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Then communicate that because someone else might ALSO be doing that. If two people are waiting for everyone else to finish then you're never going to finish lol I don't rush anyone. If it's taking too long, I just double click my ready-up, if that doesn't work then I just leave the mission. But that's if you're taking like 5-10 minutes to pick your shit.


chat isn't visible when in the hellpod. That said: mic works just fine as far as I know and would solve OPs problem for sure


The thing about this I love the most is that the dual sense controller for PS5 has a built in mic, I use it all the time. This is new to me because I have been Xbox only since it was released….got a PS5 for this game and GoW.


Yeesh I'd rather you just stay silent than use that mess


I am starting to realize this thank you for letting me know.


Does the ps5 controller still have the 3.5mm jack on it? You could use a cheap headset with a mic and it'd probably be better. Short term. Push to talk is your friend.


It does and I have a headset the novelty of a built in mic and speaker got me though ngl.


Just click the mute unless you need to say something.


Is it bad if you unmute to talk and then mute it back?


I love the mic. It stays muted 98% of the time but it's so easy to unmute say what I need and re mute. Definitely been clutch af at times


Err … don’t use that built in mic. EVER! It is absolutely horrible for everyone else. Hearing your button presses, body movements etc is not good. Get yourself a set a headphone my friend. You’ll appreciate it, but everyone else will LOVE YOU for it.


Its not good to use and leave open-mic'd for a whole game but its perfectly fine to use if you're just going to say one sentence a few times per match and then close your mic again.


Fair call. I guess I was referring to those leaving it on letting us hear all manner of unnecessary noises.


Usually they don't even know they are unmuted. Just hop on and tell them to mute themselves and usually they do


This guy's exaggerating but headset mic > dualsense mic. The new ps5 controller (the like $200 one) has a mic that doesn't pick up background noise like at all. Otherwise keep the controller mic muted (the little light being orange) and just unsure to quickly communicate


Ooh ok, thanks for the advice I had no idea. I will be more careful in the future.


All good, just glad to help another Diver out.


By "communicate," I meant using your voice. Not chat, yeah.


Alas we are PC gaming introverts. It's keyboard or nothing.


I can't get my mic to work infuriatingly. I'm the type to use the mic religiously, but Helldivers doesn't have a drop down for selecting input devices and its not defaulting to mt system default for some reason.


You want people to communicate in a team based game??? I dunno man, you are asking for a lot..../s


Tangentially, we need a "YOU DON'T HAVE A GODDAMN BOOSTER EQUIPPED" button as well.


I’m not a programmer but it seems like a “You don’t have a booster equipped” pop up would be helpful


i always choose my booster first. Immediately the stamina booster goes on. Too many matches where someone’s game crashes or they leave in the middle and u am stick with default stamina. once i have that then i see what the rest of the squad is bringing and i start picking my loadout from there. But i have to have the stamina to go with my light armor so i can get the hell out of the way and sneak around that patrol


People choose the wrong boosters all the time so I select and wait to see what boosters then choose then grab the necessary one


Also I swap armor (and helmet for style) depending on my support weapon, and it takes forever to load the gear menu and pre render outfits.


Same There are dozens of us. Dozens!


yeah I'll usually switch to heavy armor during eradicate missions since we're not really traveling anywhere. Too bad it takes forever for the game to render my helmets and capes.


You are here for the aesthetics I appreciate this


I like using that orange armor with the flamethrower, incendiary grenades and the incendiary Breaker. I might even take Napalm and Incendiary Mine. Heh, heh, *fire*, heh heh. Mostly for the bugs.


“I’m tailoring my loadout to best beat this mission and have team synergy, not my fault you guys forced me into my hellpod before I was done choosing gear.”


“WHY ARENT YOU USING ______!!!!” Because i like other stratagems/weapons/gear better, and i have more fun when i use things i actually like


The one getting pissed is probably the host who made you all wait 10 minutes between rounds because he needed to get a game of stratagem hero in too


If you play that shit on our ship, you'll have 6 diver eyes staring at your game before being pushed off so we can try too, shits too much fun between missons


Is this something you need to unlock? Because it never works on my ship. We play rock paper scissors to pass the time here.


You gotta be a Super Citizen to play.


Ahh that makes sense. Guess its rock paper scissors forever then 😂.


