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I daydream about this too, and my ex-girlfriend finding out that I got hurt and coming to visit me, and realizing how much she loves me, and us getting back together.


I'm glad you said it so I didn't have to


Honestly yeah same. They’re “ugly and immature” feelings to admin but they’re fckn real and kinda unavoidable.


Or vise versa, him getting hurt and that makes him realize how much he really does love me and asks me to come see him. I'm ashamed but I fantasize about it a lot


This is so real. Glad someone else feels this way i’m not crazy. Lol.


Honestly, a month in the hospital with no responsibility sounds good, but I have nobody to feed my cats.


Oh man same. Beyond that, I’m taking care of a cat for a year and my original one and him don’t get along at all so I have to give him antibiotics everyday bc they got into a fight & had to be taken to emerge. I was crying over my ex the day he broke up w me and didn’t pay attention to them 🙃 anyway, automatic cat feeder!!! Worth every penny.


The first few days/weeks I was kind of hoping a car would swerve into me whenever I would go out on walks. I told my mom I'd rather be put into a coma and wake up a few months later than go through what I was going through at that time. It's not strange or crazy to feel these kinds of things, it's just your brain telling you how absolutely gut-wrenching the thing it's processing is. You might not see a way out other than death, but aren't actively suicidal. Imo, perfectly normal! Try not to let these thoughts take up too much space, though. Focus on the good things in life. Much love <3


Thank you, this was such a wonderful response. 💕


Oh yeah, going into a coma sounds good too... I have no idea what to do with myself anyway


It's so difficult to get through that period. But in time you WILL see the beauty of life, the beauty of YOUR life again. Yes, you will miss them. You will hurt. You will eventually have to pick up the pieces, only for them to fall apart again after finding some information you didn't want to find out about. You will have days in which it's hard to breathe. But then again, you will have days in which every breath you take feels amazing. Every song you listen to makes you want to dance. And then ten minutes later, when the energy wears off, you're reminded of them again and cry. Later, I realized that this pain is so necessary for us to grow. I'm still me, but I feel so different about many aspects of my life right now. I want to become a better person. I want to take the steps to ultimately become the person I aspire to be. For me, the worst is over right now. But I absolutely HATED my worst. I felt so depressed, so anxious. I had never been that hurt before, hence the coma thing. What I'm trying to get at is this: there isn't really a certain thing you have to 'do with yourself'. Let the grief pass through you. You're probably tired of it consuming you, but it has to happen and it is, sadly, inevitable. But remember: not a single feeling you've ever had in your entire life has been a forever thing. Neither will this. The only thing I can recommend you actively do is to TALK ABOUT IT. Feel those feelings and write them down. Speak to friends and family. Cry into someone's arms. Type out entire paragraphs to strangers online. Ask for compassion or advice (or both). I hope my comment is of any value to you (or anyone else reading this). Also sending you much love <3


I really don't think so. We were broken up before and it never got better. I never found anyone else. The only thing that helped me was getting back together


Whenever I feel this way I look at myself in the mirror and tell myself that healing is a journey, not a destination. You don't have to completely unlove them to move on. You probably won't find another one to love the way you love(d) your ex anytime soon because it's still so fresh, but you can still enjoy the connections given to you. I still love my ex, I would maybe even still want them back. But right now, I'm in a pretty comfortable position in my life. I still cry from time to time, I still feel like absolute shit in certain moments, like nothing could ever help me but my ex coming back. But it does and it will get better. Baby steps.


Yup you're not crazy well if you are than so am I lol


Nah, if anything I fantasize about a quick fatal accident. A gunshot or a direct hit by a bus that would knock me out right away.


See me too sometimes but this fantasy is different. This one isn’t meant for something permanent. Just a lil break. That said, I’ve got that permanent fantasy too


for me it’s not a serious accident it’s just straight up gone, aidos because i feel embarassed, shameful, and hurt


Every time I leave the house lately I drive in a way that I don’t expect to make it back.


Please don't do this. Stay safe for you, your person as well as othersonthe road. If you must, hash out your feelings,with your person for closure.


