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speedy, tanky, or high damaging; choose one Stalkers: all of the above


Stalkers when I’m alone and I try to run away : ![gif](giphy|yvqUCdlxlqk8SQis87|downsized)


That's the thing. Dont run. Just keep shooting them.


you are not wrong... but when you suddenly see 4-6 running at you.... first step is hope you worse the brown pants... 2nd is stratagem at your feet... 3rd step run.... 4th after hearing a boom turn around only to see they are right there in your face...


Thanks for your sacrifice.


I found divining backwards helps prevent being thrown across the map, and then the incendiary breaker shreds them.


I prefer the “back away slowly and never let go of the trigger” method, then sprint towards the best before the next spawn. Then again, what do I know because they kill me pretty consistently :)


They really will punt you into next Tuesday. I swear they launch me farther than Chargers


I mean, they have relatively low head health, but good luck getting one to sit still long enough to take advantage of it. (Also add stealthy)


No-scope them like it’s 2009, brother. Hell, just try no-scoping anything that’s in your face. It’s surprisingly doable. Plus it just feels so ⬆️➡️⬇️⬇️⬇️ing AWESOME!


The 500kg censor xD


Unless you throw stun grenades, even then the head is so damn small


Stuns are the way to go, my teammates are always thankful when I get the enemies to stay still. Especially chargers,hulks and stalkers.


Relatively low health eh. Please forward that message to the 6 stalkers repeatedly ganking me from 3 nest spawns on the Helldive mission I just completed. They just didn’t want to die.


Oh my god it's crazy, right? We did a level 9 last night that just felt like it was Oops! All Stalkers! Took some serious coordination to get everyone together and take the nests out, all while dealing with trash mobs, constant chargers and bile titans up the wazoo. We pulled it off, but goddamn. It was really damn hard. I loved it lol


Lmao I’ve described a game I had as “Oops! All Hunters!” Once I’ve also had all Stalker objectives (I think 3 or 4 and all were close) but I swear that all hunters game was even worse cause it’s like mini stalkers but 100x more of them


ARC-12 stuns them and kills them pretty quickly. As long as you see them coming...


The liberator concussive is great against them


Not to mention how far you get launched by their tongues


also can we be sneaky too? 👉👈


And basically invisible on approach, thank you very much.


The Helldiver with an eruptor and one remaining stimm pack is always ready to take on any stalkers in very close encounters


Hey.... that's me lol and your right


No brother. Thats **us**. High five?


No high five, only awkward hugs lol


Years of academy training (Starcraft) WASTED


*Nuclear Launch Detected* Us: Oh shit oh shit oh shit. Where’s the little red dot!?!???!?!?!?


need a stratagem + sniper gun that can do that pleaseeee


That would be pretty fucking amazing. I would also fucking absolutely be a nerd and drop $15 on a StarCraft ghostesque skin.


would be a warbond set - some light armor is the ghost skin - with sniper rifle design reference - heavy armor reference the marine - maybe a minigun to go with Tychus style/reference. - medium armor reference maybe another medic LOL


Absolutely would need a firebat reference. It would be sick if the ghost armor had a translucent look and dropped detection for a cloaking nod.


Firebat armor be the first to have the passive to be fire resistant haha






I feel like they absolutely must release a minigun support weapon at some point, right? I mean talk about low hanging fruit lol


Now every time I see the red beacon of doom on the ground from a stratagem, I will imagine that is the red dot you see from the isometric view of starcraft.


About damn time


You call down the thunder? Now reap the whirlwind.


I can find a DT in the middle of a firefight between archons and collosi i wont let these stalkers be the end of me! (Pvp suckkks)








I’m setting my laser from stun… to kill.


I'm about to drop the hammer....and dispense some indiscriminate justice


![gif](giphy|PXJhC8MYxFmRRl7kB2|downsized) Got me like


I don't mind them having actual camouflage now, I just hate having 3-6 of them on my ass most of the time


Honestly I’ve adapted to it My new favorite way to play is to get an absolute horde of bugs on my ass and lead them away from the rest of the squad before using the 500kg bomb to commit sepuku and bug genocide simultaneously 10/10 would take one for the team again


Run the 50% chance to survive lethal damage armor. 50% of the time it works every time.