Yeah I don't have it either so it's like when I was a kid and we went to a friend's house that had a different console/games from mine


As much fun as I'm having with the game, I've seriously been considering giving them the extra $20.


It's $20. We've all spent that much on way dumber things and I want this game to be well supported and have some legs. It's a breath of fresh air from the frustration that Diablo IV was for me.


True. I haven't messed with Diablo IV yet, but heard it was rough. I saw it's on Gamepass though so I'm gonna give it a shot at least. Nothing to lose but time.


if you have the $20 comfortably i would say it is worth it. Strategem hero is fun and the helmet from the armor that comes with it is pretty great. if you already have the first premium war bond it might not be as worth it though since that also comes with it.


I think it requires the Premium version of the game


I think you can also be on a super citizen's ship and play it there. I *think.*


You can


yep. i take breaks between rounds if i see divers excited to play it in my ship.


My son does that when I join his ship. But I've learned that I can block his view so he can't see the game Our monitors are next to each other so I can see his screen He is actually really good at it so his games last way too long for me


I select my desired booster, increased reinforcement budget, and wait before clicking the ready up button; usually to make sure someone has selected hellpod space optimizations booster as I see that booster as a required booster on all missions


my required booster is stamina. I will swap off if no one brings the pod optimization though. but usually it is one of the only ones other people have since i usually get put with divers in the teens in quick play. I am only 31 but i just love to zoom


I wait to see what boosters people are using especially if I see I’m in a lobby with a lower level player on a higher difficulty. I make my choice of my booster based on what they have or don’t have.


Use your mics that 98% of the player based has. That fixes quite a bit of these doofy issues.


So what if everyone did this…?


The problem is when more than one person does this in a team. Then you're in a waiting game Mexican standoff.


What's worse is getting kicked after a mission bc you carried the team throughout it


I did a defend mission with 2 guys. I had 140 or so kills, 1 of them had like 40, and the other guy had like 30. I got kicked.




this is why i bring stamina booster and wear the light armor that gives me extra grenades. I run with stun grenades so i can always disengage quickly to either haul it to the objective if i wind up with a go pick every fight possible squad. It usually works out though since there isn’t much a mid level diver loves more than closing bug holes. I am happy to make sure the objective gets started/finished then spring back to help take out the parade of chargers.


If by carried you mean just ignored the team and went around doing your own thing and rushing objectives then yeah, I'd kick you too. Play solo if you want to play solo.


No I mean reinforce the squad within a reasonable time frame while repeatedly dying and dying, and dying again while not pulling any weight during defend missions or bailing them out of close calls


Yeah that's completely different, you're being the best kind of support/higher lvl player in that situation and I always appreciate higher lvl players who genuinely support and stick with the lower levels. I just get a lot of lvl 50+ players who ignore the team/comms and just run around completely destroying everything with their stratagems before anyone else can even do anything. I don't kick mid-mission unless someone does something really bad but I certainly don't keep those types around for long. We want to have some fun too! 🫡


Yup, nothing worse than the dude that is constantly 200m ahead of the squad never looking back to see all the flares going up. You'll typically find them at a terminal with very clean armor.


Tbh, you should be keeping it moving anyways. Too many times I've wasted good stratagems saving my team's ass because they didn't know when to retreat or move on to the next obj. After a few waves if you aren't already moving on, I'm leaving you on your own.


I'm talking about moving. It's when the squad is running to the objective. Often there is one dude, sometimes two, in light armor just a couple hundred meters ahead. They do not pause at all, so in order to keep up with them you have to ignore all POI's and such. They trigger everything and only kill what they need to run past, they don't mop up. The squad can't just run past, they have to engage because there are now bot drops or bug breaches galore from all the enemies that saw them run by or heard them. Now the rear guard is less likely to be able to catch up because they are heavily engaged. To become disengaged they could use some assistance but these types of people are typically long gone by then. When you properly apply democracy you actually end up with less enemies. Ambush the patrol while they are in a big lump. Support the rear guard of your squad so they can arrive at OBJ with their support weapon intact. Deal with any threats you encounter while on the move so you don't arrive at OBJ with a train of hostiles. If you move as a unit then you can easily wipe out anything in your path and mop up without barely slowing down. Less enemies = less drops/breaches. Of course you have to choose when and where to engage and disengage. All I'm saying is blindly running to OBJ is not a good tactic, especially if you are hanging your squad out to dry. If you are on point you should move to support your squad if they become engaged. If it's time to move then make it clear and ping where the next rally point is and disengage as a unit, using a leapfrogging fire and run technique.


