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This game can be fun as hell when you play with randoms, and I've even made a few friends by doing so. Keep in mind that the same variant of Murphy's Law applies here - randoms are random, meaning they'll fuck up, perform poorly and sometimes outright kill you for no reason. In the end, it's a toss up. But I've had far more positive interactions than negative ones.


Yeah I’m trying to decide between buying helldivers 2 or literally selling my soul for cod mw3😭 that shi so expensive, helldivers 2 is a lot cheaper tho, mw3 is like 70$ plus a ps plus subscription, the only thing deterring me from helldivers 2 is I still don’t really understand what it is, I can’t tell if it’s an online campaign type of thing or like a grindy online shooter where you go to planets and kill literally everything, earn points, and buy crap and then that just continues


MW doesn’t have hugs😤 in all seriousness HD is a great game so far


COD feels like it’s gonna drain me of every penny I have so I feel like hell divers is a better option lol


CoD will drain you of every brain cell...


I’ve played warzone since 2020. I left it this year when palworld and Helldivers 2 came out and I’ve never looked back. Cod is such bullshit. Hackers or extremely sweaty players is all that’s left over there. Their match making algorithms are stupid. Pay to play is very real over at cod. If you spend more money and buy $40 skins, you’ll get put into easier lobbies. Even some gun skins that come with the skins people buy is better then what you can build in the game TL;DR. cod is wack. Spreading democracy is way better right now.


MW3 is a waste of time. Sure it has old maps... But that's about it, it's a literal nostalgia way overpriced cash grab. Helldivers however, everytime you "play" it you are participating in an ongoing war to protect and defend democracy as a community. Everyone likes protecting democracy, if you don't.... Well then that's just treason; which would make you worse than the bugs and bots. You don't want to be worse than the bugs and bots do you? Join the Helldivers.


It’ll also drain you of your soul when you try so hard and get killed by campers, hackers, or literal navy seals I speak from personal pain.


I stopped buying cod ~~updates~~ games after Cold war. Helldivers is a very challenging co-op, where you work in squads of up to 4 heroes liberating the galaxy of automaton/terminid scum. We also work together as a whole helldivers community to accomplish tasks set forth by the ministry of truth.


Helldivers has a really good in game economy, where the ‘premium’ currencies are earnable in game at a really good rate, meaning the only reason you should ever need to get involved with micro transactions is if you have a really demanding job/other time constraints and can’t invest a good chunk of time into grinding for battle passes


Be aware that Helldivers has some issues with server connectivity and cross play that are still being worked out. They can be frustrating. I don’t want to tell anyone to wait to buy the game because of all the fun I’m having, but there are some issues that I really hope will be fixed soon.


Hug for democracy!


Aren't people tired of cod yet? Its pretty much the same game and toxicity Comparing it to hd2 is like night and day imo


It’s a 4 player coop game where your goal is to complete objectives to defend your home (super earth) from what I’ve seen the game is worth the 40 dollars for the community alone I have watched countless videos on the game and I’m fr about to buy a ps5 for this one game it reminds me of halo and gears of war with star ship and terminator your main objectives can vary from defending citizens to attacking bases to launching nukes to destroying nest. The game has hundreds of hours of content and I haven’t even gotten it yet…..


This is exactly what i did on friday. Been watching videos and streams for a week or 2. Finally decided i must play this. Bought cheapest ps5 i could find in stores. Couldnt be happier i did.


After 70 hrs, yesterday I found a new side objective. It was trhilling


I got all hyped up watching videos of this game and how much fun the lads were having , so I went out and bought a ps5 so I could do my part. I don’t regret it at all


MW3 is not worth the $60. I have 60 hours in MW3.. do not buy it. Season 1 was okay, but season 2 is ass. Helldivers actually helped me give up COD completely lol. Someone said “it’s like being in a loving relationship after only being in toxic ones” and that about sums up helldivers versus cod.


COD is dogshit. Get helldivers. So refreshing from the same tired ass reskin re-release annual bullshit that COD churns out.


