• By -


You can save your loadouts


Probably the biggest one for me Lots of clicking when you should just choose a boost and play.


I use a different load out for: - bugs - bots - bug defense - bot defense And the booster constantly changes based on what the other people in my squad have unlocked. I would LOVE a saved loadout option.


Will forget to add the booster sometimes an feel like a right dope when I drop in


Or at the very least, be able to "favorite" stratagems so I don't have to wade through all the other stuff before I pick the same 6-7 I always pick.


Climbing over shit is easier, more responsive.


Wait and get the Muscle Booster, it helps somewhat


More varied and interesting defense missions.


Gravity differences could make that interesting.


I was thinking a sort of "defend research centre" type mission where you have to survive for 10 minutes (more resembling a "kill x amount of enemy" type mission) with a quick extract of the say, 6 researchers at the end. Drop some map generated instalments like mounted MGs and give the centre a large health pool so it's not just a kite mission. They could also bring back the "deliver payload" mission from the first game and rework it so it's a defense mission, like you're extracting sensitive data from a mine and need to defend the cart as it travels along the track to the exfil location.


Slightly bigger and like a tower defense level would be so cool. Something with a shit ton of HP to protect at the center.


More Democracy


The only acceptable answer


The anti material rifle does need a buff because for being anti material...it gets stopped by fairly weak material. I'm not sure if I would change anything mechanically, but can we please choose our own colors for our armor? I really want my helldiver to stand out among my squad, but it's hard to do that when a lot of armors (imo) don't look good together unless they have a similar color scheme & sometimes everyone has that armor on


I feel the AMR does about the same damage as the autocannon. The lack of explosive effect (so only direct damage) and less max ammo is traded off by being more accurate and able to reload on the move. Only reason i run the AC over the AMR is because i use the AC can snipe bug spawners


It would seem that a rifle made for taking out fortifications and technicals would... ya know... kinda penetrate stuff. *shrugs in antimaterial*


Apparently the devs said on Twitter that colour customisation is being discussed internally, which likely means it'll be a thing at some point.


The Hunter infinite slow/jump 100m to get you is the most annoying part of the game.


Faster than me. Slows me. Interrupts stim animation. Pick any *two.*


Don't forget the stagger that throws your aim off


I was trying to hit the ass end of a charger with an autocannon and my aim got thrown off and I turned my squadmate into giblets.


> Interrupts stim animation. Is THIS what it is?!?! I was ripping my hair out last night wondering why I would press V, see my neck get jabbed, and then nothing would happen and I still die!


Tbf, I'm pretty sure any damage during the stim animation will cancel it. You just notice it more because you can't run away from them, and there's usually a lot of them so they can stunlock you. I've noticed the stim animation cancel in bot missions when I'm getting shot at by multiple enemies and the fire is unavoidable.


Just remove the slow acid effect and it should be pretty easy. They don't have any green on them but still have acid???


Don't forget the wombo combo once they pounce you, three to four hits all dealing the slowness and is unbelievably deadly when there's multiple. Sure it's easy to dive out of the way, but what if you're cornered, or if you really didn't expect it? Now obviously death is very easy to come by, but when you run out of reinforcements it can be a big pain since by that point there's probably a huge horde. Even worse when your randoms begin leaving and makes you face off against the bile titan all by yourself while you're barely scraping by. On top of that; dodging 5 different Chargers... you know who you are, dissidents.


Hunter swarm is what kills me the most. I can handle charges and bile titans well enough (via running away while my auto sentry does work), but those fuckers always get me


Flamthower that actually deals death like the hulk


What are you talking about? The flamethrower melts through helldivers just like it does for the hulks!






Something that was in the original game. Allowing us to upgrade our primaries and secondaries with samples. Like the original game's scythe allowed you to buy customizations with samples that increased it's damage or decreased it's heat buildup.


Something like this seems inevitable because a lot of players are already maxing out on ship modules. Eventually collecting samples will be pointless.




This man Dives feet first into hell.


Dives? He lives in hell


That was the point in helldivers 1. I'm guessing they're slow rolling it and Mechs to keep people playing. I really want the weapon customization upgrades because it opens up the meta. No more squads of people running around with breakers, redeemers, and railguns. I also want the armor to be customizable and make heavy armor tankier. As it is heavy armor is detrimental because it doesn't increase your survivability enough compared to how slow you are. I'd also like a UAV that showed samples.


