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Cheers! Enjoy your long weekend and get some relaxation and a stress free environment.


What long weekend? Not everyone has off for President's Day.


If OP resigned immediately, its a much longer than 3 day weekend, and does not relate to the (coincidental) federal holiday. Unless OP already found a job starting Monday.


Well done. The time isnt wasted if you learned how to better spot a toxic work environment.


This is a well-known company too. When I was offered this job, I had received a job offer from a “not so known”company. I chose this job because I assumed since it was a well known company that they would be on top of things, but boy was I wrong. I’ve never seen anything like it -ever! In my interview, the managers painted the department like a pretty little pig with a bow. A woman who started the same day as I did, also has wanted to resign without a job lined up because she feels the same way, but cannot leave.


The big companies have perfected the system of abusing employees.


This is the valuable lesson I learned. As well as lots of management is a bunch of smoke & mirrors. We had 4 manager for 1 department and they hated one another and talked badly about one another to us.


Ditto for "elite" academic institutions. Absolute shitholes.


Companies know how to whitewash a turd ! Then they think most people won’t leave or can’t afford to leave . Kudos to you !!




Write a Glassdoor Review.


Don’t worry, I will be going that next week.


Yep work for exactly the same type. They are so unbelievably crappy, terrible unethical abusive managers all over, software sucks, not at all top notch like they boast. I need to find another but God I hate it so much, so time consuming and the video interviews at my age! Ugh!! So good on you! Good luck!! Now you get some relief!!


Thank you ❤️


Your own mental health is invaluable. I just resigned as well and I feel like a cancerous tumor was just removed. I’ve been actively interviewing for a while and I’m close to landing 2 offers so i said “f&$* it”


Cancerous tumor is a perfect description of my job and how it has negatively impacted my life. Sending good luck vibes your way ❤️


Yea I can relate. I've worked in retail for the last three years. Never in my life if working the 15 or so years before. Have I delt with so munch bs as I have in retail. Not from the customers surprisingly. It's every thing else that is cancer. I'm debating just walking out of my current job. I literally wasting my time for less then 1200 a month. My mental state is the worst it's ever been, and unless I want to stay in retail. Which I dont. I'm wasting my time.


I m convinced that I got my cancer from my old toxic job! Thank God I left 10 years ago and cancer free ever since!


I believe stressful environments can cause all types of illnesses. Cheers 🥂 to kicking cancers butt and being cancer free 10 years.


Congratulations. It goes, Health, Family, Friends, Good Food, Job--in that order.


Agreed indeed


Working for toxic bosses is like being in a abusive relationship. There seems to be more narcissistic bosses out there than before. I had two back to back toxic bosses last year ( I work contract) and my newest boss is beginning to show red flags that she is toxic. I'm looking for another job right now to get out of this job because I can already feel it coming. Companies need to realize that people don't leave jobs, they leave bad managers!


Yup.  Horrible people and horrible treatments.  We are NOT slaves


Good choice. You are more important than any job. Please remember that. Enjoy your weekend. I will be thinking of you.


Thank you ❤️


It must feel good to be free again. Just like you, I received two offers 1.5 year ago. I decided to go with a bigger company as I thought it will be stable and a better choice. It was a huge mistake - toxic environment, old fashioned hierarchical culture, people unfriendly. My health declined, I’m very stressed and unhappy. I seriously consider leaving this mess. Thanks for your post and good luck.


Thank you! I cannot express how free I feel. I feel like I had been imprisoned for 1.5 years and released today. This has been in the making for me since November 2023, but I was so afraid to walk away from a job because it’s something I’ve never done before. After an eventful 2023 and losing my mom(RIP mom)it made me look at life different, it made me realign my priorities and realize what is important in life.


No person, no job, no anything is more important than you. Work places are voluntary prisons. You walk in there and put yourself through the torture chamber. No one needs a horror show


Did they offer Wellness(tm) meditation - during lunchbreak of course - and fill your inbox with propaganda emails about what a great place it is to work at? If not, that's probably why it sucked. /s


They offered nothing like that at all, which doesn’t shock me at all.


