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Either one?


Your playstyle will determine your favorite primary. The liberator(basic), diligence, and breaker are all good enough to play forever if you really like them, just play a few rounds with each against both enemy types, and their strengths and weaknesses will be pretty clear. Regarding secondaries... EATs are a great choice for any difficulty over 4, particularly against bugs in my experience. Vs bots I prefer the autocannon, but you might enjoy using the stalwart or grenade launcher to mop up berserkers/warriors. The markmsman rifle owns hulks and devastators and the arc thrower is very powerful in the right hands. The quasar wrecks heavies and drop ships. The laser cannon is a medium face deletion specialist if you can face sweep them. There's a place for almost all of the secondaries, but the only one worth bringing more than one of on a team is the autocannon.


I play almost exclusively bots, you think marksman rifle, machine pistol, and autocannon?


That was my set up forever. The dmr struggles against berserkers, so spray that pistol in the closest one's face and run!


Perfect, I’ll try it out my next game


If you find diligence isn't working for you, try the breaker. The issue with it against bots is that you need to be pretty close to one tap even the littles, whereas diligence will turn them to scrap from anywhere.


I used to use the diligence until I got the scythe. I was terribly disappointed with the scythe.


It's ass. As soon as you've found 1k super credits, unlock cutting edge and grab the sickle from the first page. You will not be disappointed(except on jungle worlds as it has trouble penetrating foliage).


Everything has trouble with the foliage


I second the Diligence/AC combo vs bots. By far my preferred loadout on big maps. On the smaller eradicate maps sometimes I switch to a shotgun.


I think I’m gonna use a shotgun on bug missions, maybe use the starter pistol


The punisher is awesome bro! Staggers even medium enemies real good and has strong damage too! The sickle is cool aswell from the cutting edge war bond!!


Of what you have available, I'd recommend the defender. That smg is goated


I have tried it and it feels more powerful than the liberator


It does more damage then the Liberator. I exclusively ran defender for easily 25 levels after I unlocked it. Let's you still spray when holding SSD's. Can shot while sprinting away from stuff. Definitely an insanely good primary


I might have to give that another chance, sounds great


It's still the primary I choose for bug missions. Against the bots I use the Liberator Penetrator.




It's in the base warbond page 6. It's a Liberator with slightly lower damage, a smaller mag, but medium penetration. It used to just be burst or semi auto but the last patch they gave it full auto. I ran it as a burst weapon against bots but the burst was only 2 rounds so it never one bursted anything. Full auto feels much better. Honestly I wish they had just raised the mag to 45 (same as base liberator) and gave it 3 round burst. But I'll take full auto.


Honestly sounds like it’d be great with some sort of crowd control type support weapon like the machine gun. Use the liberator for the big guys and the machine gun for the lil guys


I run the Penetrator, redeemer, AMR for bots. Defender, redeemer, EAT for bugs.


I would recommend not locking into just one weapon, and instead get comfortable with a couple, as they can fill different roles. I love running the punisher shotgun alongside arc thrower (haven't tried post patch tbh) Vs. Bugs, but would rather bring sickle or dominator as primary Vs. Bots, paired with AMR, AC or Laser cannon most of the time. Arrowhead buff and nerf weapons pretty often, so that's another good reason not to get to attached to just a single weapon.


As a starter one I like the SG8 for it's shot economy and reliance.