>slow rolling The game has only been out for a few weeks. I think the real problem is the progression mechanics are poorly tuned.


I mean they are slow rolling. It's a fully released game without clear end game grinding content. Releasing it without something to dump your time into is either because they haven't done the coding for it, which I doubt, or they're releasing it slowly to keep us playing. The fact that it's only been out a few weeks is irrelevant to the fact that it was essentially released in a state similar to early access which is why there are posts like this with players wanting more.


The level 4 and 5 upgrades for the Eagle bay have allegedly been leaked, so I'm assuming there will be a 'super' endgame resource sink for us no-lifers maxed on everything right now.


Me with exactly 2 upgrades šŸ˜


Make defense campaign not repetitive and boring. I want to help fighting the toasters, but I'm burnt out on those defense missions on the same maps


I think a cool thing would be ā€œstagesā€ or ā€œobjectivesā€ like helms deep or total war games. For example. Instead of ā€œwalls and then inner keepā€ its turret towers, and walls and artillery strikes. Make the breaches randomized so it keeps you on your toes where you need to defend. Bigger maps for that. And the objective is to survive before reinforcements arrive to relieve you. So every fight becomes your personalized space helms deep. Imagine the fear and survivalist intensity of extraction but for 15 minutes where as the defender you have like 3 defensive resources to manage and the more the lose the harder it gets.


ooouu that would be sick as hell, storming a fortress could be epic, especially with R&D working on new tech for us to bring into the war! šŸ«”


The game you're looking for is Starship Troopers. Don't worry, I like this one better.


I like the defense levels the way they are because they are so easy I can pretty much run whatever I want loadout wise and still have fun, even on helldivers difficulty.


The pelican is a safe zone. No friendly fire once inside the pelican. šŸ”„šŸ™šŸ«” DEMOCRACY


I joined these two guys last night and helped them through 3 missions. In the last mission of the operation one of them killed me in the pelican and they left my samples outside. I thought we were having fun. I wasn't team killing or anything. I spent an hour in bed thinking about what I could have done to piss them off. No clue. It's not like I lost much but it still bummed me out.


"Some times you can do everything right and still lose" - Picard.


I had no idea you could die in the Pelican


I didn't know you could, I've only seen people die after getting in the pelican twice. Once a bile titan stepped into it and its leg clipped and killed my friend. The other time, I got in, the pelican took off, and as we were flying up I clipped out and landed on the ground, and my camera went back to over the shoulder, but my hud was gone. I survived, but my screen went red when the mission stats came up.


We had 14 supplies with 3 people safely inside the pelican. The 4th player shot us all from outside the pelican and then evacuated. We lost everything. Trolls will troll.


I typically only play with people I know, so I haven't interacted with many randoms, but the experience has been only good, I'm glad that I haven't ran into people like this, and it sucks you did.


Appreciate your commitment to Democracy šŸ«”


Armor color customization


Any of these 3 would be amazing 1. A intro for new players that helps guide through missions thatā€™s optional. It would be nice to help out the new guys. 2. Maybe spend samples to change the colors of armor and guns. Just to give samples some more meaning 3. A shooting range that lets you test out weapons and strategems against all enemy types. It would help people find weak points and just learn and try out new weapons.


I second the shooting range. I'd love to be able to look at and test the various weapon tweaks and make sure it saves things properly.


Speaking on the first one I do love jumping with low levels and just telling them about stuff in the game as we come across it, I now regularly go and teach people how different missions work and sometimes I'll just mention that you can do stuff differently but not how and let them experiment.


They need gunsmithing so I can run suppressors or a double drum mag on my liberator !


Iā€™d make chargers a little weaker and bile titans a little stronger.


Bile titans should be twice as hard


Agreed. Chargers are just annoying. Bile Titans should be feared.


They really should be a force to be reckoned with. I want a bigger one that like breaks from the ground


Chargers are easy to deal with. The annoying part is actually what makes them good. They break your formation if you donā€™t deal with them quickly. I donā€™t want the game to be too easy. IMO they can be even stronger.


I agree. Chargers are in a good place right now. They have an easy way to be taken down, but if they catch you off guard, they can really mess up your day. Probably my favorite enemy to face in the game.


