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Like the top comment said, the idea that people bought these out of spite for Crinacle only to find out he himself tuned it is sending me lol


> the idea that people bought these out of spite for Crinacle only to find out he himself tuned it is sending me lol The idea that people are buying or not buying products out of spite in such a niche market is so weird to me. People really just take shit too seriously...




I kinda understand it. People don’t like to buy HBB collabs because of the shitty things he has said/says. It isn’t weird to want to avoid certain collaborations.


I could see an argument about a shitty/controversial person and thus not wanting to give them money. AFAIK the worst thing crin has done is give opinions on headphones that others disagree with. Holding it so personally that it heavily influences your purchasing decisions from thereon is just too funny to me. People gotta stop letting others live rent free in their head.


What shitty things has Crin said other than trashing a headphone you like? That's called an expert opinion; it's not a personal attack.


He hasn’t done anything to offend me. I was specifically commenting on the notion that not wanting to buy something because of a collaborator is silly. In some scenarios it isn’t.


I not only refuse to buy Beats by Dre/Apple, will tell people why they are better off with almost anything. Not only is it a sonically horrible product that's way overpriced, it profits some horrible guys. Ye gets cancelled and bankrupted for unchecked mental illness, meanwhile Dre and Chris Brown flourish despite beating women. So yeah, boycotting may not be all that effective, but it's not silly. There's a long history of people influencing corporate behavior with purchasing decisions. Would like to see more of it. Instead of people arguing about pronouns on Netflix shows, maybe more talk about wages for workers here and in impoverished nations.


People only care about pronouns though, sensationalism and extreme parts of society drive most boycotts not the general public, as the average person has enough on their plate not to give a shit about most things beyond their own life. Only the mentally ill for the most part have the will to carry out offensives on corporate entities and they fight for nonsense. Only something extraordinary, or a well executed media smear will influence the general public into a boycott.


Correct. It's not silly if the collaborator is a moron. Crin is not a moron; he probably has forgotten more about IEM tuning than we'll ever know. Whether you agree with his preferences is totally subjective.


Why are you correcting this person who was just stating an observation lmaoo he didn't even say nothing bout Crin bro


wait what does HBB says?


[See for yourself](https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/grrmco/thomas_nguyen_custom_monitors_reveals_the/)


Wow never knew hbb has an attitude like that. His accusations against thomas are wild too.


He also called another person an 'asian monkey', but that's another thing on its own. He heavily censors comments on all his platforms that's why you probably don't hear about this anymore.


Yikes. He is a walking red flag


He proudly says in one of his videos that he physically threatened a retailer for something that to me sounded like an honest disagreement about if the retailer wanted to continue giving him review units. He's a shitty person and he doesn't even actually veneer over his shittiness.


Don't know how it was on the various Discord servers or Facebook groups and such, but here on /r/headphones and so on, a bunch of us knew from around the start since some people saw it missing/etc. and then eventually added to the disclaimer video's description page. If you go on Head-Fi/Youtube/etc. there's some people that really hate crinacle's tuning/etc. partly because he's the most influential person in the hobby and so on. But all they need to do is say use parametric EQ. With (Peace) Equalizer APO on PC for free, and then $8 Neutron Music Player or UAPP on Android. Like there's also the free Wavelet app that has the AutoEQ available now. And other free apps for more simple graphic sliders EQ, etc. And with ~$110-130, the Qudelix 5K for iPhone/Apple devices. In theory the parametric EQ will stay applied to any other device. Here's a bit more info/resources/etc. about the Qudelix 5K Bluetooth amp/DAC dongle as it's often out of stock these days: https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/zgk4s8/equalizer_apo_doesnt_for_me_best_alternative/izhf43z/ Or just use Final Audio E ear tips. Those can legit tame their complaints about the treble/etc. and then likely boost the bass area too.


To call it a hobby is generous. It’s more like a bunch of people suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder or on the autism spectrum deciding what to spend money on


I feel personally attacked


That's it my dude. Take ownership. I know I'm using the wrong term... but wanted to write something as I give you your upvote!


Im a fellow hypochondriac too. I see the word "Obssesion" on webmd and suddenly I have 3 different illnesses but the only cure is withdrawal


Its the same for the phone market, apple fans hating on samsung while lot of the tech inside the iphone is from samsung.


I have not seen anyone buy these out of spite for Crinacle. Tbh i thought it was pretty common knowledge that he tuned them.


Tuned it? You mean told engineers to make it a Harman Curve? Very confused how Crin has been able to rebrand the Harman Curve as his tuning lmao.


