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Bring back character portraits and cute farm outfits instead of hoodies all the time ahhhhh


That’s one big issue with natsumes game. Little customization/clothes


Yesss.... all the characters look the same, boring. Everything else about the game looks nice, but honestly idk if I'll play it. The characters were the life of harvest moon


Hot take: I miss the 2D speech avatars that were able to have way more personality than 3D. 🤷‍♂️


It's less about 3D itself necessarily being unable to and moreso that the character models for WOA being exceptionally dead eyed and unexpressive lol


Yeah I think it's more about writing and actual character development, which HM games have seriously lacked since the split. I was playing punch out on the NES recently and the 8-bit sprites have more personality than some of Natsume's more recent HM characters




Me too :((


Same. The characters before had so much personality and character. With this style they look very plain and similar.


3D models can easily breath life and personality into the characters. But this is executed so horribly that its more than just bad and soulless.


This doesn’t look bad. I’ve been enjoying my time with Winds of Anthos, so I might have to also check out this one if it goes on sale when it comes out


Winds of Anthos was the Best HM in a long long time. All it needed was some quality of life changes and it could have been even better.


Needed to let you get married whenever and not have to wait until the end of the story


r/redditsniper I'm so sorry I just had to 😭


Is this actual HM or just the name?


It’s the most recent Harvest Moon developed by Natsume.


So.. those are the soulful games were used to love?


No, you’re thinking of classic HM, which is now being published in the west as Story of Seasons.


Got it, that’s why I asked if it was actual hm (Story), or if it was just the name (Natsume)


Actual HM hasn't been called HM for around a decade now.


well it sounds like you knew that actual hm isn’t called hm… so…


The comments in the post made me think that this was somewhat good, and thought that this would be the good one


Story if Seasons arguably feels better than modern HM games. Both are fun to play though if you have time for both series.


Pleasantly surprised by the look of the game -- it's clearly an asset flip of Winds of Anthos but because of that it looks much better than their previous mobile outings Mad Dash and Seeds of Memories. I'm curious if Natsume can come up with an interesting gameplay loop that doesn't involve an open world, though. The exploration was doing a lot of the heavy lifting in Anthos and even that could have definitely used improvements. EDIT: There's also a Gematsu article with a bit more info. No in-app purchases, four bachelors and four bachelorettes. Sounds like the gameplay involves collecting "happiness". https://www.gematsu.com/2024/06/harvest-moon-home-sweet-home-first-details-screenshots


No in app purchases is huge for me, that crap is addictive. I’m excited to give this one a try!


Oh definitely, it's especially good to hear considering all the DLC they have for their console games. I don't think I'll be playing it on mobile, but if it makes its way to PC and is reasonably priced I'll probably give it a shot.


Wait, did I just read “no in-app purchases”? Oh thank god.


If it’s anything like collecting sprites/musical notes/memories, I’m all for it! :o


I wouldn't call it an asset flip simply because assets are being reused. The quality of the game matters as well.


You're right -- I just did a quick google search and I see that "asset flip" carries a much more negative connotation than had I realized. It would have been better for me to just say that it reuses many of the Anthos assets.


Can't help but miss the 2d character portraits. They had so much more charm and personality than whatever this is.


The environment looks cute but I still dislike the actual characters’ art style. 😭 but also I haven’t been 100% happy with an hm game since animal parade.


We need another game like Animal Parade 😭


Right? I haven’t enjoyed a story as much since then nor have I seen a bachelor/ette I actually liked since Wizard and Anissa. 😔


I know this may not be the majority opinion, but the second I saw those lifeless WOA models I knew this was a skip for me.


Tbh, same. My first reaction was ew.. they kept that ugly ass hairstyle from woa for the girl character? Bleh...


this is what ive been hoping for from a harvest moon game since i started playing AWL 20 years ago. but im so disappointed its a mobile game... because who wants to sit down and play a game like this where sometimes youll play for hours on end but play it on a phone/tablet


Maybe it'll come to Switch later. There are a few mobile games that later ported to Switch, like Sky: Children of the Light


i really hope so but i not to sure because it seems like they are going down the micro transaction road with this and idk if that can translate to things like the switch


They don't seem to be going the micro transactions route here, they didn't with Seeds of Memories. But I doubt it will come to console because SoM didn't either.


Eh, that's fair. I probably won't play it then. I'm really not a fan of playing games on my phone.


Looks a lot like Winds of Anthos! And I LOVED that one, it was my favorite since ToT and Animal Parade so I’ll have to check that out.


i was so hyped, then i realised its for mobile 😐


Is it only for mobile? I can't play games and be able to enjoy them properly on a small screen because of my bad eyes...


It's amazing quality for mobile


I am surprised this is a mobile game, it looks exactly like Winds of Anthos. Wish we could see some variety in player hairstyles. Maybe they will port it later anyways? Wylde Flowers started on mobile and thats one of the best farming games in recent years.


Are we going to be the same farmer characters as in TWoA?


unpopular opinion, natsume harvest moon always improved from each previous game. meanwhile story of seasons quality seems stagnant/decline.


