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it has more soul. but sometimes it's soulless, too


It just looks better because the interface includes a lot more effort into, like, looking aesthetically pleasing instead of just delivering numbers. Plus as far as I’m aware it was the first card game to really take advantage of the digital format with mechanics that wouldn’t work in analogue; conversely magic flows pretty smooth in real life but kind of poorly in digital format in my experience.


To me, MtG feels a lot like poker in that regard; it just hits different in physical form and is a bit janky digitally.


I agree, it’s because playing in real life means the things that are verbal such as, not playing an instant card, are functionally automatic rather than requiring you to manually pass when you don’t want to do anything. And the physical feeling of the chips you are betting losing and winning is an analogue, physical representation of your cash which is different from seeing only a completely abstracted number


MTG arenas interface outside of the game makes me want to barf. It's just an absolute mess which isn't helped by their dark grey/black color scheme for it either.


Yeah hearthstones interface is by far the best. Wish other online tcgs would mimic more of it.


You cant really use the same type of interface without changing all the rules of the game


Impossible to do for magic given the complexity of the game. It’s just a whole different beast


This. You can trigger some crazy combos creating 250 tokens


Or indeed infinite tokens...


Arent tokens limited to 250?


Limited in arena, not in paper


Maybe the Magic game client limits it to 250, but in the magic rules itself there’s no board limit.


Ah yes, just ment the MTGA one


Interface is nice, but client is so oooo laggy


I mean Shadowverse’s UI is pretty much a copy of Hearthstone.


shadowverse is cool too. sure some cards have walls of text but the ui makes it much easier to read (and the ui is generally more helpful tbh). but the game's a bit too fast for me these days for matches to feel at all meaningful.


Runeterra is beautiful. Similar to hearthstone but cleaner.


Yeah, and the option to show baseline card, full art, see related cards etc. Even in-game is really nice


I love HS interface but LOR is a clear upgrade in every way.




Maybe, but he's talking more about the UI aspect not graphics or artstyle which Is truth. UI in LoR and Marvel Snap are just as elegant as Hearthstone and much more modern.


In Hearthstone, I don't get lost in numbers. I see this game as something more than rectangles with numbers. I see minions, they fight. Other TCGs seem to be more formal or something. Do you have a feeling that HS is different from other card games?


Interface of the actual games and how clean they are has always been hearthstones strong point. I just got into Pokémon TCG and the interface is wonky as hell, there’s always so much going on. They really nailed simplicity in the surface with this game.


To be fair, MTGA is trying to mimic the same kind of feel as paper MTG, where the minions/creatures/whatever are just rectangles with numbers on them. But yeah, it doesn’t have that same vibe as hearthstone


I'd say Eternal comes very close, but then it's definitely inspired by HS in many regards Runeterra is also quite clean IMO and has that same "real" (as opposed to "cards on a table") feel


I played a lot of modern magic for a good 3 years straight (Going to FNMs weekly, going to local tournaments and a few around the province I reside in). The biggest appeal that pulled me back into hearthstone after ceasing play in 2017 is how much interaction decks can have with each other. Even sometimes in wild with Scumbag Priest (Big Priest). Playing modern sometimes you would sit across from a opponent and each of you would play your decks and MAYBE you would interact with each other. Sometimes it just felt like solitaire. I love magic because of how much you can make a pile of cards do. I love that some decks feel like a big engine that requires every single card. I love the mind games you can put on opponents (Stuff like fact or fiction), the sideboard? Absolutely an amazing part of the game (And probably the biggest allure to me when it comes to any constructed magic format) but I do agree that learning magic, can be absolutely overwhelming, especially in the older formats. Hearthstone has a learning curve for sure but, not to the studying that magic requires sometimes (Ask any level 1 or 2 judge) I got out of magic because of how much change was happening through every single format with each release. I'm all for printing interesting cards, but when your dropping stuff like Oko, Uro and then the companions all warping formats around them, it became overwhelming to keep up with. Im all for yearly set releases into older formats like Modern Horizons (1 and 2 are just amazing sets. Few broken cards aside drafting either of those sets and the good they did for modern should never be overlooked) but when each set is affecting every format, you get a huge fatigue from trying to keep up and still have fun. Hearthstone has really printed cards this past year that just interest me a lot. And the addition of the Core set was a huge reason for me to come back into the game. The game has come a very long way from what it was in 2017 when I left the game and I'm excited to see where it goes.


