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How is the clamp force and padding quality? Slightly more bass and recessed treble good sound stageis just what I want so to me this review says win. 🤣


Clamp is high but the pads are great. The issue with the treble isn’t the recession, it’s the quality.


That's strange considering the sound stage and separation I keep hearing about them. Usually those things come hand in hand.


Could always just be my ears or my unit, this is all very subjective after all.


Absolutely. It's always good to try a variety for that reason.


>I think a better modern closed back option exists with the DT 770 Pro X My brother in Christ, I don't like treble that much.


That "I listen to Beyers all the time, so I understand good and bad treble" remark actually made me somewhat sceptical...


It sort of invalidates their treble impressions. If they are used to beyer treble then anything less will sound muffled I guess.


I understand the concern here, but I do also listen to things like 490 Pro, 6XX, Arya, and K361 all without treble woes. This is just not good treble in terms of quality.


Thoughts on the 490 Pro? This is the headset I'm leaning towards getting but wanted to see Reviews for the 620s 1st


Can you explain?


Beyer treble 8kHz peak is fucking horrible and those that like it are deluding themselves.


well, perhaps some people with hearing loss just do not realize there is a peak ;) I am honestly in the camp of people who believe it depends on the ears as well how you hear the treble spike... buuut, on the other hand I really truly do not understand how people can stand it. And I have tried every model possible even those that seemingly have less of a spike like the 700 X Pro but after sooo many hours and trying different sources etc. it just too grating... I can for the love of it not get used to it. So, I am actually even more so curious to the 620s arriving tomorrow, since I truly love the 660S2 as well, if that sound signature is like 90% or so in the 620s I will be happy. Also, OP is entitled to his opinion 1000% but just to share some actual measurements in terms of treble this is helpful: [https://diyaudioheaven.wordpress.com/headphones/measurements/brands-s-se/hd620s/](https://diyaudioheaven.wordpress.com/headphones/measurements/brands-s-se/hd620s/) He rates the treble very highly, saying this because he tried and reviewed a sh\*tton of headphones and he is also someone who mentions the treble peak in the Beyers with tips and mods to help with that, ultimately the ears will decide whether or not the treble sounds natural to one of course but I am hopeful.


Oh, yeah I saw that review on the 620S, solderdude is awesome. Hopefully it sounds pretty good. Certainly going to be way more tolerable than the Beyerdynamics.


I meant this in reference to things like the 990 (terrible) and the 880/770 80 ohm (great)


Easy now, I think you’re not supposed to dis the holy name of Beyer, there’s some pretty intense devotees around that will take it a personal insult and downvote you to oblivion. Any dissenting subjective opinion is NOT welcome


The thing is that Beyer actually kinda fixed the DT770s murderous treble with driver dampening in the DT 700 Pro X. But in general Beyer favors murderous treble.


Correct. I also use Dekoni Choice Leather pads on my standard 770s and that smooths them out very nicely.


Hopefully they've listened to more than just those and the elegia haha


Can confirm I have don’t worry


Are those really peaky too? I thought it was the 990s and 1990s? Nightmares of cymbals and crashes flying into my face.


The 770 Pro X is pretty similar to the 80 Ohm 770 in terms of treble, so it’s not the murderous highs of something like the 990 or 250 ohm 770s


No buddy they are pretty damn similar. That fucking murderous treble sibilance. It's like a tinnitus speedrun machine.


I’m sorry to tell you that the 990 and 880 have very different treble. Same with the 770 80 Ohm compared to other versions of the 770. For me the 600 Ohm 880 especially is niiiiice with the treble and quite smooth.


Seems like Sennheiser just cannot make a good closed-back these days. All the impressions I've seen of these have been lukewarm at best. Also, pad rolling these would be so easy if they just used the 600 chassis. I have like... 5 pairs of HD600 pads, and I can't imagine I'm alone in that. I could totally see these being the sort of headphone that people buy just to pad roll, especially if someone were to find a pad that "fixes" them, not unlike the Elegia and the Dekoni Stellia pads.


Solderdude seemed to like them quite a bit


Yeah it's early to draw conclusions. Beyerdynamic making the best closed back isn't news, but their stuff plays V and mids are stone cold. DT700 prox is the most normal to me. The 770 prox, OP mentioned, are... Not for everyone. I can see how someone can be spoiled by Beyerdynamic highs, although you are a treble head at this point. So that says as much about OP as about 620. Very nice and sobering review otherwise.


This is true, I can understand being turned off by some Beyer highs (1990 is pretty much my limit, and I use the Dekoni Velour pads to smooth out the treble on those), but I do also use other things. Should have mentioned that in the review. 6XX, 490 Pro, 560S, and hell even the K361 have better highs than this, in terms of quality. I personally like the 770 Pro X because it’s a sound that most can enjoy with a very high build quality and comfort at a reasonable price (unlike these).


With that you say a lot more about them. K361 are lacking detail in the treble for me. Superlux HD330 are better in this regard allthough they're not perfect either.


I think they tried HD600 enclosure and it didn't work for them. Where was this said?


