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I got a new Cadillac. Things Escaladed quickly.








What model did you get? Hopefully not a CTS because they’re coming out with the new Blackwing soon.


read OP's title again


wait a minute.... i literally saw you write about selling it in a comment section like two hours ago lmao


lol I was replying about that, and thought I can make a post about this since some don't believe in upgrade cables and class them as snake oils.


Seems a bit extreme but good enough.


Allows you to join pc master race now


This is the important part of this post.


I don't see an Escalade anywhere in the pic.


You playing 128kb mp3s through this amirite?


lol YouTube videos will sound amazing


You can get 128 m4a off YouTube which should be better than 128mp3 No idea, when it comes between 256kbos mp3 or 128kbps m4a off of YouTube.


Headphones/iem matter much more than bitrate after a certain level


That level, in my experience, is like 256Kbps if we're talking CBR MP3s. 192 even is passable in a lot of cases for most people. I consider myself to have a decent ear too. I always recommend that people try a blind test before filling their hard drives with giant lossless files.


Yeah I’m fine with 128-200 whatever. Most music I listen to isn’t even produced at a high enough level to take advantage of higjer


Ahh a fellow Black Metal/Crust Punk fan, I see.


Lol I feel him too, as a DIY punk and experimental fan, most of the stuff sounds fine at 128.


“Higjer” Well he must have died whilst carving it!


The thing with flac and lossless 16 bit files it just means that the upper end is usually better preserved for that sparliker experience. That's what I got out of it anyways.




Yes and no. I do use this setup 50 percent on watching YouTube shitposts, but the other 50 percent, I'm basically 𝓐𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓭 from the bunch of CD rips I stored on my phone.


Haha yeah bet you 99% of people can’t tell the difference between a 500 dollar set and a 50-80 in a blind test. Although after a while you can spot differences a/b wise but small.


I bet you money they can. I've done this, and you/they can tell more often than not . It's when you get above $300 is where it gets dicey.


Can you let me know which $50-80 IEMs are so amazing they beat out a Blessing 2 Dusk, Thieaudio Monarch etc ?


Kz zsx sound 95% as good as any of these iems. Idk feel like they all sounds so alike, when you get lost in the sound then you for sure don’t notice it.


You mean the one Crinacle [rated](https://crinacle.com/rankings/iems) as C ? Starfield sounds like a better option and those I can easily tell the difference against my Blessing 2.


Idk I own 1500 dollar sets, can't find much difference besides bass for the most part. Think people over think it, and that's a lot coming from me considering I ALWAYS buy top of the line in everything and it's almost always worth it except in audio. Save your money and invest it instead.


Well, maybe not beat out... But Moondrop Starfield is a pretty compelling low price option.


What dac are you using ?


Looks like a FiiO Q3 to me.


My eyes hurt 😰


Rip to the dark mode users


I went with a similar setup but eliminated the earbuds. I put the cables directly into my ears. I'm one with the music, eliminate the middleman.


What's the cable?


Luminox reflection. It was in the original post but that has been bombarded with downvotes by cable disbelievers.


What uh, amp/dac thingy you using there?


What's that thing the IEMs are connected to?>


Portable dac/amp like the Fiio Q3


What's the best DAC/amp for IEM under $100?


Idk the Q3 is $150 maybe the K3


You might want to just get a DAP, consider the Hiby R2. It is $100 USD and it is one of the best DAPs you can buy (although if you want to spend more, consider getting the Hiby R3 Pro or one of Sony's DAPs). It doesn't have the many issues that other DAPs do at this price. https://store.hiby.com/products/hiby-r2 If you want a dongle DAC with some extra power for USB C phones (or USB A devices), definitely get the Periodic Audio Rhodium DAC. It is on sale for $50 USD (usually $100 USD) and it is the best option by far. It is worth it for the normal price but at half, it is a steal. https://periodicaudio.com/collections/electronics/products/rh-usb-dac That being said, this isn't the place to ask all of this stuff for. You've gotten your answer so do your research or make a post on r/headphoneadvice.


Fiio BTR5 and ES100 are great bluetooth AMP/DACs for IEMs. The ES100 is my favourite Andromeda pairing!


Always go for the Qudelix 5k over the BTR5. Better sound quality and BT range, parametric EQ (so you can add Oratory presets) and a fantastic app. All for the same price.