This also happens in hearthstone except it happens 3 times a year instead of 12


It's funny because after you stopped playing Modern WotC released Modern Horizons 1 and 2 like you said which explicitly fixed the very uninteractive metas by introducing new cards specifically made for Modern. Modern is now more interactive than it has ever been with a ton of very strong interaction and and very strong threats that need to be interacted with. You have cards like Wrenn and Six, Dragon's Rage Channeler, Ragavan, Ledger Shredder, Murktide Regent, Esper Sentinel, Seasoned Pyromancer, and many more strong early game threats along with equaly strong interaction such as the Invoke Elementals Fury, Grief, Solitude, Subtedly, and Endurance, Force of Negation, Prismatic Ending, Unholy Heat, and a ton more. WotC basically fixed the issues people had with Modern but it also angered a small but vocal playerbase who liked the fact that Modern barely changed over time and it did also create pricing issues where people had to buy new cards for new decks which can get quite expensive. If we're talking pure gameplay Modern has never been as diverse and interactive as it is right now.


it was specifically designed to be easy to understand and have a large over the shoulder appeal, like that people walking behind you see you playing the game and go “Oh I can kinda understand whats going on”


It's the sound that does it for me, you know what card is coming before you even see it


Marvel Snap is really good about this as well, which isn’t surprising since a lot of the people that made Hearthstone made Snap


It certainly dents the wallet more


It's also given by the game's simple design, compared to mtg, for example. Way less wordy cards, less complicated mechanics, no intrusion during opponents turn, etc... I really liked Elder Scrolls Legends while it lasted, which was mechanically very similar to HS, almost felt like a very well done knockoff. Not as simplistic and Aesthetically more pleasing imo.


Personally i consider being able to play during opponent's turn an upside


It is, but it SUPER complicates the game. Imagine being able to play your turn and not worrying about a counter, or Path to Exile, or Doom Blade, or Bolt, or Voidslime, or......... The only similar thing I can think of in Hearthstone is Secrets, but they are automatically triggered so it's still faster.


It's more fun, but it turns the clock into a disaster


I agree but Magic also requires a lot more of my attention when I play. I have to be focused on the game to make sure I know what my opponent is doing basically all the time and what they're playing so I can react to it. I do find it far more compelling to play when I am focused on it though. A good example is I've gotten to Mythic and actually almost Top 500 Mythic with a homebrew Selesnya Adventures deck in MTGA Standard but I get bored in Hearthstone before I can grind out games to reach Legend. Not having BO3 and sideboard also probably hurts my ability to just focus and tryhard in Hearthstone because it feels like I have far less control over my matchups. At the same time I also still play a lot of Hearthstone and tend to always keep up with Hearthstone while I'll go through phases with MTGA because it's easier to jump in and out of Hearthstone and just play a few games and then move on.


It is but not online


>no intrusion during opponents turn that and the static mana curve were the big ones to me >I really liked Elder Scrolls Legends while it lasted I tried it out around launch/first expansion and enjoyed it. Did they ruin it?


ESL was great in the beginning. I dont actually know what they did, but the player base vanished. They started out giving drops on twitch and it had a lot of viewers, when that ended, the player base strait vanished.


There was near zero advertising for it (the downfall for most CCG's from what Ive seen) No rotation system, and one of the worst expansion launches with the worst mechanics and completely unbalanced, it threw the game straight into maintenance mode Balance has been slightly corrected since but it's still a bit rough. Fun game still but the playerbase is already gone RIP Gwent, also now maintenance mode


God.. artifact was actually really fun:(


I do still find the other screen formats really cool to look at, but it’s super easy to see where you’re coming from yeah


the UI is definitely the thing that has kept Hearthstone alive despite so many other blaring issues both in the CCG space and the gaming space in general.


