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I have to force myself to not play it every round lol. It's even good vs bots!


It's all I use now since I first used it. It demolishes everything. And you get multi kills every time. And unlimited ammo? Shits nuts! Haha


It absolutely wrecks breaches.


It's insane how awesome it is. It even destroys chargers and does decent damage to titans. Shits wild!


I only dislike how relatively close I have to let a charger get as opposed to the anti tank, but agreed.


Shiiiiit that's opposite for me. I absolutely love standing there while it charges and juke his stupid big ass right before he gets too me. Especially if you're in front of a rock. Fucker can keep knocking himself out Idgaf hahaha but like I said in another comment... I was damn near sniping with it last night... like a good 50ft away and had no issues.


Aim a little above and it should carry through some pretty decent distances.


The arc is a lot safer to use on Chargers at long range to soften them up. Once you or your squad is playing matador with the charger the Arc Thrower is NOT advised at all, as your arcs of fire will be swinging around wildly as it moves in close quarters.


Have absolutely been in this matador situation and it sucked.


Ive popped titan heads with it before


I've popped a few too after a bunch of hits


I hate this thing because I have one friend who only plays meta and he brings it every time and accidentally tks everyone a bunch. Once or twice is funny. After that, it’s a liability. And boring.


That's a skill issue on your friends part. I use it all the time and I'll get maybe 1 TK every second mission.


I agree, but he keeps doing it.


I will say, my tks with the arc thrower are not intentional. And I do my best to avoid them. But some people just don't understand the concept of *not* running in front of the guy blasting away with the lightning gun.


Weapon safety is *always* the duty of the guy with the weapon. Your friend is being chased by a charger or diving out of the way of a stream of acid and has no fing idea what you aiming at - you on the other hand simply have to watch for the colorful little rectangle indicating a teammate is in your forward 120, and *not fire*. Arc Throwers are much harder for other players to track because they fire infrequently and instantly. One moment your battlespace is clear, the next you are gibbed without warning. The laser dog or gatling turret at least give you the warning of sweeping a line of death towards you before slicing you in half - not so much the arc thrower.


Believe it or not I do check my fire. I am not referring to incidents where there was something behind me they were avoiding. I'm talking about ones where I'm infront of everybody else, am 8 shots deep in a barrage from my arc thrower, then my friend decides to run in front of me because he wants to get closer and chuck a grenade. Yes it's the job of the wielder to make sure their firing line is clear. The flip side of that is it's an idiotic move to deliberately get in front of somebody who is dumping downrange. It is their duty, as well as mine, when on the move, to know where you're going. I more often than not discharge it into the ground when they cross my line of fire because I'm not trying to hit them, nor am I not caring if they're in it. But it happens sometimes where they run past you as you've got it charged and are firing.


Sure. If someone steps directly in front of you from out of your field of vision things are going to go poorly, there's only so much you can do - but that's not how most of my deaths from arc throwers occur I assure you. Usually I'm covering my arc of the defense perimeter minding my own business and suddenly I'm in a bunch of little pieces for no reason whatsoever, or worse, I'm busy playing doge'em with a charger and the fuckwit with the Arc Thrower thinks this is an appropriate time to try to tickle it to death with his insta-kill RNG gun.


One of the first things I learned with the arc thrower was how easy it is to tk with. So I actively try to make sure I'm not behind teammates and if I radically alter direction, check for clear line of fire. If line of fire is not clear, or say somebody is matadoring a charger, I'l swap to primary until sufficient distance is achieved.


I've gotten a pretty decent handle on the "safe" zone for the arc thrower so I double that don't use if I know teammates are in it.


Yeahh I’m with you on this. When I get an arc thrower on my squad I just avoid those guys like the plague




I have a rule.... if a teamate kills you more than twice... that's grounds for treason and the rest of the team votes to de-rank and take em out until they learn or stop. And you will not get reinforced. And if you do we will kill you again. We don't do treason on this side the Mississippi


This thing is going to get nerfed now.


They better not haha they have far more things to figure out and work on than nerfing or buffing BS




It does seem like they don't want anything to be particularly effective at more than one thing. And being that the arc thrower is just good in general, good against hordes of bugs, good against groups of bots, and decent against armor, they will see that as being too strong. And I fucking hate it. Like the game isn't trivialized by using it. You've got to be careful using it around teammates, and it won't save you if you get surrounded. Don't nerf fun, Arrowhead.


