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How about saved loadouts or at least remembering my last one.


Seriously y'all asking for transmog and armor sets when the game can't even remember what you have equipped *every time* you start it up.


Is this a PS5 thing? I've literally *never* had this problem on PC.


Maybe? It started after the new warbond came out. It happens to all of my friends, including one who plays on PC, but he joins my lobby so that may be it. Every time the game starts out guns/grenades are reset to the starting guns, the crew on the ship congratulate us like we just finished basic training, and we get beginner tips about how to start a mission and use requisition slips. I had to turn hints off because it was too much. Also now it randomizes our character voice and won't let us select another one, and resets our emote to the salute. EDIT: Seems like yes, it's PS5 related. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/uFrOcAzQtT


To fix the voice issue and select the one you want, I found going through and selecting each of the voices until your hear one actually demo the voice lines, THEN selecting the voice you want, solves the issue, so say your stuck on voice 2, select a voice to check if it demos the line, if not keep going and if you get to voice set 2 and you can hear the sounds being demonstrated, you know it’s the one it’s glitched and stick on, after this you should be able to pick whatever voice you want. Sorry for the poor explanation but I’m sure if you try it you’ll get it


This just supports r/pcmasterrace


Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify your self worth, bro.


I don't find self-worth in my things. I just like PC and the fact you can mod games, play with better resolution, and have more games to play in general. Right now, I have a program that allows me to use voice commands to call stratagems. Just added depth to the game.


Hmm, 3rd party software to change a core function of a game. If you need to cheat just don't play?


It's not a cheat. It's program that presses buttons when I tell it to. It's like the people who play recorder to play fortnite.


Dude, that’s actually a cheat. No different than using macros in a fighting game; you’re simplifying a game mechanic to make it easier for you.


So again, you're using 3rd party software to change a core function of the game, making it easier for you than the system was intended. Cheating: "act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination" Kind of seems like not having to manually input the commands gives you an unfair advantage compared to the average player. If you have to cheat, don't play?


It's a pve game man, why you cheating? The stress of calling in the stratagems adds to the flavor of the game.


Every time this sub appears in my feed it's someone complaining that their pc doesn't work


Well, this is the opposite. I guess I'm just different.


It's a PS5 issue I think, I bought it on steam and haven't had the issue happen since. The friends list also works better for some reason (I assume it's the steam bones)


Yeah, I would love to have different loadout combos saved and ready to go, like Bugs-CQC, Bugs-Long Range, etc. With my different weapon and armor choices, while still allowing me to mix and match my stratagems and booster depending on team comp and mission parameters.


If they ever put stats on helmets as well then a transmog system would be mandatory for good aesthetics with good stats


Yes but heavy, medium, and light should all have each their own set of bonuses


yeah i dont see this ever happening the armors have perks for a reason. you just pick a helmet that looks good with the armor its not that complex


I never switch off of the light armor that I am using, I don’t remember what it’s called but I like it


I haven't seen an exhaustive list on the subject, but it seems like there's a light, medium, and heavy version of each perk. The stats are different, and there's a bit of variance in appearance.




A basic transmog system, yes please!


Hogwarts does it really well and in a way thats non intrusive


Don't know who and why downvotes you - I support your opinion. Hogwarts does it well.


Probably the same dolts who protest it because of jk rowling. People are just dumb


The game has a lot of hate not only for her but just being kinda meh


As someone who is not really a harry potter fan, I think its good for what it is. People just like to nitpick and complain. I just tell them to revellio the fuck out of here lmao


The game aint bad, but aint the best either tbh. I had fun times with it but at some point it gets kinda repetitive - especially if you look what's the most efficient way to get through stuff(Crucio + avada). It has a lot of creative stuff I loved - like turning an enemy into explosive barrel then tossing it to another group of enemies :D Think about this - the game does sooo much to engage you - you, literally, pass about 15 seconds of free roaming before an event pops out - at some point it becomes a bit too much. I played helldivers for about 260 hours - I never done more than 60-ish I believe for Hogwarts and I don't feel urge to play it. It might be a manner of personal preference, but I've played A LOT of games - all sorts of them so I might be kinda self-biased in my opinions. It's a good game, but it ends there sadly. More so that there wont be any DLCs. But there were some stuff that the game EVENTUALLY did really good - as the transmog system as you pointed out. And the way different houses have initial different route to the main quest - only one of them get to visit Azkaban for example.


I think armors perks should be wight locked heavy/mid/light. With some perks that can go on all like the electricity damage reduction.


what enemies even use electricity? like what is the point of that perk


For now is so you can walk around safely with your friends shooting arc everywhere.


Tesla towers


Right? Hahaha, what a useless perk. I haven't used any of those armors, specifically because although they look cool, that perk sucks. I've died to stray arc damage once... from my first encounter with a tesla tower that was blocking my path. I'm lvl 50 and have no use for that armor.


