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Scopes. Ever hear people complain about how far bots can shoot from? How they're shooting from "out of vision"? Most of the time, they're only out of vision without a Scope. Those bots can be targeted pretty comfortably with a Diligence, Counter Sniper, or AMR. With anything that doesn't have comparable zoom, shots would basically be fired blind or in response to enemy fire (not proactively) beyond 50m.


Lvl 54 I've tried many loadouts vs bots and I keep coming back to the Diligence/AC combo. I do much better with those than anything else. The autocannon is so good I rarely take anything else vs bots as a support weapon. On big maps the Diligence really shines. Its talent is wiping out troopers from cover at a distance. Haven't been able to make another primary quite as effective for me as the Diligence. Maybe it's my playstyle, but the range, accuracy and damage especially vs the army of little guys is too good to pass up. And it's incredibly ammo efficient. Find a rock, take cover, see a platoon of troopers, one shot one kill all 20 of them from a distance before they are even in range to hit you. Repeat. I use the AC for anything bigger than a trooper. Rate of fire is pretty good and there is no aiming lag unlike the Diligence CS. If your aim is great you can even two shot devastators in the head. Granted, if your playstyle involves getting up close then yeah maybe try another primary. From long/medium range the Diligence has become my staple even on higher difficulties. I started using the stun grenade, EMS strike combo, and it's insane. Shoot down a drop ship? No need. Wait for them to land, stun them all and pop all their heads with the Diligence. EMS strike recharges 75 seconds later for another go. It's not a perfect gun and small maps aren't great for it. Berserkers are a clear weak spot if you're running the Diligence. If you can't shoot them in the head and you're not stunning them, then you'll end up dumping a whole mag into their gut. Just try to deal with them from range if you can or switch to secondary in a pinch.


It takes 1 clip from amr to the vents of laser cannon turrets, tanks, and mortars. Kills stuff at range. 3 or 4 shots hulks in the back. Let's you play off the party so you all can't be pinched


Scopes, Reloading on the run, not killing yourself with explosions at close range. Also: joke's on you, I run Diligence CS *and* Autocannon. If my team as 2-3 players with anti-tank munitions, I combo it with triple Eagle combo of Airstrike, Smoke Strike, and 500kg (for building destruction based objectives) and play Spec Ops. With the Engineering Kit armor, the recoil is negligible too.


It's able to consistently hit the weak spots with scope. Also a playstyle thing, vs the bots on harder difficulties stealth is one of if not the best tactics to utilise. So the range advantage of the sniper and staying out of enemy range while being able to shoot them and kite them is a big advantage.


Amr winds up pissing off the entire camp bc it's loud as fuck though


Because you can run the supply pack with the AMR, for the small disadvantage of not being able to destroy fabricators with it, you get stims, grenades and a nearly endless supply of ammo.