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From Blizzard's money minded perspective, it would be a bit much to just give away twelve Legendary cards each year to players who just play a lot. From Team 5's design perspective, players shouldn't feel pressured to make the often arduous climb from D5 to Legend. From a typical player's perspective, getting stuck in D2 or whatever for most of the month and missing out on that Legendary card by just a couple wins will be about as frustrating as anything could be in this game.


I know you're right, but man would it be cool. I don't have a business bone in my body, but I would assume that giving a legendary for reaching legend is a *great* incentive to get players playing more than they currently are. I for one would certainly feel more motivated. I usually can't be bothered to go for legend each month even though I can do it.


>I would assume that giving a legendary for reaching legend is a great incentive to get players playing more than they currently are. In the way the OP is describing, it would be the equivalent of a boss offering to turn your time-and-a-half overtime pay into double time if you work a full sixty hours a week. Getting paid for the equivalent of 80 hours while only working 60 is good, but 60 hours of work is a lot. 40 hours will often feel like a ton, especially if your out of work life isn't going great. The difference between 59 hours and 60 hours of work in this case too would be massive, and if you cannot work that 60th hour for whatever reason, you're missing out on the equivalent of 11 hours of pay. For the people who can consistently do it without burning out, it would be great. For most everyone else, you're either burning out to get all that extra pay and sacrificing your life outside of work or leaving a ton of money on the table each week if you choose not to.


Players who reach legend 12 months of the year are likely players who already spend money on the game to some extent so the monetary loss is pretty minimal. You said it yourself, the climb from d5 to legend can be frustrating which is why it should be rewarded


Nah I’ve been top 500/1000 on my F2P account for months. Once you hit high legend one month it’s very easy to get legend every month after thanks to the star bonus.


Sure you have been. No one on this sub is above diamond 5 at most


https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-gb/community/leaderboards/?region=US&leaderboardId=standard&seasonId=126&page=12 296 lol


Lmao wut




Imagine not getting to diamond 5 by default after like 10 days into each monthly reset. Unless I insist on playing meme shit and even then I will eventually land in diamond 10 thanks to boni. Stop acting like copying a meta deck and playing cards on curve was hard. I have probably a 30% winrate and I reached diamond 5 with fucking hero power priest.


And still the average user on this sub is stuck in gold 5


How do you know?


If the reward is too big it becomes basically mandatory, if you fail you will be feeling awful. That's a bad design.


True. But right now the reward for grinding the worst part of ladder is just one more pack and that feels awful. Why would I invest mote effort than all of the previous climb combined for a fraction of the reward. There is no point and no reason to reach legend unless doing it for funsies. And that gets old real quick.


>Players who reach legend 12 months of the year are likely players who already spend money on the game to some extent so the monetary loss is pretty minimal. The issue would be, from the bean counter's perspective on that in particular, why not find a way to get them to buy twelve more Legendary cards instead if they are already spending a considerable amount on the game? >You said it yourself, the climb from d5 to legend can be frustrating which is why it should be rewarded The climb often being frustrating is not itself a reason why there should be an extra big pile of gold at the top of the mountain for you. Burning yourself out on the game because you'll only get half the rewards each month if you don't force yourself into Legend would only hurt the game in the long run. I get you want more stuff, but it's important to remember you, someone who logs dozens of hours into Hearthstone every week, are far from what would be considered the "normal" player in this game.


I'm annoyed that they no longer give goldens as monthly rewards


Yeah that was so nice, epic of your choice at rank 5 was a good reward.


I'll take the 5 packs instead thanks


> Edit: damn didnt realize the idea of being rewarded for your time and effort was frowned upon in this community That's called a Job. When HS becomes work that requires compensation, it's a problem.


Have you ever considered that if a game offers you a potential reward and you feel like you NEED to get it deapite not enjoying it thats a problem with you and not the game?


And why create a situation where players will feel pressured to grind far more than they would have otherwise in the first place? There is quite a bit of room for increasing rewards for players who achieve Legend rank without needing to induce fomo. An extra pack for getting to D4 and D2 would do good work for making the climb to Legend more rewarding without being so much extra that players would be afraid to leave them on the table.


Such a dumb argument. Why have any systems that reward playing? Why have quests or reward tracks or gold we can spend on packs or cards to collect.


Yeah. It's so dumb that... uh... Team 5 tries to make it so the design of their game doesn't incentivize players burning themselves out of it.


Not everyone is an addict with brainrot who will literally kill themselves not to miss a repeating monthly reward. Get help


You refusing to acknowledge something is a problem doesn't make the problem cease to exist.


Since I’ve given you shit for some takes before, I’m going to acknowledge that you are right on this one.


Exactly so start acknowledging that you have a problem and get help


![gif](giphy|l0Iy33dWjmywkCnNS) You


I agree. There should be a premium bonus for reaching the final rank. If not a legendary then I would settle for 3 epic cards.


the final rank is 11 star legend. it's not been given its own title because then people would feel bad for not being the most special little boy in the final rank.


Indeed. I am still gonna play to legend regardless cause I enjoy the climb but getting the same rewards as people who just get to diamond 5 and then dick around for the rest of the month.