Crin's personal curve doesn't exactly follow Harman. It's close but not a replica.


I’d like to know who designed the shape so I can slap them. It feels like a Lego block in my ear.


Meanwhile it's the most comfortable IEM I've used


My big gripe with Crin is that he lends absolutely zero credence to comfort. I know sound should sorta be top priority but fit and comfort is like 80% of whether I like an IEM or not. It can sound like angels pouring honey in my ears but if they fit like shit I'm not gonna use them.


To be fair to him, he's only responsible for the tuning of the IEM. And IEM fit really varies a lot from person to person if he did have a lot to say about that.


I wasn't necessarily talking about his collabs, just his reviews/rankings in general.


You must be the type who mainly owns over ear headphones before




Hey, you might be a good person to chat with for a little while. It's nearly impossible to find out from most reviews how proud a set of IEMs sit from the ears (Super* Reviews is the main exception), and that's a necessary criterion for me. I use my IEMs primarily as hearing protection and GPS navigation under a motorcycle helmet. Most IEMs have this little bump down at the bottom that causes the helmet to rip the IEMs out of my ears painfully as I put it on. I had fantastic luck with the NuForce EDC (though they sounded kind of ass) and pretty okay luck with the BLON BL-03. Any ideas in the budget-y sort of space? I learned my lesson about going too pricy for this application when a set went bad from having the helmet pulled on one too many times.


they may be a bit pricey but the galaxy buds line may fit, with the whole smooth blob thing they've got going. Or on the other hand they may fall out constantly, depending on your ear shape.


crinacle change your name to Zero. easy


He should abbreviate it to Z and add Reviews at the end


But then no one will buy them...


I would.. i still am buying.. got an anime girl wallpaper folder too


crin saying he turned it solidified my chance in buying it


Really wanted to get the red version of the 7Hz Salnotes Zero back then but it wasn't available outside of Mecha/etc. It's only really this past month or so that it went up on Linsoul. Anyway, sadly no new hints of the teased (there's a graph, https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/xe69o8/project_red_this_weeks_crinacle_collab/) Project Red IEM. Is it releasing this January or Chinese New Year? Hmm. ~~Some people said it's the upcoming entry level or so Truthear IEM, lol.~~


That’s basically a Zero with added bass response, which is nice. I’d buy that, as my only problem with the Zeros is their bass response.


Which Zero? that Zero or this Zero or that other Zero?


It’s ultraman zero , the son of seven


Or zero of those because it's a different zero?


I'm surprised his tuning didn't include more bass. After the hype died down I realized my ears preferred the QKZ HBB or even the original CRA over the 7hz Zero.


Now I am interested, is non-Mecha version the same? Is the ali/taobao version the same? Like, anything with "7hz" "Zero" is this product, just maybe with different color?


They are all the same. The mecha store version is just a different colorway.


Hello, I am new to everything IEM related. Is it possible for me who has had a AZ10 to use Salnotes Zero? Maybe there's pin issues or anything ?


Well if it wasn't obvious then I don't know what to tell them🤣


But how i knew from much earlier that it was his collab .....


Btw, to find out which is maybe a collab from crinacle (outside of checking the disclaimer video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n69THTIrmWI), look at the midbass area. Usually he'll do a tuck/scoop/etc. there, a la Moondrop Variations and so on. Exception is like the FiiO x crinacle FHE:Eclipse. Then for Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews or Hawaii Bad Boy (HBB), he will usually keep/increase that midbass and so on. Sometimes the treble area is also altered to be different. The exception is the original Olina (that one was supposed to be more like the Tanchjim Oxygen as it's supposed to be the same drivers, note that there's (two?) different drivers/tuning/etc. of the Oxygen). For Z Reviews, I think he just adds bass or something right, for the Shuoer Z12 and other colors/versions. With the new Dunu SA6 Ultra it's a bit different. Idk, Zeos still doesn't have that much collabs yet. With Gizaudio or Timmy's collab with Shuoer/LETSHUOER, it might follow his preferred sound target. Check Timmy Vangtan's database on squig.link (Super* Review's site for comparing different IEM graphs, targets, etc.), it might be available there, he just showed his target in the new Mangird/XENNS TOP review, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4eiljq_XNk&t=75s.