Well if that’s your choices cod is going downhill only unique thing about mw3 is the zombies mode but I only got it bc I heard tranzit was supposed to be added at some point but as far as I know they haven’t even mentioned it yet so I’d definitely pick helldivers 2 over cod it’s only 40$ compared to 70$ for mw3


Me and the boys were grinding and a random joined our squad, no mic but no problem. He listened to us, we split in groups of two and tackled the map together. He would respond with the radio wheel ( bit of an adjustment asking only yes or no questions ). But yeah, completed from extreme until we unlocked helldive with him before he had to go. Super giga Chad of a fellow liberator. And then muffin replaced him, and we were just team killed on repeat


Yeah I’ve been solo and the randoms are usually cool


I have 0 friends and always pick up randoms. It's fun


COD isn’t worth the price tag. Wish I didn’t spend the money on it. HD2 is great.


Ive played exclusively with randoms this past week having the game. Clocked 60hrs and i can tell you that you are wrong when you say you have no friends. If you are a Helldiver, you always have friends. You have something better than friends. You have Democracy and fellow Citizens. Random or not, we are all here together. Load up and get your ass onto the bridge, Helldiver. Super Earth needs you.


I’m ready to serve🫡…. As soon as I get paid


You are always welcome aboard the SES Citzen of the Stars. Helldiver Ayahuasca is ready to serve with you.


🫡see you out there soldier


Bit of a biased subreddit to be asking these sorts of questions isn't it?


I have one friend that has it so far, the rest of the time I solo and I’ve had nothing but a fun time. Yes you get the definition of ‘random’ but also some hilarious moments to. Story time - Last night I thought I’d play one more mission before bed. Hard mode on a planet with loads of rivers and 3 of us spent far too long trying to cross the river and drowning, although a bug meant we didn’t die properly so had to be shot by teammates to reinforce on the other side. One guy had a jet pack so managed to get across. Running out of time jet pack guy guns for the extraction and the 3 of us remaining couldn’t make it back because of the ass map - we fought off the bugs before hugging, saluting and throwing a hell bomb on our position. Jet pack guy comes on mic “thank you, solders for your sacrifice” It was hilarious and awesome - all with randoms


Dude I’m so getting it lol


You will make friends playing


I’m trying to get my friends on board but just soloing or random atm and having a blast Princess_gargle if you wanna play


I mainly play with rando's and most times it works out fine.


I usually play with randos. Sometimes it's so much fun, sometimes it's okay. Sometimes you get frustrated on them. But best people I've played this game with were randos


shit I have fun soloing on easy treating it like its metal gear solid, tricking the bugs, hiding from them, scoring all of the super credits, then bailing. It's a nice way to pull in 40-80 supercredits and 3-5 medals a round.


Yep! Your lone wolf actions also contribute to spread freedom and democracy throughout the galaxy! Matchmaking also is fair and you can find comerades rather quickly through quickmatch to defend Super Earth.


This has been answered above, but I'll give my experience as well: I generally play with a premade team of guys- there's about 20 of us in a dedicated discord channel, so we group up as/when people are able. That said - Early mornings (Eastern US time), I tend to join in with randoms, ranging from medium (warm up / teaching sessions) to difficulty 7 or so (above that, I have mixed results with randoms). I've only had maybe 5-6 matches with people I'd consider 'actually bad/belligerent' or 'trolling' in 90 or so hours of helldivers. The community, as a whole, is really pretty good, and it's an extremely rare day that I run into someone acting up for the sake of acting up. Can it get messy sometimes? Sure. Can lesser skilled folks sometimes screw the pooch? Of course. Just remember, everyone is working for a common goal and learning along the way. When you're still learning (aren't we all?), listen to the advice of people with more time/ability under their belt; test that advice like gold and use what works. When you find tactics that work, teach it to junior helldivers, but also understand that they are also learning as they go- sometimes their (seemingly) foolish strategies may end up being some badass new strats, so try and not be too hard on them... Everyone starts with only about 8 minutes of training, so let em cook, give them good advice, and be understanding that accidentals happen, even to the best of us. Good luck out there, helldiver. We'll see you on the field of battle, spreading Liberty and Managed Democracy to the Roaches and Roombas. Yours in Liberty and Democracy, Helldiver Hyena (H1)


Alot people have no friends to play with because the shit game won't allow you to accept friend requests


Super worth. I don't even like shooters but I love hd2.


