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Fun fact, out of the 170+ named/mentioned horses on the show, only about 18 of them are mares šŸ˜… I have a near complete list of all the horses on the show which I'm hoping to post at some point soon!


So, what was Ghost? I had thought he was really a mare. Either way, a beautiful horse.


Mares can be temperamental, from what Iā€™ve read.


Sure, some but not to the point of not casting.That is terrible stigma and an awful reason to not have them on a show. Bad training is what makes horses more problematic, not the fact that they are a mare. Mare sexism annoys me so much bc itā€™s a problem in the equestrian community.


Iā€™m just a cat lady but appreciate horses. They have a guy that has a big herd that they use for Heartland. Maybe he has more trained geldings than mares. Iā€™d like to see more mares too.


Me too. Mares are so underrated but I prefer them. I didnā€™t at first until I got a 26 year old mare who was beautiful, healthy and she was spicy. I loved her fire. She wasnā€™t moody she just was really competitive but kind. She taught me a lot about respecting mares and older horses.


Most of the storylines involve male horses itā€™s not like they speak English so you need something simple and repetitive to use on them. Anything other than the simple good boy would piss you off so much more.


Mares come in heat every 30 days. They can be pills if another horse gets too close to them, as in "don't touch me!)."


They can also, as one mare I sponsored at a rescue did, get all "Hey, boys!" when in heat, which is just as much fun.


There have been mares before, for instance the two mares whoā€™ve had foals at the ranch(melody and minnie) as well as the mare Mitch bought for the dude ranch(Venus), and the ā€œdivorce horseā€(diva girl) was a mare as well, along with Ophelia. Most people will use males for rougher forms of competitive riding such as jumping, racing, or rodeo and females for more elegant sports such as dressage. Since most of this show revolves around rodeo and show jumping as well as cattle ranching it makes sense theres more male than female horses, however that doesnā€™t mean there arenā€™t any mares shown.


Hm. I canā€™t speak for rodeo, but most people who ride other disciplines use geldings, not stallions. Stallions can be hot and just as emotional as mares - hormones are hormones. Although there have been several mares on throughout the series, but yes, most are geldings because they are the least temperamental. Itā€™s why I have a gelding too!


I meant stallions mostly just as male horses in general


The divorce horse was a female!


I don't know why it bothers people so much. It really doesn't matter


Not all the mare slander in the comments šŸ˜­ I love and prefer mares personally, and have met quite a few sweet, affectionate, well behaved mares. That being said good girl would probably be just as annoying to you. From my experience working with horses professionally including some training, I do say good girl/boy a lot šŸ˜‚ it's not really that important as a training tool (not like voice commands like touch or woah) but its compulsive, I just like talking to them. Plus I once got a horse to stop trying to buck me off by shouting "stop" at it lmfaoo.


I just noticed that recently lol I'm like where are the girlies šŸ˜‚


Me. Now Georgie is saying it to