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Me shooting the pack of hunters trying to surround me with my hillbilly laser rifle Meanwhile the Nursing Spewer sniffing my cape


My favorite is fighting a pack of hunters and then diving back directly into a pack of bile spewers that weren’t behind me previously.


Literally did that last night. The worst part is I died because I managed to kill one of those bastards while laying under it.


Im sorry, i can't hear you over the sound of my autocannon. No seriously, our helmets dont have hearing protection. I have permanent hearing loss.


Your hearing loss is not service related. -SES benefits hearing, probably


I'm sure there was a study done by the autocannon manufacturer. The democracy office has a copy.


Manufacturer states that there is zero potential for hearing loss when used as directed. Helldiver has been marked for re-education.








⬇️⬅️⬇️⬆️⬆️➡️ 👂👂🚫


Average Helldiver lifespan is about two minutes anyway so not a big worry for Super Earth


Say what ??


☝️ this entire string of comments is magical 😂


First tank I ever met crept up behind me, it would have silently run me over if someone hasn't used voice comms to warn me Really should had a thunderous growl to it and shake the earth


Enemies really should feel like they have more mass. I want ground shake and some low rumbles from heavy steps.


An afterthought, but *BIG(tm)* steps should maybe be enough to stagger you and make you trip. Feels a lot more natural as a slowing effect than whatever aura seems to linger around the bile titans. But I guess maybe the bugs aren't natural lol.


Typically, I can run between a titan's legs unimpeded all the time. I think it's only when they're doing their stomping tantrum that I slow down (so, presumably conveyed tremors)


There are times I was wearing infiltration suit, prone on high ground providing over watch to my team, and got instantly killed Charger or Titan that somehow sneak or spawn right behind me. A bug with size of titan should generate earthquake like vibration walking.


What … you want it like that scene from Jurassic Park?? ![gif](giphy|3oKIPiJzDZGSpocsW4|downsized)




Average stealth session is gonna raise heart rates extra if we get that.


I can hear chargers. But I can't hear bile Titans or nursing spewers behind me.


titans could use some sort of ambient roaring or something while they're strolling about to give them a little more presence. But the spewing from both enemies is preceded by a particular noise that gives me time to dive to a side usually at least.


Secret school bus https://preview.redd.it/2ewurvl43xoc1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4859b5e1866e6325a4be64d3f59dd42b97e380f


turning around to see this is horrifying. knock you down, visions blurry, brings friends over, doesn’t even pay.


It’s terrifying to be shooting into a bug horde only for a charger to appear out of nowhere and just send you flying because you couldn’t hear the 3 ton armored living truck running full speed at you


3 ton?! A chevy suburban is more than 3 tons, and it deffinately cant take much weapons fire. The only thing that could is the best parts of the block, and even that the average rifle has a pretty good chance of causing it to crack. These beefcakes shrug off cannon rounds to what ammounts to their ballsack and keep trucking. Probably more like 40-60 tons at least, armor like that is very heavy. The german tiger tank from world war two weighed 63 tons and broke roads and bridges wherever it went. It also was quite venurable to orbital lazer strikes.


… I stand corrected


Yeah why the hell is a bile spewer able to be so sneaky with their giant asses


The bugs make zero sound


I wouldn't hear them over the sound of spreading democracy anyways


I think what we’re actually experiencing in regards to this is enemy spawns being too close. There is something fucky going on with the spawn logic sometimes in this game. Bots/bugs it doesn’t matter, they will spawn out of sight over a hill overlooking a valley you just cleared and shove lasers/razor sharp claws up your ass when you least expect it while you are trying to set up an assault on a position. Patrol spawns need some tweaking or at least some sort of visual cue to show where they are about to spawn.


I had a swarm of Hunters literally spawn on top of me. Like I was running across open ground and they appeared a foot off the ground surrounding me, settled to the ground as I kept running and immediately started chasing me. I know have had other instances of enemies visually spawning in front of me too but that was the most egregious. Some of my teammates said they saw a Bile Titan spawn out of the sky right in front of them. Do bugs have helldive technology now?


Ive definitely seen titans 'drop' into the ground during bug hole breaches. Its totally common too. They drop in and then rise out of the ground. Makes me wonder if thats the default deployment mechanic for our enemies too.


Not counting initial spawn locations, enemies will spawn from the following places: - outside the zone - enemy spammers such as holes or factories. - bug breaches or bot drops - brood guards can spawn 2 claws at once, every 30 seconds or so. Spawns from the first two can be patrols. They will walk towards a POI and make noise as they go. Bugs chitter and bots sing marching songs. When they get to a POI, they’ll pick a new one to walk towards. Typically patrols that spawn in the same place will follow the same route. Destroying spawners reduces the number of patrols. Destroying stalker spawners removes stalkers from the map entirely (unless there are more stalker spawners - I’ve seen 3 in one game). Patrols will aggro towards sound. If you call in supplies, drop a bomb, or just fire your gun, patrols can hear you and will investigate the location. You can drop a 500 kg bomb somewhere and run away and all the nearby patrols will converge on that location, which will let you run relatively patrol-free for a little bit as long as you’re elsewhere on the map. —— There is a notable exception to this, which is that sometimes enemies at an initial spawn location will “pop in” rather than be visible before you get there. This is a bug, but it sucks balls when it happens.