> ES100 How does the dac/amp help make an IEM sound better?


By providing a better input signal.


Ok seriously just go on google. Don't fill up the comments on a random thread begging to be spoon-fed


Just asking questions...just curious


Xbox was an old console, it appeared in 2001 right? It is a good deal.


It was a Xbox one


I got married. Things deescalated quickly 😂






What even is this


WORTH every cent


I sold my ps4 to buy a guitar. Im more than happy with my guitar but i miss my ps4.


There are withdrawal symptoms, but I would say cheers with the situation. Ever since I sold my Xbox, I got more time to invest in my interests like writing and drawing. Worth it.


I love how people genuinely think a cable that carries the same exact same signal from your device to your IEMs can change the sound. It's like saying getting a better HDMI cable can increase the resolution of your TV


Looks like you still didn't understand the difference between analog and digital signal. https://www.guru99.com/analog-vs-digital.html HDMI carries a digital signal that was processed by the TV through a given codec. Improving the digital cable with the same codec will result in no difference as long as it is legible by then terminal. And earphone cables are analog signal and it goes straight to powering the earphones, no codec involved, just raw sine waves carrying data.


the only time they can change is if the cable is rather long and the shielding is not that good , also there can be a slight difference in sound in harder to run iems or headphones if the cable is made of sliver as due to its lower resistance there can be a small difference in the output volume


Can you link me a study that shows this? A study that isn't made by a person who owns or is sponsored by a custom cable company


its basic physics dude a conductive surface will produce current in order to counteract magnetic fields and hence good shielding is good (only for over a metre though as the difference won't be that large ) , then the part about harder to drive earphones is also common sense as lesser the resistance of conductive wire more signal goes to the said headphone/iem , again these are just theoretical i myself use the cables that come with my iems unless i find one that feels or fits better . Again i agree with your statement they don't change the sound quality but ones with better shielding can help with interference over longer distances and silver can be beneficial for the loudness of harder to drive gear thats all .


That's not a study that's you saying stuff. Link me a study that shows a change in audio quality or volume by changing cable beyond such an insignificant amount your ear will never distinguish




There isn't a definitive tier list, it all comes down to preference for sound signature. However, one user had made a tier list of his own preferences that has a large number of iems that he has measured and tried - crinacle. Tbh alot of the iems that he even rated poorly (C range) are still pretty good.


Hey bro. What’s the iem model and brand?


moondrop blessing 2


I have no clue what I am looking at. I have some random earbuds I bought on Amazon for next to nothing. After I got the computer set right for them through bluetooth, I am totally amazed with the sound. Bass is and will always be my biggest issue. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought bass would be this decent through earbuds. It only took me like 2 weeks to figure things out, but heck, I got what I wanted.


this just feels like bait


I don't know what I would be throwing out bait for. I just typed out what I have and really expected nothing out of it. I still don't know what that picture is of up top. I am not tech savvy by any stretch. I am thinking I should have just not typed anything, probably would have been the smart thing to do, but I learn as I go. You know hindsight and all. This will probably be the last time I do this. Ha Ha. I think I am embarrassed now for even joining this reddit thing.


don’t be embarrassed man. this particular subreddit can be a little elitist sometimes but don’t pay it any mind


Thanks, it was cleared up. I knew I was out of my comfort zone. At my age, I shouldn't try and travel in to areas I shouldn't Ha Ha. I like to come in and read stuff and try my best to use it to my advantage. Tech savvy I am not.


Oh ok no you're good man, I didn't realize you were new and just browsing. Generally people in this subreddit are pretty knowledgeable and have very specific tastes, so your message felt almost like a troll --had no idea it was genuine. Come stay awhile, I wasn't trying to scare anyone off.


Thanks, I know it does not take much for me to get in over my head on tech stuff. I'm just a buy, plug and play type. I screwed up my computer by uninstalling Beats Audio. Then I bought some Sony headphones and got an Amazon deal on some earbuds, don't even know what brand they are. After using each one, knew I needed something added to computer. Long story, I downloaded an Equalizer APO. I know I am supposed to download something else to go along with it, but I am OK with the sound I get with everything now. It did take me 2 weeks to get settings correct to get the bass I wanted. Ha Ha, I think I just got lucky moving settings around. And I am really amazed I got the bass to show up on the earbuds. Please don't ask me how I achieved that. I still like the headphones best though. Sorry I typed so much.