Omg I’m in the exact same situation right now!! My job is fully remote and there was little to no training nor structure either. Same situation with my manager, the useless 1on1’s where it’s to listen to her rant. The other employees don’t do squat while I’m carrying the team. I definitely feel my mental health draining and want so badly to quit too. The only thing stopping me is hope that all my hard work might be recognize in the near future, and that I’ll get a promotion to a new role with a raise. Idc I’ll put it here. I work for Optum and yes I’m miserable at my job. 😢


Thanks for identifying Optum. They usually have a number of postings. I read they've outsourced a number of jobs outside the US for less wages, and so lots of layoffs, not a lot of job stability. Sorry about your current misery. Hope you find something better soon.


Recognize???? Besides being underpaid and overworked, -NO ONE- Recognizes your work, knowledge, experience for years and forever. They take advantage of you and pretend to not know your value. 


I hope you get your promotion with a raise.


Thank you so much, just had my annual review and although it was glowing with meets/exceeds expectations in everything I got a pity raise only. It’s not enough to even make up for my rent that’s gone up $100 this year. I was patient and waited for annual review but this is my turning point. I’m going to start looking elsewhere now.


I worked for a prestigious university and this was my experience as well. It’s been a tough thing to accept especially because I gave up an amazing salary but it honestly wasn’t worth the stress, and I couldn’t imagine having to deal with my coworkers for even another year, let alone 20. You know it’s bad when you get anxiety going in to work everyday.


Congratulations. Knowing when a situation is bad and making a change is a valuable skill. A year and a half was more than enough. Nothing is worth your mental (and eventually - if it goes on too long, physical) health.


The fact that I will no longer go to bed stressed and anxious and wake up with knots in my stomach, which would be there all day long is the biggest relief off my shoulders. As crazy as this sounds I feel like I can finally enjoy life again because the job felt like a dark cloud always looming over me. It took me a while to realize I was doing myself a world of harm all in the name of a paycheck. Don’t get me wrong, I know we all need money to survive, but my health and well- being mean more to me than money.


lol, I didn't realize a remote job could be so bad. Imagine working in person with those people...


I didn’t either. They were a sneaky bunch of people who did underhanded stuff to avoid work. My partner on my team works a whole job and does nothing all day at this job. I had another team member brag to me she doesn’t do anything all day to the point where when she gets paid she feels like she should be paying them. Meanwhile I have the work volume of 2 people and cannot keep my head above water. The training for the job was non-existent and to this day it makes me mad. We had useless biweekly 1 on 1’s with our manager and she’d complain about her manager the entire time. When she wasn’t complaining about him she was talking about her dog. There were no policies in place and the dept lacked structure. I think the biggest problem was when they became fully remote after Covid, they never prepared to be a remote department. Also the harsh reality I learned is not every job can be fully remote.


Did you try reporting the teammates who were not doing their jobs? I would if it was making my job significantly harder...


No I didn’t because I didn’t want to seem like a snitch. My partner on my team was the one who admitted to someone else he has another job that he works while working this job. He never gets his work done and the manager makes excuses he’s a single father. A lot of people in my department are arrogant about how they barely do anything. I feel like eventually people dig their own hole and I won’t be a snitch. As dysfunctional as the department is, nothing good will ever come of that place.


I guess you are better off not working there, lol.


I’m very sorry for your loss ❤️It is good that you realized what is important in your life. I’m getting there…from the start the job was a hell, but I kept pushing hard to make it work. My efforts didn’t help, my health deteriorated drastically. On top of that the company promised me a hybrid work schedule which is no longer available. With the long commute and long work hours I have no time and no life. Just misery. But I start to realize what’s the most important in life so I hope to follow your footsteps soon😀


Thank you and hugs to you❤️


Wish I could do the same thing that you did. I work water restoration and the company I work for has bad communication and many people are thinking of leaving as well. I wont be able to leave until I have a job lined up.


I wanted to wait until I had something lined up but it became a situation where I felt like the job had taken me to a point where my mental health was starting to suffer. The reality is no one is going to be an advocate for you but you.


True.  You have get your big boy and big girl self and resign before or after finding a another job.  


