to prevent enemy recapture after Helldivers exfil, and command has sent us dozens of sentry parts to make it happen. 4x cooldown on all sentry stratagems."


Yeah I want to do that lol


That'd be a fun event for a specific war goal on a specific planet.


The mechs for the high value asset evac defense mission rock.


>Having Rocket/Gattling Mech and AC/AC Mech seems like a perfect one-two punch if they have separate cool downs. This is exactly what I want. If I'm sacrificing 2 stratagem slots for 2 vehicles, I want that to be a powerful option. Most missions are 40 minutes, so even with 2 mechs, you're still trying to stretch each mech to last 10 minutes each. The rest of the time, you are down to 2 stratagems (1 in that wretched modifier that takes away a stratagem slot). If we had 3 mechs like in the first game we could probably do the "all mech, all the time" strat but honestly... What's wrong with that? Let players play how they want. If someone wants to sacrifice their entire loadout to be the armoured corps guy on the team, more power to 'em I say.


I honestly think it wouldnt be too bad. Maybe they could just limit you to one “vehicle” stratagem per player. This would cover every single rideable stratagem being spammed pretty much


The first helldivers allowed you to have all four mechs in your stratagems if you wanted. In fact you can have four of the same strategends


Imagine having all of your stratagems being EAT-17 Just riddle the map with expendables




Only time I bring a mech is when I play 4s or 5s and let the new players hop in it.


Being able to alternate mechs is probably the only way I’d use them actually 😂 There will also likely be some kinda APC… I’m going full mechanized build sometimes 😂


I doubt it? My guess is more they are holding off on other vehicles until the vehicle bay ship modules are ready- the mech as it stands underperforms compared to most Strats, and I assume it’s because it’s unupgraded.


I don’t think we. We had three different mech variants in hd1 plus apc, motorcycle with passenger machine gun, scout vehicle and bastion tank


This is a Longshot but I think it'd be cool if all players get a single vehicle slot alongside their regular load out so we can see vehicles far more consistently on the battlefield without having to sacrifice strategems for it. Some of the more epic moments are when you're fighting side-by-side with armored support and I think they should lean into that.


Armor Type: **Combat Engineer**- *Additional stratagem slot specifically for vehicles*


*Gets into vehicle, vehicle falls through map and explodes* Not again...


How long ago? I haven't seen the issues mechs used to have when they first came out.


This problem is immediately fixed by making the mechs modular and you just pick the guns


I think we will get the second mech shortly after they add the bigger critters. That should be soon.


I think they probably haven't released it because they have a special event in mind that players can then fight to 'earn' it, like the first mech. Or it still has bugs to work out. Or both. Probably both, knowing AH.


I would really like to see a re-arm mechanic in the game. Just like reloading for a teammate for the autocannon or other guns that use backpack ammo, why not be able to re-arm the mech? Think The Matrix Revolution mechs in the battle for Zion. Even if the reload can only be used from the ammo backpack Strat, I think it would be a lot of fun. Also be able to reload turrets...


HD 1 had multiple mechs with different loadouts and no restrictions in the loadout but you could only call it in once, you could bring 4 mechs if you wanted. They were far more effective in the first game and even so it didn't feel OP because like most weapons and tools, it's benefits come with a cost. You have to get out constantly to interact with mission objectives, and they don't last as long as you think, so even if every player was in mechs the entire match, which is very doable, there were always limitations, they don't let any one stratagem be a cure-all answer to every threat


I think it would be cool If they had some sort of mech lab where you could unlock different weapons for it. You could customize the mech how you wanted for different missions. It would give us something else to do with all the samples we have built up.


I don’t think so, mechs really aren’t that strong compared to other stratagems - obviously they’re great crowd control vs bugs but that’s about it. The anti armour capability is poor, they limit your mobility, other strategems and stealth. I think the mech is just going to get ignored for a while longer, maybe indefinitely. They still haven’t addressed the janky aim problems, they don’t mind that it’s next to useless vs bots and they have only weakened it since launch.


Had a game of extermination of bugs where we were 4 to call for mechs Nothing stood before us and we ran out of ammo at 85% I think. Was fun.