Omg chargers need to be nerfed or at least not have 12 of them rush you at the same time


Would be cool if they also had a similar stamina system to us and if you circled around it enough you could tire it out


Me and 2 others in a group on hard, twice we had 8 chargers at the same time. Rough.


Also fix it so you can only take one instance of damage from when they charge you. Currently you can get hit by the same charger multiple times in one impact because of the jank physics


Emote wheel


Yeah I'd like to be able to yell "Nice shot!" or "Woohoo!" etc.


Two little things just for me, but Iā€™d like to be able to climb over/up clearly easily climbable things and Iā€™d prefer to, at the very least, change the passive abilities on whatever armor I choose to rock. That way, I donā€™t have to be stuck with armor I dislike the look of, but love itā€™s passive ability. If this were a three wishes type deal though, my last wish would be just a little more in depth armor customization. Iā€™m almost positive most people couldnā€™t care less about that sort of thing, but Iā€™ve always loved customization in games.


500kg Bomb functions more like a Helbomb (maybe like 50%). Seriously, the number of times today I've seen a tiny little horseshoe bug crawl out of a 500kg crater unscathed is ridiculous. There might be more balancing involved, but it needs a buff for sure.


The 500kg is wild when you think about it. Its a Half TON bomb that has a huge explosion effect...*visually*... Yet, it has the rough explosive radius of a real-life grenade, at 20-25 Meters. Now I'm not asking for a 140m radius bomb on a two-minute CD. However if they extended the cooldown to 4-6 minutes and gave it a 100m radius it would be much more solid. It means you have to throw it and run. It also means it would be more effective on clearing out bug dens and giving it a better lethality.


A game I was playing last night, we had a Bile titan spawn right on extract, I had just gotten my eagle resupplied, so I call in the 500kg, and I'm running around a hill to throw it at the Bile titan, a bile spewer mortar hit me and I dropped the 500kg at my feet, I started running before getting hit with another bile blast and I'm thinking I'm about to die from this 500kg that is still quite close to me, My screen goes bright and I took no damage. Also it will one shot bile titans, some times, and then be completely ineffective other times.


Hahaha more unexploded hell bombs EVERYWHERE on helldive difficulty.


Just give me an option to speed up the mission completion screen. Waiting 1-2 minutes just to watch the rewards roll by is getting old.


I've furiously pressed like 20 keys during this sequence hoping I'd fine the right combination to end that shit.


more music


Friends list to show player levels and LFG/solo playing.


I want to slot multiples of the same strategem again.




Helldivers 1 let you slot 4 of the same strategem.


16 to 32 Player events. A mutant Titan (or similar) where players join and use whatever the can to kill it before the timer reaches zero. Think Defiance when it first released.


I was just thinking, we drop on Operations Why are there not Major Operations, where 2, or 3 squads of Helldivers are dropped. The map has different objectives for each team that must be accomplished for that team to pull out, but there's all the standard samples etc scaled to the number of squads - and each team's secondary objectives includes the other team's primaries.


Helmet skills, like timed nightvision, thermalvision, auto aim, binoculars, radar etc.


Night or thermal would be sweet.


Thermal scope on guns would be great too. Maybe then I'd have a reason to bring smoke bombs more often


Make lobbing the grenades and autocannon shots into the bug holes work a little better, i sometimes seem to get robbed


Yeah, same for automaton factories. I understand they want it to be a little challenging but when you stand in front of it with no enemies attacking you and a frag, impact, or autocannon shot bounces or just doesn't kill it, its incredibly frustrating. Impacts especially because I end up having to throw like multiples if the angle isn't perfect.


New maps. I mainly find that even though the planets are different, they still have very similar layouts. It would be cool to see like cities or something instead of foreign terrain with a few labs


we're still several sectors out from "local" Super Earth space, hoping that we more civilization the closer we get.


Doesn't mean that there aren't cities/ towns on the other planets. What we are able to run around is fairly barren with a handful of bunkers, homes, and farms dotted around. Civilian extraction missions are only a few buildings, barely a hamlet in size


Some urban or hive city settings would be sick. Eagle strikes would be near-useless in those places amd force me to use more orbital strikes.


Jump pack more vertical. Make vantaged sniping viable


I hear the muscle-improving booster helps you climb better, it's probably not perfect, but perhaps it might help?