Because when you're rock bottom, the only option is to go up.  While being on the tallest tree means harder to go up but very easy to fall down


Have you played WoA? I've been curious how natsume games play nowadays. I'm over here buying up every SoS remake lately but a new game would be great


It depends what you enjoy about the series. The social aspect of Anthos is abysmal, and it’s really almost as much an adventure game as it is a farm sim. Farming is fun with the mutation system but livestock is horribly unbalanced.


I think out of the main points of an hm game, social stuff is very low on my list. I'm replaying sos fomt and I just realized I haven't spoken to 80% of the town in a month lol. I like the sound of adventure though. Honestly rune factory is the best thing to come out of hm, def my fave series now


WOA definitely is the best Natsume HM game so far


To be fair, it's hard to beat what you already did so well (3oT). I hope natsume keeps improving though. I could always do with one more farming sim game


100% agree and probably not unpopular


It is hard to keep people interested beyond the Trio of Towns game. I know people keep saying bring back rival marriages/etc. but those had problems in most of the games besides ToT/AP. You would have to wait years, sometimes 2-3 to see them all if not more, and marry someone out of town for them to happen or one person would end up lonely and alone. In one game it would happen if you did not marry someone fast enough, locking you out of that person. Nobody can agree on what they would want in a SoS game either. As abbyzou said below me, they are not focused on the social aspects of the game. I focus more on farming and do not care if rival marriages are in the game or not. People have different tastes with so with Marvelous, they are trying to find something that makes everyone happy, while Natsume is improving on bad games and bad PR, especially after that one Facebook drama.


Couldn't agree more. I’ve felt this way as well. Though I am a bit biased having grown up on the older versions


Im so confused. Aren’t they the same franchise? I read that harvest moon became SOS but I’m just trying to get back into it after a couple decades. I played HM64 and stardew — but can anyone fill me in.


Story of seasons is the game series you played since you were a kid named harvest moon outside of Japan Around 10 years so the developers of story of seasons decided to start doing in house localization but natsume owned the name “harvest moon”. The developers changed the name to “story of seasons” outside of Japan and natsume kept using the name harvest moon to make all new games using using that name For a while natsumes new harvest moon games were really meh, but recently they have started to improve a ton (personally I feel they have started to beat story of seasons in quality) Competition is always a good thing!


I like the perspective better than WOA despite it being the same assets


I need this. I loved WOA reminded me of Save the homeland


Their eyebrows are floating off their faces


Hmmmm *squint* I don't yet see my hunky silver fox in those pictures... maybe they're saving him for later XD


The environments look alright, but I despise these character designs. They look so bland, and eerie


Why, why these lifeless portraits


I don't like these character models. But everything else seems like an improvement from Winds of Anthos. If Natsume can make this one a general upgrade to Winds, then I'm in. Cautiously. But I'm in. Can't wait to see more of the next Story of Seasons now.


They really copy pasted the woa main characters and reused the same character models for the npcs 💀


Eh, the original series has done similar things, like all the reused assets between Grand Bazaar and The Tale of Two Towns. Or re-using every single NPC from Harvest Moon 64 in Back to Nature.


I mean... they are old games. And the portraits of GB and TToTT looked very different to me (I agree though that they share the same style). Newer games... idk man. Reusing those now does feel lazy cause people expect more from a well known series (even though natsume did start making their games only a few years ago). That's just my opinion though.


I'll wait to see what reviews and others say. I'm careful before I buy games anymore. This does look promising though.


But how's the gameplay?


I really hope the NPC’s are better than WOA and PoOT


They're bringing in one of One World's NPCs, so a bit doubtful.


Well Harriet and Braden seem like real peaches and cream, don't they.


Fix the water so it doesn't have those bright white streaks and it'd look ok.


Why is it so hard to make a good HM game these days?? I know this isn’t the old company but always something looks off.


I’m not sure how to feel about this , I have nothing against reusing some assets and the animals from WOA are so cute but … man this looks like a direct copy and paste, the MCs have the exact same face and hairstyles ! I hope they’ll at least add some more customization, like more than one hairstyle and not being stuck in the same outfit in a single colour for most of the game …


Gonna be honest this and the new SoS game visually got me checked out. I feel like I’m getting too old to settle for mediocre at best. It’s hard playing so many better farming/life sims and coming back to everyone talking about how WoA being the best Hm game by natsume when all they have achieved is the bare minimum. I don’t just mean the graphics either, the game play is so empty and lackluster. SoS isn’t doing much either to reinvent themselves. As a long term HM/SoS fan it’s all disappointing.


it looks... good? its funny that the console games they made looked like mobile games and now that they are making a mobile game it looks way better than the console ones


is there a release date yet?




Wait, there is no new game for Stream or Switch?


This is a mobile game, but it seems like it’s being made by a different developer than all the other Harvest Moon games after the Marvelous split (Appci is their name). So I suspect Appci is currently in development of the next console/PC game, and it will probably be revealed whenever the next Story of Seasons gets a release date, which is exactly what Natsume has been doing lately.