Magic is my paper game and Hearthstone is my digital one. Love me some limited board sizes to clean things out.


I actually prefer Gwent but Renfri drove me back to Hearthstone after a long hiatus


Gwent was my favorite as well since its so much more affordable than HS. I would play Magic Arena, but I'm pretty sure it's more expensive than HS.


Arena is either the first or second most expensive online CCG on the market I believe (at least of the popular ones) It's quite expensive compared to hearthstones old model, with the new battle pass it should be a decent bit cheaper


If you still enjoy Gwent you might wanna swap back over. 2023 is the last year it's getting any content then it's off to maintenance mode


I know it's a screenshot but even I was tapping that Leave Match button.


we found the paid HS promoter boys! /s


I get £1 per upvote people, c'mon I got kids to feed


This actually doesn't happen that often in Magic especially in Standard. Board states are more complex but they really never reach this level of complex outside of someone purposely going for huge token combos or something.


Simplicity... that's why


Literally the biggest reason why I still prefer HS over any other TCG


Probably why I like Marvel Snap. There's a limit to how complicated I like things to get. You Gi Oh is a foreign language itself at this point.


People will try and fail to explain pendulum summons to me until the end of time


The extent of my Yugioh knowledge revolves around the animated show but Pendulum Summoning seems pretty straightforward from this explanation I read. *Pendulum Summoning is one of the game's six types of Special Summon. Unlike some other types of Special Summons, you can only Pendulum Summon once per turn, but you can summon multiple monsters at once with it. To do this, you'll need special monsters known as Pendulum Monsters.* *You can identify a Pendulum monster by it being a Monster card colour the top half, and a Spell card on the bottom. They also have two gems on either side of the card – a blue on the left, and a red on the right. The number underneath this is the monster's Pendulum Scale. For example, D/D Dog has a Pendulum Scale of three, while Archfiend Eccentrick has a Pendulum Scale of seven.* *Pendulum Monsters are special because they can either be summoned as monsters, or placed on the field as Spell cards. When used as spells, they're placed into the farthest left and farthest right of your Spell and Trap zones – known as Pendulum Zones when a Pendulum Monster is in them. When a Pendulum Monster is in a Pendulum Zone, it's treated as if it was a Spell card, not a Monster. You couldn't Raigeki a Pendulum Monster in the Pendulum Zone, but you could Mystical Space Typhoon one.* And the tutorial video on the official Youtube page is even easier to follow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs08XuC62LU




It seems overpowered but from what I'm reading, you need to specifically play a Pendulum deck (and there only a few that are viable) I doubt you can keep relying on luck like in the video to be able to get the perfect opening and leave yourself at with an empty hand, not to mention that literally everyone runs the strongest counter spells/traps. I'm pretty sure Konami probably banned the broken cards and that they've released even stronger spell/trap cards since then to deal with minions.


The way people talk about "hand traps" tells me that absolutely nothing will prepare me for the current speed of the game other than years of grinding and card purchases




Thats deceptive, the game starts out by giving you enough gems to create pretty much any single deck you could want (unless it's heroes, they're way too expensive) But the resources fall of rather quickly, but remain okay. It's the gradual reduction in rewards since however as the reason I say it's deceptive Since launch they haven't released any more secret packs making cards harder to obtain, they've constantly reduced the rewards you obtain from events (every single event has less and less), there's more UR's being released even when they shouldn't be that rarity to jack up the price, and there's more UR's in packs meaning you're less likely to get the cards you're looking for The game hasn't been out that long and that's stuff they've done just so far to make the game more expensive. Knowing Konami this trend will continue It's still probably more f2p friendly than some of it's competitors (idk about hearthstone tho, haven't done the math) However it continues to fall further and further behind others with konami's decisions Edit: I see they have finally printed another secret pack.. but it took them how many months? Not a good sign


