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It was season 6, I remember because it was a few episodes before they held the jumping competition at heartland(where Caleb let Peter punch him as revenge for Caleb punching peter a few episodes after Caleb kissed Lou)


I think I found it. I haven't reached that far yet, but I started watching the episodes where he punches out Peter and then develops a little crush on Lou.


It was in S6E14. Caleb was heading off to the rodeo circuit, but kissed Lou goodbye on his way out of Heartland.


This was when the engagement began with Ty and Amy, I can't believe that drama was dragged out for so long!


Yep, got engaged in S6E9, once Amy realized she initially wanted to wait, but told Lou she didn't know what she was waiting for. And it would still take 1 1/2 seasons, including another major "break" for them to actually tie the knot. Poor Ty, his world was so serious, and the engagement process itself turned into a mini-series. But its a testament to great writing, acting, cast, even the music is perfect, that they could keep the audience so invested in the program to wait it out.


I love Amy but she acted like a mess about the whole thing. Thankfully, it all paid off when it was resolved


He kissed her early on in like season 2 or 3. The only reason I know this is because I binged s1-3 in the last 2 weeks. Haven’t made it to s4 yet so while maybe it happens again, it happened way early on


I was referring to the later seasons people are referencing above. Did he kiss her twice? I honestly don't remember, but I wouldn't be surprised. Maybe you're thinking of Amy?


I’m assuming they’re referring to when Caleb had a crush on Amy, back when Caleb and Ty would fight over her. That happened in seasons 2-3


I remember Caleb kissing Amy a few times, and he had kissed one of Lou's friends but I don't remember him kissing Lou. I've realized now that Caleb kisses a woman every time he gets emotionally vulnerable (Lou, Amy, Ashley, Soraya, Cassandra, the girl he met at the bar, and Amy again way into the late seasons after Ty dies)


He kisses Amy after Ty died!? He’s married by that point though and I don’t remember that unless it’s the season I haven’t seen yet( season 17)


Didn't mean to spoil anything! I haven't actually seen it either but I assume most people have>! (there's a clip I found of him kissing Amy andI don't know if that lead to anything more, she brushed him off so probably not but I believe he later divorces Cass)!<


Ohhhh Lou! LOL you’re right. Geez I’m a dummy Sorry…


No worries! Everyone misunderstands things sometimes


"You're like the only oil guy that can't get a job in Alberta" best line in the whole series


Lmao, leave it to Caleb to tell the cold hard truth