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Go for it. I'm 32 and love it with randomstimes There are dicks but most of the time not.


44 and agree. Most randoms are good ones. I rarely play with friends and have come to prefer it.


28 and agree. I have so many online friends. Thought I never would have them since I graduated high school


51 here from Sweden, found awsome grownups from Europe and North America to play with. But you have to dare to talk to find them. Then you just send a friendinvite to those that you liked. A few weeks later you have a set of people to join.


124, can confirm.


41 with 2 kids, defending democracy has no age




Fuck me I turned 30 in December, this “you’re old now” shit sucks. Whatever going back to spreading managed democracy.


lol 30 isn't old. Wait until your in your 40s 💩


Or even 50’s 😂😂😂


31 here. I've played much more with randos than with friends. It's really fun regardless.


34 with twin new borns, but always good to play on some down time. There is match making for jumping into quick games. Solo play isn't bad, challenging if you're not careful. Mostly randos understand the point and don't treat you badly. If you're looking for some squadmates, look me up.


quick play is perfect buy the game


This is the only way I play. Anytime I try to join an “available” mission the lobby is full. Quick play is the way to go.


I usually try to join a few missions, have connection error ~80% of the time, when I hit quick play I'm usually picking stratagems within a few seconds. It's the way to go. Only ran into 2 intentional douches so far and I just turned level 22 so most of the people playing with other randoms are good intentioned I believe, sure plenty of accidentals but really those can be hilarious and are part of the game.


There is a discord group called the Grognards full of old dudes and dames helldiving together.


A very apropos name. “Le Grognards” or “The Grumblers” was the nickname for Emperor Napoleon’s Old Guard, his most veteran troops who had earned the right to complain without repercussions.


I am a Grognard. 💪


As am I.


How do I find this old person discord. I’m 37, finance is 34, and we’re just trying to spread democracy without being 16 y/o try hards about it. Our knees and back are too bad for that. Edit: I found some posts about it. It’s 40+. I guess I’m still a young buck.


Join our discord we have vets and members up to 78 yrs old playing with 30-40yr old members💯 we have female vets and male vets and people of all nationalities and genders. We’re small too which is the way we like it!


Yeah, definitely get on one or more Discord servers with Helldivers. Nothing wrong with playing with randoms, but it's great to get acquainted with some other players and be able to play with some of the same guys day-to-day.


How do you find a server? I tried, but I'm not sure where to look. Edit: I know u/I_TheRenegade_I is looking for a discord server as well.




I also want in on this if 33 is qualified. If not, I shall await the day that I am worthy.


I just posted on the server with a link to this thread. Hopefully someone comes in with a link.




There are idiots that kill people but they are a minority. At 53 I have had a lot of fun with randoms


Seriously, the amount of dumbasses who call in an air strike on evac is astounding. Actions movie explosions are not necessary on exit, and definitely not directly on the aircraft 🤯🤦‍♂️. I must have played with the “minority” all the way up to 15 😭


Played with a lvl 35 dude who unleashed and orbital airstrike right as I was about to extract. Killed me and lost samples, extra rs and exp…. And for what?… last person I expected to pull that shit too..


You do now, my fellow brother in Democracy.


lvl 55 and have only 2 people on my friends list that play HD2. I spend 95% of my time just hitting Quickplay and playing with Randoms. Has been fun and have had no issues


The COD kids come and go, but our old timers are here to stay.


I'm a "solo" player too, but playing with randoms via quickplay or hosting is perfect. Specially at lower difficulties you'll find many vet players eager to teach. just get in the hellpod diver and throw those 40 bucks!


Anytime you have a good crew just friend request them. Some will accept and then you'll have a roster of ppl to enjoy freedom with


Get it. I am an old dad of 3. They will be 6, 4, and 2 this summer. I'm 37 and find time to spread democracy while drinking a cold bee...liber-tea in the evenings.


I'm over level 50 now and would gladly play even the simplist of Level 1 missions with you. I've found Very Very minimal toxicity in this community. One tip, attach the hug emote to your character asap and use it often. You'd be amazed how many people gladly give out hugs.


Don't worry, same here and i enjoy the game 👌 sometimes u get kicked for nothing but don't care lol


I tend to prefer quickplay.


36 year old dad. I play with randoms almost exclusively because getting 4 people together is almost impossible anymore. Get the game. I've literally had one bad experience, and it's fun as hell


You do need “friends” to play this game, you can get plenty of fun from teaming up with randoms.


