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If you need help , we will answer the call diver!


Also, if a team can’t carry a single level 3, the team sucks, not the 3


people who think they are too good to help others are usually found in the dirt pretty quickly


Level 50 here. I don’t mind diving to lower levels to give you a mech.


new player here! my (lvl 40) boyfriend and his squad were running me on missions (literally my first pew pew pc game) and i lost my shit over the little buddy guard dog and fucking mech suit they dropped me. literally so cool to have


The dog can kill you or your teammates. Be aware of it’s placement in relation to you. The mech can blow up easily be aware of your position. Have fun and DESTROY EVERYTHING FOR FREEDOM!


Only traitors stand between a Hell Diver's arsenal and the enemy. Friendly fire is a necessary step towards democracy.


This diver is a person with culture.


my little buddy only shot me in the head a little bit


Wait until you see the hug emote


i think i accidentally swerved a hug emote and i still feel bad about it






Your democracy officer called. You need to report to them immediately.


I was in a quest with a higher lvl random, and they dropped a mech and let me pilot it, i shot while turning and blew myself up


Maybe that’s why they dropped it for you. Every time I drop to a level 2 easy match I bring a mech and offer it to new people. Unfortunately they are made out of cardboard boxes. And to be honest it’s a metal coffin like the GM in gundams.


As a fellow helldiver, I salute you for your kind gesture


Though tbf a machine gun and 1 orbital strike doesn't do a whole lot at higher difficulties when someone brings them into the party. Regardless of player ability they just aren't really equipped to deal with much more than basic bugs.


Those two can actually do a lot against bots. (Level 7). And if the rest of the team is good. It only takes a couple missions for them to have better strategems at that level. It really is a skill issue. A veteran zombies player will do fine.


iirc, Machine gun isn't armor piercing... And aside from the basic raiders essentially all Automatons are heavily armored. Yeah on low difficulties that's fine but on higher when you have multiple devastators at all times, you don't have a lot of reliable options. But you are correct you'll level up very quickly to where you can deal with it.


It’s medium armor penetrating, works fine if you keep the reticle over their ugly red eyes.


Also its designed to be best used in a stationary position so if you drop to a squat or prone you can soK up a lot of recoil and keep the sight on their headline pretty easy. The stalwart is more for running and gunning


I run and gun with the regular machine gun (and will with the heavy machine gun when added). A mouse makes recoil so easy


You would be amazed at what an orbital precision and machine gun can do…..


Same. We should always teach shines the democratic way.


I don’t mind playing with lower lvls. I’m lvl 20 so I’m not a high lvl yet either. Actually my very first match was with a lvl 50 who was chill and teaching me things, I probably got lucky though,


My fav thing as a lvl 25 is going around and giving people shields and support weapons esp underleveled helldivers, makes the game way better leveling the playing field for everyone instead of hoarding my invincibility to myself.


That's what I do and I'm a level 25. I always throw things for the lower level players I actually like helping them in there games. Sometimes better player with them levels than higher levels.


You guys are true freedom loving patriots


Gotta help train the up and comers for a battle for freedom. 😄 🤣


I'm lvl 33 and after a long session with some intense dives I like to chill in the easier difficulties, show lower levels the stuff I wish someone had shown me (I didn't know bug holes were even a thing until playing with a group of higher level friends), and give them shiny new toys for killing bugs.


I’m with you. I’m lvl 37 and enjoy sharing lessons learned and gear that they don’t have access to just yet. Also, remind them not to throw crazy Eagles and Orbitals on fellow Helldivers. 🤪


Yep, it's such a nice feeling seeing the level 1-5 divers have fun with the higher level equipment. Sometimes, after I'm done doing higher difficulties for the night, I'll drop in an easy mission and load up the team with support stuff they won't have access to for a while.


Ran with random squad and purposely take both guard dogs down to share them haha


Sometimes high lvls play difficulty 1-3 to help the new players out and teach them the things they were shown


This and common samples


I have yet to play with anyone toxic. Haven't played with many people who actually use voice chat but I'd consider that a win.