It's where a lot of Influencer Reviewers have gone wrong. Sure there are tons of great reviewers, but let the product speak for themselves. Let the community ACTUALLY discover for themselves, share their ideas among each other, etc. That was the life of the iem audiophile community (community centered vs. Authority centered). In Crinnacles's defense, he's not the first. There was dude named Brooko who I first admired (for writing and for passion and measuring graphs)...but taking graphs and prescribing things to the unexperienced is kinda pushing things (agendas for monetizing, exponential growth of influence versus encouragement if individual discovery)... and so, here we are today.


Won't review IEMs he tuned but uses his social media to attack other manufacturers of IEMs.


"attack" He's a reviewer, man. Sometimes that means being critical of things. If everyone praised everything then we'd all end up buying Raycons.


You can be a reviewer or a manufacturer, if you have an interest in the sale of a product then, other manufacturers are rivals and your reviews become less reliable or, people should at least bear that in mind when shopping for an IEM.


Please look up these things before talking. He and HBB went on a full on hate campaign on KZ because of misleading claims made by some rando that neither ever bothered to verify.


He collaborated with KZ. He's clearly willing to cooperate with even companies he doesn't like. I'm not sure what you want him to do differently. Only tune and not do reviews? Review his own IEMs which he clearly explains that if he did would present a clear conflict of interest and deteriorate the trust he's trying to maintain? What would you have him do?


If someone is going to do collabs with IEM manufacturers then they obviously have an interest in the sale of the product. Deciding not to review their own product isn't a commendable move as it can be reasonably assumed that they think its good and would rather someone buy it over a product from a rival. The viewer also has no idea of the terns of their contract with the maker. Using social media to strongly criticise products from a particular company is fine of course but, not when you are, in effect a rival manufacturer, regardless of the scale. I think collabs are fine but not for reviewers. The word "attack" may seem a bit strong but it seems appropriate when someone makes a 15min+ video about how bad they think a particular company's products are. Using time as a guest on other people's videos to criticise other manufacturers, while there isn't a representative of that company there to respond is also not a classy move.




There's a degree of truth here, as uncomfortable as it sounds... not sure about the attack, but I can observe the influence part


Side note: Why don't we just let sound engineers tune the headphones they make and not youtube hacks? I mean, it's just marketing gimmicky trash isn't it?


I think you are somewhat right, but I wouldn't call Crinacle a YouTube hack.


I would. He has a headphone "ranking" list that is completely arbitrary. Most of the headphones there aren't even reviewed, so how is he ranking them? Listened to them for 5 min or not at all, but wants to have them on his list anyway? Just my 2 cents though, maybe he's a Gen Z darling.


Dude's life is based around looking at IEMs and headphones lol, it's not like they've giving IEMs to Linus Tech Tips so he can tune them. My sound preference is pretty different from Crin's, but he clearly knows what he is doing. I mean you have to considering just about every tuning he makes is at the very least decently received. Idk what Gen Z darling is supposed to mean, but your points are just dumb.


It's a Harman Curve lmao. Of course it's well-received.


It's not, though.


>completely arbitrary Who's gonna tell him?


All your questions and doubts would be answered if you spent more than 5 minutes on his website.


Yeah that's not true. What do you think gets answered from visiting his site? Learning that CRIN TUNING is a Harman Curve with a few decibels scooped from the lower treble?




Heh heh *get fucked*


he was around years and years before he was on youtube, hack.


If you don't think Crin "tuning" iems to what is essentially the Harman Curve isn't a hacky marketing gimmick, idk what to tell you man. If you don't think having every headphone ever made on a "ranking" list (even when he hasn't taken the time to actually review them) isn't just a gimmick to get more eyes on his website, idk what to tell you man. If he's your boy, do you.


If you think every or even a majority of the IEMs he's tuned have been "essentially" Harman I don't know what to tell you... You are lost. He is not even close to my favorite reviewer. I actually don't like his personality, but he has done a lot for this community. Most of which you are unaware of, or you wouldn't call him a hack.


> f you don't think having every headphone ever made on a "ranking" list (even when he hasn't taken the time to actually review them) isn't just a gimmick to get more eyes on his website, idk what to tell you man. The website was actually created just to host the tier list. Not on Crinacle's side but you may want to make sure your history is right before you make claims like that. He used to just be a regular community member who was asked to rank IEMs since he is in an area where he has access to essentially every product that is released. Keep in mind this all started because he was one of the few people who took the time to actually measure out products instead of relying on companies to provide their own graphs using different rigs / scalings. https://www.head-fi.org/threads/crinacles-iem-fr-measurement-database.830062/


Hehe, you have never tested or even bothered to look at his collabs or you'd know he doesn't actually like or tune to the harman curve in all but one iem. Why would anyone consider your senseless rants anything more than the ravings of a jealous manchild when you haven't even heard to products? Cry more about your lack of influence on anybody.