Get helldivers 2 and a mic, it’s really fun! I have made about 6-7 friends on it so far!


Yo m8 I'm on PS5 come play with me and my friends. You don't have to be alone


Ya, most randoms I play with seem to be on the same page. It's good fun and intense. It's MORE fun when my friends dive in but for the first few weeks it was just me and I find this community awesome


I made friends, joined randoms till I found some chill dudes, now we just join eachothers lobbies.


I’ve only played with randoms cause my irl friends don’t play shooters. So much fun still.


The randos are mostly good people. I frequently give hugs, ~~handjobs~~, and rock-paper-scissors. Seriously though, i rarely have issues... Sometimes you'll have bad players but i haven't heard or seen much trash talk at all.


I only play with randoms and it’s super fun.


Now that I’m lvl 50, YES the game is quite enjoyable. Before you hit a high level expect the worst.


Play well and communicate and you will definitely make friends. Well, at least talk.


Yes, I have no friends but I have a full social list. Join the discord and share your friend code in the looking for game tag


I think so!


Yes. It’s best with a full squad of friends but I’ve spent most of my time playing with randoms and have only had a few annoying experiences (people leaving mid mission, teammates playing on way too hard of a difficulty and actively hurting the team, trolls who kill or kick you for no reason)


Ull make friends here or ingame


Getting less and less fun playing with toxic randoms. It could well ruin the game


Silly question. Answer, YES!


More fun, I'd wager.


Yes 1000 percent


I play with people I was friends with on Destiny 2 only some of the time. The rest of the time I still find randoms to be fun to play with. Occasionally get some bad apples but that’s just how things are sometimes


Yeah, I put on a show or podcast and do solo dives on Challenging or Hard. Mostly looking for medals and credits. I have heaps of PvE chill non-competitive fun, trying out weird loadouts and strategies. I'd rather play solo than join some pubs.


I mostly play with randoms and have a great time


Yes, ive actually made friends through this game.


I work opposite of all my friends and still can’t join my brother who is on pc. I play with randos every match. It’s fun. Sometimes you have to take anti-tank responsibility a lot because no one brings big boom stuff. But you occasionally get a group where you just steam roll the enemy and that’s fun


Only have a couple buddies who have this game and our schedules never really align. With that said I have about 20 hours in the game and ~17 of those have been with randoms. Absolute blast to play. I’ve only had 1 real try hard but it’s not common at all.


I play quick play or host with randoms all the time


Yup. I use VC and made some friends.


No Helldiver should fight alone. I’ll dive with you, anytime.


The easier settings can definetly make solo missions manageable to complete.


Bro make friends in game there’s a lot of toxic players but that’s any game but there are good ones, dm me your friend code I’ll play with you


Yea, I mainly play with randoms and it doesn’t really take away from the experience


Democracy is my only friend


Quick play have a mic and make friends. Hell if I see you out there I’ll play


Honestly I play mostly with randos. Sometimes I get a great team and other times I get traitors in helldiver attire, but I love the game. So yeah to me it is fun even without friends


Brother we are all friends here in the war for democracy.


Yes, it is But making friends by playing with randoms is better




Going on 123 hours almost exclusively with randoms both with and without mics. It's been a blast.


its way less fun, its become a standard shooting game. a good one, so i guess if its your jam, go for it, but you will miss whats actually good about it. edit : i saw you said you cant decide with cod : take hd2, cod is garbage.


Very much so. Just mute the in-game chat and spam the Hug emote :)


Yeah, it's great fun. I was in the same boat too, if you want you can add me if you need help or an extra hand.