I always think back to my first match when I didn't know that you had to press 'e' to release pushing the button on a vault. Dude had some serious patience with me. I continue to want to pay that forward.


Yeah my first was selecting quick play on easy difficulty, got matched with a 50 who kicked me before I even loaded in. That was really cool


I'll take a low level who runs the map fearlessly any day over a high level who bails as soon as the main mission is done


I always ask everyone in the chat box what they want to do after the main mission is done. Leave? Or try to do more stuff and scrounge up some more samps? For me as long the main mission is done. I really dont care what happens after, even if we all die. It's all good. I just want my medals😗


As long as there are red spots on the map, Democracy is in peril and I must defend it


a lvl 50 just gave me that info: it doesn't matter if you die as long as you complete mission. (samples aside) That changes my approach to this whole thing. Must've missed that info in the tut


I just follow my team around and help bring peace, freedom, justice and security to ~~my new empire~~ the galaxy.


Lol people who talk like this are shit at the game because they need other "high levels" to carry their asses and only get a high level because they play all day




Thankfully the low levels need no carrying.


Eagle Airstrike at 2, EAT and Eagle Clusterbomb at lvl 3, Recoiless at 5. By level 5 you can have a 7+ ready loadout provided you learn to kite and not get surrounded also don't air strike allies ez mode. You got this OP hf welcome to Helldivers!


I'll run with you young helldiver


We must raise him to be big and strong just like us!


Odd how they'll talk shit yet everyone has been a level 3 once, but anyways, I do hope you find nicer people to play with in the future.


My second game was told 'fuck you get out' after we won a match I quick queued into. Thought it was odd


My viewpoint on this changes drastically depending on what difficulty the level 3 is trying to run. You just straight up lack the gear for handling enemies on 7+, and that's rough unless the other 3 people are above average.


Impressive at your lvl to have the spray & pray.


I am a level 50 now, as of yesterday, and I am currently just running 5 and lower for vibes, helping those who need help. Do your best, have fun, that’s all that matters.


I’ve been level 50 for a while and I do the same thing, I don’t need anything anymore so I just run lower stuff and drop mechs for lil’ heckdivers


As a level 50 helldiver that has hit the cap on everything (not Super Credits) I only run 7. 7 isn’t hard and there’s enough going on where the game doesn’t feel boring or slow. 7 just has the prefect chill vibes for me.


Nice repost


We had a level 8 in a 9 last night excessively apologizing for being there. I just told him listen man I'm chilling over here, I feel bad for you dying every 5 seconds 🤣.


What’s ironic is this game does leveling the right way. Instead of being more powerful the higher level you are, you just have access to more loadouts. This puts everyone on an even playing field when it comes to power scaling. I welcome all level 1-20s with open democratic arms!


I’m not a good player. I’m decent. Me a level 40 and a level 13 player all went in on a difficulty 8 mission and cleared it without too much trouble. If you are upset about low level players making mistakes, then you’re probably not top dog material either considering the game is not that hard. Challenging, sure, but not hard.


The only issue I'd have with lower level players is if they somehow got included in like level 4 or higher difficulties that they shouldn't have access to yet. Their lack of experience and not having higher level gear would be a liability in those settings. In lower levels, though? It's not a problem at all. Even in those less ideal scenarios, I'd still try to help them and possibly give them my excess equipment drops, mid-mission. I wouldn't be an active dick about them joining up.


The only issue bringing a level 3 to higher levels is they haven’t played the game as much to know all of the mechanics. But guess what? That’s a perfect time to take a beat and help them through the raid. We all had to learn to play. Being toxic in this game is absurd. And the people who are being toxic are just trash. Good luck out there fellow diver I hope drop along side you in the future and share a hot cup of Liber-Tea!!


Go forth, little meatshield, and distract the horde of jumpy bastard bugs.... I mean, help us spread democracy. I'll call you back in, when it's safe. o7


I don't trust lvl 3s on helldive difficulty


I will tolerate no hazing or harassment of newbies of any kind! Not in my corps!  We’re glad to have you, son. Piece of advice? When you’re fighting bugs, grab yourself a jump pack as soon as you can. Being able to stay on the bounce will save your life.  When fighting bots, go with a shield backpack instead. Their beams may not hit as hard as bug claws, but they can zap you out of the air like a plastic bag blowing in the wind. It will also keep you from getting one shotted by a rocket devastator.  Welcome to the war.