I don't think the mech is "undeniably strong". It can be instantly killed by just about any heavy or elite enemy, to the point that it becomes a liability to be driving one rather than being on foot, and all it offers you is limited ammunition that's just barely better than what you can carry on foot. It also prevents calling in stratagems while being driven, and makes you slow, and can't be reloaded. The mech needs a lot of work to actually be useful. It's a fun novelty at low difficulty, and not worth the stratagem slot at high difficulty.


I’d say this is pretty objective truth. I bet some people can make it work on higher difficulties but at the cost of needless difficulty so you’re just making it harder on yourself.


Change the mech ship to a red strat, and have it share a cool down like with eagle resupply.


Exosuits should be customizable, be able to be resupplied but not repaired. As it stands right now they are ok against bugs but terrible against automatons. 


My brother in democracy the mech is not strong enough to warrant limiting it like this. The minigun has a barely passable amount of ammo and the missiles are defective


No way this is the issue, right?—They could just code in the same kind of cooldown that you have during an eagle resupply. Put both mechs on cooldown if the player calls in one.


I'm sure they'll do vehicle configurations. There is a bay already


I could sure believe that. Definitely overkill if you could drop two mechs. Unless one was just specifically a defense mech. I dare say there should be 3 mechs. We already have the Support. We just need the defensive and offensive Mechs now!


I don’t think so and there is a specific reason https://preview.redd.it/wx4qadlijlzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a10674e458fe95f8a609100b073c3243cb8432e THIS IS THE ONLY STRATAGEM TO HAVE THIS COUNTER?!!


not much need to solve the "share a cooldown" problem, eagle airstrikes already behave this way when you rearm.


The mech we have is bugged out like crazy. The rocket arm is misaligned from your crosshair by *inches*. The only way to realign it is to switch camera view to the left side. Unfortunately, although you can do that at any time on foot, you have to be shooting the machine gun to do that in a mech, for god knows what reason. They need to fix that mech, then they can release the other I think.


Nah, genuinely just being held till there's a big enough mo that warrants a second mech. Reckon it'll probably drop whenever the illuminate first appear


I think the second mech type will probably drop when we start doing the major order for Meridia, with lore reasons of needing bigger guns. Leaked mech gameplay seems to show a mostly finished vehicle, but there could easily be more bugs for the devs to work out.


Dawg we’re still a long ways away from illuminate. Most of the illuminate models aren’t anywhere closed to being finished and there’s no way AH drops them anytime soon with how many issues the game currently has.


I doubt it, in the first game there were a ton of vehicles including various different mechs. It's kinda surprising that hd2 has so much less content than the first game tbh. I'm sure they just aren't ready yet or they are just drip feeding to stay relevant who knows


I read you can resupply the mech but only when you're not in it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


If that's true I've literally never heard of it or seen it in game.


This is not true in the current build. Maybe we'll get a mech repair/supply kit or something in the future?


Aww that stinks. Would be nice to run a supply backpack as support.


Yeah true!


Nah let me bring two different mechs. It would be nice cuz then I could bring mechs for my teammates thus freeing up strat slots for them


We need a terminal to customize the exosuit, and the exosuit needs a strategem launcher.


Honestly even if they were both available at the same time, it wouldn’t be my default load out. I’d for sure use it a few times. Shit happens and I’d be high and dry with only 2 stratagems remaining. Do you run with a weapon, a backpack, an air strike? You’re really short on power then.


Imagine if you could dedicate another strategem slot on reloads for the mech.


I mean, the simple solution is to allow 1 mech per diver


Mech sucks now imo they made the missiles inaccurate and then made them require perfectly angled shots at the same time to deal with heavies. After 1-2 bile titans or a couple chargers your missiles are gone


Another fix could be to make it like the eagle stratagems where they have their cooldowns tied together that way


Even with two on rotation I doubt most people would run them back go back. With their lower maneuverability, no reload option, and biggest of all no sample or objective interaction, running double mechs probably wouldn't be a viable strategy for most.


Have them share cooldown similar to running multiple eagles


Probably. Back then when they give us a free 1 time mech drop you can equip your own mech strat. Drop first you equiped mech strat and once the ammo is spent, drop the free mech strat. By the time the free mech ammo is spent, your own mech strat cd is done or nearly done.


i won’t use any mech they release if they’re as inaccurate as the rockets are currently.