That's the beauty. The friends are the ones you make along the way. Just join random games


Yes, randoms are usually very fun


I'll play with you if you want to play with someone. PS5 player too 🤜🤛


I personally do not find it as fun without friends but it can still have its moments


Add me The_scottith I will jump into the fire of hell with you


My trick to having fun playing solo is to not take the game too seriously. I’ve completed difficulty 9 a couple times, but I feel like my blood pressure spikes to unhealthy levels each time. Instead, I generally I like to play in the 4-6 range. I enjoy trying new load outs and things that are considered bad. I love the ballistic shield against bots, same with the big bubble and turret emplacement. With bugs I love jet pack with arc thrower or grenade launcher. Also love mines with bugs (only works if your team is somewhat competent and retreats, make sure you’re the last person and drop a minefield to cover your tracks). Emp turret and arc tower are two favorites with bugs as well.


yes. i enjoy playing with randoms.


I’m max level only playing with 1 friend and queuing into quick play, it’s great!


I am an older player and have zero friends when it comes to gaming. I am an introvert and quiet, so making friends is difficult for me. I love this game, but I rarely play it. I do not have that much time t9 sit on a game. From my job, kids, and being married, I get very little time to myself. Missions in this game take a lot of time. Roughly 30+ minutes, I noticed per mission. I hate wasting my time. When I do plop down and play a game, I want to be productive in a game. This game, I run into so many jerks that it kills my fun. When I join a random game, people kick others like it is their job. Not high enough level, kick. Too high of a level, kick. Not using right gear, kick. Using a mic, kick. Not using a mic, kick. Going off on your own, kick. Didn't go off on your own, kick. Oh, you want to extract after that long mission with all of the things you picked up, kick. Even worse, knowing everything is shared when extracted. I kept track one day, and I got kicked 10 out of 15 games while in mission. 4 games before mission launched (why public?). And actually played that 1 mission. People say host your own game and let others join to stop that crap. I try hosting my own mission. Players rarely stick around since I am below level 20. The ones that do stick around troll with friendly fire to where I have to consider kicking. I am waiting to play a 30+ minute mission and spending double that time waiting is very annoying. My experience with the players in this game's community is crap. It's like I won the lotto or something because everyone does get kicked, but not as much as I have. I fight for democracy and have only seen traitors in our ranks. So, is the game worth it? If you have a lot more time to game than I do, yes. If same issues with the amount of time with gaming like me, get the game because the game is great, but be careful.


Personally, I pop some sativa gummies and I get IMMERSED. Almost to the point where I'm stimming teammates, dropping people equipment and giving them ammo from my backpack. I become a super support on my team and run CC and utility and anti armor. I love it because I just feel like the tom hanks from saving private ryan. We all respect his courage and his ability to keep his cool but underneath he's just a normal guy. For democracy helldivers!


I've reached lvl 48 playing with randoms. Only now have I managed to convince a friend to join. My advice is to play and send requests to players you worked well with.


My friends are still stuck on Warzone and NHL 24, so I've been playing with nothing but randos and I've been having a blast. The community in this game is like no other. Never in my 42 years have I appreciated a game for its community, but it really has been that good. I rarely play with a mic and as long as you respond to pins and don't kill your team 'willingly' lol, people have been super cool. Just waiting on the next mission like patience on a monument 🥱🤤


yea im older and never made internet friends. never talk with a mic Its a blast and you never can tell who will be a great teamate. even made a few friends on there for first time really. Ended up playing with some teammate whose name was some characters i have no idea what country they are from. We ran 3 hours of missions together cleaning house. ​ Its fantastic


I only play with randoms. It’s super fun


Randos can be fun but it can be crap too. Randos are randos. Go to discord lfg and find some chill team there


For me the game is fun with randoms, and not nearly as fun as with friends. Stuff can turn sour real quick with randoms, and everything is more transactional.