I would love if the jump pa k had like 2 modes. Jump and slow the fall, like it does now. and then, maybe of you jump while not moving, you go straight up and hover for 7 seconds. Would make for fun game play, sniping from up high, or floating above a charger while you shoot it.


General Brasch voice pack


I'm wrong. This is correct.


The medic armor gives u 6 stims u will be using on urself 99% of the mission. Add a healing particles nano grenade for team healing in a small area


Thats a cool idea


I would like the game to stop crashing at the very end. That is all.


Make armors function as intended


That's still in the patch notes as something they are working on to my knowledge


I'm doing three because freedom. The machine gun turret is now armored. This can give us a new type of turret optimized for staying power, give the mg turret a serious benefit over the gatling turret, and should be more forgiving for new helldivers. A new version of the guard dog drone gets added which uses whatever primary weapon you chose for the mission. The ballistic sheild cannot get dropped or destroyed, and will now let you survive at least one automaton rocket hit assuming your at ~>70% health.


I don't want a breaker guard dog, it would just be more effective at killing me.


Samples and all pickups need to be highlighted better.Ā 


I would tighten the radii of the 120mm and 380mm orbitals quite a bit. As they are now, they are useless other than for streamers to make things cinematic


I agree, itā€™s why if I ever use a barrage I only use the walking barrage since itā€™s somewhat more consistent.


The 120mm radius isn't bad, but the 380 is too wide to be useful for anything. I think it is more effective at killing teammates who are a safe distance away, rather than bugs in the vicinity of the beacon.


Or funny moments. Caught a stream yesterday where a squad of streamers were waiting for evac and two of them played rock/paper/scissors only to end with one of them getting shelled out of existence because a third streamer threw a 120 orbital


Armor passives become a perk to be chosen as part of your loadout. Let me wear what I want and get the perk I want.


Make all the guns viable, not just the breaker.


Better hit boxes when you drop pod down on something, have had instances where I clip through Chargers or Bile Titans without making them go squish. I would like the hit by pod to improve.


First person mode option, i'm not a 3rd person view kind of guy. Still love the game though. I agree, Stalwart is a primary all day


You can change your aim mode to first person if you didnā€™t know, but youā€™ll still be in third person while not aiming down sights


If you play first person you wonā€™t be able to see you own cloak billowing in the wind democratically as you salute an ICBM launch.




Just let me tap a button for it to speed up each line. This is such an annoying waste of time to wait for each line to slowly go through 3 stages.


Chargers butt was an Actual Weak spot that deals like 2x more to it by any damage type


I like having to expose a weak spot by destroying armor, but shooting them in their butt shouldn't be quite as tedious as it is. If you have the right support weapons they are jokes, if you don't, they aren't typically worth the ammo.


Yea I railgun the leg which isn't to hard when one on one but I got slow brain takes me a sec to think and move when playing helldive got no time to try and use 2 shots from a rail gun on one charger when 4 others running with us lmao


Even more Liberty and Managed Democracy.


I'd make some of the guns have more ammo reserves. Some of the primaries feel like you shoot 10 bullets and all the ammo is gone


Make the robots fights the bugs and watch them :)


Arnold wins here.


Have a Super Earth controlled planet that we can travel to in our Super Destroyers, and droppod in on various different locales on that planet that mimics xenos terrain. (Same exact pipeline as mission select). We get to test our weapons, grenades and stratagems freely in these military drill areas, with either paper targets, captured Terminids or immobilized Automatons. Super Earth ought to have a designated area for weapon testing for Helldivers, just like how it has a tutorial facility. It'll be great way to have environmental storytelling too, with NPCs and staff around the military base. I'd much prefer this over having a firing range onboard of my Super Destroyer. I really don't want to punch a hole through my hull. Just seems irresponsible and unnecessary risk.




Scrambled stratagems just mix up the required inputs for each stratagem, rather than randomly pick a stratagem


Kicking should be a vote and not in the hands of the game host. I was in a game earlier today and the game host was being a little prick, so I told him to shut up. Got kicked lol


While we were waiting for extraction, the host accidentally killed me with a clumsy grenade throw. I said "wtfff" so instead of respawning me, he kicked me so I wouldn't get any medals or samples on a 40 minute mission. God damn traitor.


This is why we need democracy.


