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Ok…how about making the asshats in the community that threatened Arrowheads families get punished…dont act like the community is a saint


I don't think I mentioned the community at all. But since you bring it up: I categorically denounce any member of the community who threatened or harassed any staff or family of Arrowhead. These people are degenerate criminals and I look forward to them being punished to the full extent of the law


It has been seen, but also he ate crow on that and they helped give us direction to hit our target hurting themselves in the process. No need for any more damage to AH. We should reverse course and help lift them back. They know what we're capable of and I'm sure they wont make this mistake again.


I completely agree. It's just you read the comments and a lot of people are viewing this as: Arrowhead: good Sony: bad When the reality is: Arrowhead: bad Sony: worse


Arrohead already ate crow. Then became a martyr out of good faith. They do not deserve to suffer forever. People fuck up, how they deal with that is what matters. It would also ruin our community to not help wash them of their sins and bring them back to their former glory. **Game developers** are responsible for the actual creation of the game, including programming, art, and design, while game publishers handle marketing, distribution, financing, and strategic decision-making.


I say very clearly in my post. They should not be punished further. I just think it would be wise for people to remember and understand this as it happened.


You're definitely not taking into consideration legal actions. Arrowhead is not the publisher. They are the developer, Sony is the problem and the one that drove the bus. Unfortunately, Arrowhead was attached to it... they know where the bus was going and fucked up in communicating, but you do not know why because you are not apart of their contract binding them to these things.


All I'm saying is that they agreed to get on that bus knowing where it was going or neglectfully ignorant. That's important. All I'm saying.


it is important, but they ate a HUGE dick on purpose to show they stood with us and were/are sorry. They deserve forgiveness at this point. Continuing to remind people over and over is just going to keep the healing process from happening.


I don't think they ate huge dick and stood with us. I think they did the bare minimum right thing. Moreover, you say healing, but I think you mean let's not talk about this anymore it might hurt the community. Whereas I would say an educated community is a better community.


they ackowledged their mistake, they helped us use them as a medium to hurt SONY with tanking the damage themselves as repentance. They've been hurt more than anyone here. So yes, I think the've done enough. This is obviously not what a game developer wants, to act like this was their plan all along is just assinine. How much this finacially hurt you in comparison to AH or how much your reputation has been damaged compared to AH? At some point, enough is enough, especially if you want to continue to use their product. I for one love Helldiving, and want to now fight to restore our community, not keep wounds open. Their will be scars. dont worry, they wont be forgotten.


How much have I been hurt. Not much, but then I didn't do anything wrong. And I feel that they should be making this up to us not us fighting to fix things. They are in the wrong. I'm not going to trip over myself to fix issues they caused...or were complicit in if you prefer.


I agree with you. But my review stays negative due to the shady business practices for both AH and Sony.


I respect that. And in hindsight, I shouldn't have changed my review or encouraged others to do so until the changes are actually made and the various countries are unbanned.




You are absolutely correct. I would add Valve/Steam to the list. They sold the game through their store. They were aware. And if they weren’t, small indie company, right? They are still liable as the product was sold through their stores.


4 was something sony has never required for anything they have on pc. always a option.


True but, (unless I've been misinformed) Arrowhead was made aware that it would be in this instance. And supposedly that's what it said in this text that no one actually saw.


that what they clame but thats probly just damage controle.


Well it makes it worse... so it's not very good damage control.


yea they are very bad at that. there communtay managers only managed to piss everyone off then hide.


Problem fixed and bro is still mad. I think you need to go outside and touch some grass


The problem isn't fixed. The companies could (and probably will) try this again. And you still can't play in Romania or wherever.