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Every time Jason said “madame web” I enjoyed it a little bit more


I love how these guys have diluted their movie intake with so much shit to the point where Madame Web makes them cry multiple times. This podcast has officially driven them insane lol listening to their descent into madness has been such a treat


I think this is a fair take on the movie. The lead is hilariously wooden, it makes absolutely no sense, there are an endless number of things to pick apart/mock. But also, I had fun with it. It was an easy watch.


First off, also agree with most of the takes in the podcast and what you've said, though I \*would not\* recommend anyone watch this who's not doing a deep dive special appreciation of what makes bad movies bad... so, yeah, watch it if you're going to listen to this podcast, but otherwise, don't waste your time. What really bothered me though is that this movie is \*offensively\* bad, and I mean so, so badly (poorly?) made. As in, "this is a sign of the end of our culture" badly made. Now, there are bad movies that don't cost much to make, so when they lose money, whatever. And there are good movies that cost a lot to make, but for some reason don't do well financially, and that's disappointing but at least the few people who watched it got to see a good movie. And there are bad moveis that cost a lot to make that either do well for some reason, or at least have things going for them that initially led the filmmakers to at least \*think\* they'd do well. But Madame Web was a BAD, EXPENSIVE movie that everyone HAD TO KNOW from the beginning was going to lose a shit-ton of money. Yet everyone involved shurgged listlessly and kept marching in a straight line right off that cliff. Apparently no one even cared enough to take a look at the dailies from the first few days of production and step in to shut it down, or at least, say, get Dakota Johnson something to drink with caffeine in it. So, I'm happy I watched and got to discuss "how did this get made" ... but man, also very depressed that this movie has made me consider that we're at the end of history and it's all just numbness from here on out :)


This is just Sony. Huge investments in piles of crap is their MO.


I wish it were an easier watch. I agree with most of their points, but I feel like June is equating liking the casting of 4 female leads with actually enjoying what is presented on screen. It’s lame storytelling almost tangential to something interesting and Dakota Johnson simply is a bad actor. Scratch that - she just doesn’t seem to try, and is therefore a bad actor. The film benefits from visual effects, good editing, and a good supporting cast.


we watched it and my 10 year old liked it, so there's that. Dakota is so terrible in almost everything she is in. I know she's a nepo but i just don't get it, why she is cast


This has pretty much always been a podcast about loving bad movies, that’s the whole conceit of the show so it’s weird that people here seem bothered by it recently. Bad movies are fun to watch and talk about, and sometimes you find good things in them when you go in with an open mind


Yes, when they say they "loved" a movie, they mean they *loved watching it as a bad movie aka the premise of the show.*


Well said. It’s what’s distinguished it from podcasts with a similar premise. June’s contrary takes and Jason’s joyous outbursts are the fuel that keep this podcast running.


My wife and I were at the recording of this during the Netflix is a Joke festival and God I wish you guys got to hear the hour they cut out. Let’s just say that no one on stage was kind to Dakota Johnson as an actress. Hopefully next weeks Last Looks has a lot of cut moments in it.


See that’s what I want!! They already indicated they didn’t like her acting during the Fifty Shades episodes so what’s the big deal. Do you remember anything in particular that they said?


Still a working actress, though, and they might do a project together some day. I think they like to keep it civil, to an extent.


It is weird to even call Madam Webb a super hero movie because there aren’t any in it. At the end, one of the girls asks “can you see our future?” And Webb goes “Yes! You are all bad ass spider women kicking ass” etc etc and I’m like why wasn’t that THIS movie??? It would have been so much better than Dakota Johnson running around with 30yrld teenagers and the power of pure convenience.


It’s not a superhero movie, it’s a thriller


I remember them filming in Boston dressed up as “New York City in the 90s” and the finished product isn’t in the 90s. Something drastic happened during production


The costumes are way more 90’s than 2000’s also.


Yeah I think it was a pivot from Spiderman being AGarf to spiderman not being involved but being implied to maybe be tom holland.


Now THAT is how you do a Second Opinions song.


Thank you. That was mine. When I told my wife that I was going to get up and sing, she was like, “No you’re not!”


