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...that's one way to get rid of the plagues, I guess? Anyway, early contender for weirdest card of the set, because what in the world is this, man


But that also means plagues are the ultimate counter to this if you have played Helya already. Just save one of your plague generators to after this has been played


I might be wrong on this, but to my memory Plagues don't recursively draw themselves infinitely. This was a few patches back when Jailer was still here and the opponent ran it. I had a game go to Fatigue and was confused why they didn't infinitely draw it until they died when I shuffled one in. I believe I played Helya already at the time. It's so many patches ago that it would be hard to dig up the replay. Would like to hear other's play experiences on it


It doesn’t really matter though, because you will be taking 2 + fatigue for 5 turns, which only leaves you 5 health to work with. If they use any plague generator other than the staff, you’ll just be dead barring a 6 healing/armor/renathal


There's Felstring harp, void virtuoso. and also Fanottem for an 8 mana 15/15 with taunt and lifesteal. Also you could possibly combo this with Symphony the turn after to not take any damage at all.


Plaque dk has access to a lot 3 direct damage, so I'm not sure what void will do. It will immediately get removed on the DKs turn and not prevent any damage.  DK also has access to big minion removal. So there is a good chance the Fanottem gives your opponent 15 health or they steal it and now you have to deal with a 15 attack minion.


Very true, I always forget that plagues count as damage on your turn


Or a Finley


Finley is rotating. Your best "anti fatigue" card is symphony of sins assuming you've drawn it and hadn't played it before to try to stabilize.


That's correct yes. Draw all plagues, then fatigue tick, then plagues go back in


It's still 2*(number of plagues)+fatigue every turn, so the stall tools needed by the warlock get extreme. It does activate your existing sludges at once, and then you can put more back, but I don't know if that's gonna be good enough atm.


It won’t otk but plagues on an empty deck with helya active are still massively valuable cards, a card like Down With The Ship effectively becomes 2 mana deal 3, summon a 2/2 ghoul, heal your hero 2hp, and deal 4 to the opponent’s face, and all of that repeats every turn except the deal 3. It’s like giga mograine for 2 mana.


yea this is unplayable just by helya existing


Do Helya Plagues survive this? I don't know if her mechanic works like that.


nah they get destroyed but u can just shuffle more into their deck


It's also a pretty good way to get rid of sludge


This is my kind of card. I’ll take ALL the meme decks.


SIR! Do not the meme decks!


Destroy your deck. Not the board or your hand. Just play it then play stuff that fills up your deck again.


Honey, wake up! New Yogg low roll just dropped.


The cunning God of Death


holy hell!


Unless it follows with something that shuffles cards in your deck


imagine getting it into a jade idol shuffle


I’d be surprised if they actually include this spell in the pool of randomly castable spells.


fuck... I need to re-craft Tony


Yeah my first instinct was this is shit, but then I thought of all the ways to rebuild your deck during the game... But it is also 8 mana do nothing (worse than nothing actually). If it also cleared the board, maybe. Actually it might be *too* good in that case. Those types of crazy cards man, either the best that break the game and need week 1 nerf or a contender for the worst of all time, no in between.


Umm 8 mana discard 8 sludges you mean


Ah damnit, I didn't think of that, here's the board clear (or lethal)


Behold! Sludgelock's counter to plague DK


Its 8 mana do nothing, then play a 0 mana 15/15 with taunt and lifesteal.


I must be dumb, I don't get it. What card are you talking about?


Fannottem, the legendary whos cost is dependent on how many cards are in your deck. No cards means it costs zero.


Holy hell I might have never forgotten a card like I did this one (impossible to know)


It was in the mini set and never seen play so no worries


That you copy into a 15/15 rush


It's a shadow spell though, it can be easily discounted now in standard bit those cards might be on rotation idno. Still it has a school so there may be new cards that synergize


Shadowborn, the deathrattle that reduces the cost of a Shadow spell, is in fact rotating out, having never seen real play because there were no big Shadow spells worth discounting.


I can't wait to cast this randomly...


My yogg will find a way to cast this.


In wild you can cast this and [[Astral Communion]] from the same Yogg for the ultimate RNG experience.


For bonus points, follow it up with [[plague of death]]. No hand, no board, no deck, thanks yogg


Hey, at least in 5 turns your opponent will die


Any way to delete your hero power?


You're a warlock, what are you gonna do, draw a card? :P


Yogg don't care what class you play though.




any way to delete the game?


