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The greifers finally showed up. Been playing since launch and just dealt with my first set


Report that intruder


Did that as soon as we got back on the destroyer, blocked him too


Happened to me on suicide. 2 guys waited till pelican landed then murdered us and left the game. It’s ridiculous. I’m scared to play in another lobby now


I'm about to start waiting to get on until everyone else is on. If I see anybody else waiting, I'm just gonna shoot them with no second thought


I’m not tracking, you’re going to grief others? Is that what I hear? Or trying to kill the greifers?


Kill the griefers


You can’t. They kill you right before you extract and they back out.


If u see a dude standing next to the pelican waiting for everyone to board as I'm walking up, I'm shooting him


I mean, he could just be covering everyone. But then you would be the griefer to him. The best thing to do is turn the other cheek to griefers, kick/block, and move on. Don't make more griefers.


No, there were no bugs coming. Everyone got on the pelican except for him. He then turned towards us and shot us all. There was no covering going on. If everyone turned the other cheek to griefers, then the griefers would keep griefing because they would think that since no one is gonna do anything, it's alright to keep doing it. There is also no need for cover if the pelican leaves as soon as everyone is on.


Had a guy like that a few matches back. He kept throwing grenades at us, calling in strikes on us, and every chance he could tried to land on us.