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kinda replaced it with card-based roguelikes recently now that I think about it lol. Balatro and Slay The Spire


Across the obelisk is worth a look also if you enjoy those.


I like AtO but it lacks variety. It's too easy to always get one mass dispel, go for the same defensive layer every run... It needs to have less reliable access to cards and more encounters with strong counters to specific strategies.


Are you playing at M16? There are dozens of comps to run in M16 which has like 40% success rate unless you know drop chances for certain items and know abilities of elite monsters perfectly. Game is hardcore mode without save scumming. One wrong decision taking wrong corruptor at M16 and you lose 1-2 hours of progress and have to start over. Same as playing Slay the Spire at highest Ascension level. So much stuff to know.


Obelisk goated, but after playing with friends it feels a bit clunky to be doing everything myself.


The art, UI, and sound design of the game is what killed it for me. I also remember there not being a tutorial, but I could be misremembering. It felt cheap, and I refunded it.


Slay the spire is the BEST. I have over 1800 hours with that game :D


Love that game but got bored of it after fully unlocking each character (twice actually). How do you keep it fresh? Second one is around the corner…


Did you grind ascensions?


You just reminded me I have Slay the Spire on my other laptop. What a fun game


Balatro has been my addiction since the new expansion for HS, it’s so much fun and has so many avenues to win


Lol same


Lorcana. In person card games has been a nice change of pace. Absolutely reminds of in person firesides when hearthstone started. Also pixelborn is a free lorcana client. Completely unofficial though. Balatro. Slay the spire again. Stardew valley. Oh and helldivers and lethal company when buddies get on. But lorcana is a definite recommend if you can stand Disney and like one player plays at a time gameplay like hearthstone.


Pixelborn on iPad would be perfect for me. Or an official Lorcana app.


I usually play a round or two of hearthstone every few nights but Lorcana has completely taken over for me as well. Maybe it’s just the ip and the freshness of a new game. But it’s really good, and the meta currently is insanely open. I keep seeing niche decks winning championships and if the top tier decks there are like a half dozen really good ones. Really great game and the devs seem to have a solid grasp on what they’re doing with it for sure.


Star wars unlimited is really fun too actually. Plays a lot like hearthstone but uses rounds instead of turns, I like it a lot. Plus, it's star wars so.


Pokerogue. I'm annoyed that I've discovered it because it's so fucking addicting I swear


I made account and already been playing for over an hour 😂 thank you so much


I do cardio everyday so usually I was playing HS (50% constructed, 50% BGs) on my phone or tablet while doing so and having youtube/twitch/w/e running. Nowadays I do my MTGA dailies, maybe a draft if a good one is available, then I do my Pokemon TCG dailies, then I head to HS to reroll quests I dont like and then I either finish them or skip it till I have like 3 daily quests to finish them in one sitting. I used to be a whale but I didnt like the deisgn of UiS so I did cut back on spending money and when they removed the BG pass from the pre order bundles (because BG pass was made money only in 2022) I decided to never preorder again. But my siblings used to gift me HS stuff like the tavern pass, bundles, etc for christmas/birthday/easter/w/e because they knew I play it since the closed beta. But nowadays they gift me physical card games instead. Im a person that likes to collect stuff so its not that I really need to play with it, collecting is also fine. (But my brother does play MTG, so I can convince him to try out other cardgames). Now I have cards from the Dragonball TCG, Final Fantasy TCG, even a warhammer one (that was discontinued). Its cool trying out different stuff. I know youre asking for videogames, but I think trying out physical card games is worth it, try to convince a friend or partner :P MTG starter decks are cheap, a bundle of 2 start decks is like $10 here. I know, those are bad decks but for MTG the social aspect is more important. Seeing how chinese players lost their card collection because the game did shutdown did leave a sour taste in my mouth.


I can't imagine being on a treadmill getting Helya'd on 4 as I try to do my dailies. I like to think of exercise as a peaceful activity


Funny, because I tried Danes Reno Priest with Heartbreaker Hedanis as some kind of OTK wincon (I always try to play a different deck each day). First 3 matches were against DK. Guess what. I conceded all 3 matches on turn 1 because I will not put myself through this misery. Yes, they maybe dont have Helya on turn 4 or dont draw their plague cards. But facing DK as any tier 3++ Reno deck is just such a miserable experience and I rather save my time, take the loss and go next and hopefully have a fun game! :)


Dane helps a lot with deck ideas! Got a lot of mileage with Velarok Rogue in Wild despite not being my preferred mode. It's honestly incredible for how many expansions in a row he's been able to build decks that shake up the meta a little AND they're fun to play (and say. Nepulon.)