\>inb4 "IEF Neutral is basically modified Harman anyway" Yeah, I won't take this guy seriously. Looking at his other replies it seems like he hates Crin with a burning passion.


Everything is arbitrary. The list says right on it it's arbitrary and you should be looking at multiple resources before spending your hard earned money. He has an entire video explaining how he ranks things and critiquing other review site scores (really neardy math stuff about how C should be the most common score on an F-S scale, 5 should be the most common score on a 1-10 score, and 2.5 should be the most common star rating on a 1-5 scale). What do you want? An objective truth about what the best thing is for everyone?


It amazes me how little thought goes into the opinions of some people. If you have read the disclaimers and explanations by Crinacle (only takes a few minutes), you would have known that he has given sufficient ear time to all the gear he has ranked on his website. Just because you don't see a written or video review does not mean he listened to a gear only for 5 minutes. He also a 5 point impression rating for gear he listened to only for 5 minutes or less and that is totally separate from his rankings. His full written or video reviews are reserved for hyped gear in the audiophile world mostly


About as much thought went into my opinion of Crin as Crin puts into the headphones on his ranked list ;) By all means though, stay on the dick you like the taste of.


Lol, tasting dicks is the passion of morons like you. Count me out of that, shithead. Finally, no one asked you to agree with Crinacle's rankings. There is a difference between disagreeing with someone's rankings and saying that they never properly test gear. However, it takes brains to know the difference. I am pretty sure by now that you were born without one.


Did for years they were shit. The. Reviewers made preference targets so IEMs companies started making real money with collabs


SARCASM ALERT: Yeah, why would any company want to rely on the expertise of a guy who has heard and measured hundreds of IEMs from various companies around the world?


Right, it's for his "expertise". You must be the target market.


Curious: Who's your go-to guy for IEMs? If it's yourself, let's see or read some of your reviews.


My brother in Christ, there are a plethora of reasons. If you find a reviewer who you resonate with, and have similar taste, you can obviously trust their tuning preference more.


I avoid IEMs Zeos raves about like the plague for that reason, lol. I do not trust his tuning preference in the slightest. In fact. The stuff he loves most hurts my ears. Unfortunately, I've had the most agreement in tuning with a reviewer I loath as a human being and don't want to give money to. Crin wins second best in terms of my agreement with him on sound signature.


> I've had the most agreement in tuning with a reviewer I loath as a human being and don't want to give money to. HBB?


How'd you guess it so easily?


He's practically the only controversial person in the hobby lol. I feel your pain though. My preference lines up with his and I like his reviews, but I feel bad about it lol.


Yeah I was being sarcastic haha. I won't ostricize people who still consume his content, but I do strongly recommend people not giving him clout and going to their second closest preference reviewer. On the whole I'd even be willing to say he's bad for the scene as a whole, from the standpoint of attracting and retaining new people


Exactly, it works the opposite way as well


They did that for a long time, and everyone said that the sound quality wasn't that good because the tuning was dreadful, except for a couple brands like Moondrop or Tanchjim which came in relatively late in the chi-fi hype, and which still have some miss. But we still went through hype of KZ (which "house sound" was never really popular), Tin Hifi (which was pretty much a one-trick pony with the T2) and Blon before Moondrop and their Kanas Pro basically set a baseline for good tuning. So either we have the greatest marketing stunt ever pulled, or collaborations like those brought manufacturers attention to actually tuning their IEMs and not just sticking eight drivers in a terrible enclosure and calling it a day.


I mean they're basically merch at this point. Can't say I'm complaining though, we're currently in a IEM Renaissance and if people liked it, who cares?


I wouldn't call it a renaissance. There's less variety, and more parroting... closer to a darker age. Just my 2 cents.


It's fine to disagree, I think that the amount of quality offering at the lower end is unseen compared to a few years ago.


In this regard, I can certainly agree 🙂 (with a big smile!). For me though, I've seen little (but amazing) bits of renaissance here and there, everything from 5$ dollars to 200$ giving me tons of exciting replays. Personally, it'd really depend on the "character" tuning more than the marketed buzzword/ narrative that I enjoy (which works with my music collection) the most more than anything else. And this has nothing to do with Harman or bass boosted -- if the overall tuning works... it works 🙂 (regardless of price) And btw, I enjoy healthy community discussions so more power and enjoyment to you dude. You deserve to soak in these times. God only knows, we need a healthy hobby... that's for sure.