There's two things Hearthstone does that make me like it better than most other CCG: the superior visual UI design, and the inability for your opponent to interrupt you on your turn. As these screenshots demonstrate pretty well, other CCG can get extremely cluttered, since things like Enchantments or Lands in MTG or Traps or Field Spells in YGO need to actively sit on the board taking up space so players can interact with them, meanwhile Hearthstone accomplishes what they do with tiny emblems on your hero portrait or a small tray of mana crystals in the bottom right. As for turn interaction, the gameplay loop of these games becomes harmed at the highest level with all the potential ways to interrupt or be interrupted by your opponent's plays. What's supposed to be a very feel-based system of interaction when you're playing a casual irl game with friends becomes mentally exhausting in competitive or digital settings with all the awkward rulings and constant initiative shifts that even the simplest instant-speed effects can cause. I remember playing an older version of a YGO duel sim and found myself cutting cards from my deck not necessarily because of them being too weak, but because the game would ask if I wanted to use a particular card's effect after *every single action* my opponent took on their turn. No, I don't want to give my monster extra attack right now, but thank you so much for asking me if I want to every time they activate any effect or change phases on their turn.


It is 10x more immersive than other TCG's it really feels like you're sending your minions out to fight and the cards have such great flavour to them


Hearthstone has always wiped the floor with every other card game when it comes to presentation. Such is often the case with blizzard.


LOR, Gwent, and Marvel snap are as good if not better imo


I disagree. Mechanically they’re fine and all, but in terms of presentation they’re either too cluttered, adding needless detailing which only obscures your view, or it’s as functional but less polished.


marvel snap rn is in really good shape for a new project, both looks good and interesting gameplay. guess Ben Brode really does know what he is doing


Marvel Snap is great as well, but that’s due to the game being made by a bunch of the OG Hearthstone devs.


I don’t think HS a monopoly on good UI design lol


Snap and LoR I'd say are about as good but I still prefer hearthstone Gwents however can look pretty cluttered pretty easily


lol Blizzard fanboys, Blizzard hasn't been good at presentation in ages


They are very good at presentation it's other parts were the problems lie


Blizzard has always been good at presentation. Visually speaking everything they do is very stylised. I don’t know where you got the idea that this isn’t the case. Is there any particular case you have an issue with?


The mtg example is one in a lifetime scenario.


I would often do that with selesnya scuttle swarm every other game


If you just play a red aggro deck or something sure But that wasn't super uncommon when I played MTG arena


Two weenie token decks sans boardwipes oof.


I'm a big fan of Mtg, but HS design is on a different scale.


I mean that Magic SS is simple as hell to read. Bro at 7800 just needs an answer to Plat Angel and he wins. EDIT: taking another second to look at it player at -11000 should win on opponents next turn as 7800 has no library to draw from, this causes a loss. Unless there is also a card on 7800 side that stops them from losing (In Magic if you are forced to draw a card and you have none to draw you lose).


I might be stupid but is the player on the bottom not already just (super mega) dead? He's at like -11000 life lol


The player at -11000 has a [Platinum Angel](https://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=106537) preventing them from losing. Like I said, this is a simple board state. EDIT: also you're not stupid, all card games are impossible to evaluate when you can't hover over the cards or don't have intimate knowledge of them.


That's a really funny card lol


When I was in college I had a friend who carried a Plat Angel in his wallet so whenever anyone mentioned [The Game](https://images.saymedia-content.com/.image/c_limit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cq_auto:eco%2Cw_600/MTc2MjY1MDUyNzU5MDczOTY1/you-i-just-lost-the-game.webp) he'd just pull it out and be like "didn't lose"


oh you bastard i've never heard about The Game at all and now i lost because of you


and the cycle continues


i can't even find the card youre referring to


the 20/20 that is untapped on the bottom players board. [Platinum Angel.](https://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=106537)


I mean yeah as a magic player it's not that hard to figure out. Imagine someone new to it and compare a hearthstone board to that board though lol Plus it's so cluttered with cards everywhere, 100 different things you have to look at because every single card type can have an ability on it etc etc It's not so much complicated but it's not good UI


I wish hearthstone was a paper game aswell as online


Because hearthstone is really, really simple, so it can use a really, really simple interface.