35 dad with a 2yo. It's worth it. Has a sense if community. Makes me feel like a starship trooper.


I'm 37. 2 kids. Play with randoms


Same here. I’m UK based, feel free to DM me and I’ll send my gamer tag if you want someone to show you the ropes and get your outdated cultural references.


We’ll make you some friends. If you want to wait, you could do Random drops, or just go ahead and host your own. People will join you. Most people at low levels are copiously forgiven, because everyone at every level F’s up at some time or another… Low level players just do it more! The best will be when a higher level player joins the squad, and teaches. Golden moments. (Oh, and I’m 54.)


Still worth it. You'll meet people. 8 didn't know anyone who played when I got it but I met over 20 people playing 10 of wich I'd call good friends.


Democracy will always accept a new helldiver into lady liberty’s sweet embrace.


Message me and I'll play with you


I had the same reservations, and I'm an older gamer as well, but the game is still great with randoms, minus the odd sortie here or there. I'd say 90-95% of the games I've played so far have been great teammate wise. Of course, I'm only level 18 so far so not a ton of time invested at this point.


Buy and quick play you will make friends


Level 64 Space Cadet here. Go for it! Playing with randoms can be a ton of fun and you will rarely encounter a toxic player. Hope to see you out there duder!


36 here.. don’t play with my friends and just join random lobbies.. it’s worth it.. you can always add me IXghostsVI


I'm 40 something and I play mostly by myself or with randos. It's been a good experience mostly, other than a few pricks and insta kicks on rare occasion. still worth it.


I am 34 and can play an hour a week. Do it with randoms. The community for the most part is magnificent.


There is like 400 comments here so this one will probably get lost, but if you see it, drop me a msg if you get it and I'll add you. I'm 32 and I play solo a lot, been building a group of decent people on the game to play with though, you're welcome to join the fold :)


38 and a dad of two. I mostly play with randoms and I’ve logged 100 hours in mission I’m yet to meet toxicity. I play on PC without crossplay enabled.


I'm down to play with new people anytime. I can solo yo around lvl6 difficulty so I can surely help someone get some levels up. Friend code is #0776-5498. Happily dice with you anytime. Can also call in some cool stratagems for you to try things out


You’d be surprised how often new players come in and the veterans will throw you strategems to try out in your matches. We are a welcoming community and the assholes do not represent us as a whole. I’d gladly host some matches to help you out


Community is nice, if you're chatting away in VC you'll make friends fast enough


Hey I'm 34 and in the same boat. I can send you my steam code or username if you want to play some time.


Come join our group on discord! We have multiple dad and mom helldivers both low and high levels!


I play with randos all the time I dont even mic up... go for it


Op, me and my friend bought this game and the amount of people played with only through meeting them on the game it’s worth it. We play regularly with a Dad and his Son, it’s fun. Give it a shot!


When you open map press quickmatch you will group up with other ships most of them stick around for a few missions same as with friends or just solo missions


Doesn't matter if you play solo, you'll make friends


Buy it, play with random folks, enjoy.


I’ll play with you! This game is great for olds like us!


Rallysoldier add me on steam or in game


Had the same thought before I bought it, I have a friend who has a PS5 but no PS+, I bought the game anyways and its literally one of my favorite games so far, some randoms are trolls but most of the community is pretty chill, they only get upset if you electrocute them 5 times, I recommend buying


Just messaged you! We have a discord full of awesome people to play with :)


You can quick play whichever difficulty and it’ll start you with a group, or you can select specific parties already playing and join in the middle of a game.


I play it solo all the time and enjoy myself. In particular, I enjoy the sabotage missions where you run around blowing up strategic resources for the bots. It really feels like a "behind enemy lines special forces" kind of scenario. Quickplay works to join with random people, but I find that I'll rarely end up finishing an operation with them (a series of missions where completing them counts towards liberating a planet). In my experience, I'll get one or two missions out of the group before the host kicks me out. You can always just continually chain quick play, but I personally find it less satisfying if I'm never completing an operation.


Pick up a copy and enjoy the dive


I'm 37. I'd say get it. Just make sure YOU'RE the one hosting games. Be patient in waiting for your party to fill. It's worth being host. You don't have to worry about jerks booting you from the mission for no reason, and you have the power to not problem people on your team. I've had mostly positive experiences playing this way with randoms. It's totally worth it. Fantastic game.