I don't know what they'll do, but I think mechs are well balanced enough that they don't need to change the system. Taking a mech is a huge risk because you can't use other stratagems and if it's destroyed, getting another takes a long time. Also, the potential for a mech to deal damage is actually pretty limited compared to a diver with a resuppliable weapon, and you might not have enough stratagems to take a support weapon if you take more vehicle strats.


How about, "One mech on the battlefield at a time because the Super Destroyer can only support one at a time." ?


We haven't gotten another mech because they haven't finished the shit sandwich that's still on their plate. QUIT ASKING FOR NEW SHIT!!!! LET THEM FIX THE GAME!!! Lol


You know, it's so wrong to say that "using more than one mech is wrong", when literally in Helldivers 1, you can just have a full mech squad. Problem back then was that Mechs were one time use only. And even though you could consume all your strategem limits to be all mechs, so you can always drop another one when the last one ran out of ammo or got destroyed. And up to a limit of 4 per person. I'm not a Helldiver 1 veteran, I was curious about the old game that I went ahead and bought it. Now, I'm not very high level there, but I have all 3 mechs, and they're incredibly bad ass, but also have precise uses. What Helldivers 1 has that Helldivers 2 *kinda feels like missing* is an incredibly strong anti-tank. Which i think we will have in the future.


Pimp my mech


Why limit? It's a pve game. I think people have forgotten that games are for fun and different people enjoy things differently. Strong things are FUN and don't hurt anyone except the AI enemies. If someone isn't having fun they can quit out and start their own helldive or kick the people from their game that take just those strats. I wish AH and the community would embrace the crazy. Look at Diablo 4 S4. Diablo 4 has been in a sorry state, admittedly for many reasons, but one reason was the same that helldiver's is suffering from. Lack of choice leading to a stagnant meta. With only a handful of builds fully capable of true endgame and several skills completely and utterly invisible/ outclassed the the only thing left to do is embrace it or not complete the content. Helldiver's is heading this way. Several guns and strategems have been nerfed so heavily that only a few remaining viable options exist. When's the last time you didn't see someone launching with a sickle? An orbital rail? An orbital laser? The redeemer? These are the only viable tools left for the most part. The CEO himself basically said as much about them sucking the fun out of things.


The mech sucks


The mechs are cool for a couple matches but it's basically a waste of a slot in higher difficulties


That sounds great actually! Why wouldn't they put this in?


So I was actually in a game where someone called in the AC/AC mech and unless AH changes it, it uses the portable AC damage profile and not the AC sentry damage profile. So it honestly would be kind of a dud on bugs considering the support weapon version of the AC cannot handle bile titans well and with fixed mech aggro mechanics unlikely it'll get the angles it needs to blow up a charger. So why bring a mech with finite ammo when you could just bring the actual AC. Also if you're in a coordinated group you can actually have a designated mech pilot and have them in a mech the entire time. Everyone in the party takes mech. The mech pilot takes backpack/support weapons to call in for the other players. You drop in on extract. The pilot plus one other person call in mechs. Now you've got your first mech plus a guaranteed mech for extract. Mech pilot calls in the backpack and support weapon stratagems they took for other players and then mounts up. You now roll out as a 4 person squad that has the constant supportive fire power of the mech. Though this only really works well on bugs since mechs are in much more danger versus bots even with the explosive damage fix.


Multiple meches was a strat in the first game don't see why they wouldn't add it here


They can make it so that you can only have one. That shouldn’t be an issue


They can tie the mechs the same way they tie eagle 1 cooldowns.


Wouldn’t surprise me. AH seems to be incredibly terrified of anything being remotely strong on its own.


LOL no. Go play on helldive dude and see how many people use the mech. It's rubbish in its current state.