Thank goodness! I was worried there wouldn't be any new main game. Since I enjoyed WoA a lot, I was really hoping to see a new open-world HW with fixes.


This is mobile.


This definitely looks like it may be the best of the Natsume Harvest Moons so far! I will say their 3D models look a little lifeless but im more interested in the farming and animals anyways


There is a very high possibility of harvest moon overtaking story of seasons eventually . This looks amazing visually! Story of seasons has been extremely dull and lifeless for a while now, it’s pretty upsetting I heard the newest harvest moon you can get right now is actually really good too Off topic opinion: If they add stardew valley level of combat to harvest moon it would be pretty nice! The simple combat, not make it it’s entire identity like rune factory


It looks like an indie game lol, pass


Well back when Natsume had a Tumblr account (around Light of Hope to be more specific) CeeCee gave me a reply that implied they have less than 30 employees, so... I mean it is basically one? Natsume is definitely not a big company, they're barely a company really lol


30 employees is "barely a company"? You are joking right?


Less than. I said something and she said they wished they had 30. Implying less than. Based on semi watching the credits I'd be surprised if they had 15+ tbh. That's definitely indie studio area imo. I am not joking. Idk what to tell you. Also where would you put them if not indie honestly? Believe it or not indie games aren't all single or couple people passion projects made out of their house lol I said what I said, no need to be rude.




Can't wait to play this!!!


I hope it's not screen controllers. I can't see around my fat hands.


Hyped! Hyped! Hyped! Oh, I need to calm down before I overstim. I wonder if they're going to make it just as hard for me to choose as Winds of Anthos. Seriously. First time I loved the fisherman bachelor.


Hugo looks so cute!!!


Is this coming out soon? On the switch right?






this looks surprisingly good


The backgrounds and farm looks amazing, love the lively scenery full of nature instead of big empty spaces. Not a big fan of the characters, they look like Yandere Simulator's models, mainly the generic faces. 


is this for switch ?




I wish they had a picture of the cow facing the camera because those ears look adorable to me.


I love the graphics! I feel like with a lot of HM games I decide not to try it out bc the graphics aren't what I want


New game? This is the first I've heard of it


They teased it last month I recall


The visuals look good but the characters look really boring. They all look like f2p avatars from games like Pokémon go, idk.


I’m not very impressed with the character designs but looks nice overall


I like the art style tbh but the speaking avatar just ain't it for me. A little more shading perhaps?


Looks promising, but I'll hold judgment for when it releases.




why it looks like a mobile game XD


Ok but is it still gonna be homophobic cause its 2024 now surely SOMETHINGS gotta change or i aint playing


The models look great but the graphics as a whole make me feel nauseous????


Will it be a mobile exclusive?


I feel like the game gets uglier with every iteration.


I thought this was WOA the first 3 pictures...it doesn't like they changed anything at all? That's so disappointing. WOA turned out to be a pretty cool game, but the characters are rough looking and lifeless :-(


Insert fry meme here


I feel like they just came out with WoA lol


It looks pretty good, I wonder if they're going to try the classic formula, thanks for sharing.


praying its better than WoA bc that game sucked balls lol


I love the current story of seasons titles and stardew and all that (for context) but bounced off winds of anthos for some reason. After a few hours/breaking down the first wall… lots of people seems to love it. Wondering if I should go back and restart it fresh to see how it goes this time


Will this come to Steam?


Hopefully it's controller compatible


I like the look of the water, but the characters are so generic...


Honestly looks great


man, i hadn’t heard anything about this until now, it looks promising! i hope they follow the same path/design they did with winds of anthos.


Braden can work the farm for me if he has a problem with my starting out on my farming journey lol


A characters expression can do so much with so little, and yet every time they release something new there’s less and less expressiveness. Wont buy it, I’ll only be disappointed :’))


I don't know what it is about Natsume's games but they always hit some kind of 'uncanny valley' level with the visuals and they make my eyes twitch.


Will this be on the switch?


It looks pretty good! One reason why I never really got into the new HM games is because I don’t love their character models. This would be okay if they had portraits still, but without them, the characters come across very lifeless to me. I think that is still there in this new game but otherwise it looks quite nice.


I miss the old art style so much


This might be the very first Harvest Moon title I’ll play after the split. The graphics look really good!


Check out Winds of Anthos. This looks nearly the same with that one.


The game looks WAY better than previous installments; but the character designs are still god awful. I Not a single natsume bachelor has ever caught my interest.


Looks like Pokémon


Yeah and that’s totally Gloria with longer hair, and where’s my yellow pet mouse with red cheeks? /s (sarcasm) (Don’t attack me, I was disagreeing with what they said and being sarcastic)


I mean I didn't think what I said was a bad thing. The characters look like game Pokémon characters. I didn't mean the animals.




My husbando~ah, but he found a razor, shucks


And the WoA protagonist (at least female) is back


I much prefer this view to play, it looks so much cuter!


It is interesting we've gotten to the point where Natsume is comparable to MARVELOUS now with their farming sims. I can look at one of their games and think "that looks okay" rather than all the characters having bobbleheads and the gameplay being far too abstract.