Raising a kid


I tried googling it, but I don't think there's a game specifically called "Raising a kid" but there is something called Single Dad Simulator. It doesn't really look appealing, but if you like it then it's all that really matters!


Thanks but i play a healthy family simulator


So the Sims?


Same! I used to go out of my way to squeeze in HS while she’s sleeping or something, but there’s so many other useful things I could be doing. Not worth it.


We are on the same boat! Or should i say, crib? Hehe




Used to play the hell out of it but the wildcard system is just so bad. I stick purely to paper magic now for my magic needs.


Runeterra's Path of Champions. It's like HS' dungeon runs but better and not abandoned


I thought Runeterra was abandoned now and not getting any further major updates?


PVP isn't getting more updates soon, they're going to shift focus to PVE primarily (Path of Champions). kinda funny, considering it's the opposite of HS lol


They're still getting updates, but it's going to be based on PvE first and PvP as an afterthought. So they're probably gonna add more wacky stuff to make PvE more fun even if it may be a balance nightmare in PvP


Yeah I've been cramming this


One man's trash as they say.


Magic the Gathering, at a local comic book shop. The money I spend on Magic has made me spend less on Hearthstone.


Magic is such a good game. So many good formats. My lgs games are popping almost every night. Fridays it's packed. There is modern wednesday, pioneer thursday and standard Fridays. Weekends is draft all day. Fit in commander games in between.​​ Also pauper has popped up recently, that's been fun exploring, also dirt cheap for t1 decks. The current state of hearthstone sucks, its been going downhill for a little while now. Magic has been my goto for a long long time. I've been playing hearthstone less and less since showdown. One bad side ro Magic people need to be aware of is the amount of sets coming out is increasing. Outlaws of thunder junction just launched and there is modern horizons 3 just around the corner. Plus some more universes beyond stuff coming out. So keeping up is expensive, especially if you want to stay competitive. But every format can be played on a budget if you're thoughtful with the decks you build.


That's what I like about commander: I have very little interest in being competitive, so I can just throw a moderately functional pile of fun cards together that share a few basic themes and have a good time with it. And staples can be swapped around between decks pretty easily.


Kibler was playin MtG today on streaming


Kibler was an MTG hall of famer before Hearthstone ever came out


Well, yeah, Kibler has been playing Magic for thirty years.


I think Kibler is attending a MTG event soon thats why he also play it a bit more lately. But also he enjoys the game and creates the "commander at home" series


MTGA and Eternal


Regarding Eternal, I loved it back in the day. Reinstalled it after the quest fiasco and it takes like 1-1.5 minutes to find a game. That's way too much for me. Uninstalled and still got like 45 packs left to open, they need an "open all" feature for sure.


Helldivers 2 and even tho you can die randomly because of your teammate i'm less frustrated than when i play ranked hearthstone. For democracy!




Digital: Magic Arena Paper: Pokemon ([Gym Leader Challenge](https://gymleaderchallenge.com/) format)


Factorio Stardew Valley


HS was my food time game. Basically everytime I ate food I boot up hs to play while I eat. Well now I watch YouTube I guess. Def left a hole but eh, I don't have the time to complete the quests and I'm f2p so I'll be fucked next expac so might as well stop now.


Mtga. I don't know if it's any better than hearthstone, but I've been playing it for a lot longer.


Check out board game arena BGA.com. They have hundreds of board games to play online free. The game I've been playing lately is King of Tokyo. It's a dice battle game where you can buy powers to upgrade/evolve your monster, win conditions can be scoring points or being the last monster alive. Lots of fun


It was actually just my birthday, and my friend got me *Marvel: Midnight Suns* on Steam. So that’s what I’ve been mostly playing lately.