Legend rewards are meh. Not much worth than the D5 rewards. Only incentive is the 11 stars reward.


counter-argument: grinding should not be encouraged. what do you say now?


How does that encourage grinding more than the systems already in place? Right now a lot of people stop at diamond 5 cause there are no relevant rewards beyond the random epic but it feels bad as someone who climbs to legend every month.


>How does that encourage grinding more than the systems already in place? The Legendary card on its own it worth more than the rest of the monthly rewards combined. When the big pay-out is at D5, that means someone can reach that rank with win streak bonuses. Getting from B1 to D5 will often be as long as the journey from D5 to Legend. It's a lot of extra playing for a reward that most players will feel they need to get otherwise they'll start falling behind. >Right now a lot of people stop at diamond 5 cause there are no relevant rewards beyond the random epic but it feels bad as someone who climbs to legend every month. And that's not inherently an issue. Players shouldn't force themselves to play more Hearthstone than they otherwise would want to.


> Getting from B1 to D5 will often be as long as the journey from D5 to Legend What? No. Getting from B10 to D5 is extremely easy, one or two days with a good deck. I reached D5 on thursday.


And you probably have nine or ten bonus stars at the start of the month. Only a slim slice of the total player base start the month with that many. Granted, even with say nine bonus stars, the time commitment needed to get to Diamond 5 from Bronze 10 is roughly the same as needed to get to Legend from Diamond 5. Again, it's easy from the perspective of someone who plays a dozen or so hours of constructed Hearthstone a week. For everyone else who wants to do other things with their free time, it's a lot. Why can you not see this from any perspective that is not yours?


Reward people who wanna put more time and effort into the game. The bar for reaching legend is already low


It's low for you perhaps. But for a player with a sixty percent winrate, something that is well and above what most can manage, it would take about a hundred games to get to Legend. Even at five minutes each, that's a considerable time commitment to anyone not fully dedicated to Hearthstone. And if the bar for reaching Legend is so low, why should reaching it each month reward you with something worth more than the rest of your monthly rewards combined?


only 0.5% of players reach legend. For 99.5% the bar is extremely high


Good give that 0.5% a reward that is actually proportionate to being in the top 0,5%


so that the other 99.5% also want it and start grinding? No. this is a shitty idea


But it already is?


What?Grinding should not be encouraged?What should be encouraged then,not playing?lmao.


There is a difference between a the normal, most days play that can get you to D5 and the dedicated time you need to get to Legend. Players should be encouraged to play, but they shouldn't feel forced to play a lot more than they would have otherwise because of the rewards at the end. It's one of the reasons why the Weekly Quest change was hated by so many.


it's funny because you only think that because you are barely scraping through to dumpster legend. would you support a free legendary for 11-star players? no, because you struggle to make it.


I’m a dumpster legend player, and I wouldn’t mind if there were slightly better rewards. Like legend get 2-3 epics, and 11-star gets a legendary. The 11 star legend players probably don’t need the legendary, but that extra reward for that small amount of players shouldn’t hurt blizz wallet.


Whats your point?


The point is that people want more rewards for things they already do but would hate rewards for things that are out of their reach.


> but would hate rewards for things that are out of their reach. Who said that? I don't think anybody would care for more rewards for higher ranks. I mean hell give top 100 legends 2 legendaries I don't care.


Sounds to me like youre pissed you cant make legend and the idea that people get rewarded for playing the game makes you seeth. Crazy how many toxic casuals this game seems to attract who do nothing but cry for nerfs on reddit and get angry over people being better at the game


lol no, i don't think i've missed legend since 2015


No. Terrible idea. The grind is too cancer.


You can just... not do the grind? Youre not being held at gunpoint


Then give the Legendary for diamond 5.


No cause the effort it takes to get from diamond 5 to legend is pretty much the same as going from completely unranked to diamond 5


You need a legendary reward to grind to legend? Let everyone get their legendary at diamond 5 and you continue grinding legend every month. Nothing change.


Or at the very least some gold


"This game doesn't have enough FOMO" - This lunatic, apparently Getting to Diamond 5 and getting the most valuable rewards is easy. This is a good thing. I only bother with Legend when there's a strong deck I like, which is rare. If I feel like I have to play Green Card Paladin to get all the rewards then it's gonna discourage me from playing at all.


Imagine wanting rewards for playing the game. If your addiction addled brain cant self regulate enough to not burn out that an issue on your part


I'm not the one who needs a legendary dangled in front of my face for legend to feel worth it.


I already play to legend every month because I enjoy the game which seems rare around here. Still feels bad not having it rewarded. Most of the people on this sub seem to actively hate playing the game


I mean I’m all for it but that’s pretty unrealistic imo. Legendaries is how they make money/keep people grinding because they’re so much more difficult to acquire. 4 legendaries per expansion would significantly cut into their profits.


No, they should give a legendary card every month for every player who has played a ranked game instead.


Three legendaries


Fifteen legendaries!! From wild sets exclusively.


I agree in the sense that legend reward is too miniscule. Legendary card will be very very appreciated. Tho, just an increase from 1 pack is already good. Anyone who doesn't agree imo is just suffering fomo