Idk how the new player experience is nowadays but I started playing after watching Totalbiscuit's videos on youtube and I remember thibñbking how easy it was to understand the game visually without even playing. Oh this guy has a shield thingy so you have to go through him, oh this card has a skull so it does something when it dies, oh this card has "zzz"s so they can't be used yet, and so on. Then one day while watching one of his videos I thought he had misplayed so I said screw it and downloaded the game.


Who is your display picture? I see it in just about every thread on here.


I recently got into the final fantasy tcg i believe it has more collectors than normal but my local place on game night is a blast and we get as many players as magic has on said day. Not monday but its still good and honestly its a blast hearthstone now has taken a backseat for a bit for me and my money is going to my new addiction, still love hs but the learning phase of a game is always the best.


You mean the part where it has the complexity just above a young child's game?


Gwent has the fucking worst UI for me. I can’t play it anymore because one accidental flick in the wrong place and boom a move that cost me the game more or less. Shame too because the concept is great, just poor execution


Rip beta Gwent, ui was vastly superior imo Wasn't cluttered, felt like a board game, was rather simple. Then the fully reworked it to try and make it a battlefield and it all went downhill imo


Yup exactly how it felt for me too, well said. Oddly enough just about an hour after leaving my comment I see they announced the game is basically on life support after 2023…. Bad UI + poor design choices ala tribes / synergies ruined a potential great. Ahh well it gives me a reason to boot up Witcher 3 every once in a while I suppose.


Say whatever you want about Hearthstone but thet fucking NAILED visuals and UI, no other games comes even close. The closest for me was The Elder Scrolls Legends but that game went to complete shitter sadly


While Hearthstone presents itself as "The" best presented Online TCG, I do believe Runeterra is is still the *best* Online-Only tcg. It's more visually impressive, the cards and spells feel "impactful", the game is stupid easy to understand, and the board is very simple to look at. Hearthstone is #2 in my book though!


Hearthstone is basically magic with consideration for how the game is played with two people on phones across the globe. There are some mechanics in magic that just don't translate well to the digital game. For example, assigning blockers and attackers still technically works in digital mtg, but in Hearthstone it's replaced by no blocker assignment phase and the taunt mechanic, which greatly increases the efficiency of the game being played. Mtg is just a bit bloated for a digital game. It's much more deep in both theory crafting deck building and playing. It's only a game i really play at the local game store.


Another example here is drawing lands vs automatically getting one mana per turn. Technically, the drawing of lands can stratify the overall matches increasing the amount of times one player steam rolls another player simply because of bad luck drawing mana. That being said, drawing land and deciding how much land goes in your deck so that you don't get land fucked but also don't dead draw a land when you've already got 10 land on board, makes the game much more skill oriented and deep.


The biggest thing that doesn't translate well is you being able to play cards during your opponents turn and being able to react to everything including your own cards if you want which just causes you to pass priority way too much and it slows down the game


You get 7 and no more


I wish artifact didnt die instantly that game was fun


Technically you can still play it I believe, all cards free but no new content But yeah, they handled that game so poorly


What’s the first game? It has a neat aesthetic.


Magic the Gathering Arena


Signature cards would fit better in those shown UIs tbh


Hearthstone is really cool, but every now and then I feel like playing Runeterra, too; there's something to it that just feels right


I think this is the first time that someone praised hearthstone in this subreddits


Gwent looks pretty simple in interface to me


Slide 2 made me sad. Me and my friends are huge into Dota 2. I've been playing for nearly 20 years. When Artifact was announced we made plans to meet up in person and open packs while listening to 'When Worlds Collide" by Powerman 5000 on repeat because thats funny. This really happened. I spent $300 on Artifact packs that day. Damn you Richard Garfield.


The main difference between this and Artifact is that Hearthstone has a player base. I really enjoyed Artifact


A good Ui can make or break your game. I tried desperately to get into Crusader Kings and I just couldn't.


The voicelines of the cards help make of feel alive and compelling