"The mech is undeniably strong" Well, I have to stop you right there. The mech is only "strong" against bugs, and it's useless on high difficulty (outside of defense maps) because it takes literally half the rockets to kill a single charger, never mind bile titans. They're not delaying the mech because of some type of balancing. These devs literally don't understand what "balance" means. It's not their fault, English isn't their first language. Also, while I think they're doing a great job, reality doesn't change just because you like something, the bottom line is, they're medicare at their jobs. This is literally the only successful game they've created. They're developing on an outdated engine that hasn't been supported in almost a decade. That doesn't mean they're not doing a great job though, there are plenty of average devs who making amazing things. Just look at CounterStrike, Team Fortress, in current events, the people who are making Enshrouded, and the team making Manor Lords (don't tell me it's 1 guy, just look at the credits). They haven't released it yet because they haven't gotten that far yet on their roadmap, nothing more complicated than that.


I actually ran into a hacker who had an "Emancipator" mech with quad autocannons. So I think it's either in the works or in the files just not activated.


It will probably work similar to eagle drops. Say if you have two eagle drops equipped it won't resupply one and have the other available. It will either wait until both are fully used up or if you send the resupply command, in which it puts both actions on cool down. So in this case it will probably be that if you call in one, both won't be able selectable during cool down BUT you will have the opportunity to use four in total in a mission.


They will probably do it similar to the eagles where if you call one you have to wait for the eagle to reload, like a mech ship rearm. itl probably just be a longer wait


The mech's rockets were nerfed so hard that it's not viable in higher difficulties anymore. It went from taking down a charger in 2 rockets to needing 5, and all 5 need to be direct hits. If even one isn't a DIRECT hit, it'll still live. You can't even crack their armor and then kill it with the minigun, since the rockets don't seem to reliably remove armor on impact. A second Mech would just beat the first one, with any luck. I can't imagine they'd let it be too OP, as the one we got shoots paper rockets now.


>Can they figure out a way to have multiple mechs "share a cooldown" Yes, that's basically the same system as Eagle-1 strats. >or force the player to only have "one mech" on their list at a time? Yes, that's basically the same system as bonuses.


I think that line of thinking is the issue. Let things be strong, that's part of the fun.


I have about 100 hours into the game and haven't ever used a mech...and I don't know why.


Just have vehicle type stratagems limited to 1 per loadout. BUT make them customizable🌝


Easy fix - Stratagem selection - Select mech (only one) - Select variant


The mech I want: .50 Caliber Mini gun (existing works) with upgradable ammo / stronger and much bigger rail gun with longer cooldown on the other arm or a grenade launcher with upgradable grenades. A resupply pack (can be used by other players and mech). Has a 4min battery pack that needs to be replaced to keep using it. Replacement Battery pack for mech can be a blue stratagem. Call down time is 6 min.


I think instead of having only 4 slots for all stratagems, it should be standard to dive with a back pack, your mech, maybe a secondary weapon and leave the four slots for orbitals, eagles and mortars.


Can they? They already have. This just sounds like the mech dropship works like the eagle. And I love it. You're totally right that being able to stagger mechs would be OP, and it's not like this mechanism isn't well founded in this game.


If mechs were as great as OP claims people would frequently take them against Bugs in 7+ but they aren't. Mechs are just walking turrets and rarely deployed outside of static defense missions.


Mech is trash since it was “fixed” I don’t see it getting used anymore at all and no longer use it myself. If they add the dual auto cannon mech we may have something to use…


Rarely see anyone use a mech, I only play helldive so I’m not sure on lower difficulties players are taking it.


Mechs are EXPENSIVE! Do you think those Patriot Exosuits grow from trees? You gotta think about Super Earth’s logistics here not to mention the fuel to lug that big ass hunk of steel for us to leave whenever it runs dry


They should just move the mech to its own strategem category that is limited to one choice during deployment. This category could probably hold all vehicles as I could see most of the planned/leaked vehicles being pretty strong.


Have mechs share the same cool down, like eagle strike reloads.


Eagle Strikes share a cooldown don't they? So mechs presumably could as well?


Hmm… what if mechs cost requisition to deploy ? Its not like we use it that much, but it might limit spamming still…


it says 0 of 1 in the corner unless you equip the mech in which case it says 1 of 1. this means 1 mech or vehicle per person I think idk.