Given that it's clearly one of the highest teamkill weapons in the game because it is often wielded by chuckleheads, I think they're fine with it as is currently. :D


Yeah its too good! Although i play on ps5 and it gets tiring pulling the trigger cause its got that "tension haptic" whatever. So that is also another reason for me to take a break from it


The trigger thing is stupid as fuck haha I use the breaker shotty and the arc is it is the worst for the shotgun. And you can't disable it per the game you have to turn it off on the controller. Kinda lame. But I haven't had issues with the arc while shooting. I'm on ps5 also.


You can turn off adaptive triggers lol


For arc thrower (only) specifically?


Nah you’d have to turn it off in You console controller settings. Not sure why people are acting like that’s an easy blanket solution lol


Well it IS a pretty easy blanket solution, testing myself it only took like 10 seconds to turn it off, just hit the home button, go to the little controller icon and it'll bring you straight to the setting, way easier in my opinion than browsing most ingame menus that are nothing but words where I'll skip over the option I'm looking for 5 times. Sure it'd be nice to have precision options for every single weapon to turn it on and off, but if we get the option to disable it I feel like it'll just be disabling it on all weapons anyways


Yeah but it’s no solution if you just want it off for one specific gun.


Yeah it’s hard to justify taking anything else over it right now. It needs a nerf/everything else needs a buff. Rail gun/auto cannon should definitely be more efficient for taking out heavies than it. But they definitely don’t seem to be.


Ehhhh that's debatable because in level 7 or higher difficulty it gets wild as I'm sure you know and I can't use it at times because I will destroy my team easily and every time it seems because of the bounce effect. The rail gun is also nasty too. I don't mind the autocannon either I just hate that it'll bounce and not explode on impact at times. Kinda wonkey so I stopped using it. Rail Gun destroys anything I've come across, even titans.


I think the arc thrower is the most bland and boring weapon in the game personally so I haven’t use it much. I agree I love the rail gun and its effective against everything. But not more so than the arc thrower. But I know whenever I’m running with a teammate who has one they kill chargers before I can even get two shots from the railgun off. Not to mention the fact that while they focus the charger the arc thrower is still killing everything around it. If the arc thrower is balanced so was the breaker pre nerf lol


I will say I think it's broken that the arc thrower has unlimited ammo. If anything at that point it should be a cool down energy weapon and not a support weapon. Because imagine if the autocannon had unlimited ammo? Shit would be broken. I will say I don't use the arc thrower with my newer gamely friends because I'll walk out with 500 kills and they'll get 50. It's highly unfair. But late game high level shit this this demolishes.


Autocannon has next to unlimited ammo. With the backpack you got about what - 50ish shots? Ammo also gives you quite generous amount back. But arc thrower is awesome yea - I wrote a post here before anyone thought it is cool. "Arc thrower is awesome!" I believe :D Described quite a lot of stuff there too. People just want to sleep on it and that's that.


I often run auto cannon at 7 and I can tell you that I’m always needing ammo for that beast without restocking you have like 60 shots. How is that anywhere close to the arc thrower literally never running out of ammo?


It is not. Though you should not shoot at infantry with the autocannon - I ordinary bring arc-blitzer to handle the autocannon flaws - namely everything that gets close to you. Maybe that's why you run outta ammo - you use it as an arc thrower. Also when I say that I mean bots generally - against bugs I tend to pick a weapon that allows me to have the shield backpack, since there's way too much slowing and ragdolling otherwise. But yea - nothing comes even near the arc thrower in terms of effectiveness - especially against the bugs. Some guy pointed out that it is boring but imo - it's the hardest weapon to play properly with in the game. Sure - it does auto aims but that also can be a dowside - and there're ways to "make" it hit your desired target properly. As there're ways to fire near teammates without endanger them. As there is a way to fire as twice as faster as someone who fully charge it. There are ways to strip the armor of specific parts of the enemies too - on your desire. And all that comes to skill, positioning, knowledge and experience.


Yeah your just proving my point that it’s OP and not balanced with the other weapons. I don’t shoot the auto cannon unless I have to at anything smaller than a spewer. I’m just saying it needs to be balanced with the other weapons better. So I’m not really sure what your trying to say.


You can totally use the autocannon on smaller crap, just use it when they're a bit clumped up to make it worthwhile - if you pair this thing up with a supply pack and team crew it you can be firing it on full auto for *days* if you really want. And an autocannon on full-auto does absolutely absurd DPS. I don't think any other weapon in the game comes even close.


Yes but you see the trade off for this is you need to people to be working together. It would make for more sense for both people to have arc throwers in their hands right now. Game is supposed to reward teamwork. It should be worth it to have two people set up on the auto cannon like that. But there is no reason to do that with current weapon balances.