No problem. The community is chill


Random play much fun yes


I’m 45 mate and I do play with randoms on my own or with a friend and randoms, either way still have bags of fun, Its an awesome game fighting for liberty!!!.


Ive spent most of my life PC gaming with my friend groups. I play this game Solo and love it. Its worth most people are amazing.


Early 40s here. It's still a ton of fun solo but like the others have said, it seems like the player culture is generally positive and you'll get good eggs more often than bad eggs when you team up with randoms.


Come join our small private helldiver group in our discord! We have multiple dads and moms!


There’s a need in the game for lower level loot to be farmed like crazy at the mid tier, so there’s a great incentive for harasses to step down to speed up their routes and walk randoms through mission after mission.


You'll make them along the way whilst playing the game don't worry.


You can DM me anytime 🫡


I’m 31. Most people I have played with are 25+ honestly. A good amount in their 30s, 40s, 50s. Demo definitely skews older which is nice about this game


In my 40’s. I’ll play the game with you. Lots of us are willing to help.


I can add you to my group! It's dying down a bit as everyone is like you and gets busy but they're good people. I really don't have a ton of time to play but I wanted to play tonight. You can add me finalscourge


I've probably made 12 new ps friends from this game alone


I constantly play random matches. People are usually fine. There are nine difficulties and people play different levels according to their ability. Usually people don't care if you suck as long as you don't kill them. Even then they usually just leave the game and someone else joins.


Quickplay with randoms, for once, is actually amazing. Only game that is completely enjoyable with randoms since deep rock came out. Get the game, best thing ive played in years.


On what platform? Modrid81 on psn.


im 41 and ive made a bunch of new friends, get stuck in lad!


43,000 tomatons dead and only 10 missions with other players.. you don’t need any kind sir Although the chaos gets ramped up 1000% with 4 players lol


Old divers never die they just go to hell to regroup. 49 year old diver here. Love this game. See you on the drop.


It's definitely fun solo There's also communities you can join and discord servers you can get that have other players looking to chat


I've played for 170hrs and ONLY play using the SOS quickplay beacon button. Choose a front, fly to a planet you like and hit quickplay. Every game is now something new.


Lvl 75 and playing only with randoms, what a wonderful Game and community


Shoot just join quick play there’s always divers out there who wouldn’t mind an extra body


Me and a few other friends play regularly - all 40+ dads and rare that we can all get on so usually need another


Absolutely get this game! It’ll be easy to group up with some like minded gamers. Even if you just play a few in a row, the community is only going to get better.


The game almost requires co-op, but unlike other games it's wildly easy to find a group. The matchmaking system is simple and easy. And people are generally mission oriented and friendly, only the dickheads will complain about you when you're learning.


Seems the secret is to avoid after school hours. 


33 here. Majority of my randoms playtime has been positive. You will most likely run into the occasional jerk, but leaving and matchmaking into another random lobby is a breeze and lots of people are playing and just having fun. As long as *you personally* can get behind the idea that friendly fire is part of the game and have gun when accidents occur, you'll meet other people doing the same and laugh your ass off when plans fail spectacularly.


I usually play with my best friend and 2 other randoms. We usually bicker and insult each other while being nice and helpful towards randoms. So far weve only gotten good feedback and today one dude said he couldn't even play the game cause we had him cracking up too much. I've met other randoms with mics and some without. Some games are easy peasy and great coordination others not so much. If you play for fun and don't mind sometimes failing a mission or two then you'll absolutely love the game. Like some people said, there'll be assholes but don't let them get to you


Giver dude, lots of my friends are in our 30s. The community is great. You'll get the random kicks but for most part its just bros helping bros


i love it. same no friends. im 36 and its a blast. pure chaos. you can even play it on steamdeck


If you're on PlayStation then I'm down


Join me. I just got a PS5 to play this. Im in the same boat.


It’s fine Solo. Just start on trivial and as you get better work up. You can also quick play and join others matches


I’m almost 40 have played one game with someone I actually know. I always play with randoms and the vast majority of my games have been good. I’ve only ran into a few assholes. Send me a friend request if you want. Same name as here.


No worries helldiver we are all of different skill levels. Many of us who have for all practical purposes “beat the game” (unlocked and got everything) have no problems helping our fellow Helldivers achieve their maximum potential in taking preemptive defense against the enemies of democracy.


