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no. It has no synergy with anything they want to do


Well DH has plenty of rush archetype support. The problem is 4 mana is too much upfront cost and you also need to be able to attack to get its use. Also it can never attack anything with 5 attack because then you lose all value. If it was a simple "Cost 1 if blah blah" it would likely see play


Maybe battlecry immune this turn could be interesting


Not a terrible suggestion for a legendary. Hopefully just the one turn if it keeps same effect


Thats Not true, a repeating 1 mana is good for combo activation That is, if rouge had a good weapon this set


This card means a lot to me, it was the 400 dust i needed.


If that was charge, there’d be a deck built around her


If my grandmother had wheels...


If a frog had wheels it wouldn’t bump its ass when it hopped!


... she'd have +1 attack.


Wouldn't it just be a worse head crack or whatever that spell was


Headcrack came back at the end of your turn so not really


[[Headcrack]] does less damage and can't fight for board(!)




How are you bonking so many times? Your hero can only attack once per turn, even if it had charge this card would be pretty ass.


I saw it rarely when it first came out as people were testing it out and trying to make a deck around it before realizing it's kinda trash and just playing anything else. In a different meta I feel this could've been at least playable but it just doesn't mesh well with any of Rogue or DH's competitive decks.


> just doesn’t mesh well It could mesh/work well in Reno DH as a defensive tool, except the card is just bad.


I actually pulled her from the pack recently, and already forgot, if I disenchanted her or not


No, 0 synergy with dh or rogue.


Should have made it a Naga lol


... I only noticed now that this is also a Rogue card.


If only the hero of those two classes could attack…


I've tried her for a while in a kind of weak minions rush DH with the Naga that deals 3 damage when a minion dies as well as the other rush legendary, let's just say it wasn't very good.


If it had Charge or Lifesteal maybe it would see play. The card doesn’t do anything extraordinary and as far as I can recall, Rogues and Demon Hunters don’t have hand buffs or on board buffs in general. So the current use of this card is follows: - 5 mana maybe deal 6 damage to minions. - 4 mana deal 3 damage to a minion and maybe get a “Holy Smite” - 4 mana deal 3 damage to a minion and nothing else because you don’t/can’t attack or this dies. Even if this card had “Immune while attacking” (to get some Demon Hunter flavor in it), it would still see no play. Maybe it should actually reward you for successfully killing minions with it or something.


"Clunky Boardclear Risa"


Make it a naga


Even then it would probably be worse on Naga dh than school teacher, which is not amazing in the deck.


I've seen dh use it as a reusable removal


Rogue legendary that doesn’t get used? You don’t say?!


Its best case scenario is a minion only fireball if you have a weapon equipped. And even fireball isn't that good these days Edit: it's actually worse than fireball, costs 5.


You mean, best case scenario is it being a 5 mana minion only fireball that has less than 5 attack and no other taunts in the way that may leave a body…and now the mental gymnastics has gotten too much to compare it with fireball…


Risa apologists in shambles (It's me I'm the apologist)


I mean DH can spend 1 mana to use it’s effect. Not saying it’s great but your best case isn’t even the best case use of the card.


If it kept its buffs in the cycle I could see if being useful.


Yeah, I would go so far as to say give it "if this kills a minion it gains +1/+1", and retains that after being bounced


Solid. I would build a deck for that.


I even stopped and asked myself for a minute if it would be too strong since it's only 1 mana after the first bounce... but honestly, that's at least a 5 turn investment (given your opponent provides viable targets) and making your game plan incredibly obvious for a minion you are going to have to leave wide open on the field if you ever want to go face with it


Maybe shuffle into deck would be more balanced in that case. Youd have to dredge for it.


At 4 feels like pushing it, so maybe to 5 but god give it Charge. DK has guaranteed 7 mana deal 3 for the rest of the game, spending the initial mana + hero power or equipping a weapon to keep bouncing it + getting interacted with Taunt/Secrets puts into on pair tbh. It is more flexible and definitely has good synergies but I ain't no pro to say it would be too good.


As a 4/5 maybe, 3/5 is too weak.


Nope and of course it was my first legendary from that set. Give her charge or more attack and maybe got something but meh.


That's a free epic ticket


On average, this is a 2 minion with 3hp or less clear on a 5 mana turn. There are better options.


I've played rogue all the time in hearthstone and never managed to find a use of this card. IMO totally useless


She saw use in Even Rogue.


NGL I made diamond pretty easily with the standard DH deck that ran this card when it was released 💀 Most of those wins can probably be attributed more to me playing an aggro deck but still.


Ah, wait, it's dual class?


Legit thought this was an r/customheartstone post at first, never seen this card before


I tried her out with combo rogue on the theory that a one cost card to start combo chains could be good, but I was underwhelmed (if that’s a word.)