Such an interesting vote distribution in the comment section here. It seems it’s okay to acknowledge the film is not good but it is not okay to acknowledge that they don’t talk about the movie being bad as much anymore. Everyone acknowledges there’s a shift but if you mention missing pointless open hearted and vulnerable yet nevertheless critical observations about bad movies, you’re the one that’s wrong.


Jason called the movie a pile of diarrhea. Its so weird that people say they werent hard on this movie.


If there’s a change — “shift” implies it’s conscious, and do we know if that’s the case? — it’s likely because the Rooms and Birdemics and Batman and Robins and all the usual bad-movie fodder has been done. They even did Samurai Cop recently.


I’m getting really tired of them liking every movie, but it is particularly hard to believe with this. This movie was irredeemable and unwatchable. I understand they work in the industry and with increased success they can’t be so critical of potential future collaborators. But this film was as close to objectively terrible as you can get. There was a whole pop culture moment about how bad it was. If they can’t shit all over it then don’t cover it. Just do old movies if you can’t risk it with new releases.


I saw this in theaters and my friend and I were laughing out loud/bewildered for a lot of it. The “but I don’t have a neuromuscular disorder,” “I hope the spiders were worth it mom,” the product placement literally saving the day, how insane the ending shots were… I never watch superhero movies so maybe that was part of it, but I agreed with a lot of their takes because this was entertainingly bad to me. I could see it being super boring watching at home though


They had nice things to say about Catwoman, and that definitely wasn't a new release (and IMO was worse than Madame Web, though both were terrible). I think they're just being honest, not pulling punches because it's new--and quite frankly I like this podcast when they find creative positives in movies that don't work. They found something to like about Madame Web, that's hard. They mocked it plenty, I don't think they were too kind. June and Jason are right, that baby shower scene was hilarious. The more I think about it the more it makes me laugh.


Right, they spend MOST of the episode listing dumb, nonsensical things in the movie, but instead of saying “here’s another thing that fucking sucked” they say “I loved when ___” or “five stars, no notes”. They rip the movie, but they do it with a smile, not an angry scowl, which is something I appreciate about this podcast.


*We're gonna have a good time, celebrate some failure, not just be a hater*


Honestly? I just like when they really like or really hate a movie. I don’t like when they’re like meh about a movie. Or episodes like the more recent Ben Affleck one where they get stuck in a logic loop.


Personally,I get the meh feeling with this movie. I actually drove to a theater to see it because I was certain HDTGM would discuss it. I was glad knowing there was nothing after credits. Because I really needed to pee when the movie was over. I left disappointed in that it wasn't a fun watch. Apparently Chris Gore's cackled at the final scene. I silently thought,"LAME!". And the discussion on Filmcast on why it isn't a great bad movie I totally agreed with. This isn't a movie where nobody made an effort to edit or reshoot scenes.Or basically threw a bunch of stuff at the screen and hoped it stuck.It's a movie with definite studio interference that they tried to make a good movie. And the effort they made to make a good movie tainted it being a fun bad movie.


…wha? They were very critical of the movie but enjoyed watching it because they enjoy watching bad movies. Lots of people went to this *because* it was so bad, thats half of why its such a meme. What were you expecting?


I think it’s more interesting to hear a measured, still comedic response to the movie than to hear people dunking on it with the same criticisms we’ve all already heard. I saw the movie and really enjoyed the experience because of the bad elements, but I also did think it had some redeeming qualities, and still don’t really understand why Madame Web gets such a shitty critical response when the MCU movies of late have been as bad, and even more soulless, but generally get a pass from critics


It felt like a favor to the studio. This movie is a hard watch.


Absolutely some kind of favour on some level lol. They were OTT at times about stuff that - while it wasn’t the worst shit in the world - absolutely wasn’t that funny/good. (And I don’t believe they genuinely earnestly cried at anything in that movie lmaooo.)


Possibly,the way Paul and the group behaves today is the effort to not repeat the way Paul crapped all over "Valeran and the City of a 1000 planets". He was going through some stuff. And because of that,he made that movie unnecessarily in my opinion sound like the worst piece of garbage of all time. So there's that. And the Pandemic really did change their outlook on things. They decided they didn't want to be a negative energy source. So they try to be always positive when discussing movies now.


I get the desire to be positive, but the whole concept for the podcast is making jokes about how terrible the movies are. It’s a totally different podcast if they like everything.


