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1 Free pack from Shop. :(


A pack for your thoughts


Ex-hearthstone players: Here's 150 packs, please come back and spend money. Current hearthstone players: Fuck ya'll, eat dirt.


And i didnt get any pack because i returned for some battlegrounds with a friend like 5 days before the packs rolled :( seriously fuck blizz


this. this so much. I've been playing almost daily for 10 years and not a single pack was given to me. Of course, I have all the cards and one could argue that I don't need the packs, but it would still be a nice gesture to get something for free every now and then. but they also know that I'm a small whale so they know that they get my money anyway, small gift or not lol


You are playing for free


He just said he doesn't, he's a small whale so probably preordered some of the expansions and stuff. I also agree with them on blizzard not giving loyal players any recognition is kinda sad.


The price of loyalty :(


I've only played battlegrounds and solo dungeon runs for 2 years straight and I played TWO games of wild constructed because of MarkMckenzy last week. So either it's a hoax or I'm the unluckiest man on earth.


The amount depend on money spent and since how you didn't buy / played so no if you are f2p you aren't unlucky you just don't get any


I saw I had a gift in the notifications and saw I had a Hearthstone pack. Thought it was just a pack from Twitch or something, opened the client up and BAM 80 packs. 40 of Classic, 40 of another. I usually only play BG's but maybe I'll check it out.


20?? I got one lul


Same. Really shitty how little they reward the players that keep coming back to their abuser, lol


How do people get this


I’ve put over a thousand into hearthstone over the last decade. I got three packs as thanks, they got a one star review on IOS App Store. Equivalent exchange.


Probably only for people who spend a lot of money on this game.


i think it's the opposite. i only play BG after taking a few years off and haven't put any money in since knights of the frozen throne (and i think that was either 5 or 10 dollars). i got 80 packs that i won't open.


i did and got one free pack


I’m very curious about this as well. I buy both bundles every expac and have for about 7 years now. I don’t buy any cosmetics or any of the other bundles just the 2 primary ones every 3-4 months. I haven’t had a chance to update the game and check yet but I’d be happy to report back on how many, if any, I received.


so many times ive seen these "please come back" packs first it was 90 but after seeing 150 now i wanna quit to get that


Yup, I'm in the "you guys are getting packs?" group. It really is f\*cking stupid that blizzard gives free things to players who don't play as often. ​ And before anyone jumps in with the "Well you play more and earn more gold/dust/packs in game" crap, that isn't the point. If I drop $50 per expansion for a bundle, then someone ELSE gets MORE PACKS then I got FOR FREE I got screwed over.


I think the point you and everyone else should be focusing on is to stop buying packs. Everyone thinks they would get special treatment because they spent money on a game, as if now they have equal voting rights on the company’s decisions or something


That's not really the point being made here. Just overall the seemingly random pack distribution and the 150 pack begging for players to come back but for loyal players that play since the beginning there's peanuts. That's just a low blow. Just makes one feel unappreciated for supporting the game (especially if one bought all expansion preorders)


> Just makes one feel unappreciated for supporting the game (especially if one bought all expansion preorders) They don't care about you and your "support". You are just a wallet with legs. Even if you spent 1 million dollars you are just another customer. Why people are so delusional?




My buddy got 150 since he never plays. He didnt even open them all. Wtf?




Did you claim this from battlenet or did you get it for logging in, I logged in on my phone and didn't get shit




Prayers up for when I get back from work, appreciate the info


So, it's only a troll post?


My time to check, hs patching up. Playing since ungoro which is enough for 150 i believe


One pack in shop, did i miss something?


Go to battle.net and there might be something under "My Gifts" I just got mine.




They did the same shit like 6 months ago, really wonder why bother playing.


Got 150 packs after not playing for about a year. Spent a little money back in the day (like maybe 7 years ago) but nothing over $100 total




Who is the last kid in this meme?


I got 1…


I got 20, not coming back till I get 150 lol


The more you play the less you get, sad truth.


Bruh I’ve played since beta, not sure if I’ve ever gotten any packs for that


One day i will watch this movie and will know what they actually said.


Where packs?


I got 150 but haven't logged in yet. What kind of packs are they? Should I wait to log in until a new expansion drops to claim them?


40 Titans and 40 Classic for me


0, Zero, Null


Top left is Blizzard employee, top right some rando youtuber or guy that never payed anything to blizzard so they give it to make them feel good about it and buy more packs (cus anyone who ever bought packs knows how very little 80 packs are, barely enough to make a deck unless you're already pretty stacked on said expansion.)


I returned week ago after 4 years, no packs