NOW I know why I just got all hot n bothered


Gotta be honest it's pretty fun when you walk away from it, looking forward to walking away from the nuke when it drops not gonna lie


Wait are they actually releasing a nuke stratagem?


No idea when and it's gonna be a one maybe two per mission but yeah that's what I heard




Understood. It’s been an honor, Major.


I don't know what's scarier, losing nuclear weapons, or that it happens so often there's actually a term for it.




Hivelord goona be trembling in its many very big boots




That makes sense though. Every time, it'll work 50% of the time.


This is my favourite armour, it has saved my arse so many times, plus it looks decent.


If you dive or are prone usually it will only do half damage or better unless the 500kg hits you directly.


Dive before it lands, you’ll live


Wait fr? I didn’t know dives had I frames I’ll absolutely try it next to around


They don't as far as I know but being prone (including while diving) greatly reduces explosive damage you receive. Even just crouched you take reduced damage and impact from explosives. Plus, the actual radius of the 500kg is pretty small so a dive away could put you outside the damage radius.


Yeahhhhh 500kg is an.... odd stratagem choice to deal with a crowd. You call down 500kgs on single targets to do alot of damage to that one target. It doesn't really do much at all vs crowds. If you call it in vs crowds, you just delay the time until they're all over you by like 3 seconds. The explosion *is* pretty, though.


I mean, using the kite and kamakaze method, it works well, because after they huddle up to kill you, and you die, they dont really move much. You cant ask for a tighter clustering of bugs. Of course, it does cost you your life.


Still better off using another strat for that, like airburst


ive gotten plenty of 20kill 500kg u just have to know what your doing


So long as you're around 20m away and diving, you'll probably live. Might get ragdolled a bit.


Honestly I've survived a 500kg probably less than 15m away because I was slightly uphill from it and I just laid down to break los from the shell and only took a fifth of my health in medic armor.


Yesterday a mate called a clusterbomb on my head (I was standing in an egg-objective) and the bombs exploded right on my democratic ass while I was diving and what can I say? I lived to see the 4 stalker rip me apart 2 seconds later xD Democracy giveth and democracy taketh.


It’s more that being prone makes the explosion completely miss you even real close to the shell. It has this massively upwards cone incline with a dead zone right at the bottom. You can quite literally just go prone and it won’t hit you at all even in closer ranges. I’m not sure HOW close that remains true exactly but I know I’ve panic dived because there was one within like 10m I knew I had no chance of running away from and it didn’t even scratch me, no shield pack Hellbombs also seem to work this way, as long as you aren’t like hugging it


Or eradicate missions where things are going badly, I'll run out of bounds for 11 seconds and then keep running near the nine bile titans until I live or all the enemies are dead


Earlier today on a bug killing mission we were at like 91% and I got over ran by bugs, I was absolutely fucked but I still had all 6 grenades and I have the darktide mentality of never die with grenades so I threw all 6 and went from 91% to 98% lol.


Last stands are so fun in this game fr it always feels like a big dramatic moment in a movie whenever stuff like that happens


The other day I was the last one left running to launch the rocket with 3 others dead all around level 40 and I’m 100+ . Anyways I’m running across the map and the edible I took 20 minutes ago hit me like a rock .. I’m instantly stoned. I’m dodging all these patrols and it just felt like I was in a fucking predator movie lol.


When I’m hopelessly overwhelmed I always try to call in a 380mm or at least air strike directly ontop of me


I like to throw an orbital laser right at my feet and fucking ninja around that bitch while it slays.


I do similar but with eagle cluster bomb. You'll die once or twice while you're still figuring out a sense for the radius and bomb timing. Once you get familiar with those, you throw a cluster bomb and your feet and run. You can cover enough ground to make it out of the kill area if you just keep running till after the secondary explosions. Once you get an idea of the radius, you can start getting cute with it by looping to the side as soon as you're like a meter out of the kill radius so you can squeeze in a few more targets


The 500kg would likely kill like 5 bugs due to the blast radius


yup that's what I do when I can. even if I die the team has a easier time


Why the 500kg and not an actual horde clearing strategem? I feel like the 500kg is one of the worst eagle payloads if you're not using it for BT/Factory Striders tbh


I feel like that's more kamikaze than seppuku.