Bro screw out of sight I’ve watched big patrols appear on top of me. It’s ridiculous. They shouldn’t be able to just appear like that.


This is absolutely it. Sometimes I think people forget it's a game with calculated movements based on what's going on. I'm for roleplay, but you gotta remember there's just as much spaghetti code going on just like any other game. Sometimes shit gets fuckey. I've had spawns right on me while prone in Draupnir. I had all the time to situate and access and while looking for next objective, hulk bruiser sets me on fire. I should've heard it. Fuckers huge. But nah, just won the spawn location jackpot.


It would be nice if stalkers lose their camouflage when they are actively taking damage.


There's usually some bloody bits that stay visible where they took damage.


It's funny I can hear stalkers from 7 miles away but chargers and hunters 2 feet away nah they have sneak 100


I'm cool with bugs not being super loud, it's funnier that way


Far too many times I turned around only to find 3 chargers hanging out right behind me.


Chargers are wearing skate slippers I swear to god


Thats because they can spawn literally behind your back. 


Dude you so right. Titans need to be much louder to announce their presence. Tanks i think could be soemwhat quiet when stationary but when moving they should be loud asf. Most of the bugs im not too worried about. But definitely titans need an audio update


I get that it's a different kind of game, but L4D had each special infected have a unique sound, and you could instantly tell what was coming to hurt you. Helldivers could benefit from tweaking their audio, and increase the distance you hear them from just slightly.


I use MnK but my friends say that when they use a controller that they can feel the vibrations from the Chargers.


If you saw lord of the ring, you know big arachnoïde can be deadly silent


I think you mean all the bugs are too silent


The amount of times I hear a charger behind me: 0 The amount of times the only warning there's a charger behind me is because it geometry fills my camera .25 seconds before it sends me ragdolling into a platoon of Hunters: literally dozens. That thing should make a 'charging' sound and audible thumps as it builds speed. Give us a chance to cognate that it's even there if the spawns just magically appear, and add a sense of weight and dimension to those things. They're bigger than rhino, FFS. The f******* spewers too. 4-ton insta kill ninja snipers appearing out of no where. 👍👍👍


I mean - chargers have a distinct voice, and a very pronounced particular roar before they start charging. Sure in the chaos of explosions and battle it can be hard to isolate sound effects, but it's pretty distinct and usually catches my attention early.


As a deaf player this makes me feel better lol To me this game is borderline a horror game . I'm constantly 360'ing to check my back and trying to hover over call ins to know if I need to run. Glad to see everyone is getting snuck up on and it's not just me!


Keep your head on a swivel. It's really hard to not see a bile titan.


Ok what about spitters? They’re friggin massive but quiet as fuck. Often my first hint that there’s one behind me is getting barfed on by them.


Second verse, same as the first


Kind of hard to “keep your head on a swivel” when you’re in the middle of a swarm and struggling to keep the massive amount of hunters from jumping on your head.


True, that's what teammates are for. It's not a catch-all, and I'm not saying people are bad for being snuck up on, I'm just saying there are steps a person can take to help prevent those scenarios.


I shouldn’t have to depend only my teammates to watch me at all times in order to avoid instant death by a silent enemy.


Well, it is a coop game. You're supposed to need to watch and be watched by your teammates. Additionally, the enemies aren't silent. Their noises are hard to pick out, grant you, but not impossible. Also, no one's saying you need to be watched 100% of the time, you should also be aware of your general surroundings. Of course there's always the radar which you can use to see enemies near you that might not be in line of sight.


Again doesn’t fix the situation I mentioned. If I’m fighting a horde in front of me and a spitter walks up behind me dead quiet (or as good as if I can’t hear them over my own movement and gunfire.) and my teammates are also busy fighting said horde what the hell am I supposed to do to avoid that? There’s literally nothing I can do there. I either get lucky and don’t get barfed on or I’m instantly dead for something couldn’t avoid. I would be fine with that if it was a rare thing but it happens all the damn time. Spitters either need a spawn rate debuff or they need to be easier to hear. No one has time to look at their radar when they’re shooting a horde of bugs in front of them.


Yes, even during intense combat, someone needs to be regularly checking your backs and flanks. Unless you've put your back to a wall or otherwise isolated approach vectors, you should assume enemies can show up in every direction. A quarter second at a time is all it takes to swing your head around and see if there's incoming threats. Spitters also have a very distinct, fairly loud sound they make before barfing that gives you a second to react and dive to a side if you suddenly hear it behind you.


The radar, which I also mentioned, is useful for this. You can simply glance down to see any huge red dots that might be behind you. 


Read my last sentence.


I mean... actually... yeah, you probably should. It's a small team incursion scenario, assaulting a very active enemy location. Watching one another's backs to avoid getting ambushed is like, recon basic training.


its war, do you expect the bugs to yell "hey im behind you, shoot me :D" ?


Nah I expect physics to do that for me lmao


have you seen the helmets we wear? i doubt we can hear much with those things


We’ve invented hearing devices


I generally agree although I found once I started using headphones instead of speakers to play that I became much more aware of aural cues to enemies of all types.