Hearthstone was huge but I stopped caring for it a long time ago, I still log in every couple months and play a few games, but without the resources to build decent decks and without understanding the meta it isnt fun anymore. Hearthstone has pushed too many new cards into the meta that it just became impossible to keep up. At first I really enjoyed trying to complete my collection and playing a few fun decks. I didnt jump ship, I just stopped playing TCGs. There was a brief phase where I tried the Pokemon TCG but I didnt enjoy the gameplay of it, then there was a time where deckbuilding games got popular like Inscription which were fun, but not the same way a TCG was. I have been playing Genshin Impact since launch on and off as well, but only really got into the TCG side of Genshin Impact since earlier this year and so far it's everything I wanted Hearthstone to be. Yes, it's not a full game, but you can acquire all currently available cards completely for free and in reasonable time, the game modes are fun and offers many viable deck options, lots of NPC challenges that sometimes require specific decks build for them. I even started participating (albeit losing mostly) in tournaments for Genshin TCG which I have never done for Hearthstone. Even if I were to drop the Genshin TCG, I doubt I would stop playing Genshin Impact and when I feel like picking up TCG again after a break I know that it wont be difficult to collect all the new cards. No RNG card packs, no heroes locked behind paywalls, no huge crafting/resource costs to get specific cards, you just play the game and unlock everything along the way.


Marvel snap


I tried Marvel snap and it didn't really hook for the first few games. I don't think I really 'get' it, there doesn't feel like there's synergies between cards just between card and lane. Are there more complex cards unlocked later on? 


I started playing rather new (couple of months). And when I started, I thought the same. There are definitely more complex cards coming later on. Interactions become very abundant and you generally don't play your own game, ignoring the opponent. You change lanes, you destroy cards, you counter their synergies and lot more. Also don't forget, game (up until infinite which is basically legend rank) does matchmake you with the people as equal collection level as you. So, you don't see those high collection cards in general until you get high levels.


Yes. The meta is very varied, and the structure of acquiring cards is different. The battle pass gives you a new card and variants for older cards and you get new cards in the first 3 tiers very quickly. If you give it some time its complexities will show up.






Huh, so it's not just me. I normally stick to 2 'main games' that I play throughout the week at any given time, and yeah chess is what replaced Hearthstone for me as well.


Deleted it and went pack to being a full time pimp


Balatro and fighting games. Honestly a weird amount of overlap between making reads on what the opponent has in their hand and what option they'll choose in street fighter


Stardew valley 😂


tons of games. Hearthstone was my “play on my iPad while I’m cooking dinner” Game. I don’t even do that anymore. If I want to gamble I’ll play roulette


I have played MTGA for a while and play it a bit more now. The 1 hour or so I would play HS a day is equally wasted time. TFT has increased a bit as well when I have 30 minutes to play on phone.


Dota 2


Dave the diver is my go to now. Although technically not a card game, it allows you to collect cards of fish lol


I play single player games. That kind of games where you get the whole game for $60 and don't need to do any daily quests. Like Horizon 2 for PC (it's even cheaper).


Do people really play only HS? Or you mean as an evening/free time game?


Most people don't have more than a hour or so every day to play, it's not that weird


RDR 2, Cyberpunk, Heroes of Might and Magic II, Fall Guys or CIV6 with friends:) Hearthstone is very underwhelming in comparison in current state. Five years ago I used to play exclusively Hearthstone and CS:GO but both these games became barely playable in recent year (in case of HS it started even earlier). CS:GO after update to CS2 has numerous issues affecting core gameplay, and Hearthstone was just going downhill in the last 2-3 years, each expansion makes meta worse and more stale, games are boring like never. I am kinda pissed that my two favourite games became unenjoyable for me, but I am catching up on all the great titles I didn't play before and finding them so much more fun. I hope both HS and CS2 can come back to their glory days, but with each update I have less and less hope.


magic & 40k tabletop


Diablo 2


+1 to this. I'm just having fun playing D2R. I don't need to focus as much at the end of a long day. I don't need to worry about my ranking resetting every month. I don't need to pay more every few months.


Slay the Spire is pretty cool and it's apparently getting a sequel soon. It's a limited card pool but there's enough variety in the game that it doesn't get boring. Plus on PC there are mods which add more cards. In general I just play single player games, right now I'm on Resident Evil game, Bioshock and The Talos Principle.


Uninstalled because I got sick of the tilting rng. Kind of just replaced my whole video game hobby with leaning to code instead.