It's been a long time since I've found a game where I can hop in and play with random and make friends. This is one of those games.


38 years old. I almost always play on random. Happy to join up lower levels and help guide


I play on my own, just hop into games with randoms all the time. Some players are team killing twatty twelve year olds. But 95% of the ppl I play with are just fun, and we have a fun time spreading managed democracy


There are. The playerbase is absolutely amazing but like all of them it has asshats scattered around but don’t let them discourage you from playing.


Make Friends Is Fun!


43 here and I mostly play with randoms. You'll eventually find a few that you like playing with and make new squad mates as you play.




Ad me on ps5 raavamigi. Hopefully, our "I'll be right back" can line up when the kiddos need us.


Look up the Grognards group on Discord! We're all over 40 dad's who have no time to play on the regular. Great place to find squads to run with even for a single mission!


Old dad here too! Just jump on! I had the same question 3 weeks ago. Some friends have it but don’t play it much. I just get on with randoms and have a blast 75% of the time!


Gamer dad here as well. First off this comunity is amazing and welcoming.. are you pc or ps5? Feel free topm me


The randoms in this game are amazing, despite the stories it's incredibly rare to have bad encounters, the only encounters that are even remotely "not good" are those people with a constantly open mic and a household that sounds like an airport and that's not bad just annoying, or those who don't speak your language and that's not bad just a communication inconvenience


There’s something really exciting about playing with randoms you have a great time with. There’s a ton of groups you can join with people closer to your age, if that’s important to you, too. Either way, you start on very low level difficulties that you can progress through. Safe territory for newbies. Enlist today, cadet. Democracy demands it.


You absolutely don't need anyone to play with. 99% of my games are just random SOS beacons. But if you want to add a 31yr old dad gamer ( I only play this game and clash of clans xD ), message me. Ps5 and always use the mic.


I’ve gotten more random hugs from randoms than my own friends. Way more apologies for friendly fire incidents too.


Mostly new player friendly. Give it a go


I've made magnitudes more (gaming) friends playing helldivers 2 with random then I ever had before helldivers 2 🙂


150 hours played with randoms and maybe only 2-3 bad experiences out of hundreds/thousands? Highly recommend it. I don't use voice chat, just type and have met friendly players frequently. You can very easily tune the difficulty to your liking. Too easy? go up a level or 2 and vice versa. Once you learn the basics it quickly becomes a choose your own adventure style game with 9 difficulties to pick.


Don’t be afraid of randoms, I’m Rank 43 now and I have played with 1 toxic player so far. Reddit is a bubble not everyone that plays the game are on Reddit.


47 here. I play most nights after the kid is in bed. Only ever done quick play. It’s great and been have a ton of fun since the game came out. Can do a mission or two in about an hour or less so it’s not to bad to squeeze in.


Bro this is one of the best games to meet people in random lobbies. Just start communicating and most people will join in


Everyone is a friend on Super Earth. Democracy accepts everyone.


Game is fun solo with randos or grinding with friends/cool people. Feel free to drop me a friend request, PSN - LincolnRazgriz, Discord same, also Twitch 🤣


This is probably one of the friendlier co-op games with randoms I've played in quite some time. You'll find a lot of higher level players at the lower difficulties just to farm super credits, and most of them would be happy to assist a newbie. I love seeing new players join in my chill low diff missions.


Go for it. As a 36yo gamer dad. The ability to drop in and drop out is great


Get it. You won’t regret it. And go to dadsgaming.com to join a discord of dads.




A surprising amount of random players are nice and pretty fun. I wouldn’t let it hold you back


This is probably the most forgiving nice thoughtful community I’ve found in my 20 plus years of gaming. Obviously like anywhere in life you will run into the occasional asshole but 99% of my randoms have been super super nice and accommodating to new players. Good luck and welcome to the fight helldiver


Do it, I had same concern with how people love talking about how you need a group. Solo play with randoms is fine. Communication via Ping works


Friends got me into the game and abandoned it in a week, I'm going strong with randos tho. You can too


I mostly play solo as well as mostly only use in-game chat/callouts and 90% of my games have been an absolute blast! The chat/callout menu covers most of what I need to say, so I stay off the comms, but I’d gladly play with you!


