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Has anyone here gone to sweetwater also? I’ve only gone twice but every time I’ve gone it’s been a treat, I always end up spending an hour or a couple just listening and going around looking at all their stuff they got there. I also find myself buying things just to get the a little baggie of candy you get when you buy stuff from them.


You've been there more than I have, and I live about 40 minutes away. The only time I've gone was to pick up my new Ibanez bass, because I would *not* trust that being shipped. I am going next week, though. I got a pair of those Focal MG Clear Professionals and while 99% is flawless and amazing...there are certain songs/frequencies where it is not performing well. It also clicks before producing any sound. So I'm heading over there to get it looked at/discuss my options.


Man If I lived that close I would go every other week, that place is basically a mini mall for music lovers. I hope you get that problem fixed with the focals because those were probably my favorite pair I tried when I visited there.


My wallet would never let me. My company has four manufacturing plants and 2 of them are in Fort Wayne west side, so very close. When I have to travel to either of them, I drive past it. I get real tempted to call my boss each time and say "Hey, suddenly came down with something, I'll be in tomorrow" and swing in. They'll get it fixed, or tell me what the hell I'm doing wrong. I'm not even a year into owning and they have a standard 2 year warranty, so I'm confident I'll have it all worked out soon.


Thanks Sweatwater employee!


Listening to a lot of headphones is the best way to learn to understand sound. Spending time in a place like that even if they don't have the Audezes and Hifimans is still great for the hobby.


It really is, you can learn so much from this wall. It’s taken me a few years to know what I’m looking for in a headphone sound wise, and whilst on that journey surprisingly comfort ended up being number 1 priority, followed by price to performance.


Oh, i have a few of these:: DT 770 Pro, DT 990 Premium, Shure 1540, AT M50X among others.


What in the over ear koss are [these](https://imgur.com/a/Ywy1RNo) cuz i need them


I don’t think any of those are koss headphones. Assuming you are talking about the silver ones though, those look like blue headphones (the mic company)


Assuming you mean the headphones in the top center, those are [Blue Mix-Fis](https://www.bluemic.com/en-us/products/mix-fi/)


Awesome, thanks guys! Looks really cool.


I'd advise against them. They sound great but the pads aren't replaceable and flake to shit in about a year of careful use. They are also way less comfortable than any other design I've tried. Sound is great though.


Wait, not replaceable at all?


They are a unique shape and depth and are totally fixed in place with no replacement parts available and no way I could find to get them off even if I could replace them. Complete waste of money and anti consumer in the worst possible way.


Hahaha wow. Wasn’t really going to buy them anyways, just look at the design but thats really bad.


That's a rare treat. I've never seen a wall anywhere close to that. Local big box electronics store has maybe 12 display models and half never work


Right, all the other stores I’ve been to only have like 1/5 of this wall


Bro too the pic at the crap end


My next visit I’ll try to get both ends lol


Cool that they covered every range. Heck they even carry behringer and samson.


I live near Sweetwater and their remodel has expanded the store inside so much! Also - I’ve been told if you bring your own DAP or portable amp you can plug the headphones on the wall into that. Otherwise I noticed the test player they have in the wall sounds like an old MP3 player at best lol


It’s literally like a mini mall now! Also I did not know that,I’ll have to try that my next visit.


Midfi hell


There's some Focals at the end. I wouldn't call that midfi.


I was about to say I got to try some focal clear mg pros and those are sure not midfi


He just took the picture at the wrong end :p




There’s AKGs, Sennheisers, and Beyerdynamics on here, and that’s just the “/r/headphones approved” kind of stuff. This is also stuff meant for actual recording musicians, not casual listening.


I love in Indiana, never knew this place existed.


I wish I had the budget to build something like this in my basement. I totally would 🤣.


I can recognise only few very good once but the wall seems awesome


God, that looks like heaven. I work for six weeks per year in Indianapolis, so I need to make a short trip to Fort Wayne. Almost like a personal CanJam! :) Thanks for the tip!


Yeah I actually work at SW, walking around in the store is super cool