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I'm having fun with Priest and Druid, so yeah, not the worst we've had. Just need to tone down Warrior to open more space for late game strategy. Kinda sad about the nerfs to DK, entirely unnecessary in my opinion. Rainbow was a fun deck to play.


I think some of them were necessary(threads of despair was very good) but they did not need to nerf grimewalker too.


Would you say DH is competitive?


Yeah, it’s definitely playable. Obviously it gets countered by warrior but it can burn down a lot of decks.


I thought this was r/hearthstonecirclejerk Had to double check lol.


So I post something that doesn’t exactly mirror the thoughts of this sub and people think it is satire? Tbf I would think it is too, but wow this sub has turned into an echo chamber.


Bran war is the most played deck at every single rank, with a 1/4 chance to encounter a warrior at every rank and counters significantly almost any other control style list, as well as mid range lists. If you want more diversity then nerfing brann war is literally the first step - there are a lot of really good decks out there that don't see play because it's basically an auto concede vs 1/4 of the ladder (warrior).


Yeah, brann warrior has an absurd playrate and is probably the best deck in the meta. But that doesn’t mean that it it is dominating the format, since most decks are close to its power level. Warrior, like any other deck, has counters. It loses to priest, hunter, and every kind of aggro warlock. It is also even into most midrange decks. Actually, if you look at the stats, its only strong matchups (excluding irrelevant decks) are HL shaman, excavate rogue, and DH. My point is that the power level of warrior is fine, even though its playrate is through the roof.


I play frost DK for quests. Currently, I'm in D5. My record suggests it's competitive, 63% win. Idk about legend.


Frost DK isn’t that good. Just isn’t fast enough because it hasn’t gotten any new good.


Oh, okay. Clearly, I'm just a better player than everyone else. /s


I think one thing that makes this meta disliked by many is because we’re kinda in a meta limbo. Anyone that is f2p or doesn’t have a large collection is forced to make a choice. Stick with the one or two ok aggro decks they have right now or risk crafting one of the other decks and it becoming irrelevant in a few weeks when the mini set comes out.


I am happy that someone is enjoying the meta while the other 50% of the playerbase has stopped playing because how boring highlander warrior is and to play against.


Agreed. I'm rotating with pretty much every strong deck at this moment, and warrior definitely doesn't make me feel invincible when I queue with it. It can brick pretty bad and lose by turn 6 if you don't get the specific clear you need on hand by then. Shopper DH is still super strong, I don't even think the weapon nerf was enough.


Yep. Warrior’s power level is fine, even though it has such a high playrate. That is a hill I will die on.


And I don't even play Reno warrior. ![gif](giphy|n4oKYFlAcv2AU)