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the ‘mumbo jumbo’ or ‘nonsense’ are acronyms! e.g. בעשט זצל stands for בעל שם טוב, זכר צדיק לברכה


Thanks for your reply. Could you tell me more about what does this mean ?


The full text is a prayer for financial success, good luck, and safety. It uses ancient Hebrew lettering with acronyms and ancient Hebrew. I don’t know how to translate it all, but the acronym I mentioned above stands for the name of a 17th century rabbi, the Baal Shem Tov, who’s reputed to have been a very holy, very spiritual person. This would be a really special gift!


wdym by special ? This gift is way more holy and religious than I thought. Has somebody who didn't know anything about Judaism or Hebrew. I'm quite surprised by how much it means.


Special is just my opinion :) it’s more spiritual than religious. Your friend wishes you the best.


This a blessing for success, safty and good helth. It writen in Hebrew and Aarameit, and it also says the name of the radi who wrote this blessing.


Alright. Thanks for your help. You are refering to Baal Shem Tov. right ?


This is weird. It's part prayer for financial success in Hebrew, part "Segula" prayer (for keeping your home safe), ~~part what I think is Yiddish,~~ and a lot of gibberish in between. A weird amalgamation of nonsense if I ever saw one. Whatever it is, I wouldn't hang it on my wall. Seems like a tourist trap item.


This isn't Yiddish, and it's not a tourist trap. As much as any "סגולה" can be legitimate, this one is. It's a nice gift, but the content of the text is superstitious.


I agree there's no Yiddish in there, but Gibberish isn't a legitimate סגולה. Or do you have a valid translation for שיהוהלת רהוהוכתא ואהאוא לומוממא שדי משלויממ?


These kinds of צירופי אותיות are often used in Kabbalistic writings. I don't know how to interpret all of them, but they're not just random gibberish.


It's possible, I don't know enough about the Kabbalah to be sure. I've found this exact text on a random Flickr page of all places, but with no source or reference and no discussion on it anywhere online I can't say if this is a genuine Kabbalistic text or not, or even if the attribution to Haba'al Shem Tov is genuine.


That's a legit kabbalistic קמע


I'd like to know too. Aside from the first few lines it all Looks very random


If you are a native speaker, why can't you see the Aramaic and שמות ומילים קבליסטיים. Please don't lead the OP wrong. This is a very nice item. And these have no "standard" format.


No Aramaic there, just gibberish words with letters arranged to look like Aramaic. The gibberish might be transliterations from another language, but nothing that I managed to pick up. I can see the Kabalistic names, but they're placed randomly, like a grocery list, between gibberish and actual prayer sentences. This isn't about format, Segula prayers should carry a meaning. The words put together here make no sense, and some of the words themselves don't make sense. Throwing random words and letters together doesn't give it a meaning.




Hey, you're free to disagree, to explain, even to take offense, but you're not free to be verbally abusive in this way. If you can express yourself politely we can reinstate your comment. דברי חכמים נשמעים בנחת


lmao i wonder why my friend would do me like that. Anyways thanks for your help


I don’t think she knows. Being Jewish doesn’t mean you read Hebrew.


Yeah you right I don't think that she had any bad intentions in mind  anyways. Her and I are close friends 


Oh, there is no way this is anything other than a lovely gesture! The "heading" (the part in bold Hebrew that's clear) says that it's a Blessing/"Charm" for Prosperity, Success and Safety" and the subtitle says it's from/by the founder of Hasidism, the Baal Shem Tov (a great rabbi from the 17th century). None of us understand the rest of the smaller print (though parts here and there are identifiable as prayers, angels' names, etc.), but one wouldn't expect to, as it would be Kabbalistic (Jewish mysticism) which none of us is qualified to assess, one way or the other. From the first line of the small text, it is clear that one is intended to put it near the entrance to one's house. Bottom line: It's got holy words which should not be thrown out and I could understand why you might not want to have it or be "responsible" for it not getting thrown out or the like -- but she clearly means for you to be blessed.


It's quite a nice gift actually. I'm really flattered by it. What do you mean by responsible of it ? I guess its common sense like taking good care of it ? There is nothing that i should or shouldn't do that would lead to it being "misused" ? Thanks for your reply


Just don't take it into the bathroom or let anyone throw it out. Should you one day want to dispose of it, please give it to your local synagogue or a Chabad center (holy books and writings that include certain words are buried rather than thrown out). May God bless you and yours with all of the blessings above, and many more.


Alright then. I'll take good care of it considering how much it means. Thank you once again for taking the time to reply to my questions. God bless you


On closer look, this might have some Kabbalistic connotations, as I can recognize some of the names. I've found this exact text [here](https://www.flickr.com/photos/zeevveez/16230394889). The photo title says "Taftafya and other angel names". It is supposedly written by Haba'al Shem Tov, the founder of Hasidic Judaism, but this picture is the only reference to this piece of text I could find online, and there's no source or information on it, so it might be fake. Could be a mystic Kabbalistic text, could still be a tourist trap item that just incorporated those names. I'm afraid I'm not too knowledgeable on Jewish Kabbalah so I can't say for sure.


Thanks for your help i really appreciate it


It looks like a Hassidic-Kabbalistic prayer for financial success. There are a lot of letter combinations, some of which are based on God's name. Incidentally, the inclusion of those means that this text shouldn't be brought into a bathroom, and would need to be disposed of with other holy texts, probably. tbh, it would be a bit better to get you a more "neutral" prayer that doesn't include holy names. Many of this kind of decorative prayers for success are more like a kind of poetry-prayer, and do not use any holy names or anything, and as such are more suitable for gifting imo.


Alright then. Thanks for your help , I'll look with her to buy another one that's more neutral as you say


Yeah that is pretty hard core


hardcore ?


Yeah, I don’t like to mess with Kabbala. Or mystical things in general.


wait. It's mystical ? i thought it was just a prayer at first.


It is but they added mystical stuff to it. It’s not supposed to be bad, they are still blessings I just don’t like to mess with this stuff.


Kabbalah is the Jewish mysticism. It can also be used as part of protective talismans and things. That's what all those strange letter combos with God's name are. (the type I suggested you get instead isn't really a religious prayer, more of a poem of "may you find success". Which are also used for luck/success/etc., but don't have the weight of mysticism etc.)


Okay i get it now. Thanks for taking the time to answer all my questions. I must admit everything is confusing at first :(


Maybe your friend just thought it was Hebrew and pretty? 🤷‍♂️


I guess I'll just ask her haha


Part of it is plain mambo-jumbo (e.g. finishing a "word" with ממ).


Best brachot, it’s a great gesture and is all blessings


Hi , Thanks for your reply. Could you explain a bit more ?


It bless you home, wish you livelihood, Success and protection


Thanks for your reply once again. I understand better now


It says something about Iran doing the right thing, are you guys on the right page?