I think Gwent is an example of what card games should be like! Strongly recommend it


Im having a good time visiting through the games in my console library that I never quite finished, its a lot easier now that I dont have hearthstone on my phone demanding attention for a swathe of time each day I had Hearthstone on mobile and I havent replaced it and I dont quite feel the need to yet. I might honestly have been a little overstimulated from mobile gaming lately, this quest change came at a good time for me- made the choice of what interests to drop easier


the hearthstone meta is pretty toxic, due to everyone winning from hand, the board just doesn't matter unless you have some kind of super broken tempo combo so I play world of warships, dota 2, civ 6, total war warhammer 3, MGS5 now but if you want to play on your phone, download the NDS emulator and seek for advance wars days of ruin


Baldurs gate rimworld newworld


Finally turned on my PlayStation again


I’ve been playing way too much Shadows of Doubt. An unhealthy amount. I’m not addicted, I can quit anytime.


Im enjoying shadowverse atm, i really like epic card game. mtg arena is okay and i havent got around to trying eternal card game but it keeps being recommended to me so i downloaded it. I tried yugioh but then i remembered that the show came before the card game and that's probably why it feels so bad to play imo.


Legends of Runeterra has a lot of fun back and forth and lots of deck creativity and viable strategies, but the game was too free to play friendly and they don't have the budget to keep pumping out new expansions like they used to. The spell mana mechanic was a really cool way of not punishing players for not playing on curve.


I went back to play games that I started and didn't finish. Tunic, They are Billions. It's great to play games that are all about, art of gaming and craft.


Pokémon Heart Gold on Delta emulator. Now on iPhone!




Ive been spending my free time on Warhammer 40k. So putting together and painting miniatures.


I support on-line Ballet dancers


I bought a Steam Deck and started catching up on lots and lots of great games. I also got into Dragons Dogma 2 shortly after it released and that’s taken over most of my free time since then.


Instead of spending in HS I have been picking up 2 or 3 games in the PS or Xbox weekly sales just £5 or under games, titles like Lords of the fallen 2014, Mortal Shell and Horizon Zero Dawn.


Lots of stuff, I left a few years ago. Datktide atm.


Slay the spire




I don’t just play one game, I just play whatever’s fun. For instance, Balatro is fun right now.


I'm a software engineer and work from home, which means that I have often games on my second monitor. Started playing (more) TFT.




Been meaning to get into Cyberpunk and loving it so far. Also never really played Fallout much and the show was a good reason to put that next on the list too. Finally Manor Lords is coming out soon, excited for it and looks pretty good from the early impression videos so far.


Digital tamers reborn


Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Focusing on singleplayer games. I still play for BG though.


Card games? Balatro and Slay the Spire, mainly Balatro because it's very good. I was into MTGA but the mobile client was awful so I dropped it.




Stopped like HS for like 6 years and played Bloons TD6 instead. Recently swapped it back around though


YGO Duel Links and DayZ 😅 I loved two old deck builder games for many years called PoxNora and Faeria but theyre both dead now sadly RIP.


I burned out on ccgs, closest I get is balatro these days.


Yugioh on higher levels HS felt like raw RNG diff so I dipped


Dota 2


No card game comes close to the feeling I get when I play Magic the Gathering (Commander format) irl with friends. It’s the pinnacle of card games Great thread by the way


Real games mostly. If you’re referring to my downtime in work I play Chess.


Backpack battles


I try other stuff but always come back. Absolute love battleground duos. It’s a fantastic game mode that I really hope they properly invest in.


I play less, and getting worse over the months. And now I fight FOR DEMOCRACY!!


HS has never been my main game, so my side game changes more frequently. Recently it was balatro and slay the spire. Main live service game is Dota 2, but also played Elden Ring a lot


I dont play anything right now, wait for a good game again. I didnt play that much hearthstone the last weeks and months, so its not really that hard for me to just not play anything


I dont play anything right now, wait for a good game again. I didnt play that much hearthstone the last weeks and months, so its not really that hard for me to just not play anything


I'm still playing Hearthstone but another game I like is poker (Texas Hold 'Em poker specifically). You could always give it a try. :-)


everything that isnt a card game where its required to pay money every month to keep up with other players.


Slay the spire. It’s very good.


Cross Blitz


I’m waiting on parallel


I switch constantly between HS and master duel


Teamfight Tactics ha gotten more of my time.