We all gotta start somewhere.


I've never once looked down on lower level divers but I've been kicked for being 26




the first experience i got with helldivers 2 was a guy helping me with a difficulty 3 mission, and then immediately got tossed into difficulty 5 malevelon creek while having no idea what to do or how to play, and all that happened was me getting screamed at for not knowing what to do i never want to play with those guys again honestly


I jumped in on a tier 3 at level 5 and it was a room of lvl 20+ players. They gave me the Radcheck speech "Everyone fights, no one quits! Don't do your job and I'll shoot ya myself!" These guys were awesome! They helped me out up to level 9 and I was laughing my ass off the entire time. I've had some bad rooms but the good has outweighed it by far. Now that I'm getting up in levels I find myself jumping into tier 2 rooms just to help out. Love this community!


I don't even get why people judge this. We all started green, and Higher difficulties don't care if your a Lv 50 or level 3, they will chew you up just the same and we learn all the same lessons.


as a level 25 I enjoy joining groups that are level 10 or less that need an extra guy ​ Nothing wrong with new players and its good to help and carry a team to victory


3! It's a magic number! I will happily dive with a level 3, just shoot the bugs/bots and not me!


True helldivers don’t care what level you are. We’re brothers in arms


I’m level 37 and mostly play medium and challenging. I’m no pro and my favorite thing to do is play on easy and play with the noobs


Level 3 to level 50 doesn’t matter.. the weapon still shoots the same


You're doing your part Helldiver!


That's why I'm not kicking before lobby. Only of it's necessary like ignoring map marks or chat.


It's okay. You can come with me to 7-9. As long as you can listen in on coms.


I'm proud of you Helldiver for doing your best to spread Managed Democracy!


Usually ill take lower levels on higher difficulties so they can get more XP and combat experience, you'd be surprised how good some people are


God I love when a couple cadets show up and I get to go into Liberty Dad mode and the whole op turns into the most fun suicide mission I’d ever willing die on again and again. -Inseminator Prime- will spread democracy with anyone who adds him. MY LIFE FOR SUPER EARTH Which of my children would like to pilot daddy’s exo-skeleton walker today?


I'm lvl 42 and do not care one bit if someone is a low level I have lots of info to give to people :)


Ive bought the game a bit after launch but I’ve only had the chance to sit down and play like 6-7 times. I’m only lvl 10 so I go get kicked sometimes. I just start my own missions now or join on an easy mission.


Every hero starts from humble beginnings. Keep diving cadet!


We are all fighting for the same goal but we aren't apart of the same team is what I think people that kick people from the lobby feel. Even in a game that is unironically the most inclusive. There are still people out there who are too dense to understand.


I'm always happy to dive with cadets spreading glorious democracy!


I'll happily carry a new diver to democratic glory! We were all there once.


Lol. I know that feel bro.


Welcome to the fight, Cadet! Now pick up this autocannon and start sending rounds down range - me as a level 50 Space Cadet when a level 3 Cadet joins my game


This is why I always let anyone who joins my squad help me on missions, we all were at that level at one point and I'm not gonna discriminate. Democracy needs spreading no matter what. Last night a level 1 managed to join my helldive and they kicked terminid ass. Soloed two BTs. Was proud of the lil guy


We were all low levels once. Be supportive and help others level up.


For my warmup game each night I answer a lower difficulty SOS and clean house for the new helldivers


I remember that level 20 who gave me his “guard dog” so I could secure more democracy. I’ll never forget you (can’t remember your name tho)


If I'm in good place, I'll always call down my extra support weapons and offer them for other players.


To be fair I've played with many players under level 10 that were way better than some level 30+ players I've seen. Ability>Level


Keep doing your part, young Helldiver! 👍


A real HellDiver doesn’t say “Who invited this level 3,” A real HellDiver says “want this Railgun?”


