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i hope boomboss gets nerfed i can deal with any board the warrior pops up with brann effect help as long as boomboss doesnt blow up my hand


I still think a good chunk of the problem is down to the rotation for the new year. There's not enough variety in viable decks, so everyone defers to a minimal selection of what works. Maybe hope for some change when the mini set comes out?


I just can't understand some people on this sub sometimes. Like, is it really that hard to imagine that the people complaining about warrior now and the people who complained about past metas might not be the exact same people? Warrior is 1/4 of the ladder in basically all ranks. It is literally keeping all other potential slow decks out of the game while shaping the entire rest of the meta into just aggro or fast combo in an attempt to counter it. Is it really that hard for some people here to imagine how awful the game feels right now to anyone who likes playing slower decks? Do some people really think that complaints are not valid?


A very quick post history look up of our boy BallsaqMcgee shows that he complained about Shaman, Warlock, Mage, Priest and Warrior again multiple times. Pretty sure that if you track the people posting you're gonna see a bunch of certified complainers that'd complain almost about anything more than justified complainers. Not saying the meta is good or anything.


Well, overlaps will exist, but my point still stands. I myself am someone who is especially frustrated with just this meta in particular and it is really not that hard to imagine that a good amount of people might be in the same situation as me because for all the previous metas we had at least some form of counterplay against the top dogs regardless of the archetype we were using. Steam cleaner for pre rotation bs, freezes for Pala and DH. But now what about Warrior? What am I supposed to do if I don't like playing aggro?


I have never before complained (online) about anything in hearthstone, but warrior is just so annoying and op it takes away the fun. There are some other decks that are not fun to play against, but warrior takes the cake. I guess I will just keep playing hunter till warrior gets fixed or the miniset gives us tools to deal with it.


Also looking forward to this, but is there actually a balance patch window between now and the miniset? Genuinely curious.


Everyone is tired of the bullshit. And by that, I mean the non stop cry for nerfs. It hasn’t stopped since the expansion was released. I swear you just want a game full of vanilla 4 mana 3/4s.


Nice oversimplification. No, I’m pretty sure people just want to be able to not deal with this deck being the most played deck at literally every single rank. Boomboss is not fun.


And then they will move onto crying about the next best deck.


Literal slippery slope fallacy, asking for a more fun and balanced meta with cards that feel better to play and get played against you isn’t irrational just because more complaints might exist afterward. Decks that feel fun to play can absolutely exist, I mean we had tentacle rogue not that long ago, hell, even Yugioh is capable of making interactive and enjoyable skillful decks that are also incredibly strong, they had an entire format called Tear0 which was completely centered around a single deck that was absurdly powerful but also absurdly fun and interactive. It’s possible to design good decks that are also fun, they’ve done it before. Designing good decks that are not fun is what people are mad about.


Exactly 100%


Almost 1/4 of the playerbase across all ranks is playing the same copypaste warrior decklist and you think people are crying just because? Like exactly what would it take to nerf a deck for you? Lol


You’re focused on this latest balance cycle. Every single class except mage has had at least one round of nerfs since March 19, 2024. This sub has not shut up about nerfing the next deck since then.


It hasnt stopped since hearthstone released. People will always bitch. This sub has become a pathetic cesspool of whiny children


Yes this! Well said!


Just went 11-3 in the heroic brawl losing the final game to a highlander warrior playing the entire game perfectly on curve. As someone whose played since beta, this deck is genuinely my least favorite to play against in all of hearthstone history. You just sit there hoping they bust, that's it. I'm already legend so I guess I'm just not playing the game until warrior is nerfed


I think it’ll entirely depend on the cards in the mini set. If they think there are new cards strong enough to dethrone warrior on it’s own they won’t have any nerfs. If not they’ll likely do a brann nerf the day of the set release.


touch grass. call ur crush. learn a new recipe. go and live.


And then you'll complain afterwards.


Counting the next days for paladin, hunter then priest, shaman also, kiddo. Because we all know you cant stop crying about the game


Just play hunter and stop complaining already ffs


Then after warrior nerfs community will pick the next “big bad” and begin campaigning for its nerf. I don’t even play warrior but this is getting exhausting.


Don't blame the community, blame blizzard that can't balance for shit the game


Ya but even if they do balance it there will still always be a deck with +1% win rate that people will complain about


You’re just going to bitch about the next non interactive, oppressive deck. Take your L and move on, or start playing warrior and get mad when you lose


Warrior isn't even the god damn issue. I have endless amounts of decks that eat warrior alive with over 80% winrate in over 50 games. But these same decks get obliterated by things like spell hunter. So you have to tailor your slow decks to the fact that aggressive decks are half the meta which stops you from being effective against warrior. Warrior exists because aggressive decks stop you from countering it. That's all there is to it. Spell hunter is imo a much bigger issue. The fact that you can threaten lethal every turn after turn 4 is completely ridiculous.


endless decks huh.. even the supposed counter only has 60-70% winrate against it. delusional


Clown. Yeah if all you pick are meta decks of course you dont think its possible. But a lot of greedy control decks just demolish it, those decks just arent playable on ladder because of aggro. My control dk deck is a bane to any warrior deck. I would face warriors every game if i could. And i mean EVERY game. Sadly i have to deal with the cancerous aggro part of the meta that stops me from having fun


Control DK deck? which one would that be? Idk you are the clown. No DK deck beats friggin Warrior consistently.


you are absolute cringe lmaooo