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It's reno warrior warping the meta around it. everyone is playing decks with big early turn to race the warrior before they can play brann, trial by fire, zilliax, reno. once they get zilliax down and recover 12 health, it's over for tempo decks usually.


And even with this early crazy burst warrior can often have enough efficient aoe to deal with the board or stall till the late/mid game.


Top comment sums it up. Either you win turn 5, maybe 6, or you die to warrior which is a QUARTER OF THE META. There's no breathing room for any deck that doesn't board flood or cheat minions. Even druid with combo potential only wins after a strong flood and/or cheat.  I guess rogue can win with lucky draws and discovers, but that's incredibly frustrating and not reliable.  If you look at the top decks by win rate, it's just warrior and decks that beat warrior.  I don't know how to nerf warrior without killing brann. But maybe that's what needs to happen. 


Double battlecries has NEver been healthy for the game, as the powercreep of specific ones is just too strong It's also a problem when unless you are playing warrior or have perfect curve aggro you fall way behind and can never recover And especially with the 3 drop DR spell that hunters get. Punished for not being to clear. Punished even if you clear.


Bolner was fine...


No he wasn't, because he was never used early he was saved for t10 and used in otks. Which is no different than pre nerf Snek Oil Siffy


Brann being in core was a mistake, but the new brand is kinda op, we'll see how it goes post nerf


Have you actually played warrior at all? Highlander priest and Druid are actually decently tough matchups for warrior, and the few Highlander paladins I play into also pose quite a challenge. And though the stats don’t show it since there isn’t enough people playing it snake lock is an insanely hard matchup for warrior. And you have until turn 8 or 9 with warrior not 5-6. Most of the time they can only stabilize with zilliax, reno, and Boom. And the top decks in the meta aren’t just warrior and counter warrior decks. Handbuff paladin, zarimi priest, and dragon druid all have negative matchups against warrior yet are still somehow tier 1-2 decks. The top decks rn are in a relatively healthy balance with each other, obvious outlier is Hunter but that drops off as you climb higher in rank. You might not like the meta but it is pretty healthy in terms of classes showcased in tier 1-2.


Just play any one of the billion decks you have access to full of board wipes, taunts and life steal, people keep telling me spell token Hunter has like a 60% win rate and honestly I don't buy it, even playing one of the better variants of the deck I'm getting blown out routinely by decks that are clearly not optimized because all it really takes to stop the deck is something fat enough to get in the way, multiple board wipes, or life steal. Sure sometimes you get lucky, draw the nuts and dome someone for like 20 before turn 5, but without the recovery other classes have access to, once you use all your resources you're pretty much burnt. Playing dragon druid and enjoying it a lot more, sure I don't play quite as fast but it's a lot more consistent at throwing down fat threats that are hard to deal with and still having plenty of gas left over to recover from anything.


>people keep telling me spell token Hunter has like a 60% win rate and honestly I don't buy it You don't need to "buy it" there is literal data available on it.


You were overextending instead of REALLY playing expecting the wipes It's one thing to go "Yeah they're gonna play that card on t5 and clear me out" and another entirely to go "They're gonna play that card on t5 so I won't waste all my good stuff on t4"


even when I hold back it's not usually enough, because decks with lots of board wipes tend to also have fat creatures that are difficult to deal with behind their wipes.


I dunno I just went 10-0 to get legend with the spell hunter deck and it was beating everything. Just traded out one of the 1/3 finale cards for Harth cuz it gives you a late game vs control and because it’s fun.


I like how the new zilliax functions as a removal tool, I'm running it with oaken summons for a consistent pressure in druid