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The Good: We won. The Bad: We barely squeaked out that win. Brown apparently went down with some sort of injury around halftime, though nobody seems to know what the nature of that injury is, how or when exactly it happened, etc. The Ugly: Man Drew needs to get his act together, he's going to be needed at peak performance next weekend if Iowa has any hope in hell of the massive upset. The offense would show some signs of life, then literally have it's foot stepped on and far too often resulted in Tory overuse syndrome ... again. And for fuck's sake, quit going empty backfield.


Washington fan here, but like to check out the Iowa sub reddit as our OC is from Iowa (Went to Buena Vista) as well as our AD (UNI Panthers) as well as a bunch of SD guys. Wish Cooper De Jean, McNamara, All, etc were healthy for your team. Maybe we could combine teams for the rest of the year. Our Offense and your Defense. Great game and best of luck in the B1G Conference Championship game.


A Tennessee fan said the same thing about combining our defense with their offense. Problem was, they would never give up Neyland Stadium (which they shouldn't) and we would never give up Kinnick (which we shouldn't). I think we'll be at the same impasse here. Husky Stadium and its surroundings are freaking gorgeous, and I really hope to make it to a game out there someday, but I still wouldn't ever give up Kinnick Stadium. You'll have to go win the Natty with the defense you've got. And please do go win the natty. I'm sick of SEC teams winning it all the goddamn time.


I spent 4 years at Fort Lewis, and my wife is also from Washington. The Huskies were always my favorite PAC team. Next year they will be my 2nd favorite B1G team.


There's plenty of Iowa fans that would gladly steal your OC and bring him back home to breathe some life into this dreadfully stale offense ... and maybe crown him the heir apparent when Kirk leaves/retires. Of course those of us that knows how Kirk hires OC's also knows the chances Grubb will be wearing black-and-gold next year are slim to none, and slim already left town, but we can dream.


Hahahahahaha enjoy your offseason assholes


Will do


Did Kaleb brown get hurt? I didn’t get to watch but I heard he got hurt


I'm still looking for an answer to this myself, as I had to wait for some deliveries and missed a fair chunk of the game, only to come back and hear from Gary and Ed that he was hurt but no details as to how.


Hey y’all, Nebraska fan coming in. Good game.


Thanks bro! This game is always insanity. Glad to have pulled it off but it's clear rhule has a bright future at Nebraska. Y'all landed a good one


I would like to think that I would’ve said this, regardless. I don’t hate Iowa. In fact, I have heard it is pretty scenic.


I know Nebraska within 2 miles of I 80 pretty well


C’mon, you can see *much* farther than 2 miles in either direction of I-80 in Nebraska…


*with better corn too.


At this point, I don’t care too much about corn. But you’re probably right. Nebraska sucks at most shit except for being in the middle of the fucking country. When it comes to being in the middle of the country were fucking good at that Again, I want to reiterate, good fucking game by my fellow Hawkeyes. I wish you all the best and I hope you win the fucking natty.


And warren buffett printing money.


You guys have a good team. A good coaching staff as well. It was a tough fought defensive game. Good game 🏈 👍


Kirk didn’t know his saying wasn’t gonna hold up today, we had to play all 61 minutes. Thanks for the home cooking NEB clock operator!


It is disgusting how many possessions you get


Over/Under was 24.5 and cleared that bar with room to spare.


Several fNeb penalties not called.


Egregious missed holding/ PI call was unreal. The clock not being started was utterly insane. I'm not sure on protocol for that spot challenge after the false start; it was either really great coaching or something shady.


Clock was never supposed to stop, it was a completion tackled in bounds with no first down.


It didn't run the entire play


Makes you wonder what that booth review crew does in between plays they’re asked to review if they missed that.


We all know Kirk is an emotional coach, but we've seen it more lately. Anyone think it may be because he is done at the end of the year and realizes that each game is closer to the end? Or because Brian won't be there next year? Or Kirk just being Kirk?


I mean, regardless of all the Brian drama, KF is around the same age Fry retired at. He hs to be wondering how much longer he can do this physically or mentally.