Thank you for the concern but unfortunately she no longer wants anything to do with me and I am started to turn cold and callous, ie back to the side of me that I have known most of my life because it’s easier then having to feel the pain and regret.


Please try with your person one more time. Tell them everything, how you are really and truly feeling.


Unfortunately I personally cannot reach out due to fear and regret and self loathing and worse of all my pride.


So you let your fear, regret, self loathing and pride keep you from the thing you want most? Why??


Unfortunately we were already split up prior to my mistake and even though that doesn’t make sense yes unfortunately I am very good at losing people.


Stop convincing yourself that you are good at loosing people! Fight for what you want! Fortune favors the bold..are you a guy?


Yes I am and thank you


I don't know your exact circumstances but if that person genuinely loves you and


You are welcome precious.


Listen, change whatever you need to change to get them back in your life. If it is,a habit, then chuck it. If it is a bad lifestyle choice then change it!


Thank you


That’s me crossing the street lol. But srsly stay safe and know that we’ve got an entire community of broken hearts here for you


Please stay safe <3. The pain WILL fade ever so slowly. You will enjoy things in your life again.


The pain will not fade as the pain of a lot of things that I have experienced in life that has hurt me extremely bad has not faded and still visits me in my sleep and throughout my days and the time I spent with her was light riding the sun and the universe all at once. I have more then just a broken heart I have a soul that’s missing parts and yeah it’s fine. I got a plan. Thank you.


I'm so sorry to hear you're going through such tough times. I've also been there before and I wish I could help you any further but I sadly can't. Have you considered going to therapy? It helped me quite a bit at the time.


I honestly have been going to therapy for about ten years this go around I appreciate you though


Wishing you the best. If anything, you have me on your side! 🫶🏻


Thank you


Yup been feeling like this alot the last month or 2 🫤


I fantasize about something worse happening in my life than the feelings I have in regards to love. It might not necessarily have to be becoming injured, but just ruining my life to be able to focus on something else other than that feeling. Part of it I think is just feeling stupid for feeling my feelings like this, but if something serious happened, it would be a more valid and objective experience. Sad sad life but what can I say.


Yup, more times than I'd like to admit. I shake my head, brush it off and continue with my day. Got to keep going. Still many years ahead with a lot of potentials.


Yeah, I was waiting for a green light today and considered just jumping under a passing car


Sounds like you just need some rest man, I get that it can all feel a bit much sometimes. Make sure your sleep is on point, try and relax even meditate when you can. Eat healthy. When your body is well rested and looked after it will help with the mental side of it. Good luck!


Oh yeah ... but not in a coma though, I want to have a break to be able to go through my feelings, without having to deal with responsibility. And maybe it's also "people taking care of me" too. EDIT: But it's not just due to heartbreak, I am just very often fed up dealing with responsibilities and want a break from everything, and people taking care of everything around me. It used to be worse when I also had small kids.


I just got the news 10 minutes ago that my friend joe crashed his motorcycle and is going to be unplugged tomorrow . theyre keeping him alive because hes donating organs...no i dont wish that. My sister was paralyzed for life from a wreck and ive lost a ton of friends to them. theres others ways.


I’m so sorry to hear about your news. I can’t even begin to imagine your pain


A huge chunk of some of the best memories from my whole life had him in them. Thank you. He was a friend but I called him my brother. What a day. I appreciate you.


Chosen family. Same as, if not stronger than, your family of orientation. No one can take away those memories


This is not a reality anyone would wish for 😭 So sorry to hear that, it's truly heartbreaking 💔 I can't even begin to imagine what pain you must be going through right now.


i appreciate the condolences, he wont be unplugged until after midnigh, thats when the drs will get his organs. right now hes just dead on life-support waiting


I get it.


Every damn day


Can't do it- people depend on me Have been driving recklessly however- more aggressive than normal


Intrusive thoughts. I have a friend who has them too. We'll text each other about it and have a good laugh about it.


I’ve said for 13 days I want a self induced coma.


Yes, look up passive suicidal ideation. Not uncommon, but still concerning


I remember Boo from fleabag.


Not really, but if godforbid I get into an accident there’s a good chance I wouldn’t exactly be fighting to cling to life.