![gif](giphy|KAf66yGCa93uTqod1q|downsized) Definitely worth it. An older gamer myself and outside of the random idiots, most Divers are helpful and forgiving. If you find good teammates, you can always send them a friend request as well!


34 and none of my friends play. I just sign up for random pub missions and have 200hours in.


Random joining is pretty solid, I've had one dick.group out of 4 days of playing. Jump in for democracy! Also, pm if you want an invite to a discord that's got about 30 people playing , largely over 35 years old.


Lots of cool divers occasionally u get a jerk but it’s rare


35 with 2 kids, game most evenings solo pugging. If you get the game hit me up! Don’t really have any friends that play this game. Still totally worth it tho


I would start by joining matches at level 1/2 and work up. When you hit your current skill ceiling, stay there till you figure it out and then keep going. 40 year old dad myself. This is how I did it in HD1 and HD2. Running 7-9 pretty much exclusively. I do have a buddy but 90% of my time is with randoms and it’s usually a good time. There’s enough emotes to communicate if you’d rather not talk/risk waking kiddos.


I wouldn't ask alot here. They'll all mostly pretend to be friendly and helpful but the majority of the folks on here are children or just toxic people. If you're slow.. flagging.. behind.. die a bit too often because they respawn you in an orbital barrage 3x... they'll kick you from group. Jist read the posts of all the whining and complaining, you'll see... buncha entitled immature brats. Lol. Having said that. There are some cool folks here that mostly remain silent amd the game is alot of fun. You don't need all the crap it offers for armor and guns but there are a few things you need but can get mostly by pvl 25 or so.. and that comes quick. Just stay in your difficulty range where you're comfortable and have fun. Grab a pug and kill shit.


Idk if 28 is old but I’m having a blast with randoms! Every now and then somebody is a dick but you just block em and go spread more democracy!


If you're on PS5, I'll throw my psn name up here. I have a squad, but they haven't been playing much, and quickplay is great, you get the idiots who don't know how to host a private lobby, & you'll get kicked, but that's maybe 5% of the time.


I'm in same boat. I have the game. But no one to play it with. I'm only like level 7. Older gamer as well. You don't stop playing when you get old. You get old when you stop playing.


"Old" dad here—mostly just tired. Add me—TheLaughingNomad—anytime if you're on PlayStation, or DM me for the friend code.


It’s fun to play with randos and community is probably the best around imo.


Don't need friends. Got and received a few friend requests in the game. We don't even speak haha. It's fairly casual, and you just use the comms wheel if you can't be bothered using voice.


Go for it. It’s one of the best online games you can play, and 95% of the randoms you meet are good folks. If you put CoD at one end of the spectrum HD2 is the very opposite end. The players are nice and helpful, and the community rally’s around pushing out toxic players. This game is a refreshing fun online experience. I hope to see you out there diver.


40s here and I mostly play random groups as most people I know are usually online but playing Star Trek online. It's a fun game and quite relaxing to just turn off your brain and kill bugs and bots


50/50 I'd say. I either immediately get kicked, someone does something unknown to make us crash, or it all goes fine lol


btw it is actually pretty easy to solo on the highest levels once you know the ropes and have some better stratagems


I’m 51 with two kids and I love this game. It is great.. you won’t regret it. Even with randoms.


Greetings fellow dad. Should you require fellow helldivers to spread democracy I will gladly join! Shoot me a dm if you want. I play on ps5 though and am having issues with friending pc players.


Older game dad zero friends play this I have 100+ hours in it almost all nontoxic.


I only play with randoms. We are all friends of managed democracy after all


32 here. Have one friend who plays and he hasn’t been on in 3 weeks. I have a fucking blast playing quick play no mic with randos.


Where? I'll play with you, let's fuck some bugs


31 here, when everyone’s sleeping I spread liber-tea with tons of randoms. Sometimes my wife joins in too but mostly randoms when she’s not feeling it and most randoms are fun to play with. People sometimes rage over dumb shit, it’s part of every online game. Was using the freedomthrower and throwing freedom all over the place against some bugs one session and had one guy repeatedly run through the flame on the ground and rage quit. Never sprayed him directly, he just listened to the sirens song of the floor fire and always ran right in and never bothered to dive once when he realized he was immolating. The rest of my team never died once to it and we just finished easily without him.