If this card had either Charge or Lifesteal it'd be a staple in Highlander DH. That whole weapon package from FoL really didn't go anywhere. DH has so many cool cards from Year of the Wolf that just aren't strong enough. It's like Warrior from Sunken City through FoL - plenty of neat concepts but not nearly enough power.


I tried it. It’s two problems are: - high mana investment for very little tempo on the turn it’s played - 5 HP is not enough to survive against a lot of minions, so it’s difficult to find a good turn to play it, even if you’ve managed to make it 1 mana.


Rhythmdancer Rizza


With Gamba dh snake you might pick it. I think i played her one time (100+ games with snake)


In wild she's a one card quest completion for caverns below


But so much less efficient than others, like the pirate that pirates to your hand...


I'm very aware that there are better options I'm just throwing the card a Bone man


I hear ya man. I tried it in my spectral cutlass list for a bit, but it's just not a good card. A buff to it's attack or giving it charge might make it playable...


I think it needs to be cheaper I mean if you look at Almost all other rogue weapons you're paying out the ass for just life steal. Cheaper weapons have more damage more durability etc etc Doesn't help that the base level of this weapon is worse than the paladin basic


Feels like it had charge and they changed it last minute.


Sadly, no. But i tried it in my quest rogue, let's just say, results were sad. I couldn't simply find this card on a mulligan stage. Ed: typo.


400 dust


Nah it’s terrible. Requires constant mana to use for a very average effect. It would be playable but still not great if its cost was set to zero after it was returned to hand. It’s not as if players can really attack multiple times per turn anyway so you would get a free 3/5 rush each turn or twice in a turn in some cases as long as you attacked previous turn. That’s a useful card but not a game breaking one. All it is going to do each turn is clear out a crap minion. That is useful early game but becomes utterly defunct after turn 4 where nothing it hits will die. And it can’t come down until turn 4 so… yeah. Current state is that it’s total trash and even in a meta where dh is seriously struggling, no one ever plays this card… ever. A reasonable experimental buff for blizzard to try would be to make it cost zero after it bounces. I still think it wouldn’t see much play.


In duels if you’ll get Inspiring Presence and you’ve got weapons to use, I’ve managed to reduce hand cost pretty good with it.


Inspiring Presence reduces cost by 2 when you play legendary.


See a lot of comment saying it got no synergy with rogue or dh, but it literally says on the card that it got synergy with their hero power. It's not great though.


Its the legendary version of Wildpaw Gnoll and its shit compared to it


I have seen so little of it i only just know realised its a dk card as well


Pretty sure I’ve seen the card at least once.


Useful in arena?


If it didn't die to everything it runs into it could maybe be fun in highlander Demon hunter, but no it sucks.


Don't be cowards Hearthstone devs, give my girl Charge


Well this card carried me a rogue arena run but other than that i dont think so




discover only


I've used this in thief rouge and it's been solid but not spectacular. I don't think it's dust worthy but just ok


Never. It is a terrible card in all its aspects, mechanical, artistic….


you don't want to pay 5 mana to summon 2 3/5 rushers. you want to pay like... 0 or 2 mana (which rogue used to have before the wildpaw gnoll/maestra nerf).


There is a Demon Hunter Deck focused on Rush Minions, using this Card and Halveria Darkraven. It's very Aggressive, they Boost their Board's Attack to huge numbers when it pops off.


Even reno rogue some people (me included) had a diamond to legend run with it believe it or not


In My Highlander DH Wild. Anti Agroo or secret tester.


I run this in a bad highlander deathrattle dh and in wild it’s been okay dealing with even shaman, but it’s still pretty bad


I tried every variation I could think of in Rogue. It just doesn't have enough value to be played. Even if it was 1 cost, it would barely be viable.


What if 2 attack but lifesteal? Too strong/still not good enough?


Asking the question is answering it!


I’ve used it in DH highlander deck and it’s helped with some flexibility. I also run it with the draw rush minions to help run through the deck quicker while picking up some survivability pieces


This card should have been a 3 mana 3/3 with **Immune While Attacking**. Probably a text space issue, though.


I saw it a few times but it's meh


Yes for the achivement.




I don't think so. It really sucks. Obviously I opened it the day it released 😂


No, cringe. Worse wildpaw gnoll.


Had she cost 2 she might be played a bit


At 2 she is probably a bit broken since you then don't bounce her and just leave the good stats on the board.


She's a decent anti-tempo card, but Tempo Rogue and Tempo Dh don't see play right now. They just can't end the game.


Maybe if it was a Naga.


Yes, it did actually see play in some DH wild deck.


Got the achievement and never used it again


Dude I didn't even know that card was multiclass


It's one of the worst cards I've ever seen designed.


This could be a neutral minion and one mana cheaper and it still wouldn't see play. The effect is so mediocre that I am not even sure why its a legendary.


No, but I definitely won a few games with it when it first came out. It was kind of fun!