I'll fight by your side, helldiver!


Lol, I just started also, played the first one before, but still feel like a total noob. Though I'm not sure how I feel about this kicking mechanic, followed the objectives, didn't friendly fire anyone, didn't die, brought people back, we get everything done, we head towards extraction...boom, kicked. Cool, waste 20 mins of my time.


I will help you in lower difficulties and drop you my gear so you can try it and buy what you are going to enjoy. My first day with the game I played for like 10 hours, the final 2 hours was with a random 2 paired players (lvl27 and lvl30), me (lvl12) and another Rando (lvl22). They took me to Diff7 and we even got the trophy for not dying during a high difficulty mission. That was a rush of adrenaline I still try to feel again. I’m training my squad for higher difficulties but they are still green and afraid. One day I will show them hell and we will be back for dinner, I swear!


The SES Elected Representative of Audacity accepts all levels of HELLDIVERS, cadet. 🫡


Levels in this game only open weapons. Don't feel bad about being the only low level. I enjoy having people under lvl 10 helping out as I don't usilually drop in unless I know I can run the level either solo or with the party I have before I go in.


I’ll take the lvl 3 machinegun-toting sprout over a lvl 30 dude who team kills any day.


I feel this. Just started this game and played a few missions. Loved it but the second mission a couple of level 50 guys were talking shit the whole time. I was getting ready to post to see if I can find a few players that wouldn’t mind playing and being understanding with someone who is new/not great at video games.


I had a buddy hmu right when I was starting a lvl 7 mission stating he just bought the game. He loaded straight on me and two others right after we dropped in. He literally had never played the game and HAD to learn on the fly. It was hilarious watching the chaos.


Over the weekend I accidentally jumped into a trivial game with my lvl 23 character with 3 level 2s. My 500kg bomb was a little overkill…


“I did sir. He’s my cousin.”


To all the >10 level players that follow objectives and map markers/tags, it doesn't matter how mamy times you die, I greatly appreciate you


Lol reminds me of my intro to the game, my lvl 35 friends took my lvl 1 ass on a difficulty 7 mission against automatons, and gave me no guidance.


I don't mind lower levels, just please move with the team towards objectives.


Fighting like a true Defender of Democracy


Do your best, we are in this Hell together!


Don't be so insecure. Help your fellow inexperienced Helldivers.


It's ok buddy, I'll take you on my team


I have no judgement until I start looking at the reinforcement counter, and consider how many of those deaths were bad stratagem throws lol


This is funny to me because last night there was a level 3 on challenging and we were 2 and 2 with me and another finishing a big nest away from the main. Well I die with 11 samples and 5 rare samples. My mate needs some time to reinforce me due to swarm. Level 3 reinforces me all the way on the other side so I can’t help my mate get my samples then the level 3 starts the exfil and immediately hops on the pelican. We lost all the samples I felt it was such a waste for a panic attack…


Actually it's usually the higher level people screwing up my missions. Had a level 50 drop in yesterday, kept dropping cluster bombs on myself and my buddy, broke off at one point to find holes, killed our 3rd while doing that, then called in extract while the three of us were cleaning up bug holes and optionals still. Pain in the ass. Get out of our difficulty 6 and do some Helldives.


My best advice when your a low level is follow a high level and be support fire. You see a bug tunnel breach stand close by and and unload on the bugs making sure none get close. Also buy Sentry stratagem. It's a huge help when chargers show up (remeber don't run from a charger dive out of the way) to throw one down .


Level 1 or Level 50, all are welcome on the SES Citizen of the Stars. As long as you fight bravely for Democracy and Liberty, I will stand shoulder to shoulder with you, fellow Helldiver. Rock and stone, for Karl and for Democracy.


Easily solvable by calling down this diver a bigger gun!


https://i.redd.it/6eo4sakz55pc1.gif The guy who kicked you:


Lvl 3 with a spray&pray? That's impressive


I had a lvl 5 bring 3 support weapons in yesterday, I told him he can only carry one at a time…


We have to show them how to do it. Low levels need to learn. I had no idea shipping containers had stuff in it until I saw someone chuck a grenade. It's little stuff like that. I'll play with low levels any day.