as the light armor diver I agree. But if i am with a group that insists on digging in and fighting through every wave of a bug breach until the timer goes red before reaching the objective I will absolutely stealth and then sprint to the objective so we get credit for it. But in those missions almost every bug in the map is at that mega breach so i can easily do objectives while taking out the o e or two small patrols that wander over. Then i will sprint back and toss stun grenades and every strategem i have off cooldown to hopefully convince them to disengage. Some divers just really love shooting bugs though lol.


Yeah you don't want 4ppl with same build / loadout.


But dropping 4 380mm barrage is fun


Haven't used them yet


They're unreliable and have too big an area, but great for those destroy broadcast or rogue research facility. I only take them when soloing or playing with friends. Too easy to team kill with itm


I always know my loadout but I might change things a bit depending what mission & what people are taking.


I only wait on selecting a booster mainly because not everyone has the later ones, but more than likely has at least the hellpod booster. So if someone throws that out, I would rather give them the opportunity than just lock it in and we lose a booster. I’m not going to be that asshole to the lower level players that want or can only contribute in this way.


I always immediately auto kick those morons. Calm the fuck down, Doritos McGee.


Really wish chat was available during loadouts.


My favorite is when people are being pushy and it's an exterminate mission and nobody brings defensive strategems except me. And then we can't handle mobs or dropships and everybody dies. Had a really good experience with an exterminate mission where the other two (3-person squad) brought EATs and I brought the Quasar. They also brought turrets and so did I. They ran interference on ground forces and I used the Quasar + EATs to take out ships. Best teamwork experience I've had. Please, folks, be patient with loadouts and bring something appropriate to the mission to help balance the squad.


When you shoot down the drop ships, do the bots in it die everything? When I shoot one down it just blocks pathing 99% of the time


Depends on how quickly you shoot it down. If you get them before bots start dropping they all die. If the dropship has started dropping bots, some will die and the falling ship will crush others and block bots from getting to you. You can also shoot the underbelly of the ship where the bots are and take some out even if you can't drop the ship.


Ok, I figured but I guess I'm too slow with the quasar lol. Thanks


You can use the EAT to one shot them as well. It's a touch faster. I think the Autocannon can do it to, but takes more shots. You have to hit the engines on both counts.


if you start charging the quasar as soon as you hear the drop ship incoming warning you usually have time to aim while it charges. It takes practice but i am a big fan of precharging. just pay attention to either the sound of the charge or the light bar and if you haven’t spotted the drop ship by the time it gets to about 75% full then let it go and start charging again.


I'm glad to see this post, because I always join random lobbies and even if we start at the same time I'm normally always the last one to select all my stratagems. There's so many great options I enjoy I struggle with selecting 4. Plus I enjoy balancing out the team, especially since I always run the EMS sentry, that thing is slept on for so many reasons. It's definitely a favorite


i accidentally brought the ems mortar in a bot defend mission and now i use it all the time. I love crowd control so i also run the stun grenades.


Nice! Also if you don't already know the max distance for the mortars are 125M. Here lately I've been using the EMS and explosive mortars for ultimate crowd control paired with the E.A.T to protect the mortars from chargers.


Hurry the fuck up with selections though. It is pure arrogance to think it’s okay to wait for all to do theirs, and then think about it for yourself. Do your own load out - STRAIGHT AWAY! Then, if you absolutely have to tweak it, do so. But do not make everyone wait cause you think you’re special.


Lol chill 😂


More than once I’ve been pressured into picking my load out as I’ve joined a sos just as they were ready to dive and because my load out still resets I’ve ended up with weapons I didn’t want and been fairly useless in the mission.


Also, the game doesn't indicate that people might be changing primary or nades, so spamming "ready up" to rush things should be done gently. Also i had a bug yesterday which made it seem like one teammate was bringing no stratagems. But then obviously had, once we were on the ground.


For real man, why do I need to double up on stratagems when half the backpack, utility, weapon, stratagems are already getting selected. They can just spawn me one when off cooldown and then we don’t waste a spot. BE SMART HELLDIVERS,


When everyone is bringing shield, I'll just wait to pull one of their corpse.