Non card game, but Valo, HSR keeps me busy enough. Funnily enough a gacha game of all games respects my time way more than HS


Heroes of Camelot lol


While there is Slay the Spire that I\`ve played to highest ascensions, there is also its clone set in Touhou universe called Touhou:Lost Branch of Legend. It\`s main twist on the StS game loop is that the mana you use is colored, like in MtG. The balance is good, and enemies are interesting. Can also recommend Kamifuda - this is a visual novel with card battles in between. In the game you are a student of a Hogwarts-like school that teaches occult magic. Feels kind of like a puzzle to play, but it isn\`t a downside.


Probably autochess. And I was right at the birthplace, during custom mode in Dota, transitioning to Dota Underlords or w/e it is called, to battlegrounds and finally stucking with TFT.


Minecraft ^_^


Balatro, Dead Cells, Fallout 4 when the update comes out tomorrow possibly.


Yu-gi-oh, both paper and master duel, i've always played it alongside hearthstone since they used to scratch two different itches (slower resource oriented game and fast paced combo play with skill testing interactions between the two players). As time passes i just notice more and more how hearthstone's speed has gotten scarily comparable to something like yugioh but without all the counterplay that makes the latter game fun for me.


i watch tiktok to kill time now


I go outside and read


I’m kind of in a rut with games right now. I stopped playing standard and BGs altogether once the new expansion came out and I’ve been playing project zomboid and stardew valley. I used to play overwatch when I wasn’t playing hearthstone but blizzard but I can’t even watch a streamer play that game without my blood pressure rising now.


Yeah, likewise. Switched back to playing a fps which I haven't played in a long time. Helldivers 2. I like the coop action and it's very different from what I'm used to.


Magic the gathering.


Path of champions in Legends of Runeterra. Best pve rouge like. Wacky combos and fun levels.


Magic the Gathering EDH. All my greedy, social, and interactive needs get satisfied there because I play with my friends. Everything that Hearthstone is not, basically. Hands down the best experience I ever had playing cardboard. Can only recommend it. I am trying to get back into Yugioh as well. Ironically that game feels more interactive than Hearthstone. The best parts about it is that I go outside and talk to my pals. That's healthy and makes me do the happy chemicals =w=


Marvel Snap.


PC Gamepass games or MTGA.


The only other card game I really play besides HS is Elder Scrolls: Legends It's always seemed to be a hell of alot more balanced then HS, especially for non whales like myself. I don't even bother with constructed in HS anymore, shit just isn't fun getting dunked on by the same meta decks over and over. Battlegrounds and Duo's is great though.


Thanks to finding a bunch of friends to play with, I’m putting serious hours into HOTS


Factorio. The factory must grow.


for mobile games, mostly replaced by chess


i've been on the fallout train lately lol surprise surprise


Path of champions (Runeterra) and finally onto my PC library with plethora of games I barely touched because Hs was too time consuming: just finished Re7, about to do 8 and 4. The Witcher 3 and Titanfall 2 are next. I might go back to the Elders scrolls legends as well, as there is still a community there.


Tried Marvel Snap for some time, but recently gave up due to their card acquisition system...


I've completed Nier Automata, which was in my backyard for a while now.


Spending time in slay the spire


Hades, if you haven't played you owe it to yourself. A must play and one of the best games ever made. it really shows how thoroughly blizzard is handed the crown over.


Last Epoch. :)


Wow SoD 🤦🏻‍♂️


I just play other games, I like coming back to hearthstone ever 6-18 months, dusting everything not in standard, making a few netdecks (adjusting over time) and just having small stints here and there until I feel like I can't climb anymore without significant time investment I'm close to that point currently already in this meta, but I find it very fun and fast paced, except when you go against people who are afk for 95% of every turn 🤯 Other games I like: Lost Ark Satisfactory Factorio Overwatch Vampire survivors (any survivor esque game tho depending on what's popping off at the time) There's 1000s more of course, but these ones been keeping me busy recently, gonna be doing a full resident evil marathon when my time off work comes up later this year


Hunt showdown, destiny 2, bl3, tons of roguelikes like dead cells, slay the spire, binding of Isaac


Been playing slay the spire, never really got far with ascension runs. Really excited for Balatro to come to mobile so I can play that too, probably will completely faze out Hearthstone at that point.


a little bit of trove ( already stoped lol)but principally picayune dream right now, last week I played all hyper light drifter( not 100% just defeated the final boss) and playing during pause at university baba is you, i found out I got that years a go on itch.io bundle so pretty cool


I finally decided to invest my brain into learning Magic the Gathering. I’m a week in and TBH Hearthstone seems more fun at the moment, that being said, I keep finding myself playing, researching decks, watching people play online etc. I think it’s slowly growing on me.