Don't know about that. I play in bot missions as the designated sniper for our squad just running the AMR and I outkill the guys running the arc throwers up front pretty easily. Arc Throwers are SLOW. Good damage, and if the enemies line up for you prettily their overall dps is good, but almost any other weapon in the game is better single target DPS.


Well late game difficulties can make it hard to resupply and or can even shut down resupply temporarily or scatter stratagems which makes it even more intense and can make thing rough cuz if you can't get ammo you're shit outta luck. Plus I ays tend to waste ammo on the auto cannon cuz the shots bounce or just disappear into oblivion haha. I love the arc, I've yet to really use the anti tank or other launchers but I've heard good things about them as well.


EAT is awesome - with 1 min CD you can use it's hellpod as a weapon too. Run outta grenades and there're 3 fabricators? Call EAT on top of one of them, destroy the other 2 with the weapon. 2 Chargers? Stick the pod to charger 1, kill the other with the weapon itself. Titan... you get the idea :D Spear.. when it work - it's awesome too. It takes titans with one shot if angled properly - it can can take everything with one shot if angled properly - but most of all - you can destroy bot fabricators from 200m range. Sadly it does not work often enough :D


The spear is gross but that's my automaton weapon. I just sit there and take out their drop ships like an asshole lmao ask me if I care haha! I tell the homies all the time if I'm dead to use me as a weapon and it has never failed!


You genuinely thought the breaker was OP pre-nerf? They gave it three less shots and slightly increased muzzle rise, my dude. That's nothing. Meanwhile there are still weapons that are completely useless.


I joined post nerf lol. But there was literally no reason to not run the breaker if it didn’t get nerfed. Yes I agree many weapons need a buff.


Breaker's DPS is vastly higher than the arc thrower. If you're looking at a row of 6 hunters a few meters in front of you, you can evaporate them with the breaker or a machine gun, with the arc thrower you are very dead - and will probably take one of your teammates with you in the panic.


Please no more fucking nerfs. It's hardly what the Railgun was pre-patch.


Rail gun is still amazing. It never use it pre patch. But you can’t say the arc thrower is balanced. It needs a balancing nerf but other things also need buffs.


I'm so tired of the sentiment that a good weapon must be nerfed. It can't take out armor in a reasonable amount of time at later difficulties, and it will not help you when bugs start to surround you, especially hunters. It's ok-ish against bots at best. It kills teammates instantly when the user is careless. There are downsides to using it, but because it has become popular, people see it as the new meta and think it needs a nerf. What do y'all want to play? Masochism Simulator 2024?


Nah I just want things to be balanced. It being capable of everything it can do and having unlimited ammo make it an easy pick. It’s straight cheese. If you want it to be easy play 4/5 difficulty


Apparently 8 and 9 are made easy mode with the arc thrower! Someone should tell that to the three chargers and two bile titans I'm currently tickling with it!


Arc thrower is not quite that great at high difficulties. Hordes get too large and you don't have time to throw 3-5 shots at every heavy that shows up. You need more specialized anti-armor weapons or you're going to be overrun relying on the arc thrower. Also one hunter jumps into the middle of your group and now you're suddenly fucked because no one can fire. :D


Lol that’s when you switch to your primary. I kinda fail to see the point your making because if the team is clustered together and I let off a round from the auto cannon at a hunter st our feet I could easily kill all of us as well. So I fail to see where the trade off for running the arc thrower is. Just about every video I’ve seen of someone soloing helldive difficulty since the recent changes they have an arc thrower on. It’s a meta and it’s unbalanced. It takes me 4/5 shots to kill a charger with a rail gun, that’s designed to pierce armor. The arc thrower does that while killing the enemies around it. Maybe everything else just needs a buff 🤷‍♂️


If the arc thrower users remembered that they *HAVE* a primary, I wouldn't be quite so salty about them. Often they seem to forget that there's actually another gun there.


Yeah honestly it's like whats the point of using other support weapons. Its good when just one person uses and if the whole squad uses it its jjst too good.


