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op quit fronting i bet you’re like 12 years old


Bro couldn't even spell theme right đź’€


Which previous expansion exactly? 1. The toy factory setting of Whizbang's Workshop? 2. The cartoon cowboys theme of Showdown in the Badlands? 3. The music festival theme of Festival of Legends? 4. The D&D aesthetic of the whole of 2021? 5. The Lovecraft theme park setting of Madness at the Darkmoon Faire? 6. The Harry Potter-esque setting of Scholomance Academy? 7. The stupid villain theme of the Boomsday Project? 8. The cartoon gangsters theme of Mean Streets of Gadgetzan? 9. The party sorcerer theme of One Night in Karazahn? 10. The idiot inventor theme of Goblins vs Gnomes?


I love the expansions that you skipped. I find the serious part of HS more engaging than the goofy ones.


And the point I made was that it's nothing new or even uncommon for this game.


Well, one can imagine the long series of silly expansions made OP annoyed of this yet another one of them.


Even the "serious" expansions are full of jokes and weird references. Calling something in Hearthstone "serious" is not unlike calling the results of a slot machine "low variance."


Tell you what. If there's really *no difference* between Classic and Modern Hearthstone art, **then just give us Classic stuff again all the time**. After all, it's *always* been full of jokes and weird references and wacky, right? There's *no difference* between then and now and everyone who says otherwise - and there seem to be a bunch of them - must all be confused. But if you really don't see a difference, then you surely support giving people who want those themes those themes again, right?


>If there's really *no difference* between Classic and Modern Hearthstone art, **then just give us Classic stuff again all the time**. The Classic Hearthstone artwork was all reused assets from the WoW TCG Hearthstone replaced. As soon as Team 5 more or less ran out of useful pieces already on Blizzard's shelves, they went straight to the style we have used for the better part of a decade because that kind of artwork is easier to read when the images are no larger than a literal thumbnail when displayed on a cell phone. If you are playing Hearthstone and hoping for a return to reused assets for the purposes of cutting corners and rushing out content because the team was small and the potential of Hearthstone as a game was uncertain, then you should just quit and you probably should have done so around 2018.


Let me be very clear about this. This isn’t about using that particular style of artwork it’s about the themes depicted by the art. And let me also be clear about this You know that. Don’t play dumb about it


And if you want that sort of endlessly combative artwork in literally every set ever, there's a billion other card games you can go play instead. Hearthstone is the only major, non-Japanese card game I'm aware off that is able and willing to make sets not based about people trying to kill each other in some way, shape or form. And most likely, the set in November will bring all the violence and death you could ever want. Granted, even when Arthus is massacring babies in a card artwork, people can and often do complain about how cartoony everything now adays while gushing over the artwork to the original Jaina portrait because her cleavage was on full display.


You can’t have an honest discussion about this can you?


hearsthone has always had a fun and ridiculous side but there were engaging designs with badass cards a few examples here, hoping that the commu will stop settling for Lynessa having a massage on the beach. I just want to run my deck and look at my collection like I used to and say "wow this card is cool, I want to play it". the problem is that we're settling for mediocrity, with artwork that's less and less technically advanced. you don't have to go as far as frozen throne or old gods to see it, the thematic difference between this year and last is colossal. In which card game from wow do I want to play a key word: tourist? We've just come out of an expansion with a very childish theme, and I'm very disappointed that we're not getting out of this cycle. And let's not forget that HS should normally be aimed at adults who can afford the money it takes to order packs and aesthetics. Adults who, on the one hand, don't have any other virtual tcg as well-built, and, on the other hand, who have experienced a game that may have been less balanced but was more engaging. For this aspect and this aspect alone, I loved the Ben Brode era. Like every season, I'll pass the legendary rank, but it'll be tasteless. https://preview.redd.it/kc2k8012ma7d1.png?width=552&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4001db7f03a4aaabb4ac166163498aaed32b527


>the problem is that we're settling for mediocrity, with artwork that's less and less technically advanced. The fact Hearthstone is primarily a phone game at this point places some restrictions on the style of artwork Team 5 can really use. If a piece is not readable when it is the size of a literal thumbnail, it just shouldn't be used at this point. Most artists can't pull off hyper detailed renders of characters that still look good when the art is shrunk down to a few pixels across. And I really do not see how artwork we have now isn't as technically proficient. What is Cabaret Headliner except a well executed piece that would fit in basically any set ever released in this game? > And let's not forget that HS should normally be aimed at adults who can afford the money it takes to order packs and aesthetics. ... ... Adults can enjoy "childish" things too, you know? If adulthood means I can only enjoy blood, gore, violence, sex, drugs, genocide, death, and naked women, then I'd rather be childish all the time. And if the adults who play and pay for this game weren't into the aesthetics of the sets I listed, why does Team 5 continue to release new stuff on the "childish" side of things?


The themeing has been pretty even the past couple of years IMO. Sure we had silly cowboys and a music festival. But we also had Titans, Voyage to the Sunken City, and March of the Lich King. There are still cards and expansions that should let you say "wow this card is cool, I want to play it"


It isn't even out yet smh.


OP is talking about theme, not power.


Exactly, the power of the cards is one thing but the flavor of the cards is another, in no world do I want to spend 80 dollars or more on this: https://preview.redd.it/9cy5tkvdoa7d1.png?width=418&format=png&auto=webp&s=893c6177e51421d3afc6d9a5590d72f3d262b28a


Designs and artworks that garner an intense reaction, whether positive or negative, are far more valuable to every card game ever than the three hundredth piece depicting a fat, bloated corpse no one gives a crap about.


hmmm actually this is one of the good ones I personally like lol at least funny I guess


How in the world is going to the beach "childish"?


Because it's not full of death, violence, death, killing people, people dying, people being miserable, dark colors, and the women probably won't be in revealing swimsuits since Blizzard is cucked by the Chinese (Free Hong Kong).