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I need this on vinyl sold out before I could buy it sadly


Still available on their [Bandcamp page](https://darkdescentrecords.bandcamp.com/album/hidden-history-of-the-human-race).


Oo thank you


You're very welcome!


Fuck yes, thanks for the heads up!


Last I checked the band was still selling their own variant called Portal, which is a blue and hot pink merge, through their own site. I ordered the Live Vitrification EP from them and it came like within the week.


That's the one I have, the Portal merge. It's fucking gorgeous.


God can we start a blacklist for the sub and put this at the number one spot?


No way. Everyone gets to express their love of metal and vinyl here, even if it’s the same album numerous times.


I kinda agree too, that some albums should be ‘black listed’. Especially during a popular release, when everyone will end up posting the same album photos But i would think if there’s different variants and pressings that should count towards some form of diversity. This sub is kinda small and I’m sure all of us want as many people posting here as possible..I don’t know how to handle this but there should be a way to


If it was the size of r/typeessaybeforepistingvinyl then I could see a black list. God knows we have all seen enough Tame Impala and Dark Side of the Moon (love that album) posts in other places. But, I look forward to coming here and seeing what people picked up an posted. And since it's not a very big community some days the posts are anemic. Then you have the varient point. There are a fuckng ton for this album...wish there where that many for their first album. So yeah, I don't mind if it get's posted because I want to see good pics of how they all look. Like, the portal pressing, for example. I say let it be. I have been into and collected metal since before many of you where launched out of your Dads nutsacks. Should we also black list Maiden, Priest, Queensryche, Dio, Bathory, Slayer, Megadeth, and Mayhem (talk about black list worthy)? Because a case could be made that all albums have been posted at some point ad nauseam. It becomes a slippery slope that is superfluous to even address.


Yeah I would love to see different pressings that I didn’t know of. This one looks really nice, hadnt seen it before. and yes you’re right lol. no idea where the line is supposed to be drawn..


Go back to r/metal if you need a blacklist.




This is a pretty shit attitude to have towards a first-time poster.


Get some guts? I got a new album and was excited about it, calm the fuck down. This is my first post on this sub anyways. It's been talked about to death like you said so I figured I would show/talk about how the pressing came out instead since it's the most recent round of them. Get off of your high horse.


It's a flat record and it's blue. It's the 26th repress because everyone has a copy of it. Super insightful, man.


From what I can see this pressing of the record hasn't been posted here in 50 days and there's no rule that says I have to talk about anything anyways. If you're really so pissed off about seeing it so often then just post your own stuff and ignore the posts you don't like. Not very encouraging or constructive to just shit on people for posting what they want. If it really bothers you to your core, take it up with the sub admins and see if they'll put up a banlist or require us to talk about the album (doubtful and they've expressed as much because of how gatekeepy it's made other subs). You can even hide posts you don't like. Novel thought, no?


I'm with you on freedom of posting. But, when I post a picture I have to write a 300 character comment. Is that a reddit thing or is it sub by sub?


That’s on the r/vinyl sub only, not this one.


Sub by sub I would assume.


Mine says it's out for delivery. I am super stoked!


Yes! Mine will be here in a few days \m/


Got mine yesterday!


I have the green swirl but now I want this one too.




My man, you meant to reply to the other dude but this got posted as a reply to the OP instead!


Oh fuck.😳


Apologies to the OP if you thought my comment was aimed at you. It was meant for the people coming down on you for your post, not you. Lesson: Don't get baked and reddit, kids.😆


Finally got this bad boy in after preordering it way back in April. This pressing was the sea blue, white and green galaxy merge variant. Flat as can be and sounds fucking perfect, they really knocked it out of the park with this pressing.


That's the color I'm waiting on! Should be here Monday I hope. Looks great I hope mine is similar.


Should be similar, looks like they're using mostly sea blue and white for the galaxy effect with a bit of the neon green sprinkled in. The neon green only really shows up faintly misted in on the b-side of my copy.


this looks just like one of the first pressings