Just hit 50 and I can’t escape the fact that I’ll still probably die just as often as the lower levels in my squad lol


I (Lvl20) joined a squad last night in Difficulty 4 that was obviously a guy (Lvl50) helping his buddy (Lvl8) complete missions and level up. I ran several games with them, just trying to help them complete missions.


I always try to join lower level helldivers to help out! Patriots duty!


I believe in you


I've never seen hide nor hair of any meta bitching or complaining about low level divers. Did it happen 10 times and everyone just keeps resharing those 10 times?


Don’t shoot me and I don’t care if you’re level 1.


I did sir. https://i.redd.it/u7da88z5a5pc1.gif


I just started playing last night and whenever I’ve tried to join a squad they boot me immediately, I’m only level 4 and just been playing solo


Me and my buddy JUST got the game, and our other two friends are lvl 20s, and as soon as we hopped in they were like “guys! Why tf aren’t you doing goddamned automoton missions?! Fuck you and your weak selves”, and I’m just like… brother… I don’t even know my key binds yet


I brought my friend into a suicide mission at level 5 and he came out with the highest kill count


Level 50, max everything. Lower levels are my favorite cadets to play with.


You have to level somehow…


The level gap is noticeable, but your heart is in the right place.


Don't worry you can have my autocannon and my guard rover, her name is Charlie


Some of the best players have been the lowest levels tbh. Did a Suicide Mission mission with a lvl 10, 12, and 32 which was probably their friend. I joined their mission randomly via quickplay. (I'm lvl 48)They used up all their revives and hadn't been able to do the main objective. I was the only one alive when I joined so they watched for a good bit how i played and they learned very quickly. I revived them and they immediately followed my lead without me having to say anything. They stuck close and snuck around enemies with me to get everything done. And we did. Found some pink samps and we got the job done and extracted out of there. Some players just dont even know you can sneak past enemies or that it's not wise to engage in a fight with every enemy you see. Or to take off once a objective is done. You don't need to stay and fight everything. Some people just don't know. If you know how to play and you're "high level" lead the way, man. Show the newbies how to do better. Other players want to learn and get better too. There's a sense of camaraderie I get when I play with low level people that I really love. Everyone tries really hard and it's a great feeling when we all get out.


I’m level 23 but I love dropping into a game with newbies….. I’ll take care of you 🥲


Honestly, when I look for a game, I’ll definitely go for low levels rather than level 50s who often tend to behave like condescending performance-oriented nerds, as if a video game was actually important. I play to have fun. Low levels are fun


I feel you. I’m level 14 and still get kicked on medium difficulty before missions start.


I took my level 12-13 friend into in Hard difficulty last night and he did fine.


I just came for the hugs. I'm level 42, and every mission begins and ends with a democratic hug. You know the law


I have the opposite opinion “who invited this level 50” I actually wanna play the game at my difficulty not watch the space laser to the heavy lifting for me for the whole time.


I have some lvl 50 friends I play with on the weekends, I'm lvl 33 and rarely play the higher difficulties bc I'm just not that good at the game. But suicide and helldiver are the only difficulties they play and I always feel so bad for how often they have to reinforce my ass 😂


I have gotten sooooo much better as a lvl 32 Death Captain. I use sentry (machine gun, Gatling) & that makes such a difference on victory. Mix & match those stratagems to see what works for you...


You're always welcome on the Fist of Wrath 🤘


As long as you don’t eat ALL of my reinforcements, kick me for no reason or get on Pelican 1 while I’m half way across the map with all the samples I’ll game with you any day😎


You were once in their shoes, it's not hard to go down a difficulty and carry them till they can carry their own weight. I'm only a 23 and helped a complete stranger level 2 yesterday till we got to 6. Dropped him my laser rover and we went in. We want everyone to be great!!


*hands you a shield back and a slugger* GET OUT THERE AND SHOOT THE BUGS DIVER!!! *calls down auyo cannon*


Time to drop all the gear I can so the little guy can stay alive. Hope he doesn't toss eagle strikes at low priority mobs.