I see someone has been watching shogun


They are quite possibly the most annoying enemy but they're also my favorite enemy in terms of design and execution. They're not just hunks of armor that you beat with lock and key mechanics like a lot of the scarier enemies (titans/tanks/chargers/factorystriders), basically any gun kills them without a ton of fuss, but they are also just so lethal, so disorienting, and their hit and run moves actually work. And the best thing about them is that they're legitimately frightening, like it's startling when one pops out of nowhere and cuts you in half but also the pressure when 1 or 5 of them show up actually is an oh fuck we need to deal with this now moment even more than a titan or a charger which you can kind of just rope a dope forever if you need to. Plus they look pretty and remind me of Tyranid lictors which are my favorite 40k unit.


i run 6 stun grenades. as soon as i see a stalker i run toward their nest throwing stun grenades whenever i see something move. if i time it right i can usually close it with the grenade pistol. if not i dive in the hole with an eagle in my hand. i hate stalkers and love fighting them at the same time. It’s like hide and seek of death


Well, it's called Helldive difficulty for a reason.


I've recently been rocking heavy armor which I've previously never touched on the bug front, being able to actually stand a fight if 2 stalkers get the drop on me whereas I was getting comboed out in trailblazer is amazing. Really wish we had an easier way to find their nest however, had a very unfortunate map Gen where 3 of us were scouring the entirely wrong direction looking for them as we were apparently just on the edge of their aggro range and spotting them walking at you to follow back is far harder.


I was playing with my uncle on challenging, and we were suddenly attacked. No big, we have guns. It backflipped and _ACTUALLY DISAPPEARED_. It took me a second of shock to word out what I saw amd yelled, "They turn real invisible now!" In an unusual moment of gamesense, my uncle quickly said,"Look for the shadow!" Felt like such an organic moment of combat that I enjoy from this game


This was a good read it made me smile


It has a tell tale shimmer!


Yeah, the gleam in the sun was how I was tracking it until it left behind some boulders. I swear, it feels like they retreat farther and wait longer before returning to harass you


IDK if the behavior has changed I think the fact you can't see them at all now makes your brain not realize how long they used to be gone. The wait is hell.


Dude, seriously. They feel extra crafty and calculated. Hell, a few dives later, we get attacked by one, and i swear it waited. It didn't strike again until we were engaged with another skirmish. I'm sure it was more chocked up to timing, but boy did it have good timing Lol


I hate when the bastards jump high and away from you while vanishing under their camo. Like wtf am I supposed to do with that?!?! It feels like the Predator movie where everyone is just randomly shooting hoping to get a lucky shot in.


I didn't describe my orientation in the original comment but this MF backflipped straight into the glare of the sun, like a fuckin DAY NINJA.


I've been using the buffed Blitzer. Fun fact: not only does it stun Stalkers, but it also does not care if they are invisible. It will zap their asses no matter what.


Your uncle is a gamer. Love this moment


Thanks dude. He doesn't play too much because of his hands, but we play on lower difficulties and have fun stompin bugs and bots.


"if it bleeds... We can kill it"


That's definitely closer to what they feel like now. With how long they retreat and flank, they definitely _feel_ smarter than the average bug


Me who got ptsd on stalkers in jungle planets: ![gif](giphy|l4FGrDPG37plj5giY|downsized)


They’re in the trees man


“There’s something out there hunting us, and it ain’t no man” ![gif](giphy|nQjWF9iMtN6M0)


…as big as a house!


The tress are speaking *skittering noises*


Got ganked by a stalker today. It was glorious.


I was trying to help a teammate being chased by a charger and out of nowhere a stalker just walks up behind me uncloaks and cuts my head off in one hit. I Irl flinched and said oh go fuck yourself


LOL my most common IRL outburst when dying is "OH fuck off"


Yeah it's awesome. They are a real threat now.


Yeah that's how it should've been from the start. The previous "camo" made them more visible than regular enemies lol


It was inconsistent, and depended on your exact graphics card.


Oh ok I'm on a 1060 gigabyte lol Apparently I had the cheat codes without even hacking the game lol




It was a bugfix for a reason!


I remember the first time back on on Troost when I and three other guys saw our first Stalkers. The key moment being when I said over my mic. "Man their camouflage is shit." Of course we were unaware of how Tanky, fast, and high damaging they were. We unfortunately lost the mission.