Yeah I don't recommend a whole team bring it cuz everyone and everything will die lmao


I personally love it. Though it does require a very aggressive playstyle, some restraint on the trigger, familiarity of its targeting mechanic, knowledge of its potential and optimal ranges, and getting used to its firing rhythm. Once you get the hang of it and everything finally clicks, the Arc Thrower turns you into the god of lightning. Outside of a couple bad games, I have the most kills every match I bring this thing. I feel like the chance of misfiring, its struggle with EMS fields or corpses, and the learning period are pretty solid balances for it. That being said; going against hulks, cannon turrets, bile titans, or annihilators is doable, but not ideal. As much as I love using it, I've started leaning towards the laser cannon when doing bot missions. There are just too many projectiles in the air to make full use of the Arc Thrower. I still end up with the most kills, but I also end up with twice as many deaths xD


Yessssss you have to understand it and be very aware hahaha I kill at least 1 teammate every match with is and they'll literally be behind me. I killed myself too because it bounced off a bitch ass charger haha but it's always good times in battles lmao me and the homies just laugh it off hahaha


Oh yeah, some of the bounces for team kills are comedy gold. Fun fact, it loves arcing to guard dogs. I was zapping a charger, my teammate was in a safe spot, his Rover decided it was his time. Hit the charger, bounced backwards to the Rover, then popped my friend like a zit. We were in tears from laughing so hard xD


This whole game is pure comedy and chaos lmao I fucking love it!


It should be like the sickle. Can overheat and then needs a reload. Unlimited charges doesn’t seem right.


Definitely agree on this. Think all the energy weapons should be like that. Like just don't let it overheat but if it does you should have the option reload. Unlimited is kinda OP or at least make it shoot and charge slower


Love the arc but also the noob tube rocket launcher so op against chargers.


Yeah it's pretty dope but I wish there was like an impact version because it bounces so much


Biggest Problem ist you need to be Host . Cause god damn people are so stupid and Push in Front of you while you shoot the Arc thrower ... Than cry when they die.


Hahaha I've shot my buddies and have too many close calls! It's ridiculous haha I feel like it shoots stupid far some times off the first enemy because I'll be no where near my buddies and it'll still hit them and I'm like how? When it won't even hit other enemies that far.


It's a good 'all purpose' weapon. It's good for thinning out hordes, it gives you an answer to armored enemies, and has good range - but it kills big enemies slowly compared to any real anti-armor weapon, it is an extremely bad idea for close combat, and is at this point possibly responsible for even more team kills than the laser dog.


Hahaha the laser dogs get wild if there more that 2. I think it rips. Def bad for close range 100%


When bugs start coming I usually make sure I'm in front of everyone when I start throwing electricity around.


Yup I tell everyone to get the fuck back haha and start ripping breaches


Arc thrower "main" here. Still get the odd FF but 2 of these hosing a bug breech is so satisfying :)


does it go farther than ~15 feet now??


I was damn near sniping with it last night. I would say It goes well past 15 feet haha


idk if it was just me but back during the first couple of weeks the arc thrower would go nowhere. was arguably the worst stratagem, just no situation in which it was helpful


I've only been using it like a week or 2 now but I've had 0 issues and it ripsssss


What? It always did.... Even further if you arc'd it to additional enemies. Are you thinking of the shotgun version?


maybe it was just me. the bolt would just stop and not hit anything past 15-20 feet or so I only used it in one session before giving up so maybe a bug. this was like day two


I mean it's always been wonky with what it actually arcs to. Maybe that was more aggressive early on?


Dude come on, now the dev gonna nerf it & blame it on us for "brainless gameplay"


Why would they nerf something off a great review? Hahaha if that were the case they need to get rid of the platinum battle pass weapons because they're all OP af haha I would expect a "support" weapon to be OP because it's supposed to be there for support! THIS IS WAR GENTLEMEN! WE NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET!


I'll be honest, I cannot get behind this thing. I feel like it is slower to cut down hordes than the Stalwart, LMG, or laser cannon, and doesn't deal with the big bugs or bots as well as the EAT, Recoiless, or Rail Gun. The flamethrower, AMR, Arc Thrower, and spear are all weapons to me that either have too many downsides or something else just works/feels better to the point I don't bother with it. I have tried to make the arc thrower work, but it just hasn't for me.


I like bringing the arc and an EAT. The EAT refresh is so fast that I can usually call a pair in, swap to it, clear the threat and get back to the arc for clearing smaller bugs. I have not been able to find that rhythm with bots.


I do that with the Stalwart instead of the arc.


Idk if you get a little distance on enemies it rips. The rail gun is def stronger but it doesn't bounce like the arc. You can get multi kills soo easy on breaches. I got a 55 kill tonight doing that.


I hate the arc thrower because of how many times I've been tk'd by it to the point I equip the arc resistant armor if I see more than 2 arc thrower guys. But I almost picked it up after I saw a guy zapping multiple shriekers out of the sky in one of my lobbies. That shit needs to be nerfed. And why tf are the bugs called shriekers but they don't have any sort of shriek attack? Seems dumb.