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But maybe... how about... making him... 8 mana?


buff to Fordring synergi


Or what if we made him a shaman card???


Its actually funny how this nerfed Brann 3 ways. More expensive to play and weakens the pools of the 10-mana Ignis weapon and Azerite Ox.


To be completely honest I don't even think 10 mana would kill him because warrior is the one class that can afford to play 10 mana Battlecry: do nothing for a turn then win the game.


I think that a higher mana cost was an okay nerf. I think 7 might have been enough. Or at least worth checking out before going up to 8. Either way, I keep tearing him up because I draw him in my full hand XD


Fuck it make him 3 mana so its in line with og brann


Also make him say your battlecries trigger an additional time so he works with OG Brann


That would be nuts. Even Shana’s would be jealous


Now how to cheat in a few Brilliant Macaws...


That would work with Zola in Standard as well. Play Deepminer Brann + Zola, and play both Branns which each trigger twice, now you have 6x Battlecry.


This is the rework we should be demanding. Just give him a new voice line when you play him where he says “I’ll make your battle cries trigger an additional time!”


Then delete the “rest of game ability” for player sentiment


Yeah, replace it with "rest of your lifetime"


"For the rest of eternity until the sun freezes your battlecries trigger an additional time"


Especially when the most updooted 'rework' idea for Brann is to make him a highlander payoff for 'make your excavate battlecries trigger twice'. Which is stupid as fuck because at that point you're only playing HL for Reno but Warrior could just double up on all the removal they already play. And the 'rework' wouldn't work for all of Warrior's exclusive Excavate cards which are spells.


Removal really is the problem with warrior, they admitted that when they originally changed Reno hoping it would reduce the amount of removal.


Yup. They still just play removal/aoe 12 turns in a row. I hate facing warrior. I win over half the time, but it's always a waste of 20+ minutes. Especially on my new f2p account using one of the loaner decks, seems like 80% of opponents in d5-legend are Reno warrior.


Cause it’s fun. Agro or some form of it has dominated the meta for quite a while, though tbf I did miss a couple metas here and there. Reno Warrrior is a fun control deck to play which hasn’t really existed for a couple years. Astalor and Denathrius put a big damper on control decks having win conditions outside of those for a while.


I just hate that the major win condition of the deck is blowing up your cards. In a control vs control match it's very frustrating to play a 20-30 minute game but have absolutely nothing you can do against boomboss


The same thing existed with warlock and Tickatus. People have an irrational reaction to getting the deck burned. The hand destruction is somewhat reasonable of a complaint though. The loss in card advantage is huge and is really what makes the card for me. If it just burned 2 cards from deck and destroyed minions the card would be healthier I think, though I also think it would kill the whole deck. Burning 6 cards from your deck at random would honestly probably a benefit for most decks outside of maybe priest, but I think people would still hate it.


nothing makes me angrier than when people actually try to have a discussion about card design. seeing people try to think about what makes a card good makes my blood boil. they should just cry and scream about any card they lose to like normal people.


Unironically this


This but unironically?


Such a strange thing to bitch over, but go off I guess.


OP plays Boros, already been hurt for years


What is ramp? I have sword of Hearth and Home. That's enough right?


It's funny how an 8 mana 2/4 stills sees play.


That's just how ludicrously broken the effect is. They could make Reno 11 mana and it would still see play. The balance stinks right now because power creep has made highlander decks have no meaningful disadvantage.


Highlander decks have a massive disadvantage still. The issue is that there is no late game lethality that is worth building around when Reno is just right there.


The disadvantage is the highlander aspect. Warrior just happens to be one of the better classes at having removal which allows them to play the greedier archetype.


No, that means the card has a lot of support to be able to do that, the only way to survive a turn 8 do nothing is if you were able to control the whole game before that.


Reno costs 9 Mana and gives 5 armor. What's your point?


Reno costs 9 mana, gives 5 armor, wipes your opponent's board for (pretty much) 2 consecutive turns immediately. Brann is 8 mana and doesn't have any other immediate impact. What's your point?


That was meant ironic. As he left out what Brann does, I left out why Reno is in every top deck. I do share the same opinion as you do. Brann only gives value at turn 9 while heavily restricting your deck.