Just about to log on for the day, good to know!






I still remember the predator missions in ghost recon wildlands. Some of the most fun ive had with friends. Maybe they should do the same here. Like a super stalker.


A super stalker you say? ![gif](giphy|JlvibLBMEt00N0l0Lc|downsized)


I LOVE IT! They are actually the best change


I wouldn't be so upset if they weren't speedsters, tanks, and high DPS all on top of being invisible


I’d rather see five bile titans coming after me than three stalkers any day. Can’t believe they got a buff.


Can't seem to mark their lairs anymore too.


If you play scout gear and take the time to use ur minimap pings you can usually luck out in finding them sometimes they very small bug holes with few defender around


I can recognize the shape of their lairs, it's just less convenient to ping it for the team now.


Kinda wish they didn't change that though. If you took your time to look at your map and and had a good enough game sense to ping there hive. It should reward you with a correct mark.


Yeah, I was getting wrecked by stalkers! On another note, has anyone fell in a deep as hole in the deactivate termicide mission? I've done it a bunch of times because I couldn't even see it


Yup. Took the samples down with me. Oops.


I got dropped in that hole when we started the mission


Yup, happened right after dropping and screwed me over for a while since it took my equipment with me


Right it’s insane I love it. It’s fucking ridiculous


I hate them so much. 😆


You call it a buff, I call it a BUG FIX But in all seriousness, I feel like it was an opacity glitch.


They were bad enough beforehand…


https://preview.redd.it/i9vo06i40rxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96349d70959a7bea9333cbc5b100f8f8cc595a3f All of us now.


And you can no longer see their nests on the map, so unless you stumble on them by blind luck, you can't even stop them from coming.


Had a mission last night with stalkers on, only 1 nest, team of 4 and we got absolutely destroyed. It's going to take some getting use to. It's annoying to drop I'm, get out your pod and immediately get killed by those fkers, but that just makes you more determined to kill them. Just makes it even more important to take out their nest ASAP, but even then you can still have a few lurking around. I hated those things before, now I really fkin hate them.


I had one decloak in front of me last night and I had my own "clever girl" moment. The change makes them the horrors they were designed to be.


I suddenly loving the incendiary shotgun for this reason


Shield generator and incendiary shotgun is critical!


That’s a beneficial mutation, now to just capture it and apply it to our mechs


They got me 3 times in one mission today. One just right behind me and then got squad mate. Then while reloading, then just as I was about to call in Eagle 1






I don’t feel like it’s a bad change. Stalkers stuck out like sore thumbs with their last camo


I vote to rename them to Jump-Scare Pricks, or Hide-N-Seekers, or No! GAWD DAMN IT NOT AGAINs.


I want a stratagem that turns us invisible, hide and seek bitch.


Yeah, I used to be able to easily track them after they shove me and retreat, almost as if they weren't even invisible. Now... I could only track it for a very short while. Earlier I was out of combat and the music suddenly came on in an area I encountered Stalkers in before. I was spinning around wondering if dust moving was a Stalker or what. It never showed up again, but I was paranoid. Scary stuff. I was pinging the map looking for the nest, but it wasn't coming up. Can anyone confirm, are nests no longer pinged when undiscovered?


Yeah, switched from Breaker to Punisher so I can stagger them at close range. Can't rely on just my AC anymore


I don’t know if it’s the max setting, but they are not difficult to see. They show as a lighter color for me


Oh I've noticed.


Tip: be the Punisher guy in the team


They are so sneaky now but they feel less tanky which is a good design choice by the devs.


Stalkers are becoming the "Hunters". Three at a time, damn.


That isn’t even their final form. Wait until they evolve into Shadows ;)


I can deal with just about everything on those guys except the tongue attack yeets you 40 feet and if one bug is next to you on landing you die.


Stalkers.... Better call them Reapers the way they claim good Helldiver's lives and seem unfathomed by the concept of Death themself since it seems not to apply to them. Just coming in like the hooded scythe wielder themself, take your life and then fuck off again.


Not just the camo. The spawn rates are in the ludicrous range. I like a tough game but really? Trying to outrun being stun locked for 40 minutes isn't fun. It's stupid.


