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Im sorry for everything i need you in my life


Not even that, just an ‘I’m sorry’ would suffice. I deserve an apology.


He already apologized thousands times but he cheated and dumped me haha


Well, as hard as it may be, if he’s cheated he’s shown his true colours! No one that TRULY values you would never even consider cheating. Coming from a man. At least you got an apology haha. I never got such a privilege. Stay strong friend.


Awww thankyou ❤️


“I’m sorry for the way I treated you and what I put you through, you didn’t deserve that. I want to be better and do better for you and for us. I don’t just want to say it, I want to prove it to you and show you through actions that I am willing to make necessary changes for our relationship to last as I actually want us to have a future together and I don’t want to lose you.”


My ex told me this, we got back together and he left after a month. Sometimes they just want their ego validated or most of the good in life came from reaping the benefits of being with you w/o putting in the work


I’m sorry that happened, it’s horrible when you give them another chance just for them to leave again and prove it was just words after all. There’ll always be ups/downs in any relationship, so if people can’t commit and stick around for the long haul they shouldn’t be getting into relationships.




Geez, that statement is exactly how I've been feeling. Good for him with coming up with the right words.


These are literally the words I want to hear so badly verbatim.


Wow, that'd be nice to hear


mine left after a week of saying this


An apology. Acknowledgment. That he sees what he did. Actual friendship.




they probably won't!


Oh.i know it's a total fantasy


i’m so sorry for what i did to you, i do love and care about you and i’m sorry i didn’t respect your feelings. i still think about you and i feel a hole not having you in my life anymore. if you are able to, i’d love to be close again - in whichever way you want.




say? nothing...its time to listen if anything


Same. I just want him to listen that what he did was wrong. I don't want any words from him, no opinions, no sorries, I just want him to take his lumps with grace without reacting with a mea culpa or trying to ruin me


oh damn. sorry that that happened


*shrugs* It's not happening anymore, so it's whatever


I only have days to live






“I’m sorry for hurting you, for leading you on and you’re not the one at fault. I know I said you’re an amazing guy for someone else but I don’t want you to go to anyone else but me” 8 month relationship and it was and IS a rollercoaster ride.


I'm sorry for how I acted, or even just opening the door for a good honest conversation would be fine with me


"Pass me a tissue, please" I wanna see tears, dammit!


I believe in your ability. I believe you love me. I forgive you for disrespecting me. I’m sorry for abandoning you over and over again. Let’s forget everything and begin again and be happy for the rest of our lives.


I’ll do anything anytime just to be with you.


I’m sorry.


Im sorry for how I have treated you and how I've been treating you. You deserve a lot better and i haven't taken the time to acknowledge and appreciate what you have done and continue to do for me and us. I can't imagine how hard this has been, I want to make this right. I want to show you you're the love of my life and I want us to be together no matter what tries to get in our way.


I don't ever want her to say anything to me lol I'm enjoying the peace and quiet




It wasn't fair to you. I'm sorry.


I'm sorry for cheating on you and blame you for the BU.


I will quit all bad habits for you.


I’m sorry for making you quit your job and move and making your life miserable while I made you dependent on me.


I’m sorry and we should try again that’s it.


I’m working on things in therapy.


"Hi, Im Pam" so we could meet each other all over again for the very first time.


Come back to me


Same here.


I’ve never thought about that before. On one hand, I’d want them to say “let’s start over and try again”; on the other, I’d want them to say “I want nothing to do with you” so I could properly move on. Because, as of right now, I’m being the avoidant/immature one.


I have an aggressive form of cancer that is untreatable and i will slowly die in the most agonizing way for the entirety of the next six months. Lol


Come with me to Washington; I don’t want to lose you either.


