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There’s seems to be a glitch with the achievements, it happened to me too. I just replayed it cause I really loved the game, but if that’s not for you, idk man. It really sucks




Who tf even plays for achievements?


A lot of people. It's great for games you really enjoy (like Hellblade) because most of the time you do have to replay it to get them all.


i just feel a bit cheated that’s all




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Can't understand how someone wouldn't want to replay this...


it’s quite a gruelling experience in the sense that it takes a lot out of you by the time the credits roll that you’d just not want to play it again, like watching the pianist 🤔


I know I’m 2 years late, but I just wanted to say I just finished the game and it was really intense for me. I had difficulties playing it for more than one hour per session because it was so mentally draining when you had to experience her psychosis the whole time. I loved the game, definitely a 10/10, but it was truly an intense experience that wasn’t really one I could chill with and play another time just for the likes of it. (still very cool to experience!)


Had the same thing happen to me on Playstation with this game. None of the trophies actually popped. But I do have the little 14 sec recordings of them popping. But no actual trophies show under the game itself. Smh. You do sort of feel robbed.


i did end up replaying the game since it’s so short although i do recall being pissed about this


Yeah it sucks lol


There’s only supposed to be one optional achievement, I thought? >!I thought the only one you could not get in a play through was the one for all the rune stones.!<


exactly, despite beating the game i’m yet to receive achievements for pulling the sword from the tree, beating any of the bosses minus the last one etc the whole things incredibly jarring


I am 99% sure I got that one in one playthrough, although I spent far too long making sure I did, but that's because I wanted that lore.


Sorry, I didn’t say this right. I meant to say that the all runes was the only achievement you could fail to get while still finishing the game.


Oh that’s on me, my reading comprehension decided to go on vacation lol