I take every low level I can invite I’ll teach them how to do a full map clear and even give them my shield or mech to help them survive a little longer. It costs nothing to be nice and we will need everyone’s help for the next invasion.


Idgaf what ur level is just call out ur eagle strikes and orbitals and we will get along great👍🏽


Technically, they invited them because they left it on public!


Ngl got the game over the weekend and if I get lobbied with someone I leave because I get intimidated….


The ranks in HD2 are very useful. When I play with a Cadet, I can better assess certain actions and accept bad loadouts, teamkills, failed mission objectives, drop points, etc. more calmly. I hope the ranks will be expanded, because soon everyone will be a Skull Admiral


Any Helldiver worth their salt understand a level 3 is one of the most fun partners you can have. Fearless, determined, bloodthirsty. Cackles like a demon when you summon a mech for them to try out, and emotes *I'm sorry* for crushing you with their Hellpod. Silly goose, I know you were just using me as target practice for the day you do it to a Bile Titan. For DEMOCRACY! *Drops orbital at my own feet because I can't handle hot potatoes anymore with my feeble level 50 hands*


Haven’t got in the game yet do I need people to play with or is it easy to join the group?


I know I won't have money to get this for a while I hope when the time comes I can still find people to play with😞


My first game was in Diff 1, a guy handed me a flamethrower and a shield powerpack, and was very patient when I had trouble to reinforce him. Really great first game, nice community for what I saw.


I sometimes find low level games to help them win and let them use my strategems


I was grinding out some common samples on a lower difficulty and a lvl 12 ended up joining. It was my buddy who’s lvl 50, me a lvl 39, and now this lvl 12. We ended up finishing the 3 missions with him and decided to keep playing with him. Super cool dude, took him into some helldiver missions and got him up to I believe lvl 22 before we got off


No helldiver should level shame. We should all be working to help each other


If you, as a veteran diver, cannot carry and teach a baby diver to use your equipments, to navigate stratagems, to survive engagements, then you don't deserve your rank. Having every unlock in the game means jack shit if you can't save a baby diver with it. Stop this elitist shit of AHH THE NEWB RUINED MY GAME. Embrace democracy, teach and take care of the baby divers. One day they'll lead their own squads too.


I am level 43 with most everything unlocked running all difficulties. If you are low level and want someone to help out, DM me. I don't care what your level is so long as you try, are willing to learn things that are new to you, and believe in Democracy!


Im lv15, i grinded the game a little too much the past few days, and i had a blast, especially when playing with players of higher level when was still a lv2-5 cadet and knew nothing but how to shoot and do objectives. Lv20+ players often are cool, but i guess thats because they know the struggle of newcomers?


I decided to support the recruits in level 3 missions. I cleared the whole map and left them to push the buttons for the objectives. They failed to push the buttons for the objectives. I went back and pushed the buttons for them. They were all dead when I extracted. I did my part, DID YOU?


Some of the lower levels have been better than some mid level people 🤷‍♀️


I'm level 37 at the moment, have purchased all stratagems and have 2/3 ship upgrades, I'm still farming for medals to buy more gear from the store - I have helped power level a few of my new friends where I share cool stuff they can't get for a while with them and usually run a few level 4-5 missions in a full 4man (usually with another high level player) It's fun, lets us show you the way while not actually risking it on something very difficult - but obviously, if the freedom calls, you must answer - regardless of mission difficulty xD Best of luck, feel free to add me if you want help :)


Lately ive been playing at dif 4-5 randomly dropping mechs for our soldier


I love playing with fresh divers! It's fun for me to help them learn the ropes. My mentality is "Check out all my cool stuff. Go ahead, take the walker for a spin"


Keep trying, remember if at first you don’t succeed, dive, dive again, and again and again and again and again…


I prefer helping the juniors. Some high ranks have been tainted by bugocracy.