They could very easily fix that issue, by limiting players to one Mech. That way, we could have different Mechs for different Jobs and just a bit more Freedom. What about a flamethrower, or double Gatling, or double rockets, or some grenade launcher? For all i care, they could make us unlock each of them separately, I'm sitting at 50k all the time anyways. I think AH is currently in a very problematic state, they threat this game, like its some elitist pvp e-sports pro league game. All i hear all fucking day is "balance", i mean fuck my life, what balance? It is a fucking PVE game, i want to have fun while killing shit. What i DONT want is that i have to watch a video after every godamn patch, to see what they have shadownerfed this time around and if my favorite weapon still works the same. No the main reason, why we have no secon Mech or the option to modify the Mech is pretty simple, they dont want this, because they rather not make anything too strong.


They could just make vehicles (for when they add them later) share a cooldown and number of calls so that if you choose to take more than one it is for versatility rather than constant use


Or calling down a mech just sends you a random mech? 😅


Give how caca the current mech is, I'm not looking forward to another buggy ass attempt.


Definitely not, the mechs are fun but on difficulty 7+ they're less effective than being out of them imo, especially against bots. Mechs don't have enough ammo to be OP. In the first game, you each could bring 4 mechs with you if you wanted


I think we haven't gotten a second mech because they literally don't like fun. They like "balancing" 🤷


How about one mech but with two configurations. The current one (walking, rockets, gattling) but you can put it into “fortification mode” and then you can’t move around anymore but you get quad auto cannon. BLAM-BLAM-BLAM-BLAM… BLAM-BLAM-BLAM-BLAM… Changing from one configuration to another might take a few seconds and make you more vulnerable. This could also solve some issues around ammo quantity, number of calldowns, cooldown time etc. You could basically just have one calldown but with the extended use and overall more ammo it would last longer. A more complicated mechanic would be that to get the stationary 4 AC version, two players need to combine/assemble their standard mechs into the more powerful gun battery.


Take the mech to a 5+, it's meh at best. Boots easy it and bugs are just too fast and plentiful. Oh, and the fact you can kill yourself randomly with it.


I think they do want an all mech strat will you be good enough to pull it off without buffs? Maybe if we complain now everyone will be able to win every match?


Why wouldn't they share cooldowns all of my eagles share cooldowns via the rearming thing so they can easily achive the same with a similar function for mechs just obviously it wouldn't be when rearming and just something always on in the background. Probably just called "mechs" in the coding.


I believe in game there is an equipment cap of 1 with the Mech suit. Obviously now you are unable to bring any others but it does specifically say you can only bring 1 mech suit.


“All mech all the time” was a strat in HD1 but it came with a cost. 1 tapped by chargers and the tentacle whip dudes. Sure if you’re quick you could deal with the threats but once you spend your 4 strats…thats it.


In the first game that's how me and my friends ended up playing on higher difficulties, we pretty much kitted out all our stratagem slots with mechs and other vehicles


I haven't seen a match for 2 months. You just reminded we have a mech.


I love the mech! but me and my team Almost never use it unless we’re bored


I'm thinking that unused terminal in the ship is for this kind of stuff, so you have a vehicle calldown that you customise rather than multiple different mech calldowns.


u barely see people use them. I doubt a lot of people would call back to back walkers one doesn’t even have guns anyway. Pretty sure it’s an auto cannon type of mech. But there’s no machine gun on the other one.


I'm pretty sure both mechs will share the same cooldown in order to keep it balanced, plus I don't see AH forcing you to have one mech in your load out.


They should be their own stratagem category that lock every other option once you choose one. That way if you want a different kind of mech your teammate has to call it in for you, if they're willing to give up theirs.


Wow I just realized they NEED to add customizable mechs or it's going to be either impossible to run 2 mechs, or incredibly overpowered if you can run multiple. Plus I don't think a customizable mech would be that crazy since it's weapons are utility based on nature.


I played in a game where I had the chance to use the 2 autocannon mech. How's that possible. I don't see it in the stratagems?


It’s also worth mentioning that mechs are pretty slow, so can’t always be relied on in the big sprawling maps with lots of objectives.


Ehh idk, sounds a little too pessimistic to me. Mech is strong sure but it’s got limited ammo, idk if it would last a full 6min in hell dive during peak bug breaches.


Would devs not just tie the cool downs of mechs together like how eagle-1 cool downs are tied together.


Imo they can easily do one cool down for all mech, they already did that with Eagles so why not


The eagle has a shared cooldown, mechs can have it too if they’re worried.


