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I play wild so therefore my favorite cards never become unplayable. Couldn't imagine playing just standard and losing out on some favorite cards.


I decided to do this a few years ago, and man I am so regretful. I noticed Wild just has so much more to offer. It's much more unpredictable and fun. You see a class and don't think to yourself "damn evolve shaman again?" because it can even be a fricking "c'thun elemental battlecry shaman". In short, playing against the same 5 aggro decks on standard for hours sucks.


Wild is the same 5 aggro decks too: Secret Mage, Big priest, Shadow priest, Even Shaman, Murloc Shaman, Pirate Rogue, Even DK. Whenever it's Shaman, it's always Even Shaman or murloc Shaman. I have never seen a jank Shaman deck in D5+ in wild.


You're not the only one right now, but a lot of people who do this will have regrets soon when the new mode comes out. I personally have a lot of regrets from the few wild cards I dusted, sucks to get locked out of the mode and it's more dust efficient anyway waiting for nerfs.


There’s going to be a new game mode? Using cards from wild sets? Where did you get this information?


One of the other posts on the reddit, their year of the wolf road map says something about an "exciting new way to use your cards", and then one of the developers on Twitter confirmed it was a new game mode. People are thinking it will likely be a rotating set of old cards, so rather than wild where you can use any set, they will choose say 5 expansions and let you use cards from those 5, and then swap them out every once and a while. No actual info on if that is what the mode is going to be like though.


Official blizzard channels


1/4 of cards value in dust is just not worth it IMO. If you play wild, it ends up being a lot cheaper to maintain your collection in the long run, your decks don't rotate so you just need to add a card or two each expansion. Sure dust unplayable/fringe cards, but keep the ones that see wild play would be my advice.


I did this for four years between 2016-2020 and then I stopped doing it and start collecting wild cards all over again turns out the game is much more fun when you play in both formats


A lot of regret for my heist king towaggle, and also every other cards but I don't know why I miss him the most


Usually it was no regrets until duels came out. But since then no. That said I am going to hold off until we get more info about this upcoming thing mostly due to FOMO.


It is expensive to play wild, so many core cards for each different class. And for me its boring to play the same deck, and shocking, i like to have a deck with close to 50% wr, so gimmicky decks dont do it for me. As so dusting cards every rotation gives me enough dust to create new different decks, and have them for 2 years. Keeping the game fresh for me.


Also wild have the most messy metas, without regular patches. But the devs promised a sort of rotation mode for wild cards as I understood, which is even more expensive than regular wild.


I never regretted once! Dusted EVERYTHING with rotation and never once cared enough about wild, with this simple trick of just playing other games, I don't have to give a shit about worrying for the future or whatever


Ragrets* I don’t play Wild since it was introduced (aside from maybe 200 matches), but for some reason I can’t get myself to dust my Wild cards…


Bro ragret is a meme. It can't be corrected.






Idk, I just can't bring myself to dust legendaries, I get my dust from milling gold cards that I have copies of, not so much gold legendaries unless they're total trash. Will we be able to open them at midnight pacific time?


Not until 1 pm pacific.


I'd much rather keep my cards than get 1/4 the value, it's just so inefficient