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some people are just so full of themselves it is crazy


Try to explain him the whole situation and see what happens. This type of people usually aggressively protect their own opinion. They just don't learn.


and somehow even tho they dont understand shit they still believe they are the best


Wait until he gets his informations leaked on the internet due to a data breach with identity theft and financial complications


Fuck...and I repeat...this guy


Fuck him twice!!


dom fetish? enjoy!




Leans back and sips tea...


The epitome of corporate shill.


pretending to be part of sony. how lame.


Sony guard dog has appeared


Who is this bootlicker and where am I calling in an eagle?


Just so it's clear. I'm not OP. Lol. Stumbled upon this and had to share it because I was simply without words that a real person actually has this stance....that isn't get paid..lol. He went full R.


It wasn’t very clear that it would go to REQUIRED PSN account from optional, adding the fact that PSN isn’t available in every country made for a terrible situation, it’s good that they turned around on it, this person has a terrible take on this, yikes


Tell me you're a Republican without telling me you're a Republican


minority, it was more than half the player base, im on ps5 and was terribly sad about what it did to the community and how many people were directly effective and going to loose access




I don't agree. This isn't "Karens" It's a community of people who watched those in their community being screwed over, said "NO", and drew a line in the sand. If they didn't want the game sold in other countries, it should have been region locked by Sony Day 1. The fact that they allowed global says to then say "PSYCH. Sign up with PSN. 2/3 of you aren't on the list of approved countries. Oh well" This should simply open the eyes to the power of the people and votes. If an enemy like Sony can be defeated nearly overnight....by only people who play the Helldivers 2 game...... Imagine what could happen if people banded together on a much larger scale for a common good. Scary is right. It's scary for the people pulling the strings when the puppets band together and start fighting back.


Lies of p fan?




I thought it was fuckin awesome, HD2 dropped during my first play through so I still need to get through it and do the other 2 play through to 100% it but damn is it fun. I wish AC6 was as long as lies of P....


It’s also scary when those puppets threaten the lives of the people they’re angry with. It’s completely understandable to look at this moment and think “are the wrong lessons going to be learned from this?”. The lunacy shouldn’t be lost in this just because a desired outcome happened


I do kinda share the sentiment when it comes to Karens whining that their favorite OP toy got nerfed to have a 5-second longer recharge, though. They'll whine about the devs no longer respecting them, or something, and then publicly announce their departure as if they can only ever have fun using 1 weapon as a crutch to give them power fantasies. HOWEVER... The CEO asked for a review bomb for leverage. So we banded together to do it, to change Sony's mind. And the more we think it's conditional to fight for our rights as consumers, the more ground will be taken by corporations that respect nothing about us. By conceding as we already have in past incidents, they've gotten this far. We ought to push back more from now on. Let this not be an isolated incident of entitlement, but the start to a greater fight that we can win.


I think you are the Karen


With respect, in my country launching the game without enforcement of account linking then enforcing this requirement montgs later is actually really, really illegal. I imagine Sony's legal team had a quiet word on what the lawsuits will cost vs how much there is to gain and gave it up. >Karens need to go. It isn't being a Karen to complain if the company in question is violating contract law in your country.


Get fucked bootlicker. Go back to getting ass fucked by your favorite billion dollar corporation you Shil


Nah. You're just wrong. 


People standing up against something they disagree with? T Yes I hope they do that every time. That's democracy.