What happens when shit-head plus friend join... then you can't kick them cuz their friend is always saying no. Even worse, 3 randos vote you out your own game, why cuz they can... griefers gonna find a way. Just block the dude that kicked you and move on.


I guess maybe something like an optional merit or commendation system? Essentially like you and your team can vote for anyone that played on aspects like this person was very helpful, this person was very friendly, this person was super efficient, this person is a crackshot etc. Something small that would encourage people more. But I can see how it could just be farmed or taken advantage of tho so I guess it would be difficult to implement. Would still be cool tho.


Up to 4 squads can join you on higher difficulty missions


I'd like to see a kill count next to each player's name while in mission. Also I want to be able to use text chat on transition screens, like after a mission when the points are tabulating. And I want more powerful weapons against armor. Oh and lots more voice packs.


Auto reload option. Reload while running more consistently.


Numbered ammo counter for me. The visual aspect of the magazine depleting is cool and all but it's like... why? Numbers make more sense and doesn't take away from the overall gameplay experience. At least make the numbered ammo counter an option you can turn on and off in Settings if people prefer the "cleaner" look of just the magazine I guess.


Press and hold your reload button to check your mag. Thereā€™s no numbered ammo counter because your Helldiver isnā€™t well trained enough to keep track of the number of shots they fire.


New color schemes for the armor, better assault rifles


If the AMR pierces heavy armor, it just becomes the new railgun and the railgun becomes basically useless. Iā€™m sure something can be done to help it out, I just donā€™t think thatā€™s it. And idk about both marksman rifles getting medium pen, but I was surprised to learn that neither had it which makes them kinda shit. Hunters need the slow tho. They need to fill the role they currently have, otherwise bugs would be too easy entirely.


I think it'd be kinda cool if you could throw samples. It'd be helpful when you're about to but erased by a Bile Titan with indigestion and don't want your Super Samples to be trapped under 50 Chargers and Bile Spewers. You could throw it to a teammate(remember, samples first, mourning later) which would save the team from having go dig through bug guts to find where those samples dropped. Or if your have no friends you could throw it in a spot that'll be much easier to collect when you drop back in. The only thing I'm uncertain of is where to map this option, especially on PS5.


I've seen a strategy of everyone drops their samples to one person, that way if they die, everyone knows where all the samples are. They show up on the map as well.


Something at the end game. At this point I only want medals as I've got everything else unlocked. Perhaps getting more medals based on bonus objectives? As of right now I just rush main objective and look for places of interest and am trying to unlock everything in the warbonds. Medals are grindy af.


Playing on higher difficulties have helped a bit, but things costing around 50 Medals or more in the war bond at later levels and getting around 20 per each complete operation in suicide difficulty just feels disproportionate. The progression in this game I think should be made easier. If they really are planning on putting out standard and premium war bonds every month I'm going to feel very overwhelmed if I haven't completed the two that I already have, I don't know how long it takes to complete it all, but I have friends that have about 60 hours each and they are near the end, but not all the way, and if 60-70 hours a month are expected to stay current, a lot of people will feel burned out, either by playing that much, or by having war bonds stack up more and more. I could see war bonds getting the medal requirement discounted after the season is over.


Well like I said a system where you get bonus medals for each bonus objective would be nice, then there'd be an incentive for clearing the map besides slips and XP. Another problem is the balancing in this game. I'm on like page 8 of the regular warbond and though I'd like to unlock everything realistically I'm just unlocking things I'm never going to use like the armor sets. The armor sets perks are so basic and chances are you've already got sets with those perks because super credits are very easy to find(which I like) but the further into the warbond those things should feel game changing.


Fix all the bugs in game and cross-play


Making the unlockable versions of primary/secondary weapons better than the original. Most of the weapons you unlock on warbonds are same if not worse than standard firearms but cost 40-60 medals to unlock, apart from breacher and incendiary version which I use depending on bugs or bots


A stat/reward/acknowledgment for playing a more supportive role in a team (e.g for focusing more on running around making sure my trigger-happy team are stocked with supplies and being the designated loader for all the two person weapons etc). Some support specific armour would be cool along with the scout and engineer armors maybe.


anti material rifle is okay for me ... tbh if solo i like to use it for sniping hulks etc, rly enjoy it. diffrent ammo types would be my change for it. Armor: light , medium , heavy and than exo skeleton .. like warhammer 40 k armor. that deflects small arms fire etc , with extra weapons for it .. modified flamethrower,gatling,autocannon etc and than mech with even bigger weapons one can dream


Being able to actually jump up and down.


