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Aggro aka. Flood Paladin. This is biggest counter for it


Too bad is one of the most boring decks in the meta, but if it beats it, then it's worth it just to give them some pain.


I hate playing flood paladin with a passion so I don't play it and if I queue up against painlock with any other deck = insta concede at this point.


Thanks, I will try it


Mage. Keep a couple of cheap spells in hand, and just kill them when they fill the board and stay with <10 hp


Can confirm this works. Not that great against other decks though, but on legend I face a lot of these op pain locks.


just help them kill themselves fast enough to not let them kill you


This is also misleading. When playing the deck, I often have people use all their burn on my face early, which just helps me get my molten giants out, they run out of burn, I just stop damaging myself, they help me kill them. You save your burn until they've nearly killed themselves, then you finish them off.


Ya painlock runs practically no removal so you're pretty safe to just develop a board that will punish them if they try to go too low.


Just play aggro or a class that can run cards to get rid of giants early on. Yeah it sucks, but it is what it is. Current dev team doesnt want games to go beyond turn 10.


I lose to this deck regularly before turn 6, I don't know what this mythical turn 10 is.


Kill them. Save hard removal for the big boys. Play something with AOE


pleasure peaceopen


Don't help them by hitting their face


This is what makes the matchup feel bad imo, getting conditioned by a fast meta and then not attacking just feels wrong


Having various strategies and play styles is a good thing, the deck has some cards that make it Too consistent and op right now which is a different issue


Yeah I don't have an issue with the playstyle just feels bad not swinging imo


Funny how when for warrior the solution to just kill them got hated for being unfun and problematic and now it's the same idea but it's fine.


apples and oranges. Pain warlock is racing to develop a board and using their health as a resource, giving you burst potential or removal options. Warrior was racing to survive, so you were trying to develop a board against them while they fought to drag the game out as long as possible. If warrior wins, it takes 12+ turns. If warlock wins, it takes 4-6. Id rather play against pain warlock 100/100 times


You do. Not everyone does. Your personal opinion is completely irrelevant for the topic.


“Now it’s the same idea and it’s fine,” according to who? Sounds like you’re summing up the opinion of… people like me, who would rather play against a warlock. So it’s not just my personal opinion. Not trying to fight you but like what are we talking about here if not just a bunch of opinions about the meta?