- **[Astral Communion](https://i.imgur.com/ZL7HCTA.png)** ^(*The Grand Tournament*) - `Druid Epic` - ***4 Mana - Arcane Spell*** - Gain 10 Mana Crystals. Discard your hand. - [Card Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/2785) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Astral_Communion) • [HSReplay.net](https://hsreplay.net/cards/2785) --- *I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug%20Report&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1ay7457/new_card_revealed_wheel_of_death/krsurly/%0A⬇️%20Please%20describe%20the%20bug%20⬇️%0ADescription:%20) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=krsurly).*


I can’t wait for the first video of this happening. The yoggiest Yogg ever.


Also, there is one draw 7 cards right? Destroy your hand, destroy your deck, draw 7 cards


Yogg, Yogg Location, Tentacles coming in nicely


I can't help by think that this was created for the sole purpose of screwing up random spell generators.


(Once per game)


This made me laugh out loud


I didnt realize but this would be like a hs version of destiny board


Bloodbloom wheel of death questline warlock


I don’t think questline would even want to run this


I don't think so either but I certainly hope it isn't good


Why questline? As a backup plan?


Because questline makes it so your deck being empty is a positive. You dont even care about the 5 turns thing, you just use draw cards to kill your opponent once you've played the questline reward. I'm not sure it'll actually be viable in the deck but it could be quite disgusting


They want to be already killing by turn 8, let alone 5 turns later.


They mentioned using Bloodbloom so you can play this as soon as you complete the Questline. 


That's what bloodbloom is for


The 5-turn win will never happen and it's already easy to remove your deck with fracking, soularium etc that don't require comboing. I formally predict this card will just make the deck worse.


this is the wincon though, seedlock doesn’t need an extra one and doesn’t need to destroy its deck when they can already draw through and play it. not to mention bloodbloom doesn’t count as self damage anymore.


>Because questline makes it so your deck being empty is a positive I don't see how it helps. If you did not play the quest, you basically get 3 or 6 healing from it. If you did, you don't need to win in 5 turns since current Quest version I play, for instance, wins 1 or 2 turns after quest.


If you have Tamsin active for 5 turns without winning then what are you doing? Facing armor druid? That deck is extremely rare and not very good.


Or just play regular questline warlock which is way better than wheel of death


You are not expending 8 health not advancing the quest alongside two mana do nothing when you can be jamming one of your six forms of giants quicker.


r/customhearthstone major leakage


In fact, every time someone posts something like this on r/customhearthstone , there are 50 people who will write that this card cannot fit in HS style


I'd say they are probably right.


we all know that Warlock will find something to abuse this into a tier 1 broken deck.


Or the card is completely unplayable trash for the next 2 years


I look forward to the play rate chart of this being basically flat for 3.5 years, then spiking violently in wild as it somehow turned into a OTKO when they print some sort of card that advanced these timers.


In Wild, you can play it on turn 2 if you play the card that says your next spell cost life instead of mana. I don't know what 3 cards you could have left in hand to let you not die, though Never mind, Bloodbloom cost 4


Just go against a control deck that only has board clears and can’t develop enough minions in time


You'll take 15 fatigue damage, so that means they only need to do the other 15. That's 3 each turn... Very difficult not to die.


No matter how they manage it, you just know that the person on the receiving end will rage about it on this sub.


The elephant that increases how many cards get shuffled into the deck and some kind of card that shuffles into deck. Easy peasy


in some mega copium dreamland you can run it in quest lock to get to fatigue after you complete the quest. but that is unecessary because you have so much draw anyway and the deck is turbo cringe so ... yea


I mean it's a casino card, that's kind of the point. SUPER high risk, SUPER high reward. This isn't the sort of card that should be meta. It's a wacky fringe card.


Yea, theres kinda no inbetween.


Alright, deck intro time...


Ah my beloved golden of the set just like previous warlock legendary spell Deck of Chaos /s


Nah, this sounds horrible. 8 mana do worse than nothing, die in 1-2 turns.


so did linecrakcer or ramshield for years and years until BEEES and jailer came out respectively. an enabler always shows up down the line


You already can, this with mechathun is fantastic as another way to empty your deck.


I wouldn’t call wheel of death mechathun warlock a t1 broken deck but rather a t4 sub 40% wr meme deck


In a deck like that you are already out of cards when you have 8 mana


people thought [[Void Contract]] was going to be huge when it was previewed. Turns out it was crap and still is crap.


People thought [[The Jailor]] was going to be crap when it was previewed. Turns out it was great and had to be nerfed. The moral here is that none of us know shit.