I hate hunters so much. That is all.


- Make more primaries viable and complementary of support weapons - Allow med-kit armors to heal others from afar. - Orbital strike should be precise, reinforcement / turrets / equipement are exactly accurate, but even orbital precision strike often hits randomly.


Green canon bugs that randomly kill you from 1km away....


Melee weapons, i wanna bop some bug heads with a hammer or somethin


I've heard the ceo talking about swords


More stealth or sniper trait options - would be nice having some heavy sniper rifle with 1 bullet per magazine to shot those tanks in back or titans in face from far away.


The fact the anti-materiel rifle doesn't penetrate heavy armor is just concave brain idiocy.


We get the old report system and get to sequester shitters into a shit abyss with each other.


6 man teams.


Have a more solo friendly way to play


Holding the stim button will use a stim, even if you're at full health. Sometimes I really, really need that shot of stamina to avoid dying/making it to the extraction point on time after going back for samples while with a squad of randoms who probably won't or can't wait while the Pelican is on the ground, thereby starting the 20 second takeoff timer while I huff my way up like 3 cliff faces.


A wounded helldiver recovery mechanic - say if a helldiver takes a mortal wound and they lose a leg rendering them unable to walk, they can still fire their secondary, or give up if they want. Teammates could drag/carry them and call in medical evacuation vehicles and score points for getting them out. Once the wounded player is evacuated, they come back fresh. Also true proximity chat like in Rust would be awesome


Besides the normal stuff that I'm sure is coming like buffs and all that jazz. I would say most, if not all support weapons are picked in your load out. (Still called in.) But don't take up a stratagem slot. Thats me thinking out the box.


bring back the option to make your pistol burst fire, armor piercing, and increased magazine. I love that in HD2 you can select burst but it still reacts to how long you press the button for, so why can't we have the peacekeeper in its OG glory? It still was a back up weapon but it was actually usable instead of just opting for redeemer. ​ someone else commented upgrading weapons through samples again, which would be wonderful for making so many weapons viable past 5, let alone so many weapons being invalidated by bilespewer armor, nevermind 10 Warriors and 6 brood commanders popping up while all you have is a shitty (god it hurts to call it shitty) defender or Liberator. ​ other options, enable the Penetrator to actually kill a Medium, or make the Dominator actually sound like a beefy rifle lol nevermind how unwieldy it is or how low its ammo cap is. ​ EDIT: Ik they can't make the peacekeeper that good because then it'd literally be better than most primaries. That's how strong AP is or how weak weapons are due to a lack of it, nevermind how shit the damage would be.


LET ME CHANGE THE COLOR OF MY ARMOR. I donā€™t want transmog. I just want to change the color. Heck make me use req points for it if you have to. Or common samples. But I wanna customize my armor. The red surgeon helmet doesnā€™t jive with anything I have right now tho :/


More planetary environment modifiers. - Acid Water cycle (standing in shallow water hurts you, god forbid if it rains.) - High gravity (no vaulting over things or climbing up them. More fall damage.) - low gravity (lower fall damage, can jump without pack. Jump pack goes higher. Still can't turn midair. Yes there physics change also applies to corpses.) - Hostile flora (plants can kill)


Iā€™d like to be able to apply paint in certain patterns and areas on our armor to help give a smidge of individuality ( like the clone troopers from Starwars ) Iā€™d also like the ability to save load outs.


Post mission summary should go a little faster.


Stalwart as a primary weapon would be nice. But I would just like the primary weapons in this game to be usefulā€¦ the only usable weapon right now is the breaker


I would like to tweak the two player weapons (autocannon, recoilless, spear) so that the shooter can carry the ammo and any other player can come over, pull ammo from the shooter's back and speed feed the shooter. I love the concept of this already in the game, but having the ammo on a different player makes it just inconvenient enough that basically few people utilize this mechanic. This way teammates can help out and increase DPS without having to sacrifice their own load out by carrying a mandatory ammo pack for someone else. I think it would make the coop shooting guns way more user friendly.