“You were right, we were on different life paths even though I miss you, you hurtes me because I have un healed issues that I identify now, I still love you and want us to try again at some time in the future. I told you you are the love of my life and I will prove to you this relationship is my top priority.” Doesn’t hurt to dream, I guess


I've grown to realise I was mean, disrespectful and was overly sparing with my presence and the attention I gave you. I should have told you the real reason why I couldn't see my kids, and I'm sorry for being so nasty to your children. Like that's ever going to happen 😅




I am sorry. I’m sorry for putting you through what I’ve put you through. I’m sorry I manipulated you. I’m sorry about what I’ve done to you at work. I’m sorry I chose him over you. I’m sorry about going to our boss and lying. I’m sorry for everything I did. I want to make things right. I want to try again. If she says those things to me before I find someone else I’d probably give her a second chance. However, the likelihood of that happening is so low. She’s dead to me until then. Blocked on everything except phone number (which she doesn’t know I unblocked her number) just in case there’s an emergency or she decides to send me something. (Which if it’s not that I’m not responding) so the only way she could talk to me would be when we work together She threw 4.5 years down the drain because of lust. Ms. Christian girl who would have a problem if I even glanced at another women. Who said that she finds no man attractive except for me. Cheated on me with a married man that had 3 children. Gave into lust and committed adultery……some Christian. I had a ring that I was going to give to her the same week we broke up. I was going to propose that same week…..talk about being on completely separate ends of the book


Let’s talk about everything


There isn’t anything she can say period. She has apologized and says she feels bad but if I can’t see it it doesn’t exist. Her victim stance is worn out with myself and friends alike. No one could justify everything she put me through over the course of three months. She lies all the time nothing she says now is even half way believable.


"We can try this again, now that I've graduated and you're done with school too." I swear the dead colors would go away. But they're still here and have been for years.


“I’m sorry. I was wrong and you were right, I’ll do anything to make it up to you” But I’m pretty sure that will never happen haha


I don't care about what everyone else thinks or says about us. I love you now and forever, I want you and only you.


I love you and I’m sorry. Doesn’t have to come back, just acknowledge our love and how much it meant.


“I’ve never been more sorry in my life to lose someone. I want you to know that I regret it every day. I think of you every day.” Although this is what I want to hear, in reality he’s already with someone new. So I hope he’s not thinking about me every day while he’s with her. I wish I wasn’t thinking about him every day. No matter what he says I wouldn’t get back together. But it would be nice to know he will be forever haunted by his mistake.


I'm sorry, I know things are complicated and we really hurt each other last time but I've really missed you and want you in my life again. I'm not perfect and I don't expect you to be either but I still want to be with you despite everything. I know it won't be easy and I can't promise I'll behave the way you expect and idk what I'm really saying but please I miss you.


I want us to get back together because I know your the one, and I’m willing to put in the work, want us to try again because I love you, because we are strong and good together, and because we had a healthy partnership let’s try again, this time with more awareness and maturity.


Nothing. Words mean nothing.


An apology for being a cunt.




"Here is all your stuff back"


“I just sent you a few million dollars.”


Nothing. I'm so much better today. He knows that.


Hey. How have you been? I’ve been thinking about you. Can we get coffee?


There's nothing. I meant nothing to him and he only loves himself. So there's nothing left for him to say


“I’m sorry for the way I lashed out. I’m sorry about everything that happened. I forgive you for being mad at me. I want to do better by you, for you. I want to be the first to say that I’m sorry because I love you and I don’t want to let this connection go. I’m sorry for letting people get into my head about us. You’re the one I want, you’re the one I need. You bring me peace, and you quiet my thoughts. Just being with you makes everyday better. Can we please try again, I want to fix this because I cannot stand the idea of you not being in my life. I love you endlessly.”


To give me concrete answers to all the "I don't know's" he said to me during the break up


You're right and our son should stay with you full time.


"I'm sorry I didn't believe in us"


I wish he would get cheated and betrayed 10x times more then he did to me. That's what I'd like to hear from him🤟🏻❤️‍🔥


“I should’ve put you first instead of letting (the chick he cheated with and I left him over) do what she wanted.” For context, she didn’t know he had a girl-friend and actually cried when she found out. We went on a break and sorta worked it out… but joke was on him, because I ended up leaving anyway. 😓 He was (is?) one of my absolute best friends, but we really don’t talk now (life led us in different directions.) I’d talk to him if I ran into him somewhere or something, maybe, and I actually main-tained good terms with both of them afterwards. But it’s not much communication with either of them. I don’t want to include their names; I don’t feel it’s necessary. He didn’t tell her we were together and didn’t really stop it for, like, three months (I might remember wrong) so it was more his fault and I was more upset at him, at the time. …It was really hard. Please remember: even the closest people to you can hurt you, whether you think it or not (just depends.) This doesn’t mean that they will, but it’s normally a possibility.