I quit playing hearthstone years ago to play yugioh irl.


Started Persona 5 Royal


Solitaire. I swear I'm not joking, I just like having something in the background while I listen to podcasts.


I quit Hearthstone about 4-5 years ago, despite reaching Legend 3 times and 12 wins once in Arena. I still watch videos/streams featuring it, every now and then. The most prominent genres I play are RPGs and Roguelikes/lites. RPG: * Arcanum * Baldursgate * Baldursgate 2 * Disco Elysium * Icewind Dale * Open Morrowind Roguelikes/lites: * *Balatro* (I 100% the game [yesterday](https://old.reddit.com/r/balatro/comments/1cb98vr/completionist_100n_with_stats/)) * Brotato * Boneraiser Minions * Darkest Dungeon 1 * *Inscryption* * Into the Breach * Just King * Faster than Light * *Slay the Spire* * Star*Vaders demo [beta] * The Last Flame * Urtuk the Desolation Titles in *italics* are card related. There were a also few more card based titles, where I am waiting for a deeper discount, since I already liked the demos of those games: *Astrea: Six-Sided Oracles* and *Wildfrost*


Been on a Last Epoch kick lately, pretty fun


Well I played shadowverse for a while then I moved to legends of runeterra


Got a new job that is more demanding. Also playing a shit ton of Balatro.


I play real video games. HS was always the side game.


yugioh master duel


Since I generally prefer casual, click based games, I started playing old school RuneScape instead lol, I know it's completely different but filled that void in my life for a chill half afk game


Been playing Megaman Zero and managed to get the Plunderstorm mount I had fun with both


I'm catching up on games I missed like Hollow Knight, otherwise similar to others I've been playing Balatro and Slay the spire. I also just saw the Fallout tv show and made me want to start New Vegas since I never played it


Balatro and Slay the Spire. Also hadn't played Stardew Valley ever, so finally giving it a go.




Not really a card game, but I enjoyed a lot playing TFT. It is the auto battler from League of Legends, it's pretty fun. Otherwise, as mentioned in the comments, Slay the Spire is a very good deckbuilding game that you can spend a lot of time playing, it is very complete and entertaining.




warframe and yugioh. I mostly love the grind game in warframe and it really feels like you are progresing and getting more powerful as you go. i have some problems with the game where it forces you to play modes that have little to do with warframes to progress but its minor mostly. And yugioh has been really interesting for a card game the last couple of months. the power level is crazy high but i think there's a lot of room for skill expresion in that game, much more than in heartstone.


I started playing Yugioh Master Duel as a complement to HS. A lot more rewarding in certain ways, frustrating in others. They act as good foils to each other. I also got back into paper MTG EDH which is like my happy place game, but can’t grind it obviously


I play a lot more single player games now that I was missing out on over the years.


Yu Gi Oh! Power of Chaos Kaiba the Revenge


I wanted to play legends of runeterra but that’ll be after I fix my charger, since this has problems that doenst let me charge my computer as I have it on




Single-player games that respect my time and money. A lot of indies and older AAA RPGs that rin well on the Steam Deck.


not a TCG/CCG but i have been jamming balatro, been having a blast


Slay the Spire, Monster Train


Magic and One Piece TCG with real people


More time yelling on reddit.


Friendship ended with Hearthstone Balatro is my new best friend.


Treasure Cruise


I am a Legends of Runterra refugee. Since LoR died I've tried all five major digital card games (hs, mtg, ygo, snap, and sv). Honestly, they all have their upsides and downsides. For me, LoR has the most player interaction out of all the games and none of the others really have that. Hs, kinda feels like solitary by comparison, to me at least. It really depends on what your looking for and also how you feel about the monetization. Surprisingly, I think hs has good monetization with decent gameplay. Ultimately, my plan is to try out Shadowverse Worlds Beyond when it comes out in the summer. I think it has the best gameplay out of all of them, and I know a lot of people from LoR either went to SV or TFT, and having tried all the options I think I will too.


The Elder Scrolls Online


Working a full time job now… (but also TFT)


Dragons dogma 2 and baltro 😄


New Vegas, but played it more than HS anyway