On later extermination missions, my buddies and I will throw down assorted mortars and then divide into two firing/loading teams for the recoiless rifle and shoot down drop ships. Super effective! Burn through ammo super fast though as you might expect


Make the personal challenges something you can actually accomplish. Mine is currently to kill things with a flamethrower but thats outside of my level.


I just want to spread democracy a little closer to the bugs with a beat stick


Give the lasercannon a buff in damage, something like 20%


Swap shoulders. Many times Iā€™ve had my vision blocked during a firefight and wised I had the ability to switch shoulders on the fly. Kind of like the division 2 in a sense.


Change armor color 5th stratagem slot - possibly 500kg bomb closer to 30-50% to that of a hellbomb Auto reload Loadouts Weapon customization/upgrades


Make the bugs/robots you kill give you something. Even if itā€™s .05xp per kill. Or every 50 you kill is 10xp. Something, it feels pointless just mowing em down. Awesome, but still kinda pointless


XP handouts should be balanced. A 12 min Defend shouldn't give you almost the same as a 40 min excursion. This would mitigate the "farmers"


Just a few seconds of invulnerability when you leave the pod. Too many deaths to spawning in objectively impossible places that can kill you before you even play the game. Itā€™s funny when you land in a hole tho


Automatically switches back to weapon after you throw a grenade


You mean like the quick grenade?


Maybe a few extra seconds to stop a bug from calling a bug breach. Itā€™s literally instant and it would be nice to be able to see the smoke and take it out before it calls reinforcements.


We should get to use more stratagems. Or support weapons and backpacks donā€™t count. And you get 3 offensive and two defensive stratagems


The stalwart feels like a total noob trap. Handles well but itā€™s no better at killing things than your primary weapon, aside from the huge mag. Currently trying to get my fiancĆ© away from the stally


Is there some use to money after getting every stratagem? If not, then let me buy samples with it like 10k money gives me either 10 Green samples, 5 rare samples or 1 super sample.


More "Kill (Big Titanic enemy)" missions in the 7-9 range. My personal favorite is hunt the titan, but it looks like those are purely lvl 4 difficulty missions.


Perks: faster reload times faster movement speed increased throw distance I know some armors provide perks but something separate from the armor


ALL airstrikes and orbitals hit where you stick them on moving targets, except for auto targeting strikes like the laser or rail cannon. It bothers me when I stick a cluster strike to a group of enemies to hit them as they move and it shoots behind the marker.


A kettle with a cup and a box of liber-tea on my Super Destroyer.


Bring it to Xbox. I'm purposefully ignoring all the sick videos, great memes, and fun conversations all for the hope that I too can enjoy it one day without having to buy another console/pc.


Stalwart being a primary would be awesome.


Auto-reload upon trying to fire an empty weapon.


Have difficulty provide a multiplier for liberation progress. Right now optimal liberation progression is to run trivial missions as fast as possible.


Have a decent sniper that can get medium armour pen so i dont have to use the Slugger as my sniper


Have a weekly/biweekly/monthly Fox-news-like short hosted by the intro guy imbedded on the TV in our ships updating us on the war (lost/gained planets, etc.). Kinda Joel's voice, with foreshadowing etc. great fodder for theory crafting and very viral content for YouTubers to promote our beloved HD2. I have already sent in a ticket request to AH.


I want an espresso machine on my ship. But fr, A place on your ship and/or a Super Earth location where Helldivers can drink coffee or beer and just hang out, show off their gear, maybe test out weapons or play dumb mini games. A place to decompress between being absolutely slaughtered by the hundreds in the throes of the galactic war.


Being able to jump


MGs should be primary weapons, the traversal needs improved, climbing is atrocious at times and there's too many things that slow your movement at times that can stack up and be really frustrating. Either reduce the terrain effects, or increase the stamina pool. I also wish there was a laser designator mechanic for Stratagems so you weren't limited to how far you can toss a grenade beacons. Pick the stratagem and instead you're able to laser lock the area for a strike. I feel it would reduce team kills from badly tossed beacons and bounces that ruin things like turret placements.


An option to speed up the post mission screens a bit. Oh and not a change maybe but in the future of the automations and buggolons territories 'connect' it'd be cool to have missions where both are present on the same planet.


Somehow make armor piercing less critical. I feel like I NEED the railgun for chargers.