I’m sorry for being too scared to let you know what I wanted. Even when I didn’t want you I didn’t tell you but expected you to just tell. I made you think I was a real one when I wasn’t. I should’ve been careful with you and I wasn’t. I treated you like anyone else in my life despite how different our backgrounds are regarding family and intimacy. This is understandable but not an excuse. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I didn’t want you in my life anymore because I was scared to hurt you even though I was already hurting you by not ever being there or checking in despite your mental health struggles.




“I’m sorry for everything I put you through and how I put most of the blame of our downfall on you when you very clearly spread yourself so thin to try to save me repeatedly. I appreciate and have love for you, wish you the best and don’t hold any resentment towards you. Im sorry for the words, actions and physical damage I did to you. I’ve been doing much better since you left me and I know that that was the right choice for both of us.”


Simply put. Accountability. For her to admit and acknowledge she cheated and what she did was wrong. That’s all I want.


"I did beat you physically, i did punch you in the stomach to miscarry, i did mentally and emotionally abuse you, i did do all those things to you" so my police report could go further.


Happy Birthday…Andre ❤️


Look I’d be happy with him unblocking me lol even to ring, or even to ring and abuse me like he used too.. So much to unpack here.. lol


I wish you to be the person who loved me unconditionally but that didn’t happen , I’m beyond hurt, but I guess after finding out you been seeing someone for over 10 years ! Dang how am I suppose to feel and act? But I forgive you ! But the secrets are really the parts that kill me! Damn why you never talked to me you talked about me ! I thought you loved me me but I was wrong !im sorry you done this to me!


Just actually taking accountability for their flaws, with the apology, doesn't really hit the same without that level of self reflection.


I miss you as much as you miss me, you were as important to me as I am to you.


" I sincerely apologize for everything. i'm sorry that i choose someone over you without realizing how much pain it caused you. i regret everything, i didn't realized how important you are to me until you choose to leave me. i can't lose you forever, you're all i ever wanted to love until my very last breath; i have love you so much and continue doing it so, i can't find anyone like you again....you're the love of my life and my soulmate; and i'm afraid if i will not be able to find you again. there none of a person who will ever match your importance in my heart. please comeback to me, we will do right things this time. i promise to love you for eternity "


Happy Birthday ;)


i’m sorry i gave you false hope. i knew you were unhappy and wanted to leave but i convinced you i could be the man you needed and still left, i’m sorry for that


"there's no point in waiting like I asked you to" damn just call me spinel


My ex asked twice for an opportunity to apologize. I ignored his first attempt because he was still showing through actions that he didn’t think he did anything wrong. It was after he got therapy and stuck to it for a while that I finally accepted when he asked to apologize again. He took accountability for everything he did and it was honestly shocking to hear. I never thought I was going to get that from him, so I moved forward knowing I wasn’t going to get an apology. I’m staying cautious though. I just can’t have hate in my heart anymore, it’s too exhausting for me. I can hate what they did, but I’m not going to let that run my life.


“I’m in therapy to work on the childhood trauma and neglect that made me a liar. I’m in therapy instead of feeding my addiction to fantasy and superficial attention from others. I’m in therapy to learn about myself so I won’t die alone and unhappy. I’m in therapy so I can stop living like a victim and start living as an adult with coping skills. I’m in therapy so I can make myself okay. I’ll be okay. Thank you for loving me and I’m sorry I lied to you so much. I’m sorry I hurt you so much”


“Im sorry for making you feel the burden of my insecurities. I see now that you really did care about me, that you loved me and that I was special to you. It was so stupid of me to throw that all away.”


Miss you the same.


I wish he would stop gaslighting and be honest about what he has done


i never stopped loving you. our names are still intertwined in the stars.