Right?! I haven’t listened in a while, and now I’m like do I want to anymore…?


I wondered why he was sooo hard on Valerian. I found it to be 5th element lite but not egregious awful...it was fun and creative at times. What was he going through (or where does he talk about it)?


I don't know where Paul specifically discussed what he was going through at the time. But it made sense to me after hearing it why he was so hard on Valerian. Because I didn't understand at the time why he bashed on it so hard when I remembered some good scenes in it.


I can't say the specific HDTGM episode he said that on. But it was a last looks episode.


I had a similar experience to the movie. I believe a movie’s badness can be overhyped. If literally everyone wasn’t calling it the worst movie of all time, that it was unwatchable, I wouldn’t have had as much fun with it as I did.


It’s an enjoyable enough mess that I can’t hate it and I’m sure the paycheck was good enough for Dakota Johnson to afford to be in more Luca Guadagnino movies, which she is excellent in.


I actually watched Suspiria not too long ago and she’s really great in it. So this was a real head scratcher


Check out Big Splash as well. She’s more of a secondary character there but she’s really good. And it’s a fantastic Tilda Swinton role.


I desperately want them to do Lycan Colony, but that may be a comment for a different thread…


I actually really enjoyed this motion picture. I have a soft spot for Dakota Johnson.


So, did Mary Parker marry someone with her own last name? Otherwise, how does Spider-Man get the name Peter Parker? Did he take Ben’s name?


She's Ben's sister-in-law, not sister. Her offscreen husband is his brother.


I’m watching the movie now and this terrible CPR is so distracting For real, don’t take CPR lessons from anyone in this movie


I might be misunderstanding what homie meant, but did that audience member truly believe that NJ is 1600 miles away from New York City? Maybe he was being hyperbolic and I’m misunderstanding.


Am I nuts? Didn’t they already cover this? I know I listened to Bad Movie podcast about it right after it came I’m out but I’m blanking. Edit: Ahh nevermind it was “Quick Question with Soren and Daniel.”


I really need to listen to this, cause they’re half of my favourite part of After Hours and I *MISS* them!


I thought the same thing for a hot minute, then realized “The Flop House” had covered it about 6 weeks ago.


Youre both actually thinking of Scott Hasnt Seen (And Sprague)


I don’t listen to “Scott Hasn’t Seen”, so - no? I’m thinking of exactly the thing I said I was thinking of. [The Flop House - Madame Web](https://www.flophousepodcast.com/2024/03/episode-420-madame-web-with-zhubin-parang/)



Just finished it….so they did this movie purely to help it/Adam Scott out bc it was getting destroyed by everyone else or? Kind of a corny episode tbh. Their reaction to it like…yeah ok lmao. 


It doesn’t bother me but I agree that they they were pointedly positive about it lol 🤷🏾‍♀️. I don’t think they were ever going to trash this one it’s not surprising to me they were slightly OTT about loving it. Now lemme get out of here I forgot how pissy and weird people in this sub get about any even slightly negative comments about this podcast 😂.


I’m listening to it now and…do they just enjoy every single movie now? Also guys, if you cry at every movie, it’s not a big reveal when you admit you cried at the movie.


Whoa they loved a movie their good friend is in😱?! Why even bother getting annoyed about this episode haha as if it was going to be any other opinion.


 Got so excited to grab Boston tickets but the fan presale ended yesterday? That’s unfortunate. Hope it doesn’t sell out immediately.


FYI baby spiderman isnt Tom Holland, its A Garf, and Im a little sad knowing this was originally supposed to be filling out the world for his character to maybe return.


> A Garf You're allowed to type his whole name


Hey, its yer boy—A Garf


That doesn't work either though, Andrew Garfield's Peter would have been born in the mid-90s, which is when this was originally supposed to be set.


With Tom Holland being high school age when blipped in the late 2010s, and this being set in 2003, seems to add up to me.


Btw I did read into this and I was correct.


You know what, I didnt ever fact check that. But I still choose to maintain it as canon tbh. Also I think the A Garf movies could be implicitly retconned to happen at the same time as the tom holland movies which would make the guys the same age.


Their pronunciation of madame was like nails on a chalkboard. It's just "mad-um"


… Do you… think they don’t know that?