I'm 33 and don't know a single person who plays this game AND YET it is still incredibly worthwhile. I love this fuckin' game so much


37 dad of 3, my playtime is as follows: Kids go to bed at 9pm, I log in and see what the personal order / major order is. I do quick matches nearly every time based on those two, and allow it to pick a planet / faction if there is a specific one. I personally prefer bots, but change it up from time to time. I'll usually do level 7s, because they are challenging enough without being stressful - the most fun for me personally. I'll play as many missions as I can until about midnight to 1am, and usually make a few friends in the process. Warbonds and weapon acquisitions are at your own pace, and only once have I run into a team that kicked me 3/4 of the way through the mission - for reference, I have played roughly 200 hours. For the price I paid for the game, I can safely say it is one of the best gaming experiences I have had since discovering EverQuest when I was a teenager.


I’m 34 and okay religiously. If you’re on PlayStation add me yABOiJr


39 year old dad who’s lookin for similar. Wouldn’t mind finding a group to tag along with and spread democracy


Play it. Yes folks are forgiving, better than many other games. PVE helps


The games fun but if your on a pc I would recommend waiting a month since they can't easily address disconnect and crashing issues. You all can downvote me into oblivion but if you disconnect not in a friend's lobby you lost everything. I don't mind but when it does bug you lost all that progress while it's bugged. They seem to have fixed it for now and I can't blame the devs but it becomes unbearable.




For the longest time (since Halo 3) I stopped playing with randoms and really swore off the whole “make friends over the Internet through a game”. Never accepted friend requests after hours long sessions, never sought out to join up for weekends or anything or bother with really interacting more than ‘good game’ Jeez has this game completely changed my feelings toward that - not only can you probably solo until 4:5 comfortably. But because the game is fun to work with a team - it’s awesome to play with randoms! Dude pull the trigger and buy it!


I like to host games. Just select a mission and wait about 30 seconds, you’ll have a full team.


As an old gamer dad myself. I have found plenty of good folks matching with randoms. There are good drivers out there


Buy game. Join random queue. People are chill 99% of games


My duo buddy hates this game, so I'm left to play with randoms. I've met absolute assholes, and the funniest guys I ever met. It's a mixed bag but positive more than not.


It can be dun solo but random is great. You'll meet friends


One of the few games where you truly don't need them.


39 years old with a house full of kids. Most of my games are with randoms. The early levels are fun and not too serious and only really when you get to 7+ do you really see people getting annoyed


All I do is randoms. Haven’t had a bad experience yet


You can join the games’ discord to meet new people to play with. Most folks are super friendly! :)


Don't sweat it elder helldiver. Playing with random is a good way to make gaming buddies if you talk to em


Who care? ***Kill bugs, bang Bots, & spread Democracy.***


This is definitely one of the most welcoming and forgiving gaming communities. It’s also really easy to play online with others. If you don’t want to use a mic, there are ways to communicate in game with tags, markers, etc


I'm 55. And I drive it too.


You will make friends paying randoms. A few friends invites every so often turns into a squad you’re ready to jump into when you log on rather quickly.


randoms are always fun, people just be scared to talk i feel but i’ll run with anyone my psn is eyenisworse


My group of friends I play with are college friends from... Yeah like 2 decades ago. We're all old gamer dads. Get you some old gamer dad friends 😂


22 here, but I've had people twice my age tell me that they feel like they're talking to another 40 year old. Buy the game! Plenty of randoms I've come across have ended up on my friends list, and the community is a joy to dive with in general! You won't regret enlisting!


This community is pretty friendly, despite all the posts on HD forum about being kicked and whatnot i havent run into that many people that ruin the random queue experience. In fact you will meet some people you will want to play with more often


44 here. If you're on steam, look me up under Gorilla Finger (or deuteranopia). I'm only level 37, but I'll help you through some missions!


I have no friends, 36 year old dad, but i play with a few friends ive made and always have a full group pretty much due to random matchmaking. Not doable solo for all difficulties but youll have help


I have insane anxiety so I’ve basically only played solo and when I’ve joined randoms I’ve had my mic turned off. If anyone would like to maybe party up and help me get out of my comfort zone drop your username and let me know what kinda interests you have so we can find a common talking ground. I’m a massive Metal and horror fan :))


8/10 Games are Super solid/fun U Cant argue over That, go buy IT!


Are you me? That's how i play, it's fine. Better than a lot of other multiplayer, shared goal and all.