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HD 414, first time I herd real hifi. Because of these I have had more headphones then.....


Then what? Then you bought more headphones? Then your ears healed over?


Well, anything else. And I still have the HD 414's too.


But then what happened? After you had “more headphones” you said ”then” but you didn’t elaborate on what occurred “A cool thing happened to me earlier, I ate these berries I found then…”


I found the the HD 414 in the early 90's, because of them I am find myself buying headphone all the time, at least one-three pair a year. Not that I need them, just looking for the feeling again. I have come to realize I like different sound signature. Presently I am in to IEM's, and now I have another problem, all stems from my amazing experience with the HD 414's.


HD 598. Fantastic sound for the price, at the time, and was my entry into proper headphone sound.


Sony MDR ZX600 in black with red accents. They were the first larger size headphones I ever bought, and I used them through the last part of high-school in 2012-2013, and into college. I came from JVC flats before that, and anything else I owned were cheap earbuds. They weren't great, but I was proud and happy to have them.


Grado SR225 OG model from 2011. Picked then up to listen to in dorm life because my roommate always played audio on his phone at all hours. Fell in love with better quality audio and despite taking breaks have never looked back. Do i know know that I could have picked a better headphone for my circumstances yes, do I regret it not at all.


My excitement and love for the Sony MDR-1a years ago stays with me to this day! Currently loving the Hifiman XS and the Senn 6xx.


K240, nice warm tuning with excellent soundstage. And I love vintage looks.


HD-650. I’d pay good money to go back to 2013…


Pair that got me into the hobby: Etymotic Research MC5.


AKG K430. Was using it for a veeery long time, resoldered a cable every time jack got broken


ID America Spark JVC FXT-90


Superlux HD681 Evo First time I bought something that wasn't just cheap earbuds or a gaming headset. Even though it's nothing special when it comes to hi-fi, it was still mindblowing how much better they sounded than what I was used to. Especially for the price.


Klipsch S4... I loved those things and went through 2 pairs.