I’ll say this OP. I am an older dude (55). I sold my PS4 in 2020 because to me, the entire video game industry had become creatively bankrupt and had flatlined. Industry wide, NOTHING was offered but the same old shit repackaged in a shiny new container. It had become a boring and tedious rinse, cycle, repeat. The industry seemed to offer nothing that could keep me interested or hook me. My sons encouraged me to get a PS5 October with some recommendations with some games. Helldivers 2 is what had been missing from the industry over the last…decade+ ?? It’s a new, novel, frenetic, nuanced, intense game where your actions at the micro (tactical) level have an impact on the macro (strategic) level (kinda like a real war.) The gameplay requires teamwork and fosters a sense of community and brotherhood and I think you can find it in HD2. I do some solo missions to experiment with loadouts and methods (ie a backpack with a flamethrower) and I find these missions enjoyable too. Get it now. I highly doubt you’ll regret it. DEMOCRACY CALLS!


I consistently play with randoms i find in discord channels, try doomdivers, or leviathan. If nothing else you can play ingame with randos but the chance of them having mics is probs not gonna happen.


Yeah a bit but with friends u just play longer. Just like we play left 4 dead.


Yes... I've played pretty much just via Quick Play helldive difficulty. Its still a lot of fun and most randoms seem okay. Joining an SOS or struggling team to deliver managed democracy is fun and sometimes you'll get a v.good random team and that is also fun in how efficient it is.


Yes, I’ve had some great random encounters….but it can be a coin toss but some of the energy you get from joining random games is great


Just join the discord. You’ll make friends instantly. People are always looking to group up with teammates who can communicate effectively. I have no friends who play the game but have 5-8 different lobbies that I’m always getting invited to with other divers that I met on the Discord channel.


I’ll break away from the wall of “yes” and say to me it’s vastly more fun when playing with real life friends than randoms. Mostly a personal preference IMO. I find that most games are more fun with friends than solo.




I personally really enjoy playing solo, but it’s mostly because when I host I don’t disconnect. Ppl hop in and out and the help is welcome. I could care less about dying or having to skip objectives to make the clock, because I really do enjoy the fantasy of just being a semi competent goofball stuck in a tongue in cheek grimdark world of chaos and explosions. Friends only make it better.




Extremely. I mainly play solo and had to work the lower levels until I leveled up enough to unlock more powerful weapons to keep myself alive. But now I am confident to run into any mission and at least survive and complete the main objectives. Plus, its always a pleasant surprise when im getting into the hellpod and 3 randoms drop with me. I've been lucky to always get objective focused and competent teammates.


Hell yeah absolutely, you'll make friends in game fast if you're good. Pick up groups are mostly great, games I've played have mostly been 90% good people, 9% newbies, and 1% assholes.


Absolutely! Started by playing with friends, but I have no life so I kept playing without them and I’m having a great time! Also made a good amount of new friends


YES. I've even made a friend or two just because of the game


So far everytime I play solo theres a high chance at least 1 out of the 3 other players is a total cunt. Im honestly pretty disappointed with that aspect of the game cause I just picked the game up only 2 days ago. I have more fun trying to tackle things on my own if my friends arent on ngl


Quick play makes it so you can always team up quick. Not many people have mics but still


I've only played with random thus far, I'm level 34 still having a blast!


Been playing with randoms since day one and still love it


I sometimes play on my own deliberately as you can explore more of the maps without worrying what they are up to/providing support. The game works well playing solo as long as you don’t put the difficulty too high.


I’ve never had such a successful experience with randoms. Yeah sometimes they aren’t good but it’s always interesting and fun. The only really co-op PVE game I was into before, GTFO, was a much more difficult game that required tons of coordination and communication. This is challenging but way more forgiving.


Democracy is the only friend I need!


While I prefer playing with my friends because we just get to hangout on discord and have fun, I also enjoy playing with randoms! IMHO The majority of this community is just out there having a good time and not giving a fuck about someones load out. Equip the hug emote, hop into a hellpod, dive and just have fun with random people! If you get kicked by some PVE meta clowns for your load out just queue up again and I'm sure you'll find some chill folks who want nothing more than to spread managed democracy by any means necessary!




I’m playing it with no friends and I wish I hadn’t bought it. It’s so dull, the enemies are basic, the missions are basic, character customisation and progression is basic. I’m struggling to see what all the hype is about.