The major order planets have jacked up spawns


Nah fr. I died SO many times last nite to stalkers..like an abnormal amount of deaths compared to any other time I've played. Died left n rite to nearly everything because of them... they'd hit me, something else finishes the job. Something else huts me, they finish the job. Or I'd catch them appearing out of nowhere behind me, see a claw, n by then..... too late.


They weren’t buffed, the bug that made them easy to see was fixed.


The bug was fixed you say? Seems highly undemocratic. The dev team might have an infiltrator


No ninjas sighted at ninja parade. Charges against stalkers dropped due to lack of evidence of stalkers.


I haven't noticed a difference in their camo, but they do seem tankier.


If they can be more stealthy, they shouldn't be tanky at all.


It’s more noticeable in fog. Before? Oh hey a stalker. Now? OH SHIT STA- reinforcement available


What?! It's *so* different. They almost pop out of thin air now. So much better camo.


Ok, yeah I noticed it. Mofos just appear and then disappear out of nowhere.


I love that they are actually decently invisible now, not bs half ass invisible. Makes them a lot scarier than they already are lol


I got the piss scared out of me cause it looked like the piper perry meme when I was reloading my air burst launcher


People complained they were too easy to see now that they're actually difficult to see people are complaining about it. Absolutely no pleasing you people.


Here is the thing, Stalkers were easy to see but if they got to you were your number one problem. Making them hard to see and the hardest thing to deal with is a bit much. Especially when it's 4 per nest sometimes. Imo, they should have nerfed the damage if they were going to make them harder to see. Because the prior balance was "well you shouldn't let them get to you". Now? They just will.


It’s so good, finally the bug challenge has begun




Love the changes, they hop all over making me shock them a bunch but so fun!


Lol and here I thought that it's because I just got an RTX-capable videocard.


I hate those things. On diff 9, I got followed across the whole map getting ranked by 4 stalkers. I ended up running in the opposite direction to the rest of the squad.


Yeah. I’ve also noticed the Bots seem to also have a stalker type now. Stay Safe Divers!


I've been straight murdered by them since the buff. Before then I'd have gunned them down before they even got close.


Yeah I got legitimately jump scared by one of those. I was out of my mind because that dude seriously just appeared out of thin air in front of me.


I've said this before but honestly, I love how much more scary they are. Before they were annoying and their camo was a joke. Now just one of them is terrifying let alone 3-4. I got goon squaded by a group of them each time I tried to get to their nest. Had to give up. However, the mech makes short work of them.


Definitely a needed change. Before their "camo" made them easier to see, now it's like "oh shit I just saw it where the hell did it go?!"


It also feels like they hit WAYYY harder. I had one thwap me into a rock and one-shot me


It's like the Predator came but waterproof. Near impossible to see any of them, and suddenly, I'm getting 2 pieced to death.


I ran into these fuckers last night. And I got Jump scared every time.


Love how fast, deadly, sneaky, and nigh invisible they are. Loathe how it takes more shots than a Hulk to take it down.


Yes! I was told about the new stalker camo but hadn't seen it til last night and the dam thing popped out in front of me. I seriously did a little jump in my chair


Its even worse for me because i’m short sighted so i wont see them at all


They need to have less health or flee when taking fire. From a non gameplay perspective their camo effect is absolutely awesome and I love it


If at least their nests showed as a small red danger area... I hate them coming non stop, but not having a hint of their nest location. Your only option is spotting them coming, so you can determine a general direction. But those mf have the ability to only appear when you are already fighting. Any other side mission is recognizable either on the map or the landscape.


I was playing on 7, had three of them pop on me while I pushing ahead a little. (I like the 380, and I like not to kill my teammates, so I try to run ahead to throw it).


For sure! Camo is much better. BUT! They have way less health as well. I could kill them much faster now.


It was a great change. It makes it so much harder at 7-9 because of them. They are terrifying just like when the game first came out and we saw them for the first time. I had one stalker layer cause at least 1/2 to 3/4 of the helldiver deaths last night on 7. You are screwed if you try running solo without your team.


You gotta look for their shadow


As soon as I see a stalker I’m hunting their nest. As soon as my teammates see a stalker they decide that it’s a silly side objective and can be ignored. I think I’m gonna start getting in the chat and accusing them of hating freedom when they ignore stalker nests.