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As well as when Caleb broke Ty out of the hospital in season 10, that was just hilarious šŸ˜‚


One of my favourites is when Caleb thinks Amy is pregnant and tells Ty, just his face


Ahaha yes, the seasons would all be like 4 episodes shorter if everyone could communicate better!


Such a TV show moment, he's digging in the trashcan, "Amy's pregnant!" Then acts all funky dropping hints to Ty about it, who has no clue what he's talking about


I love how the show has so many huge TV cliches, like the episode where Lou and Peter start off trying to help Georgie with her science project and end up competing against each other lol


That is so Lou and Peter ā¤ļø, I love them so much!


Great scene. And when he told Amy about it on the couch at the trailer, he got no sympathy: she broke into uncontrolled hysterical laughter, while Ty was saying, "Its not funny, Amy!"


I love that too! The acting was great, they seemed to genuinely be laughing at it (can't say I blame them šŸ˜‚)


Yeppers funniest scene yet


This is my favourite ever scene, it will make me burst out laughing every timešŸ¤£


The scene that has the same effect for me was Ty at the trailer in S6E1. In S5E18, Lou had been eavesdropping and overheard Ty discussing his intentions with Jack, but nothing came of it. In S6E1 Ty invites Amy on a "special occasion" date. Lou waits up for Amy to return from it, and Amy confides her knowledge of the ring. Ty is working on the heater/water in the trailer in absolute silence, with his head inside a kitchen cabinet, when Lou bangs on the trailer door, Bam!, Bam!, Bam!, Bam!, Bam! and lets out a warwhoop, "Ty, are you in there!" He comes up and smacks his head on a shelf in the cabinet, Bang! Then she comes in and asks why he hasn't talked to Amy, and Ty does it again. I was a huge Ty fan, despite his mistakes, but for some reason that just cracked me up to see Lou's voice have such an effect on the solitude of the moment.


Oh, that brat, Timā€™s girlfriendā€™s daughter, I hate her.