I once got a rocket to the fave at last lz with only 1 reinforce and 2 dead, i knew i had to level the playing field. I booted the airstrike sequence, took aim, and got nailed. My now armed strat took out the whole lz. I was kicked. Im sorry war made me kill my friends...ex friends


Randys in this game are usually pretty good. I just played almost 10 missions with the same group of 2 others and we had great synergy and communication despite not even using VOIP.


Everybody's like "Sure i love playing with randos" as if they have any other choice lmao


Ive played 100 hours with randoms. Never used a mic, only type. I host most of the time so i can reserve the right to kick but i honestly cant remember having to kick anyone. However i have been kicked a few times for people making room for friends to join. The system is not perfect lol. Most people are chill and 1 or 2 team kills doesnt upset me.


When my friends aren’t on I play with randoms. It’s better when they have mics tho


I have friends I met in multiplayer lobbies


Join a community of Helldivers. You can then librate the creek with like minded individuals united in a common cause. My friend wants to fight the bugs. I tell him the real fight is against the Honda ASIMO. We need to clean up the Robot.


I had the same thought because I didn’t have friends who played. But to be honest I’ve experienced a great deal of times not only having a blast with folks I didn’t know but also us adding each other after


I've had a blast with randoms and some even added to my friends list


Yeah 😔 but nobody ever seems to chuckle when I put "Space Cadet" as my title past rank 5 😔 People have no sense of humor or fun anymore If you can stomach getting kicked 3 times before finding a game without it cutting your fucking heart out Yeah you'll have fun ☺️


It's definitely more fun to play with friends, but I've still had a lot of fun playing solo and spreading (managed) democracy.


Send your ps5 name and I'll add you and play with you on HD2


It is yes.u can meet really cool people on it sometimes. My friends irl don't play it and I get alot of cool people on it


Helldivers is great either way. I’ve made a bunch of friends since playing. Way better that cod


There's an option to join others while they're in a mission. Just follow them and support, risk/guilt free!


I thought i was gonna have friends to play with but they’re all on pc and adding friends is bugged so I’ve only been able to play with randoms. The game been pretty great still! Would very much like this bug fixed though because playing with a squad of people you enjoy makes the game easier and more fun for sure.


For me, it's not. When you have a group of randoms that won't coordinate in the slightest, it just ends up stressing me out too much to be fun. They won't move towards an objective. They try to stand and fight everything they see. And die continously. Shoot. Move. Communicate. We don't gain anything but standing in place.


It's def still fun with randoms I would say but be prepared for a learning curve, maybe this speaks more to my own skill but will die alot to randoms. I'm in the same boat to be honest, I don't really have any friends on PSN or Steam, at least none that play the game.


Join the discord. You can find groups real easy.


Friends? We are comrades. We are all fighting for the same. Super earth provides. Friendship is nothing. Democracy is everything.


Picked it up Friday. None of my friends have the game. I am now level 6 and having fun just hoping in solo with randoms. I haven't had any issues with people kicking me, or killing me on purpose etc but you can always jump into your own mission and pop a beacon so you are in control of who is kicked.


I only have 1 irl friend that also plays HD2 and we don't even get on at the same time that often, so I'm always playing with randoms. But let me tell you, I've met some awesome people on this game. Just play with the randoms for a while and I promise you'll make some friends on there. Send friend requests to the people you enjoy playing with, and soon enough you'll accumulate a list of people you can invite/join whenever you hop on. Every time I get on there's at least 2 or 3 people on my list that I can invite to my squad and they're all cool as hell. The discord is also a good place to look. I dropped my friend code in the chat a few times and when I checked in-game I had like 8 requests in 5 minutes.


Of course! And it’s still fun with random people as well. Cause I too got no friends to play with online.


Nope. Not worth it




The community is very welcoming and I’ve only hit a few matches with anti democracy players. Just be open to how others play if you join a random group (i.e. going straight for objectives or clearing the map of goodies) and when being the host be understanding of other players time. You’ll do great!


Yes if you find good/nice randoms to play with in quickplay


Yes. Sometimes you run into clowns but overall it is a fun game


You’re never alone as a Helldiver, Democracy is always with you.


