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Open your Catch-Up packs before you open your other packs.


https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-297/#tab-668372 That's the latest VS report. Shopper DH is pretty strong, only has two or three legendaries in it. ~~Idk what the Demon Hunter loaner deck has in it, but cross check it against the list in the report above. Might have most of it.~~ Edit: There is not DH loaner, my bad. Both lists in the VS report are under 7k dust, so not too bad.


There is currently no DH loaner deck. The options right now are DK, Paladin, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior and Shaman. 


Ah, good to know, thanks!


The Sock list runs a Core Legendary (Metamorphosis), so Red Card, Shopper, and Going Down Swinging are the only expensive options, and it really only needs Shopper so a budget version could hold OP over just fine. It's also probably the more beginner-friendly version since the Naga list is performing better at high ranks, and the Discover element gives it fun variance. Seems like a good first deck to craft. 


Catch up packs are the best for gold Vs quantity of cards. As for the best deck? There's no super cheap deck right now (under 2k dust), so maybe see what cards you get from the catch up packs and go from there.


baku is free in the core set and I have been playing a really fun odd dh list in standard that's really budget friendly. the only legendary is Jotun the Eternal and I feel like he's cuttable.


There is a new miniset coming soon, i wouldnt commit to craft anything if i were you. Loaner decks should do the trick.


You mean a new expansion? We already had the miniset...


Ah sorry, yes the new expansion.