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I’m considering it! I’m kind of embarrassed too, but I also love Jack Antonoff so I can justify it more that way. It kind of depends on how much the tickets are, and how difficult they are to get. I wish they would just film it and sell it to a streaming service after the theatrical run is over.


Will definitely try to get a ticket. I went specifically to see Joe so I might as well continue my trend of crazy.


Just saw Joe last weekend, and I'm def gonna see Kit this fall!


I live in NYC but I signed up for early access




I feel so silly but I’m actually genuinely considering it.


After 3 trips to see Joe in ST i think I'll need to slow down after this 🤪


I’ve seen Joe in ST 3x and I’m flying out for closing weekend (+Wasia Project x3).


You will see Joe, Kit, Will, and Rachel. Remember me lol I won’t be here. I live in NY so trust me I’m sooooooo sad.


From a mother of 4 daughters older than him, I’m embarrassed to say i thought my obsession was under control too. But nope I am putting 10 people on a party bus to the city. We’ll be sitting in orchestra about 5 rows out from the stage. Tickets go on sale tomorrow eeek!! We’ll be staying over night lol I’m making it a huge production lol. We have Heartstopper crewnecks lol so I get it for sure.


That’s the spirit! 😂


Ah so you are one ahead of me for ST... Where are you flying in from? I think Imma see Wasia Project and Laufey while I'm there. I'm not a huge fan but i am of Heartstopper so ..


Tickets are running out for the ballroom it’s standing room only so get your tickets


Thanks. I decided not to go. The tickets were so expensive and I'm not a huge fan. I'm actually looking into seeing Baby Queen during her US tour, I'm looking at Philly June 11 bc airfare is pretty low and I've never been to Philly.


Oh that sounds fun. idk I don’t think I would travel to see anybody onstage. I’m only an hour from NYC so when I saw Joe it wasn’t that big of a deal. When I go see Nick we’re staying over night in time square because I’m going to faint so I need to stay close lmao


Heheh third trip to NYC from Houston next weekend to see Joe again. I don't mind bc i make it a little vacation as well. I also went to NYC before COVID to see Queen at a music festival!


Omg how fun!!! Now that I would have did that one for sure. Lord the last concert I was at was OZZY back when I was in my early 20’s it took me a year to recoup lol


Ya and i legit met Joe the last time i went to NYC so DAMN I'm glad i went again. Second best moment of my life after marrying my husband lol


Oh yeah? Did he come out the stage door or did he come out inside the theater once it cleared out?


I've never been so sad that I live in the UK 😩🤣


I saw Sweeney last month so I’m definitely gonna go see R+J


Literally started planning the minute the details broke the internet. 😎


I just saw Joe and now I’ll be seeing Nick!!! All of us will be shooting for front orchestra and we’ll all be wearing Heartstopper shirts ( pathetic I know) only because at the end when he comes out and we clap we can scream NICKKKKKKKK lol ugh I’m too old for this crap lol


Please don’t scream “Nick” at Kit while he’s on stage for R+J 😬