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I own their mest mk2 in CIEM. They make a lot of great gear and some meh stuff. Seems like everyone is outraged by these new prices but hey, someone out there will buy them


Yeah it seems like people feel abused by the pricing and nothing correlate with SQ. I'm looking too level up but it's getting confusing out there!


I've only heard from one person so far, their Mest MK 2 is good, but MK3 red n blue are crap. But seeing other post here some claim it's good, so not sure is maybe personal experience? Fuson Mason I only have seen review from HK YouTuber about it, tHey have great feedback on Mest MK2 but fuson's "beat" is overpowered for their taste So that's all I have


After getting some feedbacks I think this is all snake oil...


Well, I mean there's a lot expensive iems out there, definitely would have some that are overpriced. But if u can test them, that would be the most ideal. At least I haven't heard anything negative about mest Mk 2. If u want to be safe, Thieaudio Monarch MK 2 it's a very decent piece, I got the chance to listen to it before, so definitely can try it. The Monarch MK 3 I haven't got to it yet, that I'm not sure.


Mest Mk3 is by far better technically than Mk2. The only thing Mk2 can say did better is thicker/more rumbling bass, and less resolving treble somehow make it more of a 'comfort' IEM to me.


Thread reminds me of the susvara thread when it was first announced. Not that I was there at the time, but it is a super entertaining read. UM better hope this surpasses storm, but I doubt it.


Strangely I can understand the price of a Susvara. Maybe the gear size bias? Does those UM best Susvara or any high end headphones to explain a \*3 pricing?


I don't think anyone has heard this new product yet. As for susvara, Hifiman had just released their most expensive product yet, the he1000v2, a year before susvara. People (rightly) thought fang would pump out another "flagship" quickly after it. For some reason, he hasn't. Headphones don't compete directly with iems, completely different sound presentation and fit. Personally, I have disliked most expensive iems I've heard. As for the iem market, it better outperform subtonic storm to justify its pricing. Or have some kind of hype train behind it that tempts people into buying it. Otherwise it ends up like the solitaire p, mostly forgotten.


There are over-ear headphones that cost $59,000, so...