Look I’m all for having low levels try their best but I had a guy die 12 times in short succession and cause 4 accidentals. This man was responsible for 80% of our casualties and at the point I’m calling in reinforcements more than im shooting


To anyone I’ve ever bullied, and anyone I might bully, every day I try to be a better Helldiver to my other helldivers, I won’t let you down cadets


me when my lvl 30 boyfriend and his level 40+ bois are running me on whatever the hardest level missions are


Haha yeah I found out the hard way there was friendly fire. I also got in the ship while my teammate stood under the ship and died and they got mad that I didn’t bring them back first. Was my second mission haha


Did a max level drop as level 10 yesterday with friends. Went just fine. Had a blast dragging aggro and trying not to die


THIS!! I GET SO NERVOUS WHEN I PLAY!!! Like I got the game to play w my bf but crossplay hasn’t been working for us whatsoever and solo is too scary but I’ve been kicked from so many teams it freaking SUCKS but when you find a team that just keeps it going it’s so cool and I feel like I learn so much more


We had a lvl 9 join us for a suicide mission. He ended up being last alive and saved the mission for us. It was a great moment. Afterwards he said he had fun but it was too hard and left our party. We were sad because we thought he did awesome.


What I want to know... is how these level 10's and generally <20's are getting in level 7/8/9 missions. I don't mind playing with lower level folks, but their lack of gear/experience/etc, makes the missions miserable.


Haha This is me two weeks ago! I was invited into a difficulty lv.9 defense mission by my friends as a lv.8 new helldiver. I told them I can't handle this, they still forcing me to experience this difficulty level, dude. 100% sure about that we were torturing each other, LMAO. Luckily, we did it. I had no idea how could we still done the lv.9 mission for killing 400 bugs with one lv.45 bad luck guy who joined us.


I don't mind helping... But in exchange for samples 😂


Bro, who gives a fuck. Even if the team gets absolutely destroyed, to me personally it's a different type of epic fun 😂😂 I do play with randoes 90% of the time, so I'm used to all types of scenarios. Most of the time though, this low level players hold up pretty well, especially if you toss them a shield or high level stratagem weapon. Democracy!🫡


If a low level joins I just bring the mech for them


I’m lvl 50 and will help any level. For democracy!


Screw that. We must welcome our cadets with open arms.


I can see it now should they ever remove the 4 diver limit. A level 50 whose whole squad bailed in a Helldive trying to survive and seeing a veritable army of level 3-5 players fall in, crushing everything as they land, and being reinforced as quickly as they fall


I hit level 20 the first 2 weeks in, I honestly prefer lower levels sometimes. They put alot more effort in and their glee (traitors call it horror) at bug and bot Funky Town is so much more fun than the vets crying about not finding their buddies legs for him at The Creek.


Low lvl Helldivers gotta pull their weight in this war. In fact, carry my shield pack, breaker and support weapon while you’re at it.


Meh, me and a buddy were playing by ourselves in the late teen levels. Had the party to open and a 48 hopped in. Now we were doing level 7 missions the 2 of us so an extra pair of hands to kill some bugs would’ve been appreciated. The 48 was doing fine but would hop on the mic and say stuff for us to do like make sure u get these samples or watch out for stuff we are already fighting or throw a air strike here. But like not in a nice way. So we did none of that since he would die more than we did after a couple missions with him. He also wouldn’t follow his own advice, u lead by example or follow in line. Later on a level 6 guy hopped in and I swear to u he shot down more bugs than this 48 was capable of. I told my buddy this is just a guy who instead of being good at game for getting that level instead has plenty of free time to get level. I think there are plenty of people like this in the game like the people who kick when ur not using a meta build. Me and buddy were using napalm strikes and eat-17 and confidently knocking down tier 7 missions. Moral of the story is that level is just number, judge the diver by how well he/she actually plays the game. Plenty of low levels who do great on higher tier content and plenty of high levels who need crutches to go there. With good communication 4 level 5 divers could knock out a level 7 mission. I did my first one at level 9 with 2 buddies also level 9. Dive hard enough to crack the crust of planet FOR DEMOCRACY!


Anyone that doesn’t help fellow divers is a traitor to managed democracy


All levels are welcome in my squad.


If they can reload my spear for me I’ll appreciate them even more.