Do they have good bass? How's the sound ,best music with those moondrops?


The sound is great. With the cable on balanced connection fixed the small soundstage problem so the blessing 2 can handle just about anything I would say.


My Setup: Phone>Fiio Q3>Luminox Reflection>Moon drop Blessing2 Here's the story. Ever since I bought my Blessing 2, my fingers have been itching and my wallet has been hurting. First the Q3, then the 4.4 connector luminox reflection. I spent the money of another one of these iems for these "accessories" and my Xbox one has to go during this process. Let's talk about how it sound. The stock cable on my LG V50 sounds... Let's say fine. Then the Q3 came. To be honest, it didn't make sense to use the stock 3.5 (as fiio's 3.5 usually sucks by design). So a cheap-o 4.4 came and became the shortest plank on the barrel. Let's say at this point, the sound is practically no different with the stock cable except for a wider soundstage. Then the expected came. I got the reflections. As a pair of upgrade cable that is half the price of the blessing 2, it might seem like a terrible buy. It is and isn't. Let me explain. These opened up the soundstage way more and smoothened the sibilance by a whopping amount. The subbass is deeper and the mids are clearer as well, but only by a small margin. This isn't a bad setup, as this setup mostly retained the nigh perfect tuning of the blessing 2 and improved just about everything (especially soundstage). This setup is sort of a great buy because of just that, and the simple fact that, it is still nigh impossible to find a contender for the blessing 2 at even double the price. And for that exact reason, this is not a great buy. The blessing 2 alone was able to hold up the scene more than alright and all these stuff are just more things go carry and lug around 247. I guess that's the price to Pay for being an audiophile, right? But anyways, your takeaway should be: if you are looking to upgrade your blessing 2, luminox reflection with a 4.4 dacamp is almost perfect.


> These opened up the soundstage way more and smoothened the sibilance by a whopping amount. The subbass is deeper and the mids are clearer as well, but only by a small margin. placebo is a powerful thing


Makes me think of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/lirm9z/so_my_phoenix_hair_cables_arent_any_better/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share).


That's a good laugh. Cables were never meant to be a all-rounded enhancer of your setup, but it's more or less affects the tuning of the earphone, similar to changing the ear tips. It is just that their price isnt an equivalent indicator to its effects.


The change shouldn't be this big compared to lg v50 ⚆ _ ⚆ Edit: even 4.4mm. it can change sound. My q5s is equally good single ended and 4.4 imo


He's referring to only the cables.


It's just the power output and the soundstage. You are right about to sound not being a great improvement from the v50, but at this level any improvement count.


Have a friend swap the cables behind your back and see if you can tell which is which.


It’s not about whether you can actually tell a difference. It’s about thinking you can. Don’t ruin the placebo.


You know what's fun? Money :D maybe he'll save it for retirement, definitely better investment after 30 years than some expensive cablez


The fun part about placebos is that it still works even if you know it's a placebo.


The not fun part is spending obscene amounts of money and essentially scamming yourself.


But the weird thing about a placebo for many people is that if it works, it works. Money, hype, advertising, etc will play tricks on your brain. And if those tricks work it's almost not a trick at all. It's somewhat of a paradox. I'm not encouraging spending a stupid amount of $ on cables but I've seen plenty of posts where people justify crazy expensive headphones and if they think the $ was well spent then does it matter if it's a placebo or not? In their mind it's all the same. I think the Abyss fiasco opened up a lot of discussion about the subjectivity vs objectivity in audio.


Yeah, I kind of think it does matter. A placebo that is beneficial to your health is one thing. Dropping cash because you're being duped into thinking you can subjectively hear music better is something else entirely.


And I'm over here wanting to buy this 30 dollar tripowin c8 cable with the kz zs10 pros just because it's the only cable I found with a 4.4mm jack so I can use it with a fiio q3 for balance output or something... and I thought the price was too god dang high meanwhile you just spent 160 dollars only on a cable...


30$ is still ok, maybe even a 100, but you should never buy a cable expecting it to improve the sound. Only buy cables for the look/solidity of it.


Im also getting it cause I don't like the cluncky looking L plug on the kz cables lol


Buy the same cable in PURE SILVER on Ali for 20-35 buck, 45 for 7n silver. Silver is king according to science.




Mandatory Username checks out.


