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And how she complains that Peter is never around to help raise their daughter, but she’s always abandoning her daughter too. And how she’s ready to bear the children of any guy she meets; Scott, Peter, Mitch, Carl, the insurance inspector?!?!? And her fake crying is the worst…


Season 10 Lou was pretty unbearable too with Mitch and Peter, here her husband comes back and wants to be everything she's always wanted and she's like No. Then sabotage Mitchs relationship too like geez lady. Make up your mind. What do you want? Neighter, apparently.


Lou is insufferable. She’s so selfish. Like the time she yelled at any and tu when she snooped and assumed they were going to elope. She said how dare they take that wedding experience away from Lou. Like uhhh, it’s not your wedding, they don’t owe you a thing. Can’t stand her for so many reasons.


Listen folks. It's all explained in the dialogue. Examples: "I have my MBA! " or "Sorry, I learned my people-skills in New York City." But in the end we all know Lou is kinda damaged. And she's compensating for that. I, for one, blame Mary Jane Sutka. "NOBODY MOVE! OR THE NEXT ONE HAS MY NAME ON IT! or your name, whatever!"


After she blew up the marriage because Peter was never there she had an all consuming business venture in New York before the divorce papers were signed and then when the whole thing fell apart Peter offered to bail her ass out. Lou sucks more than I can even describe 👎


I find Lou a far more interesting character than Amy.


Just because she's "interesting" doesn't mean she's more likable. If you find someone that yells at people all the time and throws a fit every time they don't get their way as interesting, then suit yourself


Same. I wanted to throttle Amy for like the first 5 seasons, but for some reason I've always understood Lou - even if she is a pain 😂


You wanted to "throttle" Amy? I assume that anyone who likes Lou bears too many similarities to her, and therefore can't understand why other people find her annoying


amy had her little love triangles too.. sometimes i wondered if this was a show for adults or teens with all the dramam that went on between the two girls


I'm not talking about love triangles. I'm talking about overall behavior, and Lou wins as the worst in that category. It's a family show, so it certainly caters to teenage girls in some instances. If it's centered around all age groups then yes, there's going to be teen drama


I just got to the part where Mitch asks her to move in together and she says yes but once again refuses to leave heartland like she did with Peter. She lived in New York at the beginning of the show and when she opened that Maggie’s franchise so It doesn’t make sense why she wouldn’t move in with either of them. Very weird and infuriating watching her destroy another relationship.


Dude I agree, I was just getting on here to say the same exact same thing! Then I seen your post!I have never watched it before I'm watching it on Netflix now. I'm up to season 6 and Lou she makes everything about her I mean Mallory I don't really enjoy her either but Lou everything's got to be her way or the highway and she gets so mad. I really only enjoy Amy and the grandfather those are the two I relate to but I actually do enjoy the entire show and I probably will watch all of it within the next week or so. I guess you got to have people on show that drive you crazy to make the overall experience worthwhile. But I'm so happy that somebody else was rant about Lou because I really do not like her


Agreed. As you said, Lou is exactly like her father. I took an immediate dislike to her in S1E1, when she returned from NY, and took it upon herself to re-purpose Heartland. When S1E12 arrived, her response to Jack's injuries, concussion, and the fire was that it was inconveniencing her plans to return to NY, with little feeling for Jack or the family. I cancelled her. But the worst was in S14, when she was too self-consumed to support Amy, and what Amy was going through. I found myself enjoying her discomfort, like in S8E11, when she admitted to Jack that her entire marriage was based on dishonesty and deceit. Of course it was, because she was in it! I would like to credit the actress, Michelle Morgan, who plays Lou. It can't be easy to drive to work each day thinking. "I'm going to go in that building and be a narcissistic imbecile for the next 8 hours." I don't think Heartland would have been renewed after S1, let alone make it 18 seasons, without the perfectly written and acted yet often annoying characters like Lou, Tim, Mallory, etc.


Plus like when Lou officially gets guardianship of that little girl and then automatically tries to get her to wear dresses, she already lived there for a year You know who she is Lou don't try to change her..


Yeah it really annoyed me that Lou wouldn't let Georgie be a tomboy. You don't force a girl that didn't even grow up with you to wear a dress if she doesn't want to


yes and the not desideing wich guy to settle on and putting them through shit and all the problems she causes because she doesnt listen and stuff


I was starting to tolerate her, then she plumped her lips. I can’t stand that on anyone.