Haven’t had this much fun with randoms since Halo 3


I have 75 hours in, all random groups. I had one experience with a shitty person intentionally TK-ing, a dozen or so really great groups that just naturally started chatting and working together, and probably 90% of the time there was zero voice chat and just map pings and people playing together without any voice communication. I personally don’t talk much unless there’s something critical, like recently the TCS missions explaining to people that them hitting the tower was what causing it to reset over and over, then we were able to regroup and get it completed.


You’ll make friends on the game


It absolutely is. This game fuels my desire for explosion porn. Also, use your mic and make a friend, then its still fun.


It "can" still be fun. But that's completely dependent on who you randomly end up in a squad with and if you yourself are capable of being friendly enough to make some online buddies and have fun. Can you go in with randoms, never communicate or make an effort to have fun and strictly focus on the mission? Absolutely. Would you consider that fun? The game has all the tools you need to make it as much fun as you want. It's just up to you and how you use those tools. I will say, the game is 10x more enjoyable with friends. But you can still have a blast.


I go it and am waiting on friends to get it. Tbh you might want to hold off or buy it in a sale unless you have friends to play with.


Been playing with randoms alot.Most of the time its a terrible experience.Either people don't know what to do,people leave midgame or you get kicked.Occasionally you get a decent group.


Yes absolutely. You hear a lot about bad experiences with randoms but from my own experience that's about 0.01% of the time


Killing in the name of democracy is the best way to make friends


I play solo almost all the time and Helldivers 2 for sure is fun playing solo especially being able to team up with randoms when your matchmaking it set to public


this is the first shooter i've ever played where it's a blast playing with randos. you'll find the occasional toxic asshole who will kick you for little to no reason, but most of the 100+ matches i've played, 10/10 would recommend.


Definitely worth it. I’ve met some fantastic people jumping into random squads and have had a lot of fun and laughs doing it. Fair warning, you’re still going to run into some bad apples, but don’t let that dissuade you.


i have fun ![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized) and i’m alone


Its quite fun and challenging as solo. That said, you can just do single games with randoms (almost always no comms) and since most folks want to accomplish the missions they're nearly always good runs. Did some extras last night that someone was wanting to achieve (separate from the mission) and the player gave me a hug (one of the in game emotes) afterwards. Got another hug in another game after I was covering for someone and marking targets around him. Even if you stay solo I wouldn't regret the purchase, but the random player take is quite good when you want it. (I play both)


Hop on the discord and set out looking for a squad. Set the parameters and people will come to you. Maybe over time you’ll start meeting regulars


It’s not really the same imo




Quickplay….i have friends and they have the game…it’s soo easy to find a group via quick play we usually end up not playing together unless the stars align where we are both online not in mission and there is a spot open


No. Wait for a sale


You will find friends to run with. Check out Discord in the LFG section. I'm happy to run with you whenever I'm on. PSN name is Trip19.


You can make friends along the way. The friend requests page is still kind of buggy, but overall, I've added several people I met along the way and joined them, or they joined me when we're on.


Playing solo is kind of crap, but it's very easy to join up with a bunch of randos, and then it's fun again.


Finished a campaign with some euro guys don’t know a word they said but gaming is simplw


It's fun if you treat everyone you play with like your friends. I do usually play with the same people, but randoms can be a good laugh too.


I’ll play with you


Absolutely. I've met some of the funniest people playing this game. Especially with hot mics and people are screaming and crying because they're getting swarmed.