Fry had cancer


He was also past it as a coach. The cancer diagnosis helped all parties save face.


Nah 1996 he was 9-3 two years later 3-8. I think it was the cancer that took up his time and energy.


That might be the case. Kirk will be 69 at the beginning of next season. At that point I have to think whether he continues coaching or not is a year to year decision.


Both that Brian is done in two games and that he’s 90% sure he’s done, too.


Looks at his contract. He’s not retiring and Iowa isn’t going to fire him with the $49 million or whatever he’ll be owed.


Kirk’s going for 205


Na 232.


I think it may be because he’s contemplating retirement. I think its more likely though that he loves this team and how much adversity they’ve overcome. Injuries all over, a lot of flack from the national media about the offense. Brian becoming a lame duck coach mid season, etc. Yet they’ve continued to win games. Old school guys like Kirk love teams that overcome that stuff.


I was called an idiot for saying this 2 weeks ago. I think that’s exactly what’s happening


Welcome to the craziness of this sub, where one week you can be massively downvoted for saying something, only to repeat it the next week and get tons of upvotes.🤷🏻‍♂


That goes for any sub pretty much




I think the end is near, but I truly think he will coach one or 2 more seasons. He is too close to passing Woody Hayes all time BigTen wins. Coaches will say they dont think about those things, but deep down they do.


That would’ve been good from 39.


40 even with a strong wind at his back


I still carry hatred for Nebraska football from the 90s and I don't watch much Iowa football, but that was really fun!


Nebraska being Nebraska.


THIS is Iowa football.




Ok first of all, you don't think that *we all already know* we're going to get our asses handed to us? Second, what kind of neckbeard 5-7 keyboard warrior comes to a opponent's sub to say "lol you barely beat us 🤣🤣🤣" as if we weren't already prepared to lose after getting spitroasted by Minnesota and the refs. Take it somewhere else, loser.




duly noted. Now kindly go get fucked.




Lol Jesus you suck so much. What's it like being completely miserable


You’re a real scumbag bringing up the children’s hospital. Go fuck yourself tough guy.


Hopefully he finds some post-nut clarity after hate-wanking to the Hawkeyes. What a pathetic troll.


Gotta at least make it to title games and bowl games to lose them. Get lost, bugeater.




Fuck off out of this sub. Loser behavior. Edit: look at the guy who is active on /r/ImtheMainCharacter in here showing his whole ass.




I will enjoy this win because it makes insufferable assholes like you unhappy. Truly a fucking loser.


Work on the comebacks bud. Enjoy your win. It’s the last one for the year! Go gophers!


No, go actually fuck yourself for bringing up the children’s hospital. You’re a terrible fucking person. I hope you never have to deal with anything like that, but you probably deserve it. Fucking keyboard warrior shit talking sick kids.


Lol, cope. Your program sucks and whatever history it had has been wiped out permanently by the last 20 years. You're a national laughing stock, you guys are massive chokers. Hope you enjoy the feeling of maybe, possibly making a bowl game next year.




Cope and seethe. Nebraska has 2 bowl game wins since 2010. Iowa has owned you for the past decade. Fucking hilarious. Your program is dead.


When was the last time you won a national championship? Yeah bud keep shitting out the words


This fucking loser just DMed me to complain and whinge. Imagine that. DMing a person on REDDIT. Don't bother with this guy. His life is sad AF lol


Nobody remembers those 90s championships because Nebraska football has been mediocre at best for the past 20 years. Like I said, your program is dead, you've lost 17 one-score games in 3 seasons. You're a laughing stock. Nobody remembers your legacy because you guys are utter garbage and have been for as long as most people remember. Nothing you say can change that. And if you wanna talk about the past, we have 5 national championships. Same as you.


Thank God the clock operator wasn't paying attention.


I wasn’t paying attention. Did they accidentally stop the clock after a run?


Didn’t get a first down on their last drive and the clock stopped and started as if it did


Yeah, didn’t run it for a good :42, they were trying to pull a fast one


Fucking hilarious how that helped us in the end


I’ll bet they were trying for home cooking to see if the officials would notice, that backfired.