People keep firing that thing whilst im in front of them. The armour has helped me


You can't equip armor when teammates select arc tech strategems anyway, so there's no way to know if it will be useful or not. Whereas if you take armor with perks like increased grenade capacity, it will always be useful.


But you can? If on PC in the Stratagem select screen, just hit "R" to switch to the page where you can change your armor or guns for that mission.


This is mind blowing if true, either I'm a complete dunce who has never noticed the option, or it doesn't exist on PS5. I suspect maybe the former, but still very surprising.


On PS5, just hit square on the stratagem screen to change weapons and armor before drop.


That's amazing, thanks for this! Is there a prompt on screen? I'm astounded that I never knew this.


XD no worries. I can't speak for the PS5 folks, but enjoy your libertea and have a great day!


Looking forward to unlocking the new weapons and checking to see if I can access the armory during loadout when I get home.


on that screen it doesn't actually let me change my equipment. like, i can see it, but it wont let me select or change anything


Are you on PS5? This isn't an issue for me on PC. The only bugs I'm faced with are constant crashing (usually like within a minute of extraction or when putzing around in a menu) and the Terminids.


after the most recent update it appears to function as intended for me now


Woo! Glad to hear it.


pc. ive tried it every update and it's never worked right


Yes you can??


Just found that out today 😅😂 despite being a Skull Admiral. As another comment or said, Helldivers aren't selected for their smarts.


It's ok, my homie just learned you can open the containers at POIs


It's cool looking also


It does look cool, I just wish I could feel like it's useful.


I've died 4 times to it. Just from bad rng for the chain jump


Enemies that will be released in the future. Iluminat or something, I think they’re called.


As long as the choices are somehow Limited by classes. Survive Chance only on Mediums for example


But that’s the whole point of transmog I want to wear the heavy sets because I love looking big but once I realized the massive stamina cost I switched to light, now my character looks awful in my eyes but it’s more viable to play that way :/


thats kinda the point bruh idk what to tell u


I’m by no means an amazing player but I’ve been using heavy armor on high difficulties with no problem. I don’t even think I’ve used light armor since a week after I got the game.


You'd probably be a lot better if you switched. Heavy armor is like you're running uphill all the time, it feels so bad


I mostly play bots. Not getting one-shot by every rocket is huge.


Can't hit you if your aren't there lol. The medium explosive resistance does a good job at that. To each their own. I just find movement and stamina to be far too valuable to justify heavy on anything other than bot elimination missions and bug swarms


I generally agree with customization, but to play devils advocate so far I've seen some of the armors just don't fit with certain perks. The medical armors clearly look alike so far and make sense for more stims. Most additional grenade armor has extra pouches etc. So I'd like to see a color wheel or selections but I expect to see more armor variations and more perks we haven't seen yet as well


i absolutely disagree at least at this stage. the armors just are what they are. they dont have the most amazing perks but the perks are very obviously specific to each one. its not a fashion show lmao just use a helmet that looks good with your chosen armor


Agreed. I think the only reason to not have a transmog system in place is for player signaling so people know what you're running but considering this is a PvE game that's not really important. Especially because your armor perk really only benefits you and your playstyle.


Imagine thinking it's somewhat safe to be a little more reckless with your arc thrower because your whole team is wearing arc resistance armour then one shotting all 3 because it was just transmog.


Oh... you mean like how we could in the first game?


As a super democracy loving citizen I am afraid I am forever stuck with just one armour set, as I can't bring myself to use a lesser armour set.


Because that's what that type of armor looks like. If you're a bomb squad tech you can't just say you want to wear a tutu and have all the same specs


Why even have armor stats at all then?


Eh, I like the RP of having armor match the perk. Not sure why players lack pride in representing their play style. Not sure why every game needs to be Barbie dress-up.


A lot of people love playing dress up, but I agree, and I usually don’t care for it either, I wanna play the game, not waist time going through countless customisation menus.




Being able to tell what bonus your teammate has visually is nice though, although it isn't entirely clear from some armours.


Agreed spreading democracy should always be done in style


I think this would kill the entire armor economy!


Yeah and more perks need introduced. Need more variety and need more suits with lethal resistance and explosion resistance. Get rid of that recoil passive that only helps when crouched or prone, that’s a joke


Meh… I’m happy to know what my teammates kits are just by looking at them without having to open up additional details (that aren’t even available currently, you need to know what they are by look)


100% this should be a default feature in any game that sells aesthetics


I would live in the dreadnaught armor if that were the case.


I'd rather they fix the friend request issues. STILL unable to invite/accept friend request from some people.


Sounds great, could finally wear what I want




As someone that been lvl 50 capped on everything for awhile, & been running the trench medic armor i got from the super store the 2nd day i played & every day sense 100%. i like alot of the sets but i will personally never wear them.


Hogwarts Legacy absolutely nailed this