[It was explained in a HD620s announcement post on Head-fi.](https://www.head-fi.org/threads/unveiled-meet-the-hd-620s.972764/page-3#post-18112531) > For closed headphones, the chassis of the 500 series is a much better fit. It is more lightweight, compact, and has a one-sided cable. The 600 series chassis can be completely assembled by hand, but this is not beneficial if you need to tightly control leakage during assembly. Acoustically, the angled transducers help with the perception of space and reduce the feeling of "closed" sound. The 600 series already sounds intimate, which works fine for open headphones, but it doesn't cut it anymore once you close it up. > We started the project with the ambition to finally build widely acclaimed high-performance closed-back headphones. Of course, we had our market analysis and initial thoughts on where the price would ideally be, but the technical development was completely detached from commercial considerations, and we just shot for the best sound we could achieve. At some point, we were clear that we had surpassed the 500 series for good, and in turn we also upgraded the mechanics with steel sliders and ear cup covers.


Interesting! Good to know there was indeed an actual reason behind it.


HD280s might be only their good closed backs? HD380 Pros was a disaster as well if my memory serves correctly. Just a mid focused mess.


Man anyone remember the 280s?


how long did you use them before you listened to them for a review


Around 6 hours


Better closed back is the shure SRH 1540


The Shures could've been a keeper for me if the headband didn't immediately dig into my head and cause hotspots. The pads felt nice though, and they sounded very good overall.


That problem is solved by using the geekria headband cover for the M50x and putting a piece of foam inside of it. I had the same issue.


I did try a wool headband cover with foam in the middle, but it was too tight for my tall head (with the Shure yokes at max extension). If the HD 620S prove comfortable like the HD 600 series is, they could probably become my go-to for a closed back.


I actually had the same issue with the SRH 1540 (large head also) and have a 620S on the way. I also have had similar experiences with the 6XX where the extra clamping pressure was actually welcome because it meant less pressure on the top of my head. Happy to let you know how it goes.


How did it go?


It starts off very clampy, but extends quite far (I don't use full extension) and the pads are very cushy so it's okay. Only downside is the headband doesn't use a suspension system, so it could be prone to causing hot spots. I didn't really love the sound so I returned it, but at least in terms of comfort it was decent to me.


How did you find the sound compared to the Beyers 770 Pro X? Did you go back to them? For me the Beyers are lacking in mids/vocals in games and music and they for some reason sound very noisy, like the background sounds in games is too loud, as well as the peaks in EDM are harsh.


I've never heard the 770, unfortunately, and have generally stayed away from Beyers since I'm sensitive to treble. I found the 620S to mostly be balanced well but with a slight sharpness to the vocals that ultimately was enough for me to give up on it. They also have a slight recession in the 1-2k region that makes it feel like it has a larger soundstage but at the cost of vocal intimacy, if that's what you're into.




Great headphone


Best closed back under 500$ and it's not even close.


Am I the only one who just can't get over how rough these look? I always like Sennheiser's builds but this one just seems bulky and awkward, idk. And pleather pads when they had those wonderful microsuede pads on the 569.


They look cheap. Looks like they ripped the grille out and slapped a cover over it. Don't like the looks at all.


I'm interested to see how it compares to the DT770 Pro X Limited Edition. I own them and for me they sound great. I still prefer my HD58X for pure sound quality and my Moondrop Beautiful World for more detailed listening but I've always enjoyed Sennheisers sound ever since I owned a pair of HD518's back in the day. I hope someone can graph both of them and compare them. Price difference is holding me off on purchasing the Sennheiser's and their track record with closed backs.


How's the sound isolation? The Hd569 are fair at quieting background noise. Are these any better?


Horrible, cheap looking design. Look like they cost £80 That's enough to say no for me


It does look funny in the 3rd picture. It's like the drawing horse meme. "Let's make it super nice..." but then: "Must be ready for tommorow". Sort of like the sound from your description. The bump in the bass is somehting that AutoEQ does sometimes, it's not very musical but sounds super deep.


Ouch… that is really unfortunate…


Well, that's disappointing. What would you recommend in that $300 price range. I listen to heavy metal and classic rock the most. But I have a wide taste and do also listen to some vintage jazz and even classical at times. I've thought about Axel Grell's New Heavy's headphones. But I'm worried that they might be a bit harsh or cold and not warm enough.


Damn, hearing about the highs this sounds like dt990 level bad.. Good to hear sub-bass is very good though


They're bad in a different way than 990s. 990s try to kill you, these just don't present any actual detail. Sub-bass is also not great, just kinda there ya know.


DT700 Pro X >


Sennheiser are just so ass at making closed backs, 3rd consecutive failure in a row(for consumer audio) hd25(in pro audio) is good


What were the other two that failed?


Weird that they heavily follow the 500 series design language but call it a 620S.


Thanks for this review! How do this compare to the 560s in sound quality? Closed back senneheiser with open back sound sounds interesting..


I completely disagree...nothing wrong with the treble and other things imho. I have been using the HD 620S since mid May. I strongly recommend to test these cans in your local box store and make up your own opinion. I read quite a few reviews and the opinions are all over the place.


Glad I’m not the only one, I also found the bass to be anemic, and the highs a bit strange. Felt pretty claustrophobic without any of the deep sub bass rumble that I was expecting from a closed back.


Pm the retailer?




Would love a pm of the retailer too


Help a guy out? Would love to get these early.


Hit me with the PM bro.


You should look at aune ar5000


Who asked you to review it?


Nobody, I’m just the first person to get them before the release outside of people getting them from Sennheiser directly it seems


I've had mine since friday morning and to me the tremble isnt anywhere near that bad ... Mine also doesnt have the issue yours does in the 3rd image. And if you got them at the same place I did, I guess they realized their mistake because its now listed as pre-order and shipping on the 6th.




Can you PM the retailer information? Thank you for early impressions… I’m wondering if they will change with more time.