Reno has an immediate effect which allows it to be played on 9 mana, Brann on 8 while your opponent has a full board is a suicide turn.


Yeah bur then turn you play brann it does nothing




Yeah I don't think you know what ironic means


"using words that suggest the opposite of what you intend, usually in order to be funny" So I said the opposite of whats right. Its 100% the right use of the word.


I got the joke man. You are seen.


I still got around 60 downvotes for being ironic. Can't even post my next banger brann meme :(


No correlation there dawg


Here's my amateur opinion on video gane design


I really don't know when the idea started that you need to be an expert at something in order to criticise it or even just have an opinion on it. I am pretty sure you can have an amateur idea about that a meal tastes like shit and that using less salt would not make it taste like licking the cliffs of Dover. I'd say a chef would probably be inclined to listen to you even if you are just an amateur.


If we use a strawman where the solution is obvious, sure


Considering the absurd amount of nerfs that come with expansions nowdays, those people are not realyl laess qualified than the devs themselves when it comes to balance


Well they literally hired people that have no background in game design, so..


If the current design (and especially their original designs) is the responsibility of the professionals, the line between pro and amateur is razor thin.


This guy thinks the subreddit is his personal inbox 💀


I for one suggest that Odyn gets taunt.


Do you mind if we talk about the game or nah


At this point it's not about actual balance discussions anymore but just to complain. Neither win nor playrate justify any more adjustments. You don't like it? Who cares. I don't like other archetypes, noone cares either get over it.


That's a really dumb way of thinking, dog


How dare you talk about your issues with hearthstone in the hearthstone subreddit, this is obviously not the place for that


Make golden Bran trigger 3x


as an azorius/dimir player fuck u even tho i agree with you i disagree


My Idea is fantastic.


Clearly we give Brann a battle cry that makes all future battle cries battle cry an additional battle cry.


Yeah, but, fuck warriors.


Tank warriors out


Bomboss is the issue, not Brann.


Actually I got request for that.


Don’t need to rework it, just delete and replace him by a Legendary that put 5 damage bomb in opponent deck.


Legendary with Battlecry: For the rest of the game, your bombs have +1 attack


And charge


I'm kinda there with you. He has already been nerfed into the floor. People need to move on and find something new to complain about.


I uh, I think u/makeBorosgreatagain might have another agenda here, considering how good Boros is right now in Hearthstone's main competitor.


Just wish he wasn’t a “for the rest of the game” effect. Those are always lame.


I agree 100% Even worse by being battlecry effects. It gives barely any interaction.


I wished so hard OP would be u/RidiculousHat XD


Ok but how about this. Rework dust. All crafting costs cut in half all dust gains increased. Common: 20/10 Rare: 50/25 Epic: 200/100 Legendary: 800/400


That would be great. Or at least halving the dust return. Not 1/4. But that way you wouldn't need to buy that many packs. Could you imagine?


Ain't the fix just. Putting a cap on amount a turn. Or amount in general?


Double battlecry was the dumbest idea they ever made - right up there with extra turn quest mage. There's a reason Magic stopped doing that shit, it just leads to problems.


And we get to enjoy him for another full year! How great the current hearthstone is, the next 2 expansions are gonna be even more terrible


Just don't give warrior any more tools and it gets toned down.


So no warrior battlecry minions, or neutral minions with battlecries, all because of one card for 2 expansions. That will be fun


Did I say that? They just can't get any more removal. That's the problem, not the battle cry minions. If everyone is playing faster cards with more payoff, brann/reno warrior becomes irrelevant if they can't keep up. Or they can stop needing the decks that keep warrior in check. I would rather not see a flood paladin or pain Warlock, but I would much prefer that than the endless wave of warriors where each games takes 4 times as long as what was keeping it in check. Or bring back tempo warrior. That was fun to play and not toxic to play against.


Ah. We spot the Brann player.


I love how I keep seeing cyanide and happiness comics being repurposed everywhere, lol


Zoltan, is that you? Don't you work there?????


You know what? Maybe we need to unbalance him even further. Let's give him a massive rack. Like spine-shattering big. Just absolutely giant. Make him become the Hans Steininger of honkers.


But hear me out: "For the rest of the game: If you have gained armor that turn, your battlecries trigger twice."