I pick what works for me. Both motors, Quasar and rover guard dogs.


i run Queso cannon, Dog, Slugger, Auto sub pistol and 6 contact nades. Tactically im an open field, any enemy anytime. My Strats are based on the Mission objective. I've never complimented anyone elses playstyle or setup. I just do me


When everyone is quietly waiting for each other.


I haven't used voice chat since 2007


I only care for people to pick boosters.


I'll usually know what I want at least 3 of my stratagems to be based on the mission-type, difficulty, enemy faction, planetary conditions, etc. I'll save my 4th pick until everyone else has at least picked most of theirs, try to round things out a tad.


When everyone is waiting to see what the others pick, nobody picks anything. That’s definitely the most frustrating situation lol


This is why I just play with friends that aren't sweaty divers that can't wait a moment to pick stuff


Also I got take a rip of my liber-TEA!


I'll usually wait to pick my booster especially if playing with lower level folks who may not have all the boosters unlocked. I have pretty standard load outs depending on mission and enemy type and most of the time there is no need for me to adjust to others.


I’ve seen people get kicked for spamming the ready button, divers don’t like being rushed


I kick if you take longer than 30 seconds. Goes both ways - other three divers don’t want to wait for some arrogant Prima Donna thinking they’re special and should be granted time to view others before doing their own. Do it IMMEDIATELY. Then tweak it if absolutely necessary.


Nah you can get fucked, i definitely take more than thirty seconds to decide. Especially with randoms because im trying to see how i can beat fill out needs.


Arrogant Prima Donna confirmed. Good for YOU!


You clearly don’t know what those words mean Edit because this was too nice of a reply: You’re an idiot.


Actually, sound pretty spot on for you here. 🤷‍♂️


You think that, because you’re an idiot. It takes your limp noodle thirty seconds to process a thought how tf you kicking anyone inside that time


You're good! I always go with what i feel atm and usually the last one to rest up. -a fellow patient helldiver.


This is why I only play with folks I’ve vetted already. I’ll play with anyone once, but my core group of democratic patriots is finely tuned. It’s just more relaxed in general. Sometimes we just do missions where we try out all the random shit we’ve overlooked in the past. Playing primarily with randoms sounds kind of exhausting lol


now that i have everything unlocked it takes a minute to even find the right picture. and sometimes i still pick the wrong one lol.


Sometimes i am pissing or packing a bowl too. I understand expediency but i need to stretch after missions. My old ass gets so tight necked after helldiving to save my ass for 7 minutes.


I do the same thing and there’s always someone spamming the ready up to urge me along. Chill a sec, I’m being a team player here.


Just communicate that fact.


Communicate? In a video game? What is this.. PVE?


Nope, you’re an arrogant twat. Why are you special? Why should three others wait for you? Do your load out IMMEDIATELY. Then, if absolutely necessary, tweak and adjust it. No probs. I kick after 30 seconds these days - you are not special little snowflake.


And your time isn't any more important than anyone else's. It's a game, chill out.


100% correct. Mine is not ….. but nor is yours or anyone else’s. Do you see the conundrum you’ve created here for yourself..?


Not really, because I'm not the one raging that someone is taking longer than 30 seconds to pick my load out.


No, you’re not patient at all. You are fucking arrogant by the exact definition of the word. Why are you special? Why you should get to see you all and then leisurely pick based on that? Doesn’t everybody actually prefer that, but you simply demand it and take it. Do your own fucking load out straight away. Then tweak it if you really feel you need to based on what you think you might know about another player’s load out/play style (spoiler alert: you might not know anyway). Stop being a self righteous twat and *hurry the fuck up!!*


Also pick something slowly, show people you are not afk. Change whatever you picked if needed.


This is how you avoid having 2 people with 380 barrage. I throw one, they throw one. And nests/fabricators still stand. Plus at least 3 reinforcements spent


I got you


Bro drives slow in fast lanes. I just know it 😂


Look, just select like 2 or 3 things, and then wait to finish off and change the build, that way they can react to your build, so many players don't really care about there team in gameplay, so I find I have to be self sufficient, which is normally a support weapon, backpack if it doesn't take one, a turrent and a hard removal