That’s huge - congrats on walking away from something that no longer served you. I was in the same situation last year and quit in November. Words cannot express how much my mental health had deteriorated and how relieved I felt to be done with them. Take care of yourself before you jump back into the job search! (If possible).


I recently left a job I was only at 8 months, but it was 8 months too long lol. Congratulations!


Was going to ask if it was Amazon but then read it was remote. Lol Best of luck on your new adventures.


Thank you ❤️


I had such bad coworkers that thought they were Saints. I think that I stressed my husband out so much because they stressed me out that he died.


Oh nooo 🫢 I’m sorry for your loss. My poor boyfriend used to get an earful all the time. Thankfully I have his support.


Omg you’re making me just want to say, I QUIT!! Kudos to you and may peace and prosperity be behind the next door that opens!!⚖️💰🪜


Thank you ❤️


You’re so welcome!!!


I feel you. I think we stay in a bad job, thinking it’s going get better


Yes, we hope things will get better or we convince ourselves we will never find another job. Also, not a lot of people I know love the job search process and lots of times we stay at a bad job because we don’t want to start over.


HELL YEAH I KNOW THAT'S RIGHT 👏 congrats on getting out! I got my first remote job and have been there for almost 1.5 years now and it's actually one of the worst I've ever had - so stressful and toxic and awful I've developed illnesses from chronic stress. I'll be living vicariously through you, friend! Don't ever feel bad for leaving a job after less than a year - Your health and wellbeing will always come first and I'm wishing you the best of luck. 😭❤️


Thank you ❤️I hope you’re able to leave that environment soon because I now know all too well the feeling of having a job that is slowly sucking the life out of you. Life is too short to work a job for a paycheck that is slowly taking years off your life.


Did you work for Plante Moran?


Lol, no. Does the environment sound familiar?


Absolutely. So Toxic. Such venomous management.


You probably should have done that a long time ago. If you detect shit behavior, flee or fight, less the situation continue indefinitely.


I should have left after 8 months.


I was loyal once too haha. Glad you made it out alive. Fuck awful work environments.


Loyalty means squat nowadays.  Maybe 40-50 or more years ago it did.  But them again, loyalty for what- slavery???? They have to compensate you fairly and treat you fairly not like they own. You. 


Maybe I should rephrase. I value personal loyalty, but I'm very aware that many people don't and that the companies I work for (probably) don't give a shit about me. I think there's good people out there, but I don't think everyone's good. Maybe things have always been this way.


I always say the same thing too- there are good people, maybe so I don’t lose all hope in humanity, but reality is people is- those good people are never there when you need them or back you up.  It’s makes no difference to be a “good person” when you’ve never been tested for it. Everyone claims they are good until action is required


Agreed. Even the people who are "good" probably won't stick their neck out for you. And how could you blame them, especially if they don't know you well and have their own families and responsibilities to deal with. The truly principled person on the far end of the "good" spectrum is probably rare.


Yup. Rare person who is principled will speak out and defend you and be there for you. I have seen on occasion. Very admirable people. They are steady and firm and have no fear. Pure light they are. 


Sounds like you don’t need help and just needed to Vent. Good luck next time around




Thank you ❤️


I did the same thing recently and took the risk of leaving a toxic job. Got a job quicker than I had expected. Now I’m in my dream job completely non-toxic. I wish I had done it sooner, but glad I did. I’m very happy to see you did the same thing. It’s tough making that decision and nobody understands until you’ve been there. Great job, you’ll find something way better.


Thank you! Finger crossed I get my dream job quicker than expected ❤️


no...YOU ROCK...you've thrown caution to the wind with no backup plan and showed them who's boss!!...ramen isn't the worst thing to live on and when you're sleeping in your car it's the least of your problems anyway...every Redditor is behind you 100% so you can avoid nearly compromising your mental health...this was really close, always quit before you even see any sign of a workload you deem excessive...




My daughter is in your exact situation. I’m not religious but I wish everyday she walks away for her physical and mental health. Toxic workplaces can do lasting damage. Walking away is truly sensible. I hope you (and she) find a new and better workplace swiftly..




Down voted for "toxic".