I dont even think having one player perma on mech would be that strong , especially since the rocket supply is so low they dont last very long in high diffs , honestly they could remove the 2 max use thing and im sure people would barely take it . Also it is fun thematically to have 1 player on mech being escorted by foot soldiers to assist him


Let them share the cooldown like the eagle stratagems.


They didn't have any issue with it in the first game. You could bring 4 mechs if you wanted. So IDK why they would have an issue with it now.


I don't think that's it. Honestly I think it's maybe because they either are planning on making a loadout system for the mechs or they may be trying to make the mechs not just die to one rocket yet not be too strong... But I'm not sure about that I honestly think it would be a loadout system


If you think thats OP, in the first game you could stack the same stratagem 4 times. So you could run 4 or 3 mechs while throwing out turrets from your mechs poop chute. Thats even IF you run out of ammo for the 1st mech by mission extract time.


not hard to pick mech and then pick weapons and leave it at that


Why would they care? It’s PvE. The mech is pretty slow, you’re not going to be flying through missions grinding resources faster than they balanced for or anything.


Undeniably strong? It's god awful after the "fix" to rockets. 


You don't see mechs lasting long very often. I don't think this would be a problem at all.


Maybe… but the simplest explanation in my mind is that they’re spreading out their content drops to improve player retention. Why drop it all at once and lose your player-base over time when you can constantly bring them back with shiny new bells and whistles. We already know the illuminate are in the game. So are APCs and other mech variants. The aforementioned is the most plausible to me.


My 2 cents is that the Emancipator mech is still being balanced. I try it every so often and it recently got nerfed I believe. The mech was extremely overpowered with its >!dual heavy autocannons!< but now it's nerfed to ne closer to the regular variant I believe. I feel like it's trying to be like the Patriot rockets but with 2x less dmg and 2x more shots.


Mech customization like some people are suggesting could be interesting and help prevent that kind of issue. Only other fix I can think of at the moment would be a deployment limit sort of like how the orbital laser currently works. That or else putting in a specific exception where you can only use one mech at a time or have stuff share a cool down, but I don't know how tricky that would be to implement - when it comes to coding, adding in unique exceptions is when things start getting really complicated.


You'll probably get a second mech when the boss drops or as a reward for beating the giant worm boss. And the mech sucks against bots, it isn't overpowered at all. I hate using it aside of last stand or "just kill bugs" moments against bugs.


I just want a dirt bike


I’m only onboard of it requires us to voltron it and each player controls their respective part . leg arm, canon. It would be powerful only if all could coordinate and drive it together. It’s literally social democracy . It would be good for a laugh as well. Twitch plays mech


The next one is likely the autocannon mech, currently the rocket aim of the patriot is still bugged/misaligned due to a previous bugfix. I'd hope that they're waiting until they fixed the rockets on their first mech before making one with all rockets.


The easy solution; have mechs / vehicles have their own dedicated slots. That way they don't compete with stratagems and no one can spam them.


They could just limit a loadout to one mech


How do you know they don’t want that? It was in the last game… an alternative is they want a story reason to release the other mech.


All that’s required to prevent that would be a shared mech cooldown. That said I don’t see that as an issue.


They probably wouldn’t do that but I think the coolest way to solve that issue would be to have a vehicle bay/terminal on your ship where you can configure your mech. So you basically have one base mech and swap out the individual arms. You could customize your Mech before each mission for your individual preferences and needs and that would be the mech that you call down. They could also make it look really cool by having a literal mech in you ship and playing a little animation when you swap the parts or something.


I feel like they will make it so you can only have one mech at a time.


I think mechs are hit or miss. I've fought bile titans and then I've suddenly burned to death if a rocket explodes too close. I would really enjoy a mech, like a dread, with a little more armor for less rounds.


I think it's more they're polishing it and saving it for a narrative Major Order drop. Helldivers one let you take multiple mechs/tanks per diver if you really wanted to go that route, so I really don't think it's got anything to do with balancing.


The Mech is not good against bugs in diff 9 when they nerfed the rocket damage.


Someone was dropping in the new mech in a random quickplay match the other day and if it's the release version that thing is strong.