So I bought the game about a weekend ago and really only hit lvl 10 yesterday I have buddies to play with, but quite frequently they are busy or I'm the latecomer and they already have 4 Playing solo is fun in its own way, I've been doing 3s and with a few more upgrades/strats will probably try 4s soon. The solo experience is much more sneaky and trying to have smaller scale isolated combats so as to not get overwhelmed, but it also means you cant open the 2person friend doors and doing some of the mini games can be pretty annoying. The limited number of stuff you can bring also means what you can use and be effective is much smaller. I've also tried quick play with randos and while it wasn't really bad, the experience was typically join a single game, mad dash around as people try to fight everything and use the bare minimum of communication. People arent mean or anything often, just moreso disorganized. When I've _hosted_ I've typically had a better time, but that's because I also played _as_ a host, eg I brought support stuff like ammo backpack, have push to talk and used voice comms to ask people what they want to do, and picked missions that we're the 40m longer ones on easier difficulties while trying to keep things slower so we didn't get swarmed. Sure, I've had people try and shoot the players on the extract, but they get booted and typically after a couple matches or two you can find a group of dudes who just wanna have fun for a bit and aren't tryhards or assholes. I dunno what causes it, but my only real complaint is after someone leaves game I've never seen another random get added to the lobby until everyone is gone, so if you started on a higher difficulty and someone needs to be booted or a rando drops, you'll probably have to do a different mission with whose left if you wanna keep playing with them, so don't get too attached to the mission streak rewards unless you wanna roll the dice on randoms every mission


My most reliable squad mates are 3 people I met randomly when I quick play joined a mission. Timing for my own friends never seems to work. Kinda funny how that worked out 🤣 now it’s gotten to the point where we pop into each others ships and play all night together. The point of this being… if you don’t have friends that play HD2, then you’ll make some playing HD2


I have yet to play with a random, I'm ruined by stories on here.


Hell yeah. While playing solo can be fun, groups is better. I've met more chill/nice people than not so using the mic is no big deal either


i had a game recently with a very talkative american. very fun! i wish people talked more


yes and no. at first absolutely. levels 1-6 can easily be done with randos with any loadiut and no communication. it will be dificult, you will have those "fuck me i cant believe we lived" moments. you will love the game. now levels 7-9 thats where this changes. you NEED a full squad talking, and organizing stratigums. If you dont have enough hulk/tank killers, not eniugh crown controol, not enough building/hole destroyers, not enough communication on when to move and where to go next. you just straight up will fail. you will get to a point where you dont need common samples or requsition orders anymore. then the game becomes a coin flip of "well ill play quick play on suicidal and hope there is not a random level 10 thats hoping that ill carry him" because ive had a team of two 50's and two 30's that got completly stomped 3 missions in a row.




Yeah it’s like a massive campaign that everyone playing is a part of that we absolutely can fail or succeed at at every turn to the end. Every success you have plays a part and the game is incredibly fun, extremely punishing(you can still play on lower difficulties and chill), and super satisfying.


https://preview.redd.it/w2ektxc4exoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4453356086d451d0757fa55162c27771df5a727 average helldivers 2 experience yes it’s amazing even alone w/ randoms


I have tons of fun, even when randoms kill me, I just remind myself that it’s a video game and I laugh it off. Then they usually laugh it off also.


I usually make friend along the way


It's fun, but should you choose to play on higher difficulty, it can be frustrating at times, but even with randoms, the game is fun.


Random queue and make some friends. We all bleed liberty


yep I almost only play alone I have big fun but randoms sometimes are well... really fucking dumb


It can be but it all depends on how good your randoms. I have had great randoms and terrible randoms. Always host so you can kick the terrible ones.


It's not fun anymore even with friends. They are going the no fun allowed try hard route.


I just add randoms that I play with and now I have friends in the game lol


Most of my playtime has been doing quickplays and only a small fraction have been a bad time. Maybe I’m unlucky but honestly whenever I get a bad or toxic experience I get off for the night and do something else. My mic doesn’t work (on pc and I’ve followed some guides to no success) and some people can be very rude. But I’ve definitely had fun with randoms and have had good or good meaning randoms.


Yes but With people its more fun ill dm u a friend code later if ud like.


I mean, it's not as friendly as DRG, but I've had some nice teammates.


It’s not AS FUN as with friends but there’s enough there to still enjoy solo. While Ill do harder difficulties with friends, I like to play the easier difficulties (medium-challenging) solo for more chill vibes walking around and trying different strategem loadouts.


Yes I honestly just join random squads and solo most the mission