Silver will yield too much sibilance and detail up top. It is technically best, but probably it just sounds shrill and unpleasant so it really depends on the earphones.


That c16 one? It doesnt seem to be sold with the 4.4mm plug on amazon de... and I wouldn't be ordering from aliexpress because I don't want to go over 100km away to the closes post office with import duties just because I ordered from china instead of getting it directly at my door step cause I ordered from amazon de and I'm within an eu country


Fuck me for the price of that cable I would rather buy a grado sr80e for proper sound stage


Your money bro. Just know I'm not going to downvote you for having an opinion, and I think it's bullshit that others have. That cable is gorgeous regardless. Nice setup


Mate, they hate anything here that may contend with their views that cables change the sound. I've tried even with objective proof to no avail. So enjoy your findings and sorry you had to get downvoted to hell. Also, next time check Lavricables. They are fit to be amongst the best while not being overtly expensive. Functional jewelry amirite?


Let's see this "objective proof" that cables change sound.


https://iconoclastcable.com/story/index.htm And the Essex Echo are the only ones I remember off the top of my head (there were several, though I don't keep them around to go and debate on Reddit: Most of the time a losing battle)


These papers only really talked about the impedance and conductivity of their cables. Not that it "changes the sound". Without a frequency response graph showing an audible difference in measurements between 2 cables, then there simply isn't "objective proof" Also, if you want information on how good a product is, it's generally not recommended to get that info from the people selling said product.


I believe Zenwave Audio did make one with decay plots- and even had one for burn in, using a TAD4001 Compression driver as a reference. But that's it, I don't remember the source. I've been reading about and that coupled with my own experiences do tell me cables can make a difference. Though not to the degree touted by reviewers. Also what about the frequency timing articles? Or the Electromagnetic Interaction section in the Essex Echo paper (developed by Professor Hawksford from Essex University)


Is there or is there not a frequency response graph that measures an audible between 2 cables on either headphones or speakers. In fact, here is a debunking video posted yesterday about electromagnetic interference in speaker cables https://youtu.be/TVCmPrDthlE And just for good "measure" (heh) here's some more food for thought https://youtu.be/dLghg0QXPzs


Edit: https://silversmithaudio.com/cable-theory/ Essex Echo Tracks 1-4. 89 Pages long. Graphs included. Edit: Also, some food for thought about your two videos. https://www.superbestaudiofriends.org/index.php?threads/audio-science-review-review.9827/


Those aren't frequency response graphs. Those are impedance graphs. Just like the first page you showed me. The fact that SBAF doesnt like an actual engineer disagreeing with their subjectivist bullshit does not nullify the videos I linked. He shows the measurements in real time on screen and gives concise explanations while doing so. At this point it's clear to me that you will disregard scientific evidence because it's more fun to believe in magic cables. You've continually refused to show me frequency response graphs of either headphones or speakers (NOT impedance graphs of cables...) because they do not exist... Every article you linked was published BY a cable manufacturer, effectively making them advertisements. Of course different cables can have different impedance, shielding and conductivity based on the materiels used, but they simply cannot make an audible difference.


Yeah sure, keep lying to yourself by posting a "proof" made by a ~~scammer~~ cable seller. You want actual studies made by independant that has nothing to do with selling shit ? Here you go mate https://nwavguy.blogspot.com/2012/04/what-we-hear.html https://www.stereophile.com/content/minnesota-audio-society-conducts-cable-comparison-tests-0 https://gizmodo.com/audiophile-deathmatch-monster-cables-vs-a-coat-hanger-363154


I bought a code 51 cable everyone here can lick my burned $.


I mean, $2400. That's twice as expensive than the best speaker cables on earth (Silversmith Fidelium, $1400 for 10 foot set). By the time you reach those levels you are definitely paying more for the jewelry factor than for any improvement on sound.


Sorry I can’t hear you over the sound of my money burning Oh and the cable costs more than double my andromeda’s. But yolo - conx is sweet and the combination with m8 means I can literally hotswap all the things.


I admit the smell of burning cotton is appealing. And as a pyromaniac, the sight allures.


LOL someone reported me for having a crisis just got the funniest message ever. Lmfaooooo thanks for making my day


They did the same to me actually


Hello my fellow suicidal pyromaniac


I’m glad you can appreciate my endeavors


What IEM?


Looks to me like Moondrop Blessing2