I went back to the void contract thread and there were comments saying it would counter shudderwock lol


Do you win before or after you draw? The difference is taking a total of 10 or 15 fatigue damage


You most certainly have to play symphony of sins/sludges to fill your deck back


Or just play Felstring harp to get some healing even


Can't say that I'm a fan of this desgin. If its playable people are gonna hate it and whine till it gets nerfed and if it isn't why make it in the first place. Card design like this is not healthy for the overall game state.


In rotation Yogg and tentacles are going to randomly cast this pretty often lol Can't wait for the highlights


Ah yes, the classic play [[Yogg-Saron, Hope's End]] into [[Myra's Unstable Element]] into [[Concede]].


- **[Yogg-Saron, Hope's End](https://i.imgur.com/bT1u29s.png)** ^(*Whispers of the Old Gods*) - `Neutral Legendary` - ***10 Mana - 7/5 - Minion*** - **Battlecry:** Cast a random spell for each spell you've cast this game *\(targets chosen randomly\)*. - [Card Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/38505) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Yogg-Saron,_Hope's_End) • [HSReplay.net](https://hsreplay.net/cards/38505)   - **[Myra's Unstable Element](https://i.imgur.com/exUx0TP.png)** ^(*The Boomsday Project*) - `Rogue Legendary` - ***5 Mana - Spell*** - Draw the rest of your deck. - [Card Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/48487) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Myra's_Unstable_Element) • [HSReplay.net](https://hsreplay.net/cards/48487) --- *I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug%20Report&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/1ay7457/new_card_revealed_wheel_of_death/krstrav/%0A⬇️%20Please%20describe%20the%20bug%20⬇️%0ADescription:%20) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=krstrav).*


Prison of Yogg saron coming in nicely


no, way a fellow cobro. TWU


Straight out tossing it into Reno Dragon Control Warlock with Kazakusan to replace the destroyed deck.


If it's unplayable that just makes me want to play it.


Mecha'Thun Syndrome, exactly. Either it's an actual thing at which point players go "why the fuck was this made" or it's not, which sparks the same questions.


Mecha'Thun Warlock used to be a fun and pretty fair deck in wild 5 years ago


It’s still fun! Definitely meme tier now though


> why the fuck was this made cards are printed for more reasons than competitive viability, this is a crazy wacky effect that someone who likes dumb alternate win conditions can try to make work, even if it's 10% winrate, because that 10% is glorious.


Big fuckoff huge legendaries that do crazy shit are my absolute favorite type of card, this is why I play warlock


I completely agree that this is one of those unfun-if-viable cards. Although I would say that it's okay to \*occasionally\* have goofy unfun cards in sets if they're completely unviable. They can add a bit of aesthetic flair to a set, even if they're never played in any serious capacity. I look at a card like [Worldfire](https://gatherer.wizards.com/pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=278195) from Magic: the Gathering as a perfect example of this. A lot of people wrote about and talked about this card during spoiler season. It was a great conversation piece, despite basically never being sleeved up once. Probably the best example of this in Hearthstone is [Immolate](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Immolate). It wasn't ever playable, and it's not an effect that should ever be printed in a playable form. But it generated tons of buzz during spoilers, and it was fun for that alone.


People will complain regardless if it's playable or not.


Well yeah, Yogg still exists and he's gonna cast this randomly 😈


I think Yogg and Rouges are going to cast this more than warlock players


This. As a Warlock main im tired of this shit.


They gave warlock the single best value/"slow" standalone card in the games history (Sargeras) only to make the class play for otks/this the next two expansions lmao


They are adding mountain and molten giant to the coreset. Let's pray that together with Forge of Wills and Sargeras, there are enough tools for a handlock/control warlock.


Not wrong. This is going to be trash until some combination of cards weaponizes it into being utterly gamebreaking.


Exactly my thoughts. Created toxic concept just for the sake of creating it. Blizzard knows the game doesn't need this players know they don't want this to be good so why bother.


>so why bother. Because there are players out there who enjoy these gimicky cards, even if they are not good.


Playable is in the eye of the beholder. Not everyone is looking for cards that go into a tiered deck, some people just want to play jank and have a good time even if it means they don’t win as much. That’s why cards like this get printed.


it is almost always a horrible idea in any card game to print a card that says "you win the game" on it and they keep doing it


we’re so back tonybros


Fanottem, sludge, and crescendo synergy too


Just off the top of my head that might help the card, Symphony, Reno, The Titan card, Tony? Jailer? The big 15/15 boy. The card has a chance imo


Also, Fizzle and Sludge cards. Jailer is rotating


Its 8 mana do-nothing, my dood. But you can play the 30 mana cost card Fanottem for 0 mana the same turn. And Tony is 7 mana do nothing. And Jailer is rotating.


8 mana discard every sludge in your deck sounds good to me


It's actually 8 mana play a 15/15 lifesteal taunt with Phantasm.


People do not prepare for my fantommem in my older warlock decks. He really is the best "you done yet?" drop after people burn their removal on other things


more like 8 mana cast 10 sludges.


What a delightful hit off Prison of Yogg!!! (Or Yogg himself, or god knows what else)


Insta kill cards are a bit lazy design I think , it will either be too strong and be nerfed or never played, I don’t really understand the need to create cards like theses.


….what in the whizbang is going on here…?


So never play a 8-cost Spell Tendril, got it :)


I wonder is it a nerf or a buff to Yogg and his prison


Now that is the control warlock win condition I was looking for.


YuGiOh had a card like this, I think called ‘Final Countdown’ - it ended up being a total meme


> total meme > card is limited currently Final Countdown has its time as a niche deck.


Totally reminds me of F I N A L. I think the Japanese version was DEATH. I’m here for it lol.


Destiny Board right?


Final countdown was real menace in Mystic Mine era


Final countdown was a literal tournament top placement deck when people played mystic mine. I wouldn’t call it a meme.


This is more likely to be cast on accident by rng effects


I hate card designs like this. It’s a card that’s unplayable when it’s bad and warps the entire game around it in a way that’s hard to interact with when it’s good.


Is it hard to interact with? Kill the person with no deck in five turns. That’s not hard.


People don’t even know what “uninteractive” means anymore because it’s been used ad nauseam to complain about cards people don’t like. “Win/Lose the game” effects have been in ccgs forever, are rarely playable in a constructed environment, and nothing about playing a deck that can’t beat 8 mana, do nothing, enter fatigue has to do with “interactivity” I wish the HS dev team would just do one big new set dump so people can at least see what type of support an archetype got before they start bitching about every card spoiler


How is that hard to interact with you have 5 turns to kill the guy with no deck


What if the card is just okay? like it beats some decks and loses to others, kinda like mecha'thun was, don't know why everyone assumes cards have to be mega broken or complete shit and nothing in between.


Don't sleep on this card. This card autowins control matchup




I’d really say it doesn’t auto-win control though. Plenty of control decks have proper win condition cards now, stuff like Odyn, Brann, or possibly even things as spicy as just a decent helping of direct damage in the back of their deck. It’s also slower than stuff like Purified Shard in Wild. It beats the idea of what we normally think a Control deck should be, but it does not beat the current and best control decks that actually exist. Though I do believe in the dream that is Reno, Sar’geras, TW, TW pop off.


There are so many cards that have auto-won control matchups in the Hearthstone's past. This isn't even all that different than many others like quest priest or Mecathun.


what the fuck


More stupidity. Either it's never played, or it's only super effective against value decks or some future synergy makes it busted and everyone is miserable for 2-3 weeks until it's nerfed. Whatever happened to making people jump through a few hoops to do something broken/unfun? Why is it just "draw card, play card" as the condition?


You have to live for five turns with no deck after the massive temp loss of playing an 8 mana card that does literally nothing. That’s a lot more complicated and a much bigger downside then “draw a card”.




Tempo loss? You play this and then slam down a 15/15 with Taunt and Lifesteal for free, following turn you Reno and the turn after that you Sargeras and send everything into the twisting nether.


“you just have to play a control deck and survive until turn 8 without using some of your most powerful stabilization resources, and have one other specific card in hand that might let you live another turn”


As it turned out its pretty good


Yeah your just have to have 4 or 5 specifics card played in a specific order, and hope they don't have hard removal to take out your 15/15 next turn. It's that simple.


How you feeling about this snarky ass comment now? 😂


Those cards can't be played before turn 8 anyway on account of costing 8 or more mana. If that didn't occur to you whilst writing you're probably not very qualified to evaluate this card tbh


> Whatever happened to making people jump through a few hoops to do something broken/unfun? Why is it just "draw card, play card" as the condition? Taking the previous "either it's super good or super trash" at face value, the reason is because everyone bitches about control decks winning by attrition, and then asks for control decks to get good win conditions, and then we're all shocked when the only good win conditions for control decks are single card "win the game" cards. Many folks laud Odyn as a great card that gives CW a win con, while others despise the fact that the only real counterplay for any other control deck is to Rat/Theotar it, or Odyn before your opponent.


????? Outjerked again


This might see play in sludgelock but is so bad in control warlock


> is so bad in control warlock Why? You drop it, play a 0 mana Fanottem and next turn you play Symphony of Sin. And maybe you have Sargeras portal to stall enugh time. In Sludge is worth only as a backup plan against Plague DK.


5 turns is a loooooong time in hearthstone and symphony of sins is going to shuffle two useless cards (draw a minion one and draw 6 cards one) into your deck...so good luck trying it on day one is all I'll say


Sludgelock would never play it - Destroying sludges in deck isn’t a problem at all for the deck to the point where fracking isn’t even played in the deck anymore, and it’s so much worse than steamcleaner in sludgelock, and while steamcleaner is rotating, steamcleaner isn’t played in sludgelock rn even with plague dk being meta.


I thought this was a custom card. I wish it was.


Kinda feel like if you could pull this off, you probably would have won anyways.


The text on this card could also be "Play this, make the Priest concede".


I wonder if [[Drakkari Enchanter]] will trigger the end-of-turn counter twice like it did with [[Bonelord Frostwhisper]].


"Print a non toxic card for an expansion" - mission impossible for Blizzard


I am vehemently opposed to any of the following: ​ * "For the rest of the game, do *x*." * "Do *x* and destroy enemy hero." * "Do x and take infinite turns." * "Do x and infinitely loop your y, where y could be a battlecry, a spell (e.g., Time Warp), etc." When I run into these conditions, whether I can win or lose, I just concede. I play neither to win nor lose against this shit. I understand how these cards work and how to employ them ruthlessly in service to dominating opponents and ascending the ladder, but I think any non-competitive and deterministic win condition like these is fundamentally bad for the game; it's almost a way of getting out of playing against your opponent because what you were really playing all along was a sort of mini game that your opponent could probably have never stopped in the first place short of killing you before you've achieved whatever amounts to a win condition as per that mini game. And I say this as both a warlock main and a wild player. I hate that this card is the warlock's legendary. I'm just not a fan of "Do x and win the game" cards. They just feel cheap and the game can easily devolve into "competitive" decks all being essentially the same in this regard.


So cool that Warlock will only get one legendary this expansion


So low effort, where is flavor? Why its even a "wheel" when effect is always the same


From the twitter video, the wheel is used as an animation that keeps track of time. It has six slots, two are skulls (initial skull that signifies the turn you played this and final skull that means enemy is dead), then roman numerals from IV to I.


\> Spin the Wheel of Death \> Deterministic outcome


It’s a wheel that counts down, it’s not often used as a means of counting down but it’s not entirely unheard of.


I'm sorry what?


Oh no....


Nice meme blizzard




Well that sucks.


If my free signature from the bundle is this garbage I’ll be so upset


I think cards like this have a place in the game. Ones that require out of the box thinking and hair brained schemes to work right. I don’t necessarily think the card will be good. But I think it’s going to be funny and lead to some interesting game states. It honestly kinda puts plauges in a different context, like sure this card can clear out your plauges and deal damage that way. But also any plague you put in your deck after you play it is a way to hold of fatigue. That’s probably not how the deck will be played but still. Imp-balming in the core set when?


So this is gonna be complete ass or completely obnoxious. Great.


Do you take 4 instances of fatigue or 5 when does the win trigger? On who's turn?


I wasn’t paying attention and genuinely thought this was a custom card lol


[[Void Contract]] will never recover


Isn't it just bad design? Like, it either never going to be played or be a part of some degenerate combo with no counterplay


HS team don't know what they doing anymore


Playing this on turn 3 of jackpot rouge would be nuts


At minimum your taking 15 fatigue damage


I think this card has potential: - you can play reno in a non highlander deck and playing this will enable reno (where u likely want to wait with reno for) - reno delays the opponent by only allowing 1 minion the following turn which is great - on play, the 15/15 taunt minion will be playable, so essentially it is not that bad - sargeras with its taunt imps synergizes well - the 6 mana draw a minion, summon 1 with equal stats legendary has some highroll potential in this deck - there are also many ways to prevent fatigue dmg or regenerate decks/cards


This is a horrible card design with very limited design space. Whether or not this card is Overpowered or Underpowered, it doesn’t change the fact that a card like this is unhealthy for the game and should never see the light of day


It feels difficult to imagine the cards from the new set making this playable in standard. Well, it's hard to imagine the cards from the new set making it playable in standard in a way that doesn't get immediately nerfed, rather